[On Hold] What If Luz bonded...

By KaijuLord54

48.6K 987 584

This is a fanfiction of how The Owl House would turn out if Luz Noceda had bonded with the Venom symbiote. More

Season 1 - Part 1
Season 1 - Part 2
Season 1 - Part 3
Season 1 - Part 4
Season 1 - Part 5
Season 1 - Part 6
Season 1 - Part 8
Season 1 - Part 9
Season 2 - Part 1
Season 2 - Part 2
Season 2 - Part 3
Season 2 - Part 4
Season 2 - Part 5
Season 2 - Part 6
Season 2 - Part 7
Season 2 - Part 8
Season 2 - Part 9
Season 2 - Part 10
Season 2 - Part 11

Season 1 - Part 7

1.9K 43 13
By KaijuLord54

Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or Marvel Comics so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Eda had just dropped off Luz to school as the teen sees the fireworks and grudgby season banners.

Eda: Ah, Grudgby Season is the best. I used to play back in my gory days.

Luz: You mean glory days?

Eda: That too. I was unstoppable on the field. I had the best moves and the best cheats.

Luz: . . . Cheating's not something to brag about. How do you know you were any good if you just cheated your way to victory?

Eda scoffs.

Eda: What do humans know with your goodie-goodie attitude? If cheaters never prosper, why was I the star player?

Luz: Well, can't reason with crazy.

She then reached into her cowl, taking out a sleepy King.

Luz: Bye, King, you little snoozers.

She says, handing him to Eda before heading off the class.

She sat at a table with Willow and Gus by her side.

Luz: We can't wait for Grudgby Season to start. We've studied up on all sorts of magic sports like watching The Good Witch Azura Movie 2: Field of Deadly Fates. A classic underdog tale.

Venom: Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking a chance on the deadly Thorn Vault?

She says, opening Luz's movie case to reveal the disc inside.

Gus: Ooh, shiny cookie.

He says, about to grab the disc until Venom slaps his hand with a black tendril.

Venom: You idiot.

The teacher then asks Willow a question, to which she answers correctly. Both the teacher and students were impressed.

Luz: Wow. Everybody's got Willow fever now that you've been more confident lately.

Willow: Well, I got patching things up with Amity to thank for that.

She says, suddenly Willow's flower hair clip glows green and levitates out of her hair and into the hands of Boscha.

Boscha: Aw, Willow thinks she's popular now. How cute.

Luz saw Willow's reaction to Boscha's comment, making the teen furrow her eyebrows as she turns to look at Boscha.

Luz: You're right, my friend is very cute. But give that back.

She says, trying to take back Willow's hair clip.

Boscha: It's weird that Amity hangs out with you now. Ever since Grom, she's gone soft. But don't worry, I'm still here to show you who's boss.

She said, putting the clip in her hair only for Venom to sneakily snatch it away with a tendril, giving it back to Willow.

Venom: Oh, I'm sorry, did you forget about me?

The symbiote says with a smirk.

Boscha: Oh, the friends wanna get in on this too, huh?

She then used magic to levitate Willow's bag into the air, making all her stuff fall onto our quartet.

Later that day, Boscha kept picking on them all day long as they sat on the school steps.

Luz: She followed us around all day . . . she LITERALLY followed us around ALL DAY!

Venom: Does she NOT have anything better to do?!

Willow sighs.

Willow: I'm really sorry I pulled you guys into this. Should've just kept a low profile. Boscha could get away with murder if she wanted to.

Principal Bump: Boscha got away with murder? I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying out new things.

Luz & Venom then noticed Amity a few yards away.

Luz: Hey, Amity!

She called out as she ran up to her.

Amity: Oh, Luz, you're here! I mean, obviously you're here, this is school and you go here now . . . with me.

She said, blushing as an oblivious Luz looks at her.

Venom grinned, the symbiote knowing full well that Amity has a crush on her host.

Amity: I've been talking for too long.

Luz: Amity, we need your help.

Amity: Yes! I can help! . . . With what, exactly?

Luz: Boscha won't stop picking on Willow and no one will do anything about it because she's "the Star Captain of the Grudgby Team."

Amity: Yeah, this time of year, she's extra unbearable.

Luz: You're friends with her, can you help us?

Amity: The hard part is there's no reasoning with Boscha. She only speaks in Grudgby terms.

Luz: Mmm? Okay, okay, I'm picking up what you're putting down.

Amity: . . . I'm not putting anything down.

They then hear Willow screaming.

Luz: Willow!

She ran towards Willow to see her covered in garbage.

Venom: Who did this?!

Willow: Boscha.

Luz & Venom look up to see Boscha holding a garbage can in her hands while giving them a smug grin.

Boscha: Hey, Willow, I just thought all trash should stay in one spot.

Venom: Luz, let's eat that little witch!

Luz: No. I got a better idea. Boscha, we challenge you to a Grudgby Match!

Willow, Gus & Boscha: You what?!

Boscha frowns as she leaves the window.

Willow: Luz, Venom, what are you doing?

Venom: Teaching that pink haired, three eyed freak a lesson, that's what!

Willow: But-

Luz: Don't worry, we got this.

She said as Boscha meets with Luz face to face.

Boscha: Maybe it's the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you challenge ME to a Grudgby game.

Luz: You heard right. We settle this on the field.

Boscha: Oh yeah?

Luz: Yeah. If our team wins, you have to stop picking on Willow.

Venom: And let me eat your hand!

Luz: That too.

Boscha: Fine. And when my team wins, you and your team will be our water gofers.

Venom: Pfft! What do we have to fear in selling drinks?

Boscha: And we get to use you as target practice.

She says before kicking a ball straight through a tree trunk.

Boscha: See you after school, losers.

She said before walking away with her friends.

Amity: Luz, I don't think that was a good idea.

Willow: Yeah, we've never even played Grudgby before.

Venom: Don't be a bunch of wimps! Boscha's going down!

Luz: Venom's right. All we need is a little practice, a training montage and we'll be more than ready to stick it to Boscha! So who's with me?

Willow: . . . Well, if you think this'll work, then I'm in. Gus?

Gus: I want to help, but I'm bad at sports. Like, REALLY bad at sports.

Venom: So you're pretty much useless then.

The symbiote says before getting a smack on the head from Luz.

Venom: Ow!

Luz: Venom!

Gus: It's okay, Luz. I know what I'm all about.

Luz: Okay then. How about you, Amity?

Amity: Me? On a team with you? Running around in cute uniforms? Sweating?! . . . I gotta go!

She yelled, running away. Luz immediately caught up to Amity, grabbing her wrist and stopping her as the witch blushed.

Luz: Please join our team, Amity. Pretty please?

She begs with the cutest otter eyes she could muster while Venom grins at a flustered Amity.

Amity: O-Okay . . .

Luz: Yes! Thanks, Amity!

She said, hugging her, making Amity's entire face turn red.

Luz: Come on, guys! Let's get to work!

She said as they all headed to the Grudgby field, Luz using her phone to play the Rocky theme as they start practicing.

It was after school, Luz and her team were waiting in the Grudgby field as Boscha's team showed up.

Boscha: Amity? You're playing with the human and the half-a-witch? You just destroyed your social life, you know that?

Amity: No, I think I've made it better.

Boscha grunts.

Boscha: Game on!

She said as the two teams got into positions.

Gus: Go, Luz!

He cheered from the stands.

Luz: You ready to lose, Boscha?

Boscha: Like I could ever lose to a human.

Luz: Careful, Boscha. You don't wanna make a habit of forgetting about Venom.

She says as the symbiote covers her entire body, assuming their superhero form. The game then starts as the ball is launched into the air.

Luz jumps high into the air, grabbing the ball and firing long black tendrils towards the goal, swinging towards it and making the first score of the game.

They then got the second score with Willow using her plant magic to trip Boscha and travel to the goal.

Their third score came when the field traps activated. Amity used her abomination magic to stop the traps as Luz used her super speed, easily getting past Boscha and her team until she reached the goal.

Boscha and her team started upping their game as they started to make scores of their own.

The scoreboard was currently 6 for Boscha's team and 5 for Luz's team.

Boscha used magic to set the ball on fire before throwing it.

Luz used one of her glyphs, catching the flaming ball with ice. The ball was hot enough to melt downward and into Luz's hands.

She then saw that the ball had a glyph on it, she quickly got out a piece of paper, placing it onto the ball.

The heat of the glyph burns into the paper as Luz taps it, setting the ball on fire.

Luz: Whoa, fire magic!

Venom: Please keep it away from me.

Luz: Amity!

She yelled as she threw the ball, Boscha's team panicked, dodging the ball as Amity used her abomination magic to punch the ball into the goal.

Amity: Yeah!

She laughs in excitement.

The game continued until the scoreboard read 9 for both teams with only 30 seconds left.

Amity: There's time for one more play.

Luz: Pick a glyph, any glyph.

She says, showing them her magic glyphs of light, ice, plant and fire.

Willow: I think we should try this one.

She says, pointing at the plant glyph.

Venom: The Thorn Vault, huh?

Willow: Yeah, let's do this.

She said as they got into position.

Luz caught the ball but didn't notice Boscha charging towards her.

Amity: Look out!

She yelled, pushing Luz out of the way as Boscha tackled her.

Luz: Amity!

Amity: Luz, go!

She yelled as Luz kept her distance from Boscha's teammates.

She quickly threw the ball towards Willow, to which she used the planet glyph to propel herself into the air with the Thorn Vault maneuver, Willow making the final score.

Luz: Willow, you did it! We won!

She said, bear hugging Willow with excitement.

Boscha: Dang it! Haven't you guys seen it anywhere?!

Boscha's teammates shook their heads.

Boscha: What the heck! Why isn't the Rusty Smidge here?!

Luz: What's a rusty smidge?

Willow: A little golden bug, the team who catches it will automatically win.

Venom: Wait, you said it was a golden bug?

Willow: Yes?

Venom: I ate it.

Luz: Say what now?

Venom: I saw it crawling around the field and I was hungry for a snack and ate it.

Luz: Oh, gross! That's the terrible taste in my mouth?! And here I thought it was my breakfast and lunch mixing together!

She said just as her teammates ran up to Luz and Willow, telling them it was a good game and asking if they wanted to join the team.

But Luz and Willow politely denied their request as Venom retreats into Luz's body. They then noticed Amity on the ground, groaning in pain.

Luz, Venom & Willow: Amity!

They yelled as they ran to her.

Amity: I think I hurt my leg. But I'll be okay.

Luz: Are you sure? We could help carry you if it really hurts.

This made Amity blush as she laughs nervously.

Amity: I'm fine! Hahaha! Uh . . . who's Amity?

Luz: And, scoop!

She says, carrying Amity bridal style.

Amity: Oh. Wow. Sports.

Luz then proceeds to carry Amity to the nurse's office, before she, Willow and Gus made their way to the Owl House.

King was dancing while wearing a cheerleader outfit.

King: Uh, you're not gonna show this to anyone, right?

Eda: Of course not, keep cheering!

She said as Luz was recording him with her phone, both trying their best not to laugh.

Some time later, Amity made it to the Owl House with a crutch and a cast on her right leg. Hooty gave her a lift, setting Amity onto the sofa as they all have a cup of tea together.

-To be continued-

If you guys enjoyed this story please give it a like, comment your thoughts, give me a follow and share this story with your friends.

If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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