Midnight Malfeasance

By mysteryjessica

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Day and night, two different worlds. One that was lit up by the brightness of the sun, one that was covered... More

Prologue: The start of Midnight
Chapter 1: Calling Card
Chapter 2: Rise of vicissitude
Chapter 3: Principium
Chapter 4: Let the games begin
Chapter 5: Hunting
Chapter 6: 第二フェーズ
Chapter 7: Rude awakening
Chapter 8: Finally, a lead!
Chapter 9: Bones?
Chapter 10: In the midst of chaos
Chapter 11: Stay with me
Chapter 13: The key to their success
Chapter 14: Success?
Chapter 15: And the rose blossoms again
Chapter 16: Connecting the dots
Chapter 17: The race to the end

Chapter 12 - Lost time memory

203 19 4
By mysteryjessica

It has been... a while w. It's on the short side, but I hope you guys enjoy~

Mikoto's AN: It has been some time since we've written together but here is finally another one if you guys still read this book www I hope you enjooooy

Finishing off the last bits of what he had to do, a pink-haired male sighed as he closed his laptop, leaning back on his seat. "It's been five years and they still haven't found us or anything yet. Are we damned to stay here forever waiting for them?"

Hearing how the silence got broken, the raven-haired male glanced up from his phone to look at the younger male. "...It hasn't even been a month so shut up. Not like you guys want to let them go anyway, you being lovestruck and all."

"Mean! But really, did any of them get any further? I know that they went to find some clues and stuff but they're still not here. I want some fun!" Nqrse exclaimed as the older make merely shrugged in response not feeling like answering any longer.

"Well they did kind of find us." Shima shrugged, looking up from his own computer. "But they think this is not the hideout anymore..." A dramatic sigh.

"Find us. Find uuuus. Find uuuuuuus," the pink-haired male chanted only to get whacked on his head lightly by the oldest. "Shut up."

Pouting and wanting to protest, Nqrse ended up merely nodding mumbling something to himself. "Well, this is your chance to go sweep Sensen off his feet, isn't it? I guess it's good. Who knows, maybe he won't want to leave anymore~" the pink-haired male grinned. "Would be fun to see the others reacting to that."

Gasping slightly, Shima nearly slammed his computer shut before pouting. "He would want to leave. He doesn't even remember me!"

"Why would he?" Soraru asked genuinely confused as it was now Nqrse turn to whack his head which shut the older up. "You were children~ You just gotta make him remember about the two of you~"

"Yeah, and he'll believe me." Shima rolled his eyes, nodding sarcastically. "I'm just happy to keep my side of the deal~"

"I mean I guess it's hard to believe your kidnapper~ Well good luck with him~" the pink-haired male chirped as Soraru looked at them confused. "Hm? What deal?"

"Just something Soraru-san won't understand." Shima sighed softly. "In the words of Urata-san, you're too old!"

Hearing that, Soraru's expression darkened as he took the pillow on the couch, throwing it at the purple-haired male. "You're not that much younger than me shut up."

Sticking his tongue out playfully, Shima giggled softly. "Still younger~"

"Mhm~ You're the oldest here so deal with it~" Nqrse chirped as the raven-haired male merely gave them an unamused expression at that. "If I'm the oldest then give me some damn respect."

"I do!" A pout from Shima, as he crossed his arms.

"Ok, Shima is the only one here who has some kind of respect here unlike Urata and Nqrse I guess," Soraru admitted. "Hey, I also respect you!" Nqrse shouted. "Yeah right you are."

"I do respect you, if you don't laze around and game all the time." Urata rolled his eyes from the corridor.

"Woah actually?" Soraru asked in his usual monotonous voice. "Would love to change to get more respect but that's a pain."

"And you are wondering why we aren't respecting you," the pink-haired male said earning him a pillow in the face.

Shrugging, Shima chuckled softly. "Welcome back Urata-san."

"I brought back food for everyone." Including the hostages below.


"Yay~ we love you, Urata-san!" Nqrse chirped happily as he walked over to the brunet to get some food.

"You only love me for food." Urata rolled his eyes, settling the food on the table, avoiding Nqrse.

"That's not true! Don't avoid me, Urata-saaaan," Nqrse whined, Soraru merely humming happily when he saw what the brunet did.

"Really now?" Urata chuckled, poking the younger's cheek. "And you say you do even that time where I accidentally spill curry on your favourite dress?"

"Ok, that one I was really mad at you but I still love you nevertheless, I promiseeeeee~" the pink-haired male assured him as he wrapped his arms around the older.

"Yeah, yeah, eat your food." Urata sighed, peeling Nqrse off him after one quick hug as Shima unpacked everything for everyone.

"Yeees~" Nqrse nodded before sitting down to eat, Soraru sitting up from the sofa to eat something as well.

Taking his own share, Urata noticed Shima taking a share of two and looked at him. "What? For your pretty blonde flower?"

"Mhm~" Shima giggled as he went to put the food in his room so he could have some alone time with Senra. "Excuse me~"

"...Did he just ditch us for that blondie?" Soraru asked, watching him leave before turning to his own food taking a bite.

"What even is going on between them?" Urata sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know, something about them knowing each other and Shima wanting to sweep that guy off his feet and make him remember Shima I think," Soraru answered.

"Cringe." Urata rolled his eyes as he bit into his food.

"Can't agree more with you," the older male mumbled as he was chewing on his food.

"Hey, don't say that, Maashi is trying his best and cause we are his friends we will support him, right?" Nqrse defended the purple-haired male since Shima was the nicest out of the three of them.

"Doesn't mean I have to support his actions." Urata rolled his eyes. "It's cringe."

"Bet you guys would be too if you had someone you liked," Nqrse said which earned him another pillow from Soraru. "Oi, stop that aniki!"

"Why would that ever happen?" Urata rolled his eyes. "Go chase after Luz or something like Maashi."

"I will~ Some other time~" Nqrse chirped as Soraru grimaced but nodded. "Do what you want but talk about it with Shima later not me..."

"Or me." Urata added, eating his food in peace.

"You guys are so mean! No fun! But you're right, I'd rather talk to Maashi, he is interested and interesting at least," Nqrse muttered as he ate his food.

Shrugging at this, the two older continued to eat their food.

Meanwhile, Shima skipped down the steps, heading to Senra. "Hello~"

"Uhh hi," the blond greeted not knowing what to do as he bowed slightly.

"Hello!" Shima greeted happily. "Join me for a meal?"

Hesitating for a second, Senra then decided to nod in the end. "Alright. Let's eat together then."

"Yay~" Shima giggled happily as he picked the blonde into his arms. "Let's go~"

"I can walk on my own if you untie my feet, you know?" Senra reminded him, his face flushing as he was lifted.

"But a flower needs to be handle with care~" Shima chuckled as he continue.

"I'm not actually a flower though, how can you say that with such a straight face," the blond asked as his blush darkened.

"But you are!" Shima argued gently. "You're my pretty blonde flower!"

"I am so not," Senra said feeling more and more embarrassed after every second.

"But you are!" Shima slightly pouted. "And you always will be!"


Sighing, Senra gave up as he merely hummed nodding. "Alright alright, let's just go eat our meal quickly."

Smiling happily, Shima brought Senra to his room, placing him down before looking to him. "I'm going to unlock your handcuffs... make sure to not run, okay?"

"I won't run, as if I would leave the others behind so you don't have to worry about that," Senra assured him.

"Great~" Shima hummed happily, uncuffing the blonde, frowning at the bruises from the handcuffs.

Placing a gentle kiss to the bruise, Shima looked genuinely upset.

Noticing how Shima was upset and seeing what he did, the blond pulled his hands back and shook him slightly. "It doesn't hurt so don't worry about it. Thanks for taking them off."

"It should be taken off sooner." A pout from Shima, taking the food for Senra.

"Don't say that. You're on their side so it's obvious that we have to be restrained," the blond said as he took the food that Shima had taken, thanking him quietly.

"But still!" Shima whined, pouting. "At least let me treat you better..."

"Why? Is there anything you want from me?" Senra asked, looking at his food.

"Not at all!" Shima immediately shook his head. "I just want to treat you the best!"

"Pfft, you're weird," the younger male said laughing lightly before starting to eat. "Thank you for the food then."

"Am I really though..." Shima mumbled before smiling widely at Senra. "Eat up~"

"Mn, thanks. You enjoy your food as well," the blond male said continuing to eat as he hummed happily at the taste.

Biting into his food, Shima watched Senra, smiling happily. At least Senra was enjoying the food!

"You don't have to watch me..." Senra mumbled slightly embarrassed. "So how was your night? Did you sleep well?"

"Ah do you not like it!" He had to make sure not to do it again! "I slept fine~ How about you? Should I get you a bed?"

"It would be unfair of me to sleep in a bed when the others would have to stay on the floor so I'm fine thank you," the blond told him as he continued munching on his food.

"Ah... that's true." A pout from Shima before nodding. "Oh, also! Your friends dropped by. I thought you would want to know at least."

"Huh, my friends?", Senra repeated confused as he quickly swallowed his food. "What do you mean with that? Are they hurt? What happened?"

"They were investigating." Taking a bite of his own food, Shima shrugged, utterly comfortable with Senra even though he wasn't supposed to be.

"Oh... I see," the younger male muttered before going back to eating his food. If they were this close maybe they could escape sooner than he thought after all. That is, if everything went well.

There was a short silence as the blond didn't know what to say before deciding to speak up when he couldn't bear the silence anymore. "So... what's your hobby?", he asked before immediately regretting as he thought how awkward it might be.

"Ah? My hobby... I guess just normal things. We do so much things... it's relaxing to be normal... acting like normal people." Shima shrugged, putting his packet aside as he tossed off the awkwardness. "What about you, pretty blonde flower~?"

"Those hobbies are less concerning than i thought," Senra said laughing lightly. "I don't have that much of hobbies, I just like to hang out with my friends and go along with their hobbies."

"Ah~ I see." A nod to himself as Shima hummed softly. "And I'm not a psychopath to go murder everyone for that much fun in hobbies!" A pout this time.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. But can you blame me, my own friends play games like russian roullette or knife dart so I expected something like that," the younger male defended himself chuckling when he saw the older pout.

"Eh~ Sounds dangerous." Shima laughed softly. "You sure you guys aren't the psychopaths here?"

"Honestly? Don't tell Mafu and Amatsuki-kun but I am pretty sure that those two are psychopaths," Senra admitted with an amused grin.

"Ah Blood Prince-san... I would think so with that power of his." A thoughtful hum this time as Shima nodded.

"I think he would also be like that without his powers," the blond said. "Though they are still great people and Amatsuki makes the best pastries."

"Yeah, I smelled them and they smelled so good!" Shima sighed. "I wished they let me have one at least... but Urata-san is also good at cooking!"

"He is. It's not as good as Amatsuki's but it also was really great, at least that's a good thing here," Senra said smiling.

"Mhm!" Shima sighed softly, a small frown this time. "Nee Senra-chan..." A more serious tone with hesitance.

Noticing the serious tone in his voice, the blond's smile disappeared as he tilted his head at the other. "What is it, Shima-san?"

Closing his eyes, Shima really wanted to know if Senra forgot him. If he did... ah, that would hurt so badly!

At least... he could somewhat hint it?

"One day, I'll snatch you away and make you mine." A flirtatious smirk holding worry.

"That's it? And here I thought you were going to tell me something serious," Senra said frowning as he lightly kicked the others leg.

"You sure you don't want to ask me something else?"

Ah... he didn't remember...

Hiding away his sadness behind a grin, Shima laughed. "Not at all~"

"You know, if you have something to say, you should do it. You remind me of someone who also used to be stubborn as you. Don't be like him," the younger male scolded lightly.

"But oh well, I finished eating so if you don't want to say anything else, let's go back."

"Eh~ Stubborn like me?" Shima chuckled softly as he moved closer with the handcuffs. "Who is this someone?"

"Too long ago. I don't remember his full name or anything and it was too long in the past anyway," Senra brushed it off as he thought back on his childhood crush, wondering how he was doing now. "Anyways, aren't you a bit too close?"

"I need to cuff you anyway." Shima pointed out, feeling pricks in his heart. He really forgot him... "Hands out~"

"Alright," the younger male nodded as he complied. "Though you two did have similar names. I always called him Maashi and you're Shima-san, right? Do you maybe have a brother or something?" Senra asked as he stood up, waiting for Shima to lead the way.

"Nope~" Shima hummed softly, just as someone knocked on the door. "Oi Maashi, get him back into the basement already, we're going to have a meeting."

"Okay~" Standing up, Shima scooped the blonde into his arms. "Up, up and away~"

Hearing the familiar nickname, Senra frowned, too distracted by that to protest when Shima started carrying him again. "Wait what? Maashi?"

"Hm?" Shima hummed casually, his heart slightly fluttering. He remembered? Maybe? Who knew?

"...Do we happen to know each other already?", Senra asked unsure. If yes, it would finally make some sense for Shima to act like he knew him. And if yes, Senra was a jerk for forgetting while Shima remembered.

"Do we now?" Shima teased a little, reaching the basement door. Pausing there, Shima leaned in, whispering softly. "I kept my promise."

Pulling away, Shima opened the basement door and walked in where the other three were relaxing, just a little.

"W-wait, so you're actually him?", Senra asked in disbelief as he was put down. "I'm so sorry for forgetting," the younger apologized quietly, feeling guilty though it was not too much seeing how he still got abducted.

Smiling a little, Shima grinned, leaning close and pressing a kiss to Senra's nose as he used to before pulling away. "See you my pretty blonde flower~"

With that, he quickly left.

Feeling a blush and scrunching up his nose, Senra then came to the realization that his kidnapper was his childhood crush who he had lost contact with. Great. Now he didn't know what to feel anymore.

"... Senra-san... what happened between the two of you?" Dropping his voice lower, Luz looked at the blonde in confusion, glad that Mafumafu was resting or he might have flipped.


Thinking of whether to tell the other or not, Senra then sighed before deciding that it was better to tell than to hide to not cause a drama later on.

"I just found out that he was a childhood friend of mine in the past whom I lost contact with."

"Eh?!" Surprised by this, Luz blinked in confusion. "Th-Then why, what?" Poor Lux was just confused.

"I don't get it either. I still can't comprehend it myself," the older said letting out another sigh.

"Eh... did you at least ask him why he does this then?" Luz pursed his lips in thought.

"I didn't. I found out just one minute ago when he carried me in here so I didn't get the chance to yet," the blond said as he pressed his lips together.

Nodding a little, Luz huffed. "Well, that gives us a little bit of hint on why he seems to know you... did you guys talk about anything then?"

"Not really, we just had some small talk which didn't lead to anything. Next time, I will have to ask more..." the blond male mumbled to himself.

Smiling a little, Luz nodded. "Then I'll try to do the same with Nqrse-san!"

Nqrse did promise him!

"Let's both do our best to find more clues then," Senra said offering the other a small smile

"Mhm!" Luz nodded as he slid closer to Senra. "Do you mind, Senra-san?"

Slightly startled, Senra soon relaxed as he shook his head, the smile remaining on his face. "I don't don't worry."

"Then thank you." An anxious smile as Luz leaned against Senra, smiling a little. "I hope we can go home soon..."

"I hope so as well," Senra agreed, leaning slightly against the taller before remembering. "Ah, according to Shima, some of our friends were around here investigating," the blond said. "So maybe it won't be too long until we are saved."

"Really?" Luz looked at the blonde in excitement. "I hope so!"

They could finally go back!

It would still take a bit and he didn't know if the others could come immediately. But not wanting to destroy the hope that he just built up, Senra merely nodded along with a smile as he hoped with him. "Yeah, me too."

Humming softly, Luz hummed happily, slowly falling asleep. If time passed faster... it would be better right?

Seeing how the younger male had fallen asleep, Senra shifted slightly against the other, making sure to not wake him as he made himself comfortable before closing his eyes as well, deciding that some sleep wouldn't hurt either.

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