Reader Goddess IO (abused neg...

By Neo_neopolitan

8.1K 56 37

death is an escape to all of our but what happens when that very person that keeps pushing life finally snaps... More

proloague chapter
Jaysen Bio
A psychopathic chaotic neutral hunter is born
true hero peacekeaper save day and confrontation/redemption of few "tratiors"
loving motherly goddess rights wrong sins of her cildren
special goddess don't care that betrayed her trust
allmight gonna feel same pain an misery as the goddess by some old pals

tratiors are doomed and a goddess doesn't have mercy

888 6 1
By Neo_neopolitan

Months later at childea with helios observing in sky with handsome jack "john" on phone with y/n

Reader pov

Y/n: wait till they get load of me

*Smokes a golden vape an exhales*

Jack: you sure you wanna do this kid?

*looks at john*

Y/n: yes.. and thanks for helping my family an friends for taking care of me John

Jack: no problem kiddo if you need anything just let me know

*he goes back to his computer making more nursing/doctor loader bots hangs up call on phone puttingit away*

Y/n: let's go everyone and yakuza.. rooks with me

*walking out of john's office into automated bullhead to union*

Meanwhile at union academy

Falcone goon pov

Ricky: well rais you fucked up now the boss is gonna get you and your boy toy even your little "GOONIES" crew an remember the yakuza should not be fucked and all crime or gang families under one banner with especially hurting the big BOSS

Sirzechs: rais and issei what the fuck did you an your little posse got yourself into

Rias: with didn't think it was gonna escalate this badly and-

Issei: didn't think we when this far an her almost dying right in front of us and my sister an-

*answers ringing phone*

Ricky: hello?... ah feeling better already boss?.. hmm huh okay i'll let them know and thank you boss i'll my grandma you said happy birthday

*hangs up my phone and looks up at them*

Ricky: what?

Nezu: who was on the phone?

Azazel: *looks away not getting involved in the mess*

Ricky: that was the boss and boss is tiamat....

Ozpin: oh shit you really fucked up this time almight rias and issei

Issei: so what it isn't bad is it?

Ricky: oh you bet you damn pussy asss it is cuckboy

Rias: but why is it bad for us?

Qrow:well one percent of you didn't know that us parents teachers and headmasters minus almight kept it deep fucking secret that y/n is tiamat and God of Destruction even gods of all gods an life even death and to top it off all of it she's the very first and THE devil lucifer morningstar an uriel even RAAM... she's second mother of humanity adam the father of humanity even the the faunuses of whitefang and the villains all stand besides stand up to people like you guys that hurt and discriminate innocent people that have or no powers at all she knows what you guys said even did to her you fractured her mind and sanity to the point she'll kill you on sight....

*qrow mumbles*

Qrow: even make any man female with snap of her finger and kill any living being with no warnings to give to anyone or to her... shit

Nezu: what's wrong qrow?

Ricky: the boss's crows are watching an seems Grim reaper and lady death came early than you thought

Issei: shit... we have to do something can yoy help us drai-

Draiga: your on own dumbass idiots

*red dragon emperor draiga goes silent*

Reader pov

Y/n: hmm

Ross: ready boss?

*inhale and exhales smoke from vape putting it away*

Y/n: Ready jaysen

*gets in limo with rooks as all yakuzas get in aswell in other vehicles*

Jay: let's go boys... to union academy

*screen fades to black as y/n is at entrance of union academy standing outside of limo looking up and down straight at entrance letting out killing malicious intent aura oozing out going everywhere scaring issei even making him shit/piss himself shaking on floor in headmasters office trying to breathe*

issei: shit we really fucked up with time real bad....


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