Fuck It (A Harry Potter Fanfi...

By AliceLyman

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WARNING: Triggers will not be announced beforehand, and there will be some. Read at your own risk. Harry Po... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter 3.5
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
New story posted!

Chapter Eleven

4.3K 156 29
By AliceLyman

Luna's POV

Some people call me loony because of the creatures I see. Very few understand that the creatures I tell them about are actually a message. That's why I love Neville and Hadrian so much. They both understand me better than anyone.

The unfortunate truth is that I cannot see my own future. At least, it would be unfortunate if I wanted to know that is. Knowing everything that is happening can be fun, but it means you are never surprised. I was not surprised to see empty spots where Hadrian, Severus, and Draco belonged one morning, nor was I surprised to see the fury in the headmaster's eyes the next.

When the others question me on the matter, noticing my happiness, I simply smile and tell them that all is as it should be. It's not my place to tell after all. I do however confirm that all are safe.

"What do you have there Luna?" Neville asks as he peeks at my book.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them of course."

"Of course. How should I expect you go this long without the brilliant words of Newt Scammander?" He laughs. "You'll make an excellent magizoologist one day."

I blush at the compliment from my boyfriend, especially knowing he wouldn't say it if he didn't believe it. Only my closest friends know that my dream is to be a famous magizoologist like Newt and to discover a new or thought to be extinct creature. Every summer my father and I go on expeditions through different magical ecosystems, and while fascinating, I have yet to discover anything new.

"There you go a million miles away again. Come on, it's time for dinner. I hear they are announcing the new DADA teacher this evening. Hope he doesn't have any plans for his future."

I follow him, not knowing the identity of our newest professor myself. Magic has been awfully quiet about it. Perhaps she will find reason to finally irradicate the curse driving them all away.

Once everyone has settled into their seats, Dumbledore stands and waits for the silence to fall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you already know, Professor Snape has been unexpectedly absent from his classes. As such, I have taken it upon myself to find a suitable replacement, as it would appear that he will not be returning to his duties. It is my pleasure today to introduce one of the most successful students to graduate Hogwarts within the last decade, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Bill Weasley!"

Bill walks through the double doors with dramatic flare, and I feel the magic of Hogwarts hum in content, as well as the release of the curse on the Defense position. I think that Bill will be pleased when next year comes and he still has a place among Hogwarts Staff. This is turning out to be a good year.

---Hadrian's POV---

"It's time to wake up Kitten."

I groan, snuggling deeper into the warm blankets.

"Come on, love, it's time for dinner and you need to get some food in you."

I turn over and glare at him but sit up anyway. He places a tray of food on my lap and we begin eating in a comfortable silence.

A few days have passed since our escape from Hogwarts and Tom has been at my side almost constantly, providing the support and love I need right now. I almost feel bad knowing I am keeping him from his work, but any time I mention it he just smiles and says Lucius and Severus have it taken care of.

Narcissa gave us the news yesterday that there has been improvement. It seems the baby has finally begun to heal.

--- Flashback---

"Let's check on the little one now shall we?" She asks gently.

Tom helps me lay back on the bed so she can have better access. As she casts the spell, her eyes widen and for a moment I fear the worst, but then she smiles widely, and relief spreads through me.

"It's begun to heal. It looks like as long as you take it easy for the next few weeks or so, you'll have nothing to worry about. We'll still monitor for possible birth defects the damage may have caused, but for now, we can just be happy that it should live."

Next thing I know I'm a sobbing mess in Tom's arms, who is just as happy as I am judging by the tears running down his own cheeks. Who knew you could love someone so quickly when you can't even see them?

--- End Flashback---


I rest a hand on my flat stomach and reach out my magic to feel the small amount of magic emanating from the child inside of me. I couldn't believe what I was feeling the first time Tom showed me how to do that, but now it is a common thing for me to do, and it ensures me that it is still alive.

"You know you're adorable when you do that right?" He asks me.

I look up to him to see the breathtaking smile that he only gives me. The one that leaves no doubt in my mind that this man loves me.

"Do what?"

"When you feel for the baby and get that adorable little grin on your face every time."

I blush heavily, not having realized I was doing that. Of course he notices my embarrassment and starts laughing.

And just like that, a well of emotions well up inside of me.

I almost didn't have this. If I hadn't gotten out from under Dumbledore's thumb, I wouldn't be sitting here in bed, pregnant, as Tom laughs his beautiful laugh. I would have continued on that path, doing anything Dumbledore asked of me, eventually killing my soulmate, marrying Ginny Weasley as she dosed me with enough love potions to keep me a good little dog. Then they would have killed me and taken everything.

But the fact of the matter is that those things didn't happen, and I am here, and pregnant. I'm going to have a baby, and get married to Tom, and we are going to be a family. Dad is going to spoil the baby rotten, I can see it already. This may not have been how we planned things, but nothing in life really goes according to plan, and I don't know if I can possibly be happier than I am in this moment.

"Hadrian? Hadrian what's wrong?" Tom asks worriedly, moving my tray to sit next to me as he reaches out to wipe my face which I now realize is wet with tears.

Instead of responding, I wrap my arms around him and tell him thank you over and over again. Bewildered as he is, he holds me closer and rubs my back.

"Now that you've calmed down a bit, would you like to tell me what that was about?" He eventually asks.

"Sorry, I- I was just thinking how lucky I am. If you hadn't given me a chance back then, we would have both ended up dead. I'd have killed you, married Ginny, and then been killed for my money. We barely avoided it but look where it brought us? I just- I'm so happy now, I can barely imagine going back to before. Thank you. "

"You're right, but then I have to thank you too. In fact, I'd like to show you something."

He pulls out his wand and points it away from us, taking a deep breath and smiling.

"Expecto Patronum."

The silvery form of a snake bursts from the tip of his wand, moving to curl around me protectively. The warmth radiating off of it has me relaxing further in its coils.

"Did you know that before this summer, before you, I was incapable of producing even a spark for a patronus? It was the one spell I could never master. Now, I merely have to think your name to make one that is fully corporeal. I created this one from the memory of our second date. One of my favorites. That's why it is so bright and warm."

"Tom," I begin, tears once more forming in my eyes and words coming out choked, "It's beautiful."

"But not as beautiful as you. I love you Hadrian Snape, and I love our child. I never thought this day would come, but you've given me a family, and true happiness. Thank you."


"Hadrian, how are you feeling today, son?"

"Much better. Cissa says the baby is nearly back to full strength and as long as I rest when I get tired and am careful I can move freely about the house now."

"That's wonderful news! I actually brought you something."

He pulls a package out, places it on the ground, and unshrinks it. It is a wheelchair, or a magical version of one anyway.

"It responds to the mental commands of whoever is using it. Runes allow it to hover smoothly over any terrain, and cushion and temperature control charms are used for comfort. I figured with permission from Narcissa and a good disguise, we could take you out, maybe even go baby shopping as I know you have yet to choose even one item from the many catalogs you have."

"Dad that's amazing thank you so much! Tom can we go? Please?"

"I don't see why not so long as Narcissa approves."


"Wow, look at all this stuff!"

"I know. Do babies really need this many things?" Tom asks as he picks up a nasal aspirator and attempts to figure out its use.

Dad takes it from his hand and adds it to the small pile Narcissa has started of necessities.

"There are spells that do the same thing as some of these things, however I recommend buying the items, especially as I know for a fact that you two can afford it." Narcissa informs, "While not permanent, the spells can have minor side effects that can cause more trouble than they are worth."

"Cissa, could you get me a list of those, or at least a list of ones that are safe?" I ask.

"Of course dear. I will try to get it to you in a few days time."

"Thank you."

"Look at this, Kitten."

Tom turns around to show me a crystal replica of Hogwarts. You can even see the tiny staircases moving inside.

"It's beautiful."

"It's a music box." Remus informs.

He points to the shelf where it was sitting on display, a tag clearly reading Hogwarts Music Box 500 galleons.

"It's perfect." Tom says, placing it carefully in the basket.

"Look! Tom they have a little basilisk plushie!"

"Not even born yet and you two are already going to corrupt the child. Even it's bedsheets will be snakes if you aren't careful."

"What's wrong with snakes Draco?"

"Haven't you heard? They're evil!" He wiggles his fingers at me in emphasis causing me to giggle.

"Yes, because snakes bind peoples magic and force them to do their bidding." Tom rolls his eyes.

"Tom! Look at this! Wouldn't she look just darling in it?!"

I hold up a little lacey purple dress with fairy wings on the back.

"Perhaps we should hold back on buying gender specific clothing until we actually know the gender."

"It's a girl. I can feel it."

"A mother's intuition is rarely wrong." Narcissa informs sagely.

"A little girl." I smile at my belly, giving it a gentle rub.

"And if it is wrong?" He questions.

"Then I suppose we'll just have to keep trying until we get a little girl who can wear it."

He sighs in resignation, but can't help the small smile that forms on his face. I clap excitedly and set it in the basket he is carrying, then continue to browse the little girls clothes while the others pick out more of the necessities, always checking for mine and Tom's opinion before adding anything to the basket.

Eventually, I am too tired to continue, and we are forced to return home for the day.


"So Hogwarts gets out in a few days." Tom mentions casually as we lay in bed one night, his hand feeding magic to the baby.

"It does..."

"We haven't discussed telling your friends about the baby yet. I have no doubt they will want to see you're alright and know why the three of you disappeared so suddenly."

"Oh, that's right. I guess I hadn't thought about the fact that nobody was there to tell them anything. At least Luna probably told them all that everyone was fine and they shouldn't worry."

"I was thinking we could invite everyone over for dinner. Then you can make the announcement at that time. Lucius and the Lovegoods have offered their homes to have them floo to as a diversion."

"That sounds like a great idea! I'll have to make dessert. I know I'm not supposed to be doing too much, but I can at least sit at the table to mix things if I get tired."

"Just don't get too carried away and we'll be fine. I know how much you love to cook, but you have to take care of the baby first."

"I won't. I promise."

He smiles and leans in to kiss me. I moan in pleasure, fingers tangling in his hair making him moan.

"Baby you know I want to but you're still too weak."

"On the contrary. I talked to Cissa about it, and she told me as long as we aren't too rough, it's actually good for the baby."


---smut warning... thanks again to our anonymous friend---

I nod, then capture his lips again, pressing my hardening cock against his. He growls low, sending shivers down my spine. His hands wander to my ass, pressing me harder against him.

"Off." He speaks in parseltongue with a small burst of magic, and suddenly our clothes are gone.

The combination of his words, my now bare skin, and the feeling of his bare skin on mine has me suddenly harder, and I wiggle my ass in his hands to get my point across, and only make things worse as it rubs us together.

"Fuck Hadrian, I am trying to be careful but you're pressing my self control to its limits."

"She said we can't be rough, not that I should have to wait all night to have you in me."

He growls again, and a quick lubrication spell later and his fingers are gently moving in and out, stretching me in preparation for him. When he is finally satisfied that he won't hurt me or the baby, he slides in painfully slowly.

I squeeze against him, causing his achingly slow movements to slow more and us both to moan loudly at the added friction. As he continues to move, he spreads gentle kisses down my chest, and allowing a hand to caress my stomach where our child resides, sending more shivers through me at my newly sensitive stomach. He grins knowingly at this.

"You have no clue how hot it is that you're carrying my child." He says breathlessly in my ear.

"Tom." I groan loudly.

He grows more confident in his ability to be gentle, an picks up his speed a little. I claw at his back sucking a dark spot on his collarbone, but release my mouth as he hits the spot that sends white through my vision.

"Tom!" I shout.


"Fuck Tom, I'm so close!"

He moves in and out of me a few more times, each time hitting that spot now he's found it again, and all I can do is hold tighter as I come over our stomach and chests. My walls clenching around him causes him to do the same, and we both lie there together panting and sharing breath.

Eventually, he casts a cleaning charm on us, and pulls me tighter against him as my eyes shut, unable to fight sleep any longer.

---End smut---

June third finds me sitting on a stool in the kitchen putting together a few types of pies and two pans of brownies, making sure I get something that everyone likes in there somewhere, as well as ensuring I have enough food for the amount of people that will be coming.

Tom tried to stop me from making so much, but Cissa said it was fine as long as I was careful and someone stayed to watch me in case I needed help. When Tom still didn't seem convinced, she volunteered to stay as well just in case. Now she is sitting across from me telling me all about how baby Draco was.

"I swore I was a horrible mother, he cried so often. I had never been around babies much, so it wasn't until my sister Andromeda came to visit, something she didn't do often as it was hard when she had been cast out of the Black family, that I found out I wasn't completely ruining things. She has a daughter named Nymphadora, I believe you've met her.

"Anyway, she came to visit, and told me it was all perfectly normal, and that sometimes you just have to let them cry it out. It wasn't easy of course, I felt awful for just letting him cry like that, but the was right that you could eventually figure out what they needed based on the timing and such, so if everything is taken care of and they still cry, all you can do is let them. Though sometimes it helps to just distract them with something colorful, or shiny or that moves."

"Let me guess, it was the shiny that caught Draco's attention."

"Yes, but I am inclined to believe it has more to do with his veela blood. The Malfoy's have strong veela ties."

"Does that mean he can throw fireballs and stuff?"

"No, it's not that strong, but he does have an affinity for fire. It was the source of most of his accidental magic as a child, and mostly revolved around Lucius' hair. It used to be much longer." the last part is conspiritorial, causing me to laugh a little.

"Tell me you have pictures." I beg.

"I'll have to show them to you next time you're over. What about lunch next Saturday? I'll even get out Draco's old photo albums."

"That sounds great."

"Now, they're cute as baby's, but it's when they're toddlers that they truly get fun. When Draco was four, he spent the entire year with a fake horn claiming he was a unicorn!"


"Yes! And he'd gallop everywhere he went and would neigh at you to get your attention!"

"Mum! Why would you tell him that?!" Draco asks as he walks in.

"Oh calm down dear. I was just telling him what he had to look forward to. Besides, if you think this is bad, you won't be invited to lunch on Saturday. We're getting out the photo albums."

"No! Anything but that!"

"And maybe I can contact Andromeda and your friends parents to come as well. The elves have the gardens looking lovely. It would be a shame to put it all to waste."

"That sounds brilliant!"

"Well I will be busy that day, Fenrir has arranged a meeting with a wolf pack from Wales and it was hard enough to get them to agree. You'll be fine there without me won't you?"

"Be honest Tom, you just don't want to be there." Cissa says.

"What? But Tom, they're trying to help us learn how to take care of the baby." I argue.

"No, they're going to fawn over pictures of their children and tell embarrassing stories about them. And I wasn't lying about the meeting. "

"Fine go to your stupid meeting."

"Hadrian. "

I hop off the stool and begin to carry things one by one to the ovens, a second one having been put in since my arrival at the Haven.

"Hadrian. Hadrian. Hadrian please."

"Cissa would you please take these out when the timer goes off?"

She looks between us, giving Tom an apologetic look, then nods in agreement. She doesn't stop me as I storm out of the room. I make it to the living room before Tom physically stops me by wrapping his arms around me and lifting my feet of the ground.

"Let me go Tom!"

"No. I need to show you something. Can you please wait to storm off long enough for me to do that?"


I follow him to his study where he pulls out a tiny golden locket in the shape of a heart.

"Look Hadrian, I can't promise to be a great father. I am not one to sit around and gossip about their kids the way Narcissa and the others do, and I am more of a learn on the spot kind of person if it can't be stated as fact in a book. But what I can promise is that I am going to do everything I can to be the best father I can be.

"I started working on this the day we went baby shopping. It's charmed to grow with her, and I have enlarged it enough to put several runic protections on it to keep her safe. I will add more protections, as many as I can think of, and every day I infuse it with some of my magic to make it stronger. I love our baby, and though my technique will be more of a shoot first ask questions later type of style, I will always do what I think is best for her."

"Oh Tom!"

I pull him tightly against me, tears soaking his shirt. He holds me just as tightly, hand running through my hair and whispers to me how much he loves us both. Once I've calmed down, I take a closer look at the golden heart. On the front has lilies carved along the side where it opens. Inside on the left is a picture of us smiling and waving at the camera wich was taken on Christmas. The other side is blank, and a quick peek in his mind shows he wants to use a picture of all three of us on the day she is born.

"Come now. Your friends will be here soon and they'll be anxious to see you."

He takes it and sets it back on the desk, then lifts me bridal style and carries me back down to the others. Everyone from Hogwarts seems to have arrived while we were there, and rush to surround us, asking if I'm okay.

"Guys I'm fine, honestly. I'm still recovering, but I am doing much better than before. We do have some news though." Everyone looks at me expectantly. "I'm pregnant!"

There is a moment of silence before everyone is once again talking over each other in their excitement. Eventually however, they all calm down enough and we go sit down for dinner, Narcissa having already removed things from the oven and placed them under a heating charm.

"So if Hadrian left because he was pregnant, why did the two of you leave? Blaise questions.

"Because we were the last to see him at Hogwarts after he collapsed. We would have been believed to have kidnapped him for the dark side rather quickly. It was better to get out then and there." Draco explains.

Hermione seems to remember something at that.

"Speaking of that, what exactly happened? Are you and the baby okay?"

"Yes, like I said before, we are still recovering, and at first we didn't think the baby would make it, but thankfully, it pulled through."

"So long as Hadrian sticks to my orders the baby should be fine. We do need to keep an eye out for birth defects however. It's not something that will show up until later. There was damage to it from spells, presumably from Defense, as well as from the fumes in potions when he passed out. Other than that it was just the normal potion damage seen in both men and women who mistake it for illness which doesn't even need treated it's so minor." Narcissa explains, having had our permission to ahead of time.

By the time everyone leaves I am stuffed and honestly quite exhausted. Noticing this, Tom takes me out to the sitting room, tucks me against him with one of his hands sending warm waves of magic to our child, the other brushing through my hair, and uses magic to read as I doze off in his embrace.

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