
By ravenwings172

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A young princess' kingdom gets overthrown by a tyrant ruler. To save her dying kingdom, she travels far to fi... More

Chapter 1: Kingdom in Ruins
Chapter 3: Down to the Dungeon
Chapter 4: The Coward's Way Out
Chapter 5: The Stables

Chapter 2: Flashbacks and Ferdinand

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By ravenwings172

Zephyr landed softly on the dirt below him. Hazen's tower was located in the back of the castle, so he didn't have to worry about guards spotting him for now. He leaned his back against the cold stone base of her tower, his chest rising and falling in slow heaves, and shut his eyes tight. He pried one of his gloves off, bringing his hand up to his face. He peeked through the slits in his eyes at the stinging hand. It was bright red and shaking. Even through the thick black gloves, the rope still managed to burn his skin. He shut his eyes again, shoving the glove back onto his hand. Hazen needed him, no matter how painful it was.

He pushed himself off the stone wall, standing up straight again, his arms shaking at his sides. He took a glance above him, one final motivating look to the window where his princess waited for him, then with a heavy breath moved on. As he snuck around the side of the castle, the glow of torches became brighter. He stopped at the edge of the castle, pressing his back to the stone, just covered by the shadow of the castle wall. Peering around the corner, he spotted a man standing guard gripping a torch, his back turned to Zephyr.

Zephyr's breath hitched in his throat. He had snuck past plenty of guards on his way to Hazen's tower, but that had been in the safety of the castle, with plenty of corridors and secret rooms to hide in. Now, he was fully exposed, and with one wrong step, he would be thrown straight to the dungeon.

He drew his head back, resting it against the hard stone. Taking in a sharp breath, he stole another peek at the guard. His back was still turned. Zephyr took this as his chance. "Here it goes," he whispered, and just as he took a step out of the shadows, another guard came into view, walking down the dirt road towards the castle.

Zephyr's hand flew to his mouth to cover his yelp, as he sprung back behind the corner, tripping over himself in the process. The momentum of his backwards jump joined with the effort to not be seen, caused him to swing around the corner and smash his back into the castle wall. Hard. His other hand now slapped over his first one, muffled the groan that escaped his clenched teeth. He allowed himself to slide down the wall the remainder of the way to the ground. He landed with a soft thud, his back aching from the impact.

He sat frozen, his shaking hands clamped over his mouth, muffling his ragged breathing. For a few moments he sat, trying to decipher if the guards heard him or not. All that could be heard from the guards around the corner was casual chatter. Zephyr silently pried his hands from his mouth, deciding they weren't aware of his presence. He allowed his throbbing head to softly lean against the stone behind him.

He figured another guard shouldn't ruin his plan too much. He just needed to be quicker and quieter now. Something that the aching pain in his back would put a slight damper on.

He slowly peeled himself off the wall, clenching his teeth as his back yearned for him to give in and collapse. He stood as straight as he could manage, his knees slightly bent, hunching his shoulders to avoid the pain in his spine. He inched his way to peer around the corner once again, spotting the stables a few buildings down, across the road. He knew the back entrance to the stables, he just needed to get past the guards.

"Please be as stupid as I think you are," he whispered, picking up a stone he spotted from the ground. He launched the stone as far as his arm would allow him. It landed on the roof of the building directly in front of him, rolled down, clattering; and hit the ground with a soft thud.

Zephyr flattened himself against the wall as he heard the guards mumble in confusion. He heard light footsteps move toward the noise and without another glance, he rounded the corner and bolted behind the guards, across the road, and dove behind a small shed just as he was sure the guards were turning back around. He barely had a moment to catch his breath or pause for his aching back before he heard more confused but louder mumbles from the guards. He was correct, they had turned around, and they had seen him.

In a moment Zephyr had leapt from the ground and pressed himself against the wall. He knew he couldn't stay there, if the guards had seen him, they surely would be coming to investigate. He frantically looked to his right, where he could hear the shuffling guards, and then to his left. The stables were one building over, he would have to sprint for it, and quickly.

Taking deep, staggering breaths, he silently shuffled along the side of the wall, to the other corner. His heart raced as he rounded the corner, the illuminating light of the street lanterns now warming his skin.

The guards shouted at each other. He had rounded the corner just in time.

"I told you, there's no one there!"

"No, I know I saw someone! Check the other side, come on." The sets of footsteps thudded against the ground, growing closer to Zephyr.

He launched himself off the wall, sprinting as quietly and quickly as he could into the street and past the other building, finally reaching the stables. He burst through the door and almost slammed it shut behind him, before remembering his circumstances and closing it quietly behind him. The noise of the door opening however was enough to startle awake a fire-red haired, freckle faced stable boy.

The stable boy jumped from the pile of hay he slept on, his arms flailing, and balling his hands into fists. He blinked rapidly, his eyelids barely open. "Who goes there? What is it ya want? Step any closer and I'll give ya hell!" He struggled to find his footing, but once he did, he stood his ground firmly.

"Ferdinand! Calm down and be quiet, it's me!" Zephyr grabbed Ferdinand's wrists frantically, shaking them slightly.

Ferdinand squinted, blinking again, then finally seemed to focus his eyes. "Zeph? Bloody hell, what're you doin' here?"

"Not much time to really explain, I've got three guards on my tail and a need to get rid of them." Zephyr still gripped Ferdinand's wrists, shaking and looking around the stable, paranoid.

Ferdinand ripped his hands from Zephyr's grasp, then grabbed him by the shoulders. "Woah mate, calm down a wee bit, will ya? Don't you worry your pretty little head, I've got a plan."

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Hazen reluctantly closed her eyes for the first time in days, respecting Zephyr's request to get some rest. Her withering body was turned towards the window, waiting for her best friend's return. As she drifted in and out of sleep, her mind wandered, bringing her flashes of dreams and memories. One of which happened to be the day Oriean invaded her kingdom.

The flashback was vivid and traumatizing. She saw herself, sitting on the very same bed Oriean sat upon at this moment, in the very same room she was thrown upon the floor and threatened just an hour earlier. But this room was warmer, more familiar. This was the room she had grown up in, the room she had come to as a child to escape thunderstorms by crawling into her parents bed. But at the moment, Hazen didn't know that it would be the last time she sat peacefully in the warmth of her parents room.

She sat upon the large bed, braiding her younger sister Asalia's long, golden hair. Her father sat in his chair by the fireplace, worry on his face. Her mother sat next to Hazen, her arm around her shoulders. Asalia couldn't stop giggling as Hazen tickled the back of her neck with her hair. The queen smiled down at them, then looked to her king. Hazen noticed the look of sympathy on her mother's face, and yet she stared at her husband with confusion and perhaps resentment in her eyes.

Suddenly the door burst open, startling the four of them. The king rose from his chair, and approached the knight who had barged in on his family.

"My King," the man spoke, quite shaken, "there's been an attack at the gate. A man, he claims to possess... magic..." Asalia perked up at the mention of magic. She had always been fascinated with the myths of sorcerers and other magical beings. "He's threatening against you and the kingdom."

The king stumbled back, then turned to his family. "Maria, girls, come quickly." He urged them out of the room, into the corridor. All around them knights rushed by, gripping their swords tightly and shouting commands at one another. "Take the girls and find somewhere, anywhere to hide," he instructed, gripping his wife's shoulders. "Don't come out until I find you and tell you it's safe, understand?"

The queen nodded, embracing her husband. "Be safe, Titus," she whispered, her hands shaking on his shoulders.

He pulled her away, his stare worried but stern. He caressed her cheek, then let her run to their daughters. "You, go with them, make sure they stay safe." He commanded the knight, who nodded his head.

Maria grabbed her daughter's hands, leading them down the hall. Hazen took one final glance back at her father, not knowing it would be the last time she would see him. Her mother urged her forward, as her father turned his back and disappeared around a corner.

Maria led the girls down a series of turns, past frantic knights in the corridors and the shouts from outside the open windows. Finally she came to a stop in an empty hallway, in front of a large bookshelf.

She dropped her daughters' hands, then began to push the bookshelf to the side, groaning. Behind it, stood a small door, the same gray color as the stone wall behind it. Maria opened the door, shoving the girls into a crawlspace Hazen didn't even know existed. "Move the bookshelf back to cover the door, then leave, run, go fight, I don't care. But do not tell anyone where we are. Not even the king himself." She commanded the knight, a fierceness in her voice Hazen had never heard before.

"Yes your Majesty," he responded, his voice shaking.

Maria crammed into the small room, crawling over Asalia to sit between her daughters, then shut the door, eliminating all light. The royalties sat in the dark, Maria holding her daughter's close, tears dripping down her face and onto the girls' heads. It seemed now she didn't have to be harsh to anyone, she allowed her tears to flow freely.

Outside the door, the bookshelf sliding across the floor could be heard, followed by a shout abruptly cut off with a cry of pain. More shouts and running soldiers continued, with more clashing of swords, and more soldiers falling to the floor. Maria gripped her daughters tighter. Suddenly all fell silent. A pair of boots could be heard clicking against the wooden floors.

Hazen felt a knot form in her stomach. She opened her clenched eyes to barely see her sister's face in the darkness. Asalia had her eyes shut, tears running down her freckled cheeks, her lip quivering. Hazen had only seen her this scared when a thunderstorm was raging outside her window. Though she suspected this was much worse than a thunderstorm. She glanced up at her mother's face, her eyes also closed, she was whispering something through shaking breaths Hazen couldn't quite make out.

The footsteps came to a stop outside the crawlspace door. Hazen could feel her mother's breathing quicken. She placed her hands over her daughter's heads, lowering them into her chest. Hazen began to make out the mumbling under her mother's breath as she got louder, the light crept into the room.

"Please don't be what I fear. Titus please come. Please. Leave my daughters, let me pay for his sins."

The door swung open, revealing a pair of black boots. They were so shiny, Hazen was certain they were cleaned every two minutes. The man crouched down in front of the three royalties. Hazen risked taking a glance up at him. His black hair fell just below his ears, contrasting against his pale skin. He wore a black robe, embroidered with purple swirls and golden stars, over a blue vest. She noticed a small black diamond cut to the shape of a star, mounted on a gold ring on his middle finger.

She then drew her attention to his face. Pale, seemingly perfect, with a clean shaven sharp jawline, a smirk prominent on his lips. His eyes, staring into the crawlspace, were a dark midnight blue. Hazen was certain she would not be able to distinguish the blue from the black of his pupil if it weren't for the striking gold rings surrounding the center. She hated to think it, but he was quite handsome.

After looking each of them over he reached into the room, grabbed Asalia, the closest one to him, and pulled her out into the hall. Maria screamed, reaching for her daughter.

"No, please!" She shouted, grasping for the hem of Asalia's dress. "Please, take me! Take me! Leave her alone!" She sobbed, a tight grip on her daughter's dress.

He held Asalia by the arm and upon realizing Maria's grip, tugged her away, ripping the fabric. Hazen's heart sank. It was such a trivial thing, but she knew that was Asalia's favorite dress. She looked at her little sister, her eyes red, puffy, and bloodshot. Hazen couldn't bear to see her like that.

In an instant Hazen, tears streaming down her face, crawled over her mother out into the hall. Maria tried to stop her, but Hazen shook her off. She straightened, glaring up at the man who also stood at his full height, towering over her by a lot of inches.

"Hazen! Please!" Maria sobbed from the crawlspace, now gripping the hem of Hazen's skirt.

"Let her go." Hazen commanded with all the power she could muster. Clearly it wasn't intimidating enough.

He laughed at her, looking down with sneer. "Why not?" He mocked, shoving Asalia into Hazen's arms. "What do I care what happens to her? It's you I want."

Hazen caught Asalia and wrapped her arms around her as Asalia sobbed into her shoulder. She glared up and the man and all prior thoughts of his attractiveness were gone. Hazen promised herself she was going to kill this man. If not today, then someday.

Hazen's eyes shot open, She was drenched in sweat, breathing heavily, her throat aching. Her head throbbed as she sat up in her bed. She realized she was still in her room, prisoner to Oriean. She clenched her eyes shut again with a soft groan, just thinking of his name took her back to that very same memory. She grabbed the water Zephyr had left and gulped it down. She hesitantly lay back against her pillow, staring at the window, waiting for her best friend's return.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Zephyr! Be a man and do something for once in your life! Go!" Ferdinand shoved Zephyr out of the door and onto the dirt street, quickly and loudly slamming the door shut behind him.

Zephyr hit the ground harshly, letting out a very audible, "ouch!"

The three guards peeked out from behind the building next to the stables. Evidently, they were still searching for Zephyr.

"See! I told ya I saw someone!" One of the guards snapped, hitting the arm of another one.

"Alright, I got it, I got it. What do we have here?" The guards slowly approached Zephyr's still body.

He hated the plan when he first heard it, and he definitely hated it now. As the guards grew closer, Zephyr slowly stirred, groaning. He heard the footsteps halt, then resume as he sat up, gripping his head.

"Do any of you know where the castle is?" He moaned while mentally cursing himself for coming up with such a stupid question.

One of the guards opened his mouth to answer when before he could, Ferdinand wrapped a rope around the guard next to him and his necks.

"A little help here, Zeph," Ferdinand whispered, straining to keep the rope tight around the guards.

Zephyr shot to his feet, and jumped on the other guard, who was drawing his sword. Surprising himself, Zephyr managed to drag the guard to the ground with the momentum of his jump, and pried the sword out of the guards grip. He hastily tossed it to the side, just before the guard regained his strength and threw Zephyr off of him.

"Why you little-" the guard snarled, raising his hand. Zephyr flinched, but the impact he was met with was the guard's unconscious body.

Zephyr opened his eyes, shocked, as Ferdinand stood over him, the sword in his hand.

"I've always wanted to do that," he panted, dropping the sword and rolling the guard off of Zephyr.

Zephyr let out a long sigh of relief. Ferdinand helped him to his feet.

"What?" Ferdinand questioned, still gripping Zephyr's hand. "You looked surprised that worked?"

Zephyr chuckled. "It's not that I didn't trust you, it's just that I didn't trust you."

They tied up and gagged the three guards unconscious bodies and shoved them into a building, then made their way back to Hazen's tower, where the princess waited for her rescue.

Zephyr's hands stung from simply looking at the tattered rope that still hung from Hazen's tower. He took a heavy breath, casting a glance to Ferdinand. "Looks easy, right?"

Ferdinand scoffed, cracking his back. "I can carry ya, if you want," he smugly remarked.

Zephyr glared at him, adjusting his gloves. "I wouldn't want you to break a nail over me."

Eyebrows raised, Ferdinand gave a chuckle. "Well then," he gestured grandly to the rope. "Ladies first."

Zephyr rolled his eyes, nudging Ferdinand out of the way. He steeled himself, then firmly grasped the rope. Inhaling sharply, he hoisted himself up, and wrapped his feet around the rope beneath him, creating a support. Then he grasped the rope higher, and repeated the same action.

He continued up the rope, exerting all his energy into lifting himself those few inches higher each time. His muscles burned and ached with every pull, his fingers were stiff from gripping so hard on the rope. His heavy breaths barely drowned out the sound of Ferdinand's tiresome breathing below him.

The two persevered up the side of the tower, never looking down. Zephyr urged himself to keep going, in spite of his arms begging for him to stop. He knew every moment spent in pain was all for his best friend.

The end was finally in sight as they neared the top of the tower. Zephyr gripped the edge of Hazen's windowsill, and hoisted himself upon it. He gasped for breath, his arms dropping at his side.

"A little help, mate," Ferdinand grunted through gritted teeth.

Zephyr shot back to action, taking Ferdinand's hand in his own, and with great effort, dragging him up to also rest on the windowsill. The two boys stepped down into Hazen's room, immediately collapsing on her wooden floor.

"Whew!" Ferdinand gasped. "That was a doozy!" He chuckled between heavy breaths, and clapped Zephyr on the shoulder.

Zephyr, who lay face down on the floor, and was certain he had no breath in his lungs to speak, simply nodded.

"Zeph, is that you?" A quiet voice brought Zephyr back to remember where he was.

"Hazen," he whispered, attempting to sit up, his head spinning.

Ferdinand clearly recovered much quicker than Zephyr, by the time Zephyr's head had stopped spinning, Ferdinand was on his feet taking a respectful bow.

"Your highness, Ferdinand Hamish Atkinson, at your service."

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