JAX [1]

By storyforfun3311

93.3K 1.8K 115

Everyone has a place where they belong, ... More

•Chapter 1: The Test•
•Chapter 2: The Ceremony•
•Chapter 3: A New Home•
•Chapter 4: Training Day 1•
•Chapter 6: Training Day 3•
•Chapter 7: Training Day 4•
•Chapter 8: The War Games•
•Chapter 9: Get Your Head In The Game•
•Chapter 10: Training Day 5•
•Chapter 11: Training Day 6•
•Chapter 12: A Change of Plans•
•Chapter 13: Albert/Al•
•Chapter 14: Tobias•
•Chapter 15: The Final Test•
•Chapter 16: What The Hell's Going On?•
•Chapter 17: Sad Goodbyes•
•Chapter 18: Dauntless•
•Chapter 19: Finding Four•
•Chapter 20: It's Go-Time•

•Chapter 5: Tattoos & Training Day 2•

4.1K 88 1
By storyforfun3311

Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

We walked into the tattoo parlor and over to the glass images on the wall.

"Did you know they had a tattoo of your face?" Will asked.

"You like it?" Chris asked, taking the image down.

"Yeah." He said. "Where would you get it?"

"I don't know." She said. "Where do you suggest?"

"Anywhere you want." He said. I looked around and the images, trying to decide.

"What are you getting, Jax?" Chris asked me, causing me to glance at her and then back at the images.

"I don't know." I said.

"Hmm." She said, looking at the images too. I walked around, looking at the images when my eyes stopped on one. I stopped and picked it up.

"Is that the one you want?" I heard someone ask. I turned and saw a woman standing there.

"I don't really know." I said, shrugging. I put it back and sighed, putting my hands on my waist. "I don't really have a clue what I want."

"Well...I think this one would look good on you."She said, grabbing another image and passing it to me.

It was really beautiful.

"It's beautiful." I said. She chuckled.

"Thanks." She said. "Made it myself. Come on, I'll put it on you." We walked over to a chair, and I sat down. She grabbed her supplies and I put the image on a table next to me. I took off my shirt, leaving me in my exercise bra and she started putting the tattoo on my right shoulder. "I'm Tori by the way."

"I'm Jax." I said.

"I know." She said, causing me to look at her in confusion. "Vicky told me a lot about you. How the test didn't work on you and stuff. How you're Divergent," I froze up. Was she gonna report me?! I'm so dead!

"Um..." I said. "...What...How...What?"

"Don't worry." She said. "I'm not gonna report you or anything. I just wanted you to know, you made a horrible mistake."

"What?" I asked.

"Choosing Dauntless." She said. "The people will find out and it will end very badly. Trust me. The last thing I want is for more people to get hurt."

"So, why aren't you reporting me?" I asked.

"Because Vicky trusts you." She said. "My sister always did find the good in people. If Vicky thinks you deserve to be saved, then I gotta take her word for it. I just don't want her good will to come back and bite her in the ass, you know? Good people don't deserve that."

"Yeah." I said, nodding.

"Now, don't do anything stupid, because if you get caught...you're gonna go down alone." She said, shocking me. "I can't let Vicky die for anyone. I promised my parents that she'll never go down for anyone's mistakes. Not even her own. Alright?" I nodded. "Good." She took the tattoo patch off me, and the tattoo was permanently there.

(Time Skip)

The next morning, I got ready and sighed as I sat on my bed. If I wanna stay, I gotta get above that line. And there's no way I'm going down without a fight.

(Time Skip)

I grunted as I punched the punching bag. I gotta train. My worse skill is fighting. So, this is what I gotta do. I trained for 6 hours straight. I noticed Four walking by once, but I ignored him. I gotta focus, or else I'm gonna be factionless.

(Time Skip)

The next day, I did very good with my gun. I shot almost every target. Afterwards, I checked the chart and saw I moved up. Tris was #26 and I was #27. I was right under her. We were doing better, but if we wanna be above the line, we gotta step up our game.

(Time Skip)

The next day, I was punching the punching bag again. I stopped when my knuckles burned. I looked and saw them bleeding. I winced at the sight of them, but I kept punching. Suddenly, I felt eyes on me. I stopped for a sec and looked to see Four standing beside me. I just ignored him and continued to train.

"You're weak." He said. "You have no muscle."

"I don't...remember asking...for your opinion." I said between punches.

"You're never gonna win, not like that." He said, moving around me so he could stand on the right of me.

"Good to know." I said.

"Yeah, you have to use your whole body." He said.

"What are you, my personal trainer now?" I joked, chuckling a bit.

"Keep tension here." He said, suddenly putting his hands on my waist, causing me to stop and freeze up a bit.

"Um...okay." I said.

"And go on offense." He said. "You're fast, so you could win if you attack first. You get inside, you jab to the throat."

"Well, you know what they say." I said, trying to defuse the tension between us. "The best defense is a good offense."

"Four!" I heard Eric shout, causing us to glance at him then each other.

"Keep working." Four said and walked away. I turned back to the punching bag.

"Thanks for the advice, teach." I said under my breath and continued to train. I stopped when I heard someone grunting loudly. I turned and saw Chris getting beaten by Molly. Tris walked up and stood beside me as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Come on, Chris." Tris said as the girls continued to fight. I had to look down because Molly was winning and hurting my friend. I couldn't stand to see my friends get hurt.

"Stop." I heard Chris say, causing me to look up at her. "Stop!" She coughed. "I'm done. I'm done."

"You need to stop?" Eric asked, causing her to look up at him. She nodded as she panted. "Okay. Let me give you a hand." He held his hand out to her, causing me to get a bad feeling. She grabbed it and he helped her up.

"Thanks." She said.

"Alright, let's everyone take a break!" He said.

(Time Skip)

As we were walking back, I noticed Eric put his hand on Chris' back.

"I got a bad feeling about this." I whispered to Tris, who was walking next to me. She nodded.

"You uh...feeling a little better?" Eric said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said as we walked up onto the bridge. Suddenly, it all happened at once. Eric grabbed her hand, pushed her off the bridge, but held onto her hand so she dangled below us.

"Chris!" I shouted, about to run over, but Peter blocked my way.

"Grab the rail." Eric said. "Or don't." She grabbed the rail and he let her hand go. "You've got 3 options. Hang there and I'll forget your cowardice. Fall and die. Or give up. But if you give up, you're out." It hurt for me to not be able to help her. I mean, I was raised to be kind and to help others. So, standing here, doing nothing is against my better nature.

"Come on, Chris." Tris said, causing Eric to glance at her. She quickly shut up. But I didn't.

"You can do this, Chris!" I shouted. "Come on!" I could see her really struggling. I hoped the time would end soon. Luckily, it did.

"Time!" Eric shouted and we quickly ran over to our hanging friend. We grabbed her and pulled her up. She hugged me and Tris, sobbing over what just happened to her. "Dauntless never give up." I looked over at him and glared. Boy, did I wanna rip him a new one! Although, I let it go, for Chris' sake. But next time, I'm not gonna let him do that to my friends. 

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