There is Romance Among Us(Amo...

By pinkcrazycorn

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Cover made by Me Ships Pink x White Blue x Purple Red x Lime Orange x Green Yellow x Cyan !!Among Us Belongs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

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By pinkcrazycorn

Yup boys, were doing this again, its 5 am right now lol

Red floated over his dead body, and Lime did the same. They just kinda floated there dumbfounded for a while before Red said,

"Well that Happened"

"Yea it did..." Lime said, his face still a little red (oh ghosts don't have blood? Well its fanfiction so screw logic OwO)

"Do you think they'll tell the others??" Lime asked, really not wanting their relationship to be revealed to their friends yet.

"Probably not, Blue and White are pretty trustworthy when it comes to keeping secrets." Red said, trying to calm his boyfriend down.

"Red, I really don't want our crew to find out I'm Gay. Because if they find out I'm Gay, they might tell my parents, and my parents probably wont let me hang out with, any of you guys anymore, and I really dont want to be pulled away from you Red." Lime said, slightly tearing up

"Its ok Lime, I get it, you're scared, I fully trust that Blue and White won't tell the others about us, and on the slim chance they do, Im sure that our crew would never tell your parents your Gay, if you didn't want them too." Red said, hoping he was able to reassure Lime.

"Thanks Red, I appreciate it." Lime said, giving Red a patient smile, Red returned the smile and they just floated there for a while again, then Lime said,

"You know I love you Red, right?"

"Of course I know you love me!" Red said, "and I love you too."

Red and Lime then floated around finishing their tasks just enjoying each other's company.

Blue and White had vented into security together, both of them still pretty freaked out about Red and Lime (in a good way) and they were both kinda sad they had to keep it a secret, but Blue knew she would tell Purple, just because she knew Purple would understand.

Blue walked over to the cameras in security and sat down on the table, she then extended her hand towards the chair in security, offering for White to sit down. White accepted Blues' offer and sat down in the swivel chair.

"Alright, we've killed off Red, and Lime. We need to discuss who we should kill off next." Blue said.

"Hmmmmm" White thought for a moment before coming up with an idea. "I think we should kill off Yellow and Cyan next, they're always with each other, and they're usually fighting so they probably won't even notice we're there."

"Wow, that's actually, a pretty good plan White." Blue said, slightly impressed that White thought of a plan so quickly. "But, before we do that, I'm gonna talk to Purple, and tell her about Red and Lime, oh yeah I forgot to mention, I told Purple that I'm an imposter."

"You wHaT?!?" White said, shooketh, it wasn't like Blue to just tell people she was an imposter. "Why would you do that?!"

"Well, Purple asked if I was an imposter, and I couldn't lie to her, so I told her yes." Blue said, as if it were the simplest thing ever.

"Ok... I mean I guess it's fine as long as you didn't tell her I was the other imposter" White said.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell her."

"Ok. but, by telling Purple about Red and Lime, do you mean, you want to tell her that their in a relationship together, or just tell her that we killed them?"

"Oh I plan on telling her both of those things."

"But Red and Lime didn't want us to tell anybody else..."

"Don't worry, Purple and I also have a secret relationship, so I think it's fair, that I tell her about Red and Lime." Blue said, explaining her thought process to White.

"Ok Blue, if you say so, also, since you're going to go talk to Purple, I'm going to talk to Pink." White said

"OK, that seems fair" Blue responded, she then hopped off of the table she was sitting on, and walked out of security, White followed her shortly after.

Red and Lime had been in security while Blue and White we're talking, only because they wanted to see what their plan was. After Blue and White had left, Red and Lime stayed in security, still trying to process what Blue had said. Lime was having a slight panic attack, and Red was trying to calm him down.

"Hey come on Lime, calm down. Blue obviously trusts Purple, so we're going to be fine. Besides, apparently Blue and Purple are also together, so they both know where we're coming from." Red said to Lime, hoping he could calm Lime down.

""Yea Red, I guess you're right, Blue does trust Purple, and Purple won't tell anybody else." Lime said, glad that he was able to calm down a bit

"Now come on, let's go finish our tasks" Red said.

"Yea, Let's" Lime responded, they then both floated to their next task.

White and Blue had walked out of security, when they did they bumped into Green (Wow, a character that we have no information on, and barely knew existed, fascinating) Blue and White both had a slight panic attack, wondering if Brown had seen them come out of the vents in security.

"Oh, hi Blue, hi White" Green said calmly. "What were you two doing in security?"

"Oh hi Green. White and I were just checking the cams to see if anyone was acting sus." Blue said, playing it cool. Blue spat out that lie so naturally, White believed it was true even though her inner-consciousness knew it wasn't.

"Ah I see, nice." Green said, then he walked into Reactor to do one of his tasks.

White just kind of stood there, still in awe of how well Blue lied, she thought about complimenting Blue, but figured that Green could still probably hear them, and he would discover that Blue was lying, and then he would call an emergency meeting, and then Blue and white would get ejected and they would lose. So White didn't compliment Blue.

White looked over to where Blue was standing, only to find Blue wasn't there anymore. She figured Blue must have gone to find Purple. White decided to do the same, except she was looking for Pink.

Welp, that's it for chapter 5, I hoped you liked it!

Which relationship are you looking forward to seeing develop the most OwO

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