1D Preferences.

By PradaNialler

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Table of Contents
Preference: You have an argument with another male celeb.
Preference: he cheats on you (You've moved on and record a song) (Part 2)
Preference: He cheats on you (You go back for him) (Part 3)
Preference: You're pregnant.
Preference: He dies. (Niall) Req.
Preference: Your first date.

Preference: He cheats on you (You Leave) (Part One)

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By PradaNialler

Niall: You’ve gone out for the day, but you’ve began to miss Niall and his food habit. You decide to go home, so you can cuddle up too him. You get into your house “Babe, I’m home, I missed you so much” you say, but you get no reply. You walk upstairs to your bedroom, you slowly open the door, because you want to surprise him. You open the door bit by bit, you take a look and there right infront of your tear filled eyes, is Niall and some bitch. you throw open the door “Sorry, for disturbing you, I’ll get out of your way” you say in anger. “Ba-by..I-I-” he says, you cut him off by throwing a book at him, that you had grabbed off the dressing table. “Ouch, that fucking hurt, Are you stupid or something!” he says “Well, It wasn’t meant to fucking tickle was it, ffs & clearly you’re the stupid one, so don’t fucking insult me, you complete asshole” you say, snapping back at him sarcastically. You start to pack your bags and he looks at you “What the fuck are you doing?” he screams “Are you blind Niall, I’m leaving, let me spell it, you might understand me then, l-e-a-v-i-n-g LEAVING!” you scream back. “You can’t leave me, you wouldn’t, you couldn’t even if you tried” he says with tears forming in his eyes. “Oh, Can’t I? Watch me, this is me LEAVING” as you slam the door shut. Of course you expect him too come running after you, but he doesn’t. You simply try and move on.

Louis: You and Lou have always had a really close relationship, you’d never kept secrets from each other and the world knew about your undying love. You cherished it more than anything in the world, Louis was your superhero, the one you want forever. With him, you could be yourself, he was the one who understood you more than anyone, he was the missing piece of your jigsaw. You went out one night, with your friends, but you missed Louis, so you went home, you walked in and went to the bedroom and Louis was kissing and un-dressing another girl. “You asshole!” you scream at him, in tears. “Babe, It’s not what it looks like” he replies, in shock. “Oh so you just slipped and your lips fell on hers and on the way your hands accidently lifted her top, are you fucking joking, I’m not an idiot, so stop treating me like one.” you say, still in tears. “Babe, please I love you” he says, reaching out to grab your hand, you step back “Don’t you dare, say that because it clearly means nothing to you, if you’re willing to sleep with this slut” you say running out the house in floods of tears and running far down the road.

Liam:You and Liam have been together for 2 years and 7 months and 19 days, you’ve never been happier in all your life. But this day will change everything. You phone Liam “Hey babe my flight has been delayed so i’m going to be home late” you say “It’s ok darling, it means I have longer to get your surprise ready” he says, you laugh but just then your phone battery dies. Little does he know that your the one surprising him, in fact you’ve just landed and you live just 30 minutes from the airport, so you’d be home in no time at all. You arrive at your home, you walk in and you see no-one in the front room, you walk silently as you can upstairs and fling open your bedroom door “SURPRIS—” You say, cutting yourself when you see some girl on top of Liam, he looks at you in shock, like you shouldn’t be there, which of course if you had told the truth, you wouldn’t be. “What are you doing here?” he asks. “Well, I’m currently asking myself the exact same question and guess what? I don’t know what I’m doing here, now if you excuse me, I can clearly see that you’re busy, so I will leave you too it. And if you hadn’t guessed me and you we are no longer, you can fuck off” you say slamming the door, and getting into your car, you had no idea, where you were to go, but you didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

Zayn: You’re at home, whilst Zayn is on tour in Sweden, you miss him terribly. However, one day whilst you’re on twitter you notice that “#ZaynIsCheatingOnY/N” of course you open the tweets, to find out what is going on, this is when you find pictures of Zayn and some girl, getting it on in the back of his car. It’s going to be another month till he comes home. You can’t possibly wait that long so you phone him up “Heya, babe” he says, answering his phone. “Yeah, hey” you reply back “What’s wrong honey?” he asks, hearing the sadness in your voice. “WTF? You have the cheek to ask what is wrong? These pictures all over twitter, what the hell Zayn? You think im a toy?” you say going from calm into down-right angry mode. “It’s not what you think honey” he replies. “Whatever, me and you were fucking finished, don’t call me or text me ever again” you say hanging up the phone in floods of tears.

Harry: Harry and you, have been dating for 5 months, after 2 months of the relationship, you moved in with him. You’ve go out for a meal with Harry, but he dissappears, you go outside and you see him and some girl kissing. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” you scream. “Babe-Babe-BABE!!” he says in shock but screaming because you ain’t answering him. “Don’t call me that, fuck off” you say, getting into your car, he grabs the door “Honey, calm it, I never meant it to happen, it just did” he says, with a tear in his eye. “Really? You see me and you see this car, I’m going to turn the key even though it shouldn’t happen it just will, oh and guess what? I never want to see you again” you say trying to close the door, with Harrys hand still in there. “You know what? fine then, just go but you’ll be back later tonight, I know you too well, you can’t stay away from me” he says letting go the door “HAHA no you don’t know me, if that is what you think, now do me a favour and never call me and don’t even text me” you say slamming the car door and driving away as fast as you can.

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