Forgotten Behind (bnhaxkny)

By Fat-Cat917

632 8 0

Blood. The bright red colour that stains every inch of his surrounding. Evidence was all over him. The crimso... More

Fading hope

A memory engraved

434 6 0
By Fat-Cat917


"Sho look"

"Say hello to your new baby brother"

Her soft, gentle voice reached his ears as he gave one of his rare, caring smile to his new baby brother. He closed the door behind him as he walked to stand in front of his mothers hospital bed.

Cautiously, his mother slowly transferred the baby to his older son, careful not to drop him. Cradling in his arms, he couldn't help but flash a smile to him again. He softened his eyes as he looked at his baby brother.

Messy forest hair with big emerald eyes that looked nothing like their parents, but he didn't care. His brother was born into this world and he was sure to protect him no matter what. He held the baby in his arm, wishing to never let go.

He promised to protect him no matter the cost, even for his life.


Yet here we was, standing in front of the scene in disbelieve. His whole body shaking heavily as he found it getting harder to breathe. Tears prickling down his cheeks every few moments he reviewed all the precious time he had with his family, his brother.

If his mother was still alive, she would have quickly pulled him in a hug. Rubbing circle's on his back with her gentle, frail hands, telling him to control his breathing and copy her own. Except, this time, he had no family member to rely anymore.

His vision was quickly fading, as he desperately tried to take in some air. His whole structure shakes more violently at his weak attempt to stay conscious.

No matter what he tried, his body won't listen to him. Without anyone to demonstrate, his breathing completely stopped before collapsing to the floor.

Barely managing a scream full of fear to escape his mouth. Once his head made contact to the floor, he was out like the light.

His promise was now a half-hearted lie as he wished that once he wake up, everything would be alright. Back to being in his mothers arms and fulfilling to protect his brother again.

Shouta couldn't believe his family was attacked by some unknown villains as he was chatting away in hizashi's house without a care in the world. He was going to be a hero when he grew up goddamit, and he couldn't even save his own family.

All the memories of his past years came straight into him as he started to relive them all.



"Izuku Aizawa"

His mom declared. It was day that Izuku aizawa was officially born into the world. The doctor wrote down everything as he documented Izuku's file.

The said baby was held up by Shouta as he examined him again. Emerald green eyes stared right back at him as the baby's hand slowly reached for his cheek. He could feel the tiny hands making contact with his skin as his eyes brightened like never before.

Izuku never was really like other babies, they usually cry the second they were born. He didn't even drop a single tear and was okay with him and his mother holding him right away. It was very strange.

His mother was chuckling in the background from the cutest thing she had ever seen. It was the first time she actually got to see a lot of emotion coming out of her son since he reached the age of 5.

"Ma'm, if you want to, you are able to leave the hospital now" said the doctor who has been taking care of her while she tried getting izuku out of her tummy.

A small smile indicated that she was thankful for the news as she pulled the sheets down. She was still mildly exhausted from getting the baby out that she didn't have the strength to talk much.

Shouta looked at his mother as she ruffled his already messy hair. Izuku's hair was already as messy as his, at least something about them was still the same.

He followed behind his mother as they finally exited from the hospital. Ready to go home and have fun with Izuku.



He forgot to by the dummy for the baby and now Izuku was crying. His mom was still at work so he couldn't just leave the baby at home alone. He wasn't that cruel.

Shouta sigh as he locked the door and speed walked to the mall. The baby was luckily asleep at the moment so nobody would have to listen to a baby crying but people that were walking by was still looking at him weirdly.

He made sure to not get too bumpy when he speed walked to the mall so there wasn't a chance where Izuku woke up. He wouldn't usually cry or someday never cry, but it was still a precaution in case it started to tear up unexpectedly.

Once it was finally his turn to check out his stuff, Izuku started to wake up. It was literally the worst time to actually wake up as he was hopping for the cashier to finish quickly.

Loud sobbing could be heard all around the store as many people look at him with an annoyed expression. His face started heating up from the embarrassment as he tried to hide his face. Too bad eyes were piercing at him everywhere.

Once the cashier was done, he roughly snatched  the dummy and ripped the plastic covering it as he placed it gently in Izuku's mouth. Phew. The baby soon took an interest at the dummy as he immediately stopped crying.


"Mum! Mum!"

"Izuku just somehow solved my Highschool homework"

His mum came through the door to see her frantic looking older son and a 2 year old baby pointing to a specific answer. She raised an eyebrow as his son explained what happened.

Her mom gasped in surprise from what she had learned as she examined the baby up and down. Nothing was unusually from him as she thought of another idea to see if it is no coincidence.

"Sho, could you flip to another empty question on your homework book"

As told to, Shouta flipped several pages left to an unanswered question, too hard for him to figure it out. Once he showed his mother the question, she gestured the baby to try and figure the answer.

Izuku somehow understood and stumbled his way to the math homework book. Even if he is smart, Izuku still couldn't walk properly before stumbling a few steps. Not even a few second past, the baby pointed to the answer in record time.

His mothers expression changed to absolute glee as she swirled around the room. Shouta although didn't know the answer, he knew it was correct.

Shouta's lips twitched up into a mischievous smile as the moment when his mother's back faced in front of him, he quickly grabbed the pencil and rushed a circle at the correct multi-answered question.

Shouta closed his homework book and placed it down before getting his mother's attention and taking his brother to the kitchen where all the delicious foods are placed.


Distant sirens could be heard as it pulled up to the house. The neighbors who heard his scream quickly dialed 000 and got both the police and the ambulance to check if anything was wrong.

They came to see a 18 year old boy with long, messy black hair laying unconscious next to a pail motionless woman. The woman's blood soaking the boys dress as the puddle expanded.

It was already too late.

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