sweet creature x jemily

By theprxntisstrials

59.5K 1.1K 3K

Emily is granted the opportunity to adopt Carrie after her entire family was murdered. Emily is adjusting to... More

bonus chapter: twenty-one


2.8K 54 169
By theprxntisstrials

pray for me y'all i have quizzes and papers and my finals week of summer semester starts tomorrow. i'm going to be crying all week✌️😗

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

TW: swearing, mentions of violence
word count: 3505

Derek: "When twin flames find one another. It starts the process of self-healing on emotional, mental, and physical level." Lala Agni.

"And I just have one final question," Tara said and looked over at Carrie. The teenager was fidgeting with her hands as usual. Tara's eyes fell to this nervous tick. "Is there anything in particular you'd like to tell me about? I notice you've been a little vague this session. And, the last thing I'd want you to do is to keep something in."

"I'm nervous," Carrie said and gulped softly. Tara raised her eyebrows to make the teenager continue. "I'm only a two weeks from transferring schools and I'm a little nervous about the change that's going to happen. Emily made sure to pick a good high school. But, it just won't be the same for me."

"Are you going to get involved in any school activities? It could really help take your mind off of the nerves of transferring schools," Tara said and tilted her head to the side. Carrie pursed her lips. "There's always sports or maybe an art club or something? I know Emily has an act for drawing."

"I do like to draw. I suck at it, but it's always been a hobby of mine," Carrie said and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I'm just worried about everyone finding out and making fun of me for it."

"Carrie," Tara said softly. "Kids are assholes. But, I don't think they would take it that far. Plus, you have the whole FBI behind you if that's the case."

"You're right. But, I just don't want to be the odd kid out. There's always that one kid that nobody knows because they joined the school late. And I don't want to be that kid. Everyone there has already been in school with each other for probably years. And I'm coming in and just—I don't know," Carrie said and sighed. "I miss my old friends and Trevor."

"Trevor?" Tara asked and raised an eyebrow. Carrie cleared her throat nervously. "Who's Trevor?"

"He's a guy from my old school. When Emily and I went to go to Colorado, we saw him working at a gelato place. He was nice to me both before and after everything," Carrie said and smiled softly. Tara wore a proud smile on her face. "We almost dated, but like not really. He's just been texting me and checking in. I don't know, like how a guy does? He's really sweet."

"Do I want to ask if the mother figure in your life knows?" Tara asked and bit her lip as she shook her head slightly. Carrie smiled innocently.

"Emily teased me relentlessly the entire flight home! If she finds out I'm texting this guy, she'll totally go mom mode, or make fun of me until I die. And at this point, I don't know which is worse," Carrie said and rolled her eyes making Tara laugh. Tara's phone alarm went off, signaling that the session was over.

"Well, next session you can tell me more about this Trevor. He seems like a nice guy for you," Tara said and chuckled as she stood up. "Come on, Emily is probably waiting for you."

"Actually, she's at the doctor's getting her hand checked out from the Thanksgiving beat down," Carrie said making Tara scrunch up her face. She would have paid good money to see Emily in a physical fight. "So, I'm just going to go with Penelope."

"Penelope?" Tara asked as she started to get a little nervous. Carrie raised her eyebrows. "Your unofficial godmother Penelope? Colorful Penelope?"

"Is there anyone else? I think you guys contrast each other. Plus, I don't think I've ever seen Penelope in black," Carrie said and shrugged her shoulders as she and Tara made their way down the hall. "You know, she's single."

"Look at you playing match maker. First, JJ and Emily. Then, you and Trevor. Next, me and Penelope? I think that's a lot of cupid arrows for one person's back," Tara said and chuckled. "Ever thought about going into couples counseling?"

"She's amazing, Doct—Tara," Carrie said and looked up at the woman. The older woman nodded her head at her correction.

"Who's amazing?" Penelope asked as she ran into the two coming around the corner. Tara's eyes widened as she saw Penelope standing right there in front of her. "Because if it's me, I already know."

Both Carrie and Tara chuckled as Penelope sipped on her drink in her hands. Carrie forced a smile over at Tara to get her to say something. The woman just chuckled as she nodded her head at both Carrie and Penelope. "Well, I should get going. I'll see you for your next session, Carrie."

"Bye, Doctor Lewis," Penelope said and subconiously batted her eyelashes. Tara nearly stopped breathing there for a second as she awkwardly took a few steps back.

"Bye, Penelope," Tara said shyly before turning away and walking towards the elevators. Penelope's eyes shamelessly ran up and down the woman's figure. Carrie looked over at Penelope with raised eyebrows.

"She is delicious," Penelope said and shook her head slightly. Her nails tapped against the coffee mug as she took a deep inhale. Carrie didn't want to know the thoughts that Penelope was thinking. They were probably very unholy. Carrie would like to keep her purity for as long as she could.

"So, you are gay?" Carrie asked as tilted her head. She could use this information for Tara.

"Oh, pumpkin, I don't discriminate based on gender or sex. As long as they're not a bad person, there's always a possibility of me falling for them. And trust me, I fall easily," Penelope said and placed her hand on Carrie's shoulder. The teenager nodded her head as they locked eyes. Penelope ran a hand down the side of Carrie's face before pinching her cheek. The blonde woman grabbed her ID and swiped it onto the door. Carrie just furrowed her eyebrows. It was apparently a good morning for Penelope.

"Hey, Carrie!" JJ shouted loudly as she made her way down the hallway. Carrie turned and saw the woman practically jogging towards her. "I uh, I've got a question for you."

"Shoot," Carrie said and looked back at Penelope. The analysist raised her eyebrows at the two interacting. JJ pursed her lips as she wrapped her arm around Carrie, and led her away slightly from Penelope.

"Just for like, research purposes, do you know what Emily's favorite chocolate brand is? Or like flowers or meal. You know, for research," JJ said and poked her tongue against her cheek. Carrie couldn't help the smile that was taking over her face. The teenager pulled away slightly from JJ's embrace and smirked slightly at the woman. "Oh, hush up. This is why I told you away from Penelope. Garcia would have it delivered already if I told her. I just wanted to get her something as like a thank you. You both have been sweet for letting me stay with you. Things have been hectic, and I just think a nice gift would be a reasonable thank you."

"A thank you?" Carrie asked and tilted her head, slightly annoyed with having to deal with JJ's nonchalant attitude. "Normal people get someone a thank you card or lunch. Not a flower bouquet and a lovely box of chocolates. It's Emily! Just ask her to lunch or something. Or like, make dinner for her when you both get home."

"Flowers are nice!" JJ said defensively as she crossed her arms. "It's just a gift. It's just a thank you."

"Not to Emily," Carrie said just above a whisper. JJ raised her eyebrows.

"What was that?" JJ asked and leaned forward towards Carrie. The teenager made her lips into a tight line and tilted her head.

"What? Gotta go! Penelope and I are going to stalk Ashton Kutcher's instagram account!" Carrie said and smiled widely as she practically ran off towards Penelope.

"Carrie Ortiz-Prentiss!" JJ shouted as Carrie entered Penelope's lair. The blonde woman groaned as she threw her head back in defeat. She ran her hands over her face as she paused in the hallway. Sometimes, JJ wished she could read minds.

"You okay? You look like hell," Emily said as she walked up towards JJ. The blonde woman jumped at Emily's sudden voice. "Sorry! Sorry! You looked like you needed someone to talk to."

"Yeah, just your daughter being a pain," JJ said jokingly as she pointed towards Penelope's lair. Emily shrugged her shoulders.

"It runs in the family," Emily said and chuckled. "What's she bothering you about this time?"

"I—you know what? Uh, it's okay," JJ said and licked her lips as her eyes fell to the floor. Emily raised an eyebrow as she carefully examined JJ.

"It doesn't look okay," Emily said and tilted her head slightly. "Come on, JJ. You know you can talk to me about anything."

The blonde woman nodded her head as she took a deep breath. Her hands came up as she played with the ring on her finger. Emily's eyes landed on the nervous tick, causing JJ to stop.

"Would you like to go to lunch with me?" JJ asked and stuffed her hands into her back pockets. Emily's lips parted as she and JJ locked eyes. The two women stood there in slight awkwardness as the tension thickened. Emily cleared her throat and nodded her head.

"Yeah, as long as you're paying," Emily said and chuckled. JJ rolled her eyes.

"Obviously, I never ask someone out and then make them pay. I just wanted to give you a thank you gift for letting me stay with you and Carrie. Plus the whole, you brusing your knuckles because of Will thing. I really need to make it up to you for sticking up for me," JJ said and gestured towards Emily's wrapped hand. The raven-haired woman shook her hand slightly as she chuckled. "It's the least I can do for you."

"I'll take a steak from Mastro's steakhouse with some of those delicious garlic mash potatoes and lobster mac and cheese," Emily said jokingly. JJ nodded, mentally taking a note of the woman's order. "And some frozen yogurt afterwards."

"Anything else?" JJ asked and tilted her head.

Emily's eyes softened as she leaned forward and kissed JJ. The blonde woman didn't hesistate to kiss her back. JJ's arms wrapped around her neck and brought her closer. Emily wanted to stay in this moment forever. The taste of JJ's strawberry chapstick was intoxicating to Emily.

"Emily?" JJ said as she waved a hand in front of her face. Emily snapped out of her daydream. She dozed off looking right at JJ's lips.

Just a day dream, Emily.

"Uh, y-yeah. I'll come get you for lunch. I've got to go check on my uh, my Carrie," Emily said as her cheeks started to get a tint of pink across them. JJ's eyebrows raised as Emily crashed the side of her body against the door as she tried to open it. She chuckled as Emily just waved slightly at her before disappearing behind the door.

"Well, good morning to you too, street fighter," Penelope said and chuckled. Carrie was sitting on Penelope's desk as the two scrolled through various celebrity social media accounts.

"You okay? You look paler than usual," Carrie said and furrowed her eyebrows. Emily glanced over at her with darting eyes.

"Ha ha, very funny," Emily said as she crashed down on the empty chair in the office. Both women looked at each other, before looking back at Emily. "I just—I don't know. Stupid crush."

"Tell me about it," Penelope and Carrie mumbled simultaneously. Emily's ears perked up. Before she can say anything, Carrie and Penelope turned towards the computers once again. Emily just threw her head back against the seat. She'd figure this whole situation with JJ out eventually. Maybe not now before coffee.

"A few more minutes then you've got to go back home," Emily said to Carrie. The teenager nodded her head as her and Penelope both pursed their lips at the other.

It was a few hours, and a lot of coffee, later. Emily had made her way over to JJ's office. The raven-haired woman pulled out her phone and opened her camera. She smiled softly as she fixed her hair in her reflection. She wiped the corner of her mouth and took a deep breath before nodding her head and putting her phone away. She raised her hand to knock when the door opened.

JJ's eyes widened as she saw Emily there. "Hi, sorry. I didn't know you were right there."

"Well, I was about to knock," Emily said awkwardly and put her hands in front of her. "Uh, grab your bag, and we can go whereever you want."

"You are the sweetest, truly," JJ said and smiled softly. The blonde woman grabbed her bag quickly and was out the door with Emily. They walked side by side towards the elevator doors. Spencer, Derek and Penelope were all walking out of Penelope's lair. The blonde woman noticed the two women at the elevator and practically tackled Derek and Spencer into the empty conference room.

"Hey!" Spencer shouted as Derek landed on top of him.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Penelope whisper yelled as she poked her head out of the door. She saw Emily smile shyly as JJ laughed at something the woman said. "Oh my God! It's happening. Quick, call Carrie!"

"What's going on, Penelope?" Derek asked and got off of Spencer and wiped his pants of the dust that was now on them. "What's wrong with Carrie?"

"You know we don't have to go anywhere right? I could have easily ordered some food and brought it here to the BAU," Emily said and swayed her body side to side subconsiously with JJ as they waited for the elevator.

"Nonesense, I get to steal you away for a while. And besides, I'm paying," JJ said and smiled softly at Emily. Penelope's jaw dropped. The love eyes that were happening with JJ made Penelope smile. She had only ever seen those eyes with one other person. Derek had enough and finally peeked his head over the door way above Penelope's head.

"Oh, Prentiss has a little bit of game. You punch the guy you're in competition with, and then take his place," Derek said and smiled as he nodded his head.

"Why do I always get stuck at the bottom?" Spencer mumbled as he stuck his head out underneath Penelope's and landed on the two women. "Shouldn't JJ and Emily wait? Will just got beat up. At this rate, Emily might break her knuckles."

"If there's one thing you need to know, it's that you don't wait. Emily will sweep her off her feet eventually," Derek said and wiggled his eyebrows. "And then, Emily won't be so mean to us if JJ is here to calm her further with a little loving."

"Emily isn't mean," Spencer said rather loudly. Derek smacked his head as the two women looked around at the source of the noise. Their eyes landed on the three idiots with their heads sticking out of an empty room. All three of them slowly backed into the room making JJ chuckle and Emily shake her head.

"Maybe not completely away from everyone," Emily said and chuckled.

"At least for a little bit," JJ said and placed her hand on Emily's arm. The raven-haired woman tried not to freak out at the small gesture. JJ was always physically affectionate but now it was different. Emily had a chance now.

The elevator doors finally opened and the two women entered and disappeared from the team's view. Penelope sighed as she looked out and saw the two gone.

"We will get to the bottom of what those two are doing eventually. Now, let me summon the mini Prentiss!" Penelope said and walked off towards her lair once again.

Derek and Spencer both looked towards the elevator, then towards Penelope's lair, and then back at each other. Both of them shrugged their shoulders and turned to go towards the bullpen.

It was closing time for Clara. The woman was stuck doing paperwork all day which made her in a worse mood then she already was. Also, the feeling of eyes being on her the entire time.

Gossip spread fast in the entire department. So, Clara was feeling the pressure of everyone wanting to know the truth.

"Clara," Will called out as he walked towards Clara's desk. The brunette woman sighed heavily as she heard the rapid footsteps approaching. Practically nobody was in the office, this was perfect timing for Will.

"There better be a fire on me for you to be approaching me, LaMontagne," Clara said as she flipped the papers in her hands. Will cleared his throat as he leaned over towards Clara. "Jesus, you need a mint."

"I need to talk to you," Will said and took a tiny step back from Clara. The woman scoffed as she scribbled her signature on the paper in front of her.

"Yeah right. Go fuck yourself," Clara said and grabbed her empty coffee mug and turned to head towards the coffee pot. Will grabbed onto her arm harshly.

"Clara wait," Will said as his grip on Clara tightened. The woman didn't hesitate to pull it back. Clara turned and pulled out her pocket knife. She pointed the blade down at the man. That's when she finally got a good look at Will. One of the capillaries in his eyes had popped causing it to turn red. The man's face sported various different color bruises from Emily and the one hit from Rossi. Will also had a nose cast on his face, the two agents nearly broke his nose entirely.

"You do that again, you won't have a dick to get wet anymore," Clara warned as she turned her head to see if anyone was watching them. The station was practically empty. Everyone wanted to go home early.

"I'm sorry," Will said as he put up his hands in surrender. Clara clenched her jaw before putting her knife away. She was about to walk away when she felt Will's footsteps follow after her. "Have you spoken to JJ at all?"

"Yes I have. But, it was a private conversation," Clara said and set down her coffee mug in her hand. "Now, leave me alone."

"I need to talk to her, Clara, please," Will said as he stood a little too close to the woman. Clara flicked her eyes up at him. He was so close to just getting on his knees and begging her.

"I'm going to give you two pieces of advice, and then you get the fuck away from me," Clara said and grabbed the coffee pot. She slowly poured in the fresh coffee into her mug. "First thing is, you need to stop with the whole staring at me until you think I want to talk to you. It's fucking creepy. And, you need to be a man and own up to your mistake and admit that you messed up in front of the whole station. And secondly, you want to find JJ? If you want your teeth knocked out of your head, then you can happily make your way to Emily's apartment. The apartment that's loaded with guns, and the deadly woman herself. That's where you'll find JJ. But, don't forget, Emily did that to your face in a matter of seconds. If she gets her hands on you again, she'll make sure you don't get up. Besides, Derek is her neighbor."

"She's staying with Emily?" Will asked and gulped slightly. Clara nodded as a smirk formed on her face. The man tapped his knuckles against the counter. He sat with that thought for a second before nodding his head and leaving Clara alone. He didn't want to deal with Emily and Derek both.

Clara chuckled as she shook her head. JJ was staying with Emily until she finds herself a new apartment. Preferably, far away from her last one so Will can't find her. The thing about Derek was a lie, she just loved to toy with him too much.

"Men," Clara said and rolled her eyes. The brunette chuckled as she sipped on her coffee and made her way back to her desk.

Clara: "Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is." Albert Camus.

i simply want to eat some sushi and or have ice cream because it's cold and raining and i want comfort food🙃

i'll be updating soon! -salem🤍

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