the boy with heels | Seishu I.

Por chifuyuramen

53.3K 3.6K 4.4K

.最 ᎒ "Why on earth would I steal your heels?!" ೃ⁀➷ In which, (Y/N) got mistaken for being a heels thief. ... Más

I - cinderella
II - met again
III - trouble
IV - truce
V - thank you
VII - friend
VIII - dream
IX - bruised
X - ire
XI - heartbeat
XII - "green-eyed" | jealousy
XIII- conflicts
XIV - Past

VI - blooming friendship

3.9K 277 389
Por chifuyuramen

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

"Oh my god- what?"

"Who is this boy in your phone?" Yuma asked with a big smile in her face as she shoved your phone in front of your face. Since when did she get your phone-

And wait- what did she just say? Boy in your phone? Who on earth-

You lightly pushed the phone away from your face to get a better look on the picture as you made a small 'ah'. It was a picture of you and Koko took on your birthday last year, you two were smiling while eating at a restaurant and both of your faces had some icing from the cake he bought for you. Koko just suddenly put it on your face while you were peacefully eating so you returned it and that's how you two ended up like that in the picture.

Good times.

"Oh, that. Well, remember my cousin that called me the other day? That's him." You said. Yuma nodded as she looked at the picture once more.

"What's his name again?" She asked. You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms as you leaned closely to her.

"You're fishy. Why are you suddenly asking hm~?" You asked while smirking. Yuma's eyes widened a bit as her cheeks reddened a bit. While you? You have no clue on what to feel about this.

"Nevermind, forget what I asked." She scoffed as she shoved your phone to you and walked away.

'Damn, she's at it again.' You thought.

"Yeah yeah sure, we might be best friends but I ain't wooing you like how your ex did to you back then.l It won't work with me gurl." You laughed.

Yuma turned to you and shot you a glare, a pout visible to her light tinted lips as she crosses her arms. "You're so cruel..." She scoffed which made you laugh as both of you started walking in the long hallway. It's currently break time right now and all you two have been doing is just strolling around the whole school.

"Just kidding! His name is Koko, well technically it's his nickname." You said as you held on the strap of your bag.

"Full name?" You snorted at Yuma as both of you stopped in front of your lockers. "Hajime Kokonoi."

Yuma frowned as she opened her locker and placed her books inside. "Wait- you don't share the same last name? Are you both cousins on the mother side?" She asked. You nodded as you grabbed your notebook and some papers inside your locker and turned to your friend.


A sudden thought suddenly invaded Yuma's mind. She is debating whether she should ask it or not but... In those four years of friendship she have had with you, you never told her anything about your parents or if you did even have parents in your life.

"Hey (Y/N)...?"


Yuma bit her lip as she thought for a bit. 'Whatever, I'll ask her some other time-'

"You're probably gonna ask me about my parents aren't you?" You suddenly said.

Yuma's eyes widened as her black orbs stared at you in shock.

"I-I.. I mean yeah but if you're not ready then it's okay!" She exclaimed. You chuckled for a bit as you shook your head, giving her a small smile as you closed the door of your locker.

"Nah it's fine! Besides, I think you need to know since we're best friends." You grinned. Yuma sighed as she gave you warm smile. It looks like there's nothing for her to be worried about then.

"Okay. Let's go to the rooftop then!"


"Wait- you're telling me you can't remember anything from your childhood?!"

You slowly nodded as you took a bite from the sandwich that you bought this morning while you're on your way to school.

"Yeah. I don't know what happened but Koko's mother said that I got a very serious head injury from an accident when I was 8 years old and somehow, that's the reason why I forgot about stuff... amnesia was it? I don't really know..." You uttered as you stared out of the blue.

It's strange really. Was that injury really bad that it made you forget about stuffs? This is making your head hurt right now.

"Oh... is your head okay now?" Yuma asked with a hint of concern as you nodded at her.

"Yeah it is." You chuckled. "About my parents... I don't remember much about them. Aunt just said that my mother died when she gave birth to me and that my father got sick after her death and yeah... he died as well." You continued.

Sometimes, you can't help but blame yourself for their death. But then, as you grow up, you realized that blaming yourself won't do anything. It won't bring them back. You'll just keep on pushing yourself back to the past instead of moving forward.

But still, it's sad to think that you were born into this world without having your parents taking care of you until you grow up.

'At least I still have Koko...'

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." Yuma said and pulled you into a tight embrace. You smiled and hugged her back as you shook your head. "Don't be! I have already accepted it."

If you're just gonna hold yourself back and be all sad because of it, then you'll just gonna make yourself suffer.

A sudden buzz from the pocket of your skirt caught your attention as you reached out and grabbed your phone. As soon as you opened it, a bunch of messages from Koko appeared on your screen which made frown.

'Why on earth would he message me at this hour?'

|Kokonut boi🥥:

i bought your fave food
are you still gonna ignore me?
i already said i'm sorry

You rolled your eyes upon reading Koko's messages.


you're still not forgiven.
I almost died????
why would you leave inupi's
precious heels there like wtf.

|Kokonut boi🥥:

cause it's fun.
but like please, forgive your
precious cousin 🥺


iw no.

|Kokonut boi🥥:

you will forgive me.
whether you like it or not.


how about no.

|Kokonut boi🥥:

how about yes.
y/n stop this.
don't leave me on read!
Seen | 11:35 AM.

"Don't you think you're being too hard on him?" A voice spoke beside you. You turned to Yuma who is staring at you as you released a small 'Tss'.

"You're so nosey Yuma- and no, I'm not being too hard on him. He deserves it anyways." You scoffed as you finished your sandwich and crumpled the wrapper.

"What did he do?" Yuma asked as she opened her bottle and took a sip.

"Remember the day where I got accused by that scarred male for stealing his thief? Koko is behind all of them. He pulled a prank on his friend and didn't think that it will 'cause trouble to anyone." You said as your crossed your arms.

Yuma's eyes widened as she opened her mouth to speak. "I- so they're friends...?" She asked. You nod your head placed both of your hands on your side and looked at the sky.



The bell suddenly rang indicating that the break is already over as you and Yuma looked at each other. "Oh, let's go. We might be late... you know how terror our next teacher is." You shivered as the both of you stood up from the floor.

You can still remember how that teacher of yours lectured your classmate one time when he got a late for about two mins. She even sent him to detention after that like bruh-

"True..." Yuma muttered as the both of you went down the stairs. You just wish for this day to be over and you'll finally go back to your beloved bed.


"Ready for tomorrow, we'll be having a short quiz." Your teacher said. All of you released a groan upon hearing it as the bell suddenly rang, snapping everyone's attention as their once disappointed expressions turned into a relieved one.

Finally! School is done. The one and only best thing
about school is it being over.

You gathered all of your stuffs from your desk and placed them inside your bag as you pull the zipper to close it.


You turned around and saw Yuma standing in front of you while smiling. "Yes?" You asked as you threw your bag over your shoulder.

"Can we stop by at that new Takoyaki stand outside our school?! Everyone has been talking about how good they are and I want us to try it pleaseeee!" She pleaded as she kept on jumping up and down.

You chuckled at your friend as you nodded your head. "Of course! I'm hungry anyways..."

Yuma squealed as she threw herself over you and hugged you. "Yay! Now let's gooo~ it's all on me don't worry." She grinned and grabbed your hand as she pulled you along with her.

After a few minutes of running, both of you finally arrived at the stand and to your surprise, there's already a lot of students there huddling over as you and Yuma stood on the line.

"Good thing we kinda arrived here early. We're like..." Yuma started counting the people on the line and stopped with the two of you. "10th in line!"

You nodded as you opened your mouth to speak. "Yeah..."

You felt your phone buzzing through the pocket of your skirt as you immediately took it and realized that someone is calling you.

'Huh... who could this be? This number is unregistered on my contacts.' You frowned as you stared at the unfamiliar number that is flashed through the screen. You pressed the answer button and brought it up to your ears as you opened your mouth to speak.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"(Y/N) it's me, Inui. I asked Koko for your number since I'm going to fetch you on school starting from now. Did it already end? I'm here waiting outside."

Your eyes widened when you realized that it was Inui who called you as you looked around, trying to look for him. "Oh hey Inui! Uhm... our school already ended and I'm here with my friend waiting outside as well. We're at this..." You pulled away for a moment and turned to Yuma who is currently playing on her phone.

"What's the name of this Takoyaki stand again?" You asked. Yuma turned to you and thought for a bit.

"Hmm... I don't know actually." She answered as she went back to playing with her phone. You sighed and brought your phone close to your ears again as you opened your mouth to speak.

"(Y/N)? Hello? ... are you still there?"

"Yes, I'm here. We're at this Takoyaki stand near our school. Do you know where that is?" There was a short pause on the other line before Inui spoke again.

"Oh, I think so... I'm on my way now, wait for me." And that's when he ended the line.

After a few minutes, there's still no sign of Inui. You're actually getting a little worried now— like it won't take that long to arrive here on this stand since it's near the school. Did something bad happened to him? You hope not.

"Yuma, can you please order one more? I'll pay for that one." You asked Yuma beside you. Right now, both of you are waiting at the stand.

Yuma slowly nodded as she opened her mouth to speak. "Oh, sure!" She replied as she talked with the person who is in charge of the stand.

"(Y/N)." A familiar voice spoke.

You whipped your head on your side and there you saw Inui standing beside while wearing his gang uniform just like the one that Koko is wearing most of the times. He seemed to be worn out as he is trying his best to control his panting.

"Hey... Are you okay?" You asked with a hint of worry as you approached him.

Inui nodded as he stared at you. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said and placed his hand on the back of his head. That's when you noticed Inui's bleeding knuckles.

"What happened to you?" You lifted his arms and stared at his bleeding fists. Inui pulled it away as he released a scoff.

"After I ended the call, some guys ganged up on me. I'm pretty sure they're the men of that bastard from the convenience store." He gritted through his teeth. Even though Inui won and scared them away, that doesn't remove the fact that his body is aching as hell.

Those cowards. They're all 'tough' and 'brave' when they approached him but ended up cowering in fear as they pleaded for their lives. Pathetic.

Your eyes widened upon hearing it as you looked down. Was it your fault that he got injured...?

"I'm sorry... I'll treat your wounds later I promise." You forced a small smile.

Inui raised his brow. "What are you even saying sorry for? You're not the one who did it anyways." He said.

"Well... You got a point but, I think if you're not protecting me then you wouldn't get injured like that." Inui frowned upon hearing your words as he flicked your forehead.

"Idiot, this is just nothing. I've been into worst, trust me. I think you're forgetting the fact that me and your cousin are part of a gang. Getting into fights and injuries are part of our lives." He said and smiled a bit. You looked up and nervously chuckled as you opened your mouth to speak.


"Hey (Y/N), I finally got our foo—ood..." Yuma trailed off as she stared at Inui and you. "...why are you here." She asked sternly— more like not actually.

Inui straightened his posture and stared at Yuma. "I'm here to walk her home."

Yuma released a sarcastic laugh as she stared at Inui ridiculously. "Hah! Are you trying to fool me here? 'Cause bestie it won't work. I will not let you take my best friend and harrass her. Not on my watch." She spat as she glared at him. Inui narrowed his eyes at Yuma as he returned the glare of the female that is giving him.

You sweat dropped as you held Yuma on her arms. "Yuma it's fine... He's telling the truth." Yuma looked at you weirdly as she opened her mouth to speak.

"I- did he blackmail you? Because if he did then I'll beat him up, right here and right now." You shook your head as you grabbed the Takoyakis she is holding and gave the other one to Inui. The male was utterly confused but accepted it anyway.

"No! He didn't!"

"I- why did you give it to him... Nevermind, please explain what is going on."

"I'll explain everything later Yuma, I promise. For now, can we go to the convenience store and buy some stuffs to treat his wounds?" You asked. Yuma quirked her brow as her eyes landed at Inui's injury.

She winced a bit upon seeing the blood on it. 'That must've really hurt.' Yuma thought.

Yuma grumbled as she released a sigh. "Fine."

You smiled at her and took Inui's arm and pulled him with you. "I already told you it's fine. Let's just go straight to your home—"

You didn't let the male finish his sentence as you turned to him.

"No. We'll treat your wounds."

Inui just sighed and let you pull him as he took a bite from the Takoyaki that you gave him.


Inui hissed from the pain as you continued to clean his bruises. You flashed him an apologetic smile as you opened your mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry! But please try to hold it in." You uttered as you gently applied an antibiotic ointment on his knuckles. After that, you grabbed a cloth and gently wrapped it. (A/N: please I don't know how to do this, I did research in google and I'm not sure if it's accurate but like please, if this is not how you do it please point it out and tell me right away.)

Yuma already left a few minutes ago since her father called her and said that they'll be having a family dinner. As much as she doesn't wanna leave you with Inui, you assured her that it's fine and that Inui won't harm you.

After a while, she got convinced but of course Yuma being her, she didn't left your house without threatening Inui. Of course it meant nothing to Inui but Yuma did it anyways.

"There." You said and slowly dropped Inui's hands. "Next time, you should always wear a hand wrap— especially if you'll get this kind of injuries. I'm gonna tell Koko to wear that as well." You noted as you leaned on the couch.

Inui looked at you weirdly as he gave you an 'are-you-serious?' look. You turned to him and flashed him a confused look.

"What? I'm serious."

Inui snorted as he shook his head. "I don't know if you're doing this on purpose but you're funny." He muttered. You frowned as you sat up straight.


"Nothing. I said you're deaf."

You face-palmed as you narrowed your eyes at the male. "Then how can I hear you right now?"

"I don't know. Must be miracle?" He asked. You glared at Inui as you smacked him on his arms.

"Ha ha funny."

Inui smirked at you but it soon faltered as he stared through your (E/C) orbs. "Thank you... (Y/N). I appreciate you treating my bruises." He said. A genuine smile crawled through his delicate features as he stared at you.

You seemed to be taken aback at first but later on smiled. "Of course! I mean it's the least I can do so yeah, no problem." You grinned.

Inui didn't know why but at that time, another face that he had cherished back then appeared out of you when he saw you smile.

Impossible, that person is already gone...


Ayeee sorry if this update took long but I hope you enjoyed! I didn't edit this so there are some typos and grammatical errors.

Thanks for reading!

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