Glory and Gore || l.s. โœ“

By twinklingpisces

40.4K 2.3K 1.7K

Harry Styles is the Prince of Wonderland. Louis Tomlinson is the stable boy. All Harry wants is to befriend t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

1K 73 16
By twinklingpisces

Liam handed Niall and Zayn their drinks as Louis sat on the other side of Harry.

"So, Harry, I got you a glass of punch and a glass of rose lemonade. The punch is alcoholic so I didn't know if you'd want it."

"Thank you." Harry took both the drinks gratefully. He lifted the punch up to his mouth, taking a sip.

"You don't have to drink it, you know?"

"I know. But I may as well try it. Would you like to taste it? It's delightful." He held out the cup towards Louis.

"Go on then." Louis opened his mouth.

Harry seemed confused for a second before he realised. "Louis, I'm going to spill it all over your face."

Louis snorted, a hand flying up to his mouth. "Sorry, what?"

Harry scrunched his face up in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Louis's got a dirty mind." Zayn said, "don't mind him."

"I don't understand."

"You know when you," Niall paused to do the hand motions, "over someone's face."

"Wha- oh, that is obscene!" Harry gasped, his cheeks tinging pink as Louis threw his head back, laughing even more.

"Christ." Liam shook his head, laughing. "You're probably the least mature person I know, Louis."

"Did you not hear what he said?"

Harry crossed his arms, pouting as he shook his head.

"Hey, what've I told you about pouting like that." Louis nudged him with his knuckle, still laughing a little.

Harry switched to a smile, "better?"

"Much. If the wind changes you'll be stuck looking a lot happier. Right," Louis opened his mouth again before speaking again, "try not to spill all over my face though Harry. Not the time or place."

Harry's blush darkened. He lifted the glass, pouring it into Louis's mouth. Louis met Harry's eyes as he swallowed, his tongue darting out to lick at the corner of his mouth.

"That's beautiful." He smirked, not breaking eye contact.

"Yeah." Harry breathed out.

"Oh, fuck's sake." Zayn muttered, shaking his head with an amused smile.

"The tension is fucking killing me. I can't breathe." Niall pretended to fan himself.

"Huh?" Harry turned to look at them.

"Nothing." Niall said quickly.


"The fireworks will be starting soon." Louis spoke. The sky had turned dark, people gathered around the bonfire as a slight chill set in.

"Oh gosh." Harry grimaced.

"What are you 'oh goshing' about?"

"Um, I'm just not keen on fireworks. I might have to go inside."

"Why are you scared of them?"

"I never said I was scared." Harry spoke. "Merely not a fan."

"Okay, why are you not a fan?" Louis lit up a cigarette.

"You smoke far too much." Harry frowned.

"So you've said." Louis raised his eyebrows. "Answer my question please."

"I don't like loud noises as such. They frighten me. Don't get me wrong, fireworks are beautiful, but I don't know."

"Are you sure you don't want to watch them with me?"

"I don't know." Harry shrugged. "I think I should go inside."

"Do you want me to come with-" Louis was cut off as a whistling pierced through the air, followed by a loud bang.

Harry jumped, cowering back into Louis's chest and covering his ears immediately.

Louis immediately wrapped an arm around Harry, holding him close. Another firework shot up into the air and Louis moved his own hands to Harry's ears.

Harry flinched as the next one went off. "Do you wanna go inside?" Louis asked as he tugged Harry a little closer.

Harry placed his own hands over Louis's, leaning properly against him. Harry shook his head, "I think maybe I'll be okay, if-"

"If I keep me hands over your ears?" Louis lifted his hand for a second so Harry could hear him.

Harry nodded.

"Then I'll do just that." Louis smiled, resting the side of his face against the side of Harry's head.

Louis felt as Harry's cheeks puffed out, his face obviously stretching out into a grin. "Thank you." He murmured happily.

Despite being near the bonfire, Harry hadn't felt any warmth until he was held close by Louis. Harry could still smell the undertones of Louis's usual scent, though on top of that there was an intoxicating mix of saffron and citrus.

Harry tilted his head back a little as he watched a firework soar up into the air. He felt Louis's light stubble brush against his skin and he sighed happily as the pink sparks faded away into the sky.


The fireworks soon ended and Harry turned around to face Louis, hugging him. "Thank you."

"What for?" Louis stumbled back a little, his hand flying up to Harry's head.

"You know, covering my ears and kind of looking after me. I enjoyed watching the fireworks out here, with you." Harry explained shyly.

"Well, I enjoyed watching the fireworks with you too." Louis smiled as he pulled away. "But I'm afraid I ought to go soon. I've gotta help get the girls and Ernest to bed. They'll be far too excited for my mum to get them all into bed."

"That's okay. I shall see you soon. Have you had fun today?"

"I've had a brilliant day. Have you?"

"I have." Harry grinned.

"Good. I'm glad. Well, see you soon." Louis squeezed Harry's shoulder gently.

Harry waved as Louis walked off into the crowd. Once Louis was out of sight, Harry searched for Gemma.

"Harry!" Gemma called, waving him over. Harry's face lit up and he ran over. "The fireworks were simply wonderful, weren't they?"

"They were." Harry nodded as she wrapped an arm around him. "They were so pretty."

"You look tired." Gemma said.

"I am. It's been a long day."

"I think you should get some rest." Gemma told him kindly. "Have your friends all gone home?"

"Louis has, I have to find Niall and Zayn so I can say goodbye and then I'll go to bed."

"Alright." She smiled softly.

Christ I'm sorry I have not update in a while I hope you enjoy

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