Our own Heaven

By alwayshere2

74 2 0

He's bad, dark no emotions, dangerous, and above all, he's heartless and the most feared man. She's broken, s... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9

chapter 1

27 1 0
By alwayshere2

I start walking down in the school corridor, everyone was starting at me as always, i didn't mind it though because i was used to everyone staring and whispering about me. I knocked in the principal office, come in i hear, a deep but yet calming voice.

I entered the room and got straight to the conversation why i was here, i got my documents and get up to leave,
you're making a big mistake he said to me your grades are straight A's your the best student we have, i would turn and decide to stay if it wasn't for the memory of last night beating of my father which got me unconscious. I said have a great life and leaved. If you're wondering whats happening let me explain: Im Tara i live with my dad and my mom i have a sister to but she got tiered of our abusive parents and left. At first i was frustrated but then i understood her.

Since i remember my parents were alcoholic and abusive, they would beat us for every little mistake, later they started using drugs too, they became more abusive they would beat us till we were unconscious, they would leave us starving to buy fucking drugs, but me and my sister got used to it we were never a normal family my grandparents died and left as a tone amount of money i bet they left us millions.

After my sister left my parents got frustrated and all they anger was released on me. Now my father forced me to leave college and he said dont come back home until 9.pm so i was at my best friend house they were twins Rio and Rosa they were kind to me they tried to stop my parents for beating me and stuff they actually care and helped me a lot. But today they were going to their grandparents in Australia. It was 8:40 and i left their house and i was walking alone in the dark street which lead to my house.

I got there and opend the door there was a man in his 40 dont want to lie he kind of looked hot his body was masculine he was tall has dark brown eyes and his outfit and the way he was standing screamed power and i could tell by the way he was dressed he had money but he looked dangerous, the moment he saw me he smirk i was disgusting so i looked at my parents said hi and start going upstairs to my room. My dad stopped me yanking me by my arm and whispered to me you better be a fucking virgin you little slut and be in your best behavior that man there is Marcus and he gave us a lot of cocain and money to have you i was speechless i didn't dare say a word because i knew he would kill me and there wasn't any way out so i nod with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Marcus got up grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room he start undressing me i begged him to stop i even tried to fight but nothing, when i was naked he tied my hands to the back of my bed so i couldn't move he did the same with my legs. Now he has access to every inch of my body i start moving and crying screaming but it was useless jut like me he just stared at my naked body for a while it was disgusting i just wish i would be dead by now or someone would appear and saved me but i know it wouldn't happen he start undressing himself i was disgusting by his cook he got on top of me and before entering me asked me are you a virgin.

I was a virgin, i was going to say no because i didn't want to give him the pleasure knowing i was a virgin but if he tells my dad he would kill me so i just nod. He entered me the moment he entered i swear i felt my heart break and i knew that i will never be able to be the same as i were even though i wasn't perfect or so on but i knew who i was and what i wanted now i just want to die, as he start pumping inside of me he groand and start moaning i screamed and screamed for help but cocain was more important to my fucked up parents.

Afer a few minutes of screaming and trying to move i gave up i had no more energy he cum on my bare stomach he got up got dressed cleand me untied me gave me a look that i will never ever forget and left the room.

I sobbed and sobbed i read book and watch movies to what happend when a girl get raped they would start screaming going to the police there would be people supporting her and trusting her but i wasn't one of those girl and i accepted that fact a long time ago.

That's why i felt nothing i didn't even feel pain i didn't even remember the last time i felt pain. My body got used to beating that i didn't even felt pain, i felt numb and disgusted i knew this wasn't my fault that's why as soon as i would rest i would start collecting my self.

I woke up and memories of the last night came flooding to my brain. It was 3 in the mornig. Tears start rolling down my cheeks but i got up got into the shower got dressed into a dress i dont know why i just wanted to feel better and went down stairs there was my dad Allas and my mom Gloria snorting cocain they looked up as i start walking towards them but having difficulty since that piece of shit mother fucking Marcus raped me and my dad noticed that smirked and said he wasn't gentle was he?

That was my breaking point, are you a fucking psychopath what kind of parents are you, you just let your fucking daughter get raped for drugs i screamd and regreting the words that left my mouth the second i saw my father walking towards me while unblocking his belt, he start beating me but i didn't cry didn't want to give them the satisfaction, he then took a knive and start cutting me in random places of my body, i was screaming at this point, he got up kicked me in the face and left to snort more cocain.Marcus appeared from the bathroom, i was covered in blood, he grabbed me covered my eyes with i scarf i think, i didn't even fight him i didn't have the strength so he picked me up bridal style and start walking out of the house he placed me in his car and closed the door after a few seconds i heard a door slammed assuming it was marcus and the car start moving as the darkness consumed me.

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