[Rewrite] What If Luz bonded...

By KaijuLord54

50.4K 992 586

This is a fanfiction of how The Owl House would turn out if Luz Noceda had bonded with the Venom symbiote. More

Season 1 - Part 1
Season 1 - Part 2
Season 1 - Part 3
Season 1 - Part 4
Season 1 - Part 5
Season 1 - Part 6
Season 1 - Part 7
Season 1 - Part 9
Season 2 - Part 1
Season 2 - Part 2
Season 2 - Part 3
Season 2 - Part 4
Season 2 - Part 5
Season 2 - Part 6
Season 2 - Part 7
Season 2 - Part 8
Season 2 - Part 9
Season 2 - Part 10
Season 2 - Part 11

Season 1 - Part 8

1.9K 43 8
By KaijuLord54

Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or Marvel Comics so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It was a splendid morning at the Owl House as Luz enters the living room having already gotten dressed into her school uniform.

She then sees a pot with something being stored inside by a levitating spoon.

Luz: Ooh, magic spaghetti.

Venom: Let's eat.

They said as the spoon smacks the teen's hand away from the pot.

Eda: Hands off. That's witch's wool. It repels powerful spells. Every witch worth their salt has a cloak made from this stuff.

Luz: We're worth salt. We want cloak.

Eda: Easy, kid. With the Emperor's goons at my doorstep, I need this for protection. They've really stepped up their attacks lately.

Luz: I think I finally understand why the Emperor wants you so badly . . . he's got the hots for you, doesn't he?

She joked as Eda winks while clicking her tongue.

Eda: But no. Emperor Belos wants to control all wild magic through his coven system. He ordered my capture years ago because I refused to fall in line.

Luz: And he won't stop until he's got you?

Venom: They can try, we'll just eat them if they ever come near us.

Eda: Yeah, but don't worry about it, kid. I'm a master escape artist. Besides, I know you two'll have my back.

Suddenly, a bunch of feathers grew all over Eda's body.

Eda: Uh-oh.

She said before transforming into the owl beast.

Luz: King! Get the elixir, now!

King: On it!

He yelled as Luz & Venom assume their monster form, using the symbiote's tendrils to restrain the owl beast while King got the elixir.

They managed to get Eda to drink the elixir, but it didn't work. Luz & Venom continue to restrain Eda as King grabbed more elixir, managing to get her to drink over a dozen.

The amount was enough for Eda to turn back to normal.

Eda: . . . Thanks for that, kid.

She then noticed the dozens of empty elixir vials.

Eda: And those.

Venom: Why is your gem still dark?

Eda: Huh? It's not dark! You're nuts!

Luz: The curse has been getting worse and you've been hiding it!

Eda sighs in defeat.

Eda: You're right. It's taking more elixir to turn me back, and more magic to keep the curse from rearing it's feathery head.

Luz: What happens if you use your magic up? Do you . . . do you die?

Eda: No! Geez, you're morbid. I just kind of, sort of, turn into the owl beast . . . forever. It's a fate much worse than death, if you think about it.

She laughs.

Luz: We can't let that happen. We'll find a cure and-

Eda: Hey, don't worry. I just have to limit my magic use a little.

She says, using her hands to make Luz smile.

Eda: Ah, there's the Luz I know.

She says before Luz's expression changes, appearing as if she's about to cry.

Eda: Ugh. Go on. Do the parallel arm thing.

She says before Luz gives the owl lady a big hug.

King: King demands huggies too!

The little demon says as he hugs Eda's leg.

Eda: Okay. It's time for school.

She grunts as the hugs make it hard for her to walk all the way downstairs.

Eda: Have a good day.

She says, opening the door for Luz as the teen exits the house.

Luz: Get rest. Drink lots of water. Stay out of the sun. Lift with your knees, not your-

She was cut off by Eda slamming the door shut.

Venom: That woman is going to be the death of herself.

Luz: Let's just get to school, Venom.

She said as they made their way to Hexside.

Gus: Luz, Venom, are you guys ready for the field trip of a life time to the one, the only, Emperor's Castle?

Luz: Right. We were gonna stay behind, actually.

Venom: Yeah, we don't like how they treat Eda.

Gus: But you're gonna miss out on all the cool stuff!

Luz: Like what?

Willow: Like ancient relics. Like the Plant Coven's Green Thumb Gauntlet, it can grow whatever you imagine.

Gus: There's the Oracle Sphere, it shows you which path will help you become your best self.

Luz & Venom then noticed something else on the page.

Luz: The Healing Hat. Made from the magic of the Savage Ages. It is said to cure the deadliest diseases and heal any curse?

Willow: Yeah! You can't miss this, Luz.

Principal Bump: All aboard, students!

The students then enter the flying carriage as our duo knew exactly what they were going to do at the castle.

Venom: 'Luz, why are you writing down our plan?'

The symbiote asked through telepathy.

Luz: 'Just gotta make sure we don't forget.'

Venom: 'What if someone finds it? The plan's gonna go south because of your stupidity.'

Willow: Hey, Luz.

Luz: What was that, Willow?

She exclaimed, quickly closing her notebook.

Willow: I was just saying we're getting close to the castle. Emperor Belos built it as a symbol of unity. Before he came to power, folks were doing magic all wrong. He taught us that the only to respect what the Titan gave us, is through joining covens.

Luz & Venom did not like the sound of that.

Willow: It's a shame Amity couldn't make it. She would love this trip.

Venom: So, Willow, about this Belos guy. Is he as powerful as one would expect an emperor to be?

Willow laughs.

Willow: No offense to Eda, but the Emperor's the most skilled witch that's ever lived. He can even talk to the Titan.

She says as the carriage lands in front of the castle.

Principal Bump: Now, the Emperor's assistant will be your tour guide. Please don't make me regret taking you here.

He said as the students exit the carriage while the castle bridge extends itself for them to cross.

Kikimora: Children of Hexside, Emperor Belos welcomes you to his castle. We're honored by visits from students. You'll soon be a part of a coven. Some lucky few may even find their home here, in the mighty Emperor's Coven. You are the future of the Isles. My job is to teach you it's past.

She says as the students follow her into the castle.

Kikimora: Today, the Isles are a place of peace and prosperity. But that wasn't always the case. Up until 50 years ago, witches and demons practiced wild magic during what we called the Savage Ages. Witches had access to corrupt knowledge, and that dishonored the Titan. That was until our great Emperor ascended to the throne and taught witches how to use magic properly. Our next stop is the Emperor's personal collection of relics.

They entered the relic room and saw all sorts of items, including the healing hat.

Venom: 'There it is. Let's grab it.'

The symbiote said as Luz approached the hat.

Gus: Let's go, Luz.

He says, grabbing her hand as they move along with the rest of the group and continue with the tour.

Kikimora: Here at the Emperor's Coven, we require members with sophistication, elegance and grace.

Suddenly, a door opens as Lilith enters, covered in dirt and leaves.

Luz quickly hid behind the other students so she wouldn't notice her.

Kikimora: Make way for Ms. Lilith Clawthorne, students. And if I'm not mistaken, she's on her way to see the Emperor himself. Let's all wish her luck.

Students: Good luck, Ms. Lilith.

Lilith: . . . Thank you, students.

She says before walking away.

Kikimora: This way, children.

While no one was looking, Luz sneaks off and follows Lilith throughout the castle, making sure she doesn't get caught.

Lilith then makes her way to a large door, fixing her hair and brushing off the dirt and leaves before entering.

The door closed as Luz went up to it and looked through the keyhole.

She saw Lilith approaching the emperor sitting on his throne along with a dozen guards standing by. There was also a green, giant beating heart above the emperor's throne.

The emperor seemed to be breathing heavily as Lilith bows to him.

Lilith: I am at your service, Emperor Belos.

One of his servants appear, offering him an item.

Emperor Belos: Just a moment, Lilith.

He says, taking the item and using his finger to crack it, he then pours some kind of green liquid into the eye sockets of his mask.

Emperor Belos: Ah . . . much better.

Luz gasped as she looks away, running down the hall in horror.

Venom: What the heck did we just witness?!

Luz: Why are you surprised? I thought everything on the Boiling Isles was fun and normal for you?

She says, still shaken up by what she just saw.

Venom: Well, sure. But even I have standards. That's just creepy.

They then looked out a window to see the class leaving the castle, they also noticed . . . themselves?

Venom: They're right behind us.

Luz turns around to see Gus and Willow.

Luz: Guys! We, uh-

Willow: The both of you were planning to take the Healing Hat, weren't you?

She says, holding up Luz's notes she had dropped without noticing.

Venom: I told you ya shouldn't have written it down!

Luz sighs.

Luz: You got us. But you don't understand. Eda has this curse and it's zapping away her magic, and-

Willow: Luz, no matter what, you can't steal this hat.

Gus: But you can borrow it.

Willow: Hey. I wanted to say that. We learned about Eda's curse from your notes. We're totally gonna help you.

Luz: Thanks, guys. I know exactly what we gotta do.

Venom: It's time for a heist!

She says as our quartet start sneaking their way around the castle, tricking the guards and making sure they don't get caught.

They eventually made it to the relic room, Luz then takes the healing hat and smiles.

Luz: Now we can cure Eda and bring this hat back before anyone knows it's gone.

Emperor Belos: I will know.

The emperor's voice echoed in their ears, our quartet froze as chills ran down their spines.

Venom: The Emperor . . .

Luz: We need to go. Now.

Suddenly, the doors shut, locking them in.

Willow then grabs the Green Thumb Gauntlet, using it to create a large tree which knocks the door down.

Luz: Come on guys, let's go!

She said as they ran across the room only to stop as Lilith appears before them, using her staff to unveil Luz's cowl.

Lilith: Why, if it isn't Eda's human pet. How perfect.

She says with a grin.

Lilith: Aren't I lucky to find you here.

Luz: Stay away! If you touch us, Venom and I will take you on!

Venom: Yeah, back off!

Lilith: I have no time to waste with you.

She says, her staff glowing.

Willow: Run, Luz!

She yells, using the gauntlet to attack Lilith with plant magic. Gus even used his illusions to help, but they weren't strong enough as they were both knocked to the floor.

Luz: Guys!

Venom takes control, assuming their monster form as they lunge towards Lilith.

The witch then shoots blasts of magic towards the symbiote, prompting them to dodge.

Venom tries to attack from long range using her tendrils, but Lilith was more than capable to defending herself.

Venom then rips a pedestal from the floor and chucks it towards the witch.

Lilith quickly destroys the pedestal just as Venom was inching closer to her.

Lilith quickly hits Venom with a blue fire spell, both Luz and Venom scream in pain as they fell to the ground.

Venom screeched in agony, the fire having burned her as she looks to find Luz.

The teen had hit her head on one of the pedestals, rendering her unconscious.

And not only that, Venom realized that the fire spell had separated her from Luz as well.

Venom scurried towards Luz only for Lilith to surround the human in a blue magic bubble.

Venom: Luz!

The symbiote yells before she herself was imprisoned in a magic bubble.

Venom: You hurt Luz! I'll devour you!

The symbiote yelled as Lilith looked towards Willow and Gus.

Lilith: If you want to see your friends again, deliver this to Edalyn.

She said, using her staff to take Willow and Gus away.

Willow: Luz!

Gus: Venom!

They called out to them as Venom tries to break free from the bubble.

Some time had passed as Lilith had been waiting for Eda at the castle bridge during sundown.

Lilith: Come on, Edalyn. You would be late when I need you the most.

She says as Belos watched from the top of the castle wall.

Suddenly, Eda appears looking real angry at Lilith before throwing Lilith's staff into the castle wall.

Lilith: Sister. I see that you got my invitation to a Witch's Duel.

She says before Eda shoots several blasts of magic at her.

Lilith summons her staff into her hands as the sisters start fighting.

Eda: Where are they?!

She yelled as she charged towards Lilith.

Lilith: Easy now.

She said, putting her hand up, making Eda stop in her tracks.

Lilith: The human and klyntar are safe.

She said, bringing Luz & Venom to the bridge, trapped inside a magic bubble.

Luz had just woken up, she banged her hands against the bubble after realizing what was happening.

Lilith: You can have them back, provided you do as I say. Renounce your wild ways and join the Emperor's Coven. He can heal your curse.

Eda: Don't believe everything that bonehead tells you. He doesn't want to heal me, he wants to control me!

Lilith: Then I will take you in by force.

Eda: You've always looked down on me because I'm wild, but, fortunately, that just made me work harder than you.

She said, charging towards Lilith, swinging her staff like a baseball bat, launching her into the air.

The two then resume their fight in the air all around the castle as Luz & Venom looked on within their bubbles.

Lilith then fires a blast of magic towards our duo. Eda immediately flew down to them as their bubbles were rolling towards the edge.

The Owl Lady used her magic to keep them from falling as Lilith returns to the ground.

Eda then restrains Lilith with Hooty mimics, twirling her staff and firing a huge blast of magic.

Lilith then moved our duo in front of her as a shield, to which Eda quickly diverts the blast away.

Eda: Stop hiding behind them, you coward!

She pants as does Lilith.

Lilith: It's sad to see you slowing down, sister. Tell me . . . is it the curse?

Eda growled as the black in her gem started to grow.

Venom: Eda, no!

Eda: Maybe it is the curse. But then how pathetic are you that you can't best me at my worst?!

She yelled, firing several blasts at Lilith, using the Hooty mimics to get Luz out of the way.

Lilith creates a magic barrier to block the blasts.

Lilith: You may be stronger than me, but that made me work smarter. I became sharp, crafty!

Eda: A lapdog for a tyrant!

They yelled as Luz managed to break the bubble by rolling it into a large spike.

Lilith: You always thought you were better than me, that I could never beat you in anything!

Eda: I AM better than you!

Lilith: Then why were you so easy to curse?!

She yelled, making Luz, Venom & Eda's eyes widen in shock of this revelation. Lilith gasped, she didn't mean to tell the truth to Eda like this.

Lilith: A-And I have the power to remove it, if you would just let me explain.

Eda didn't wanna hear any excuses, screaming in anger as she slams Lilith into the castle wall.

Luz: Eda, stop! Your magic!

Lilith: Human, that orb was for your protection.

She said, throwing the teen off the bridge.

Venom & Eda: Luz!

They yelled as Eda used her magic to stop Luz from falling into the spikes below.

Luz: Eda, stop! You'll run out of magic!

Eda: It's my power, kid. And before you showed up, I spent my whole life wasting it.

Lilith used her magic to create a large blue hand that started pushing Luz closer to the spikes.

Eda: All right, you two. Listen to me. I'm going away, and I don't know if I can bounce back this time. Watch over King, remember to feed Hooty.

Luz & Venom's eyes widened upon hearing her words.

Venom: Eda?

Luz: Please, no!

Eda: Luz, Venom . . . thank you for being in my life.

She says before screaming as she used the last of her power to create a big blast of magic.

Luz would've fallen into the spikes had Owlbert not swooped in and flew her back onto the bridge.

Luz: Eda!

She said as she tried to shake her awake only for Eda to start screeching, transforming into the Owl Beast.

Eda snarls at Luz and was going to attack but Lilith restrained her with magic chains, dragging Eda across the bridge.

Lilith: Come along, sister. Now we can let the healing begin.

She said as Belos walks away, knowing that Eda has finally been captured.

Luz: You monster!

She yelled as she tried to fight Lilith, but without Venom, she was just an ordinary human girl.

Venom: Let me go, witch!

Lilith: I'm afraid the emperor has instructed me to bring you in as well. He believes you will be of great use to him, Klyntar.

She says before throwing Luz to the other side of the bridge and Owlbert being captured as well.

Lilith: Leave, human. Edalyn is finally with her family. Her real family.

She said as the bridge began to move with Luz having no way to cross.

Lilith: Go back to your world. This one is ours.

She says with a grin.

Luz: Venom!

Venom: Luz!

They called out to each other before the castle doors were closed shut.

With no other choice, Luz walked all the way back to the Owl House.

Hooty yawned as Luz came back.

Hooty: Oh, Luz. There you are.

He said as she enters the house without a word.

Hooty: Luz?

She looked to see a huge cake to which King bursts out of it.

King: The cake is me! . . . Hey, where's Eda and Venom?

Luz then fell to her knees as tears streamed down her face. King and Hooty went up to check on her as Luz cried.

-To be continued-

If you guys enjoyed this story please give it a like, comment your thoughts, give me a follow and share this story with your friends.

If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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