Haikyuu x Male Reader Boyfrie...

By mtndewcollectors

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boyfriend scenarios with the haikyuu boys and a male reader. theres not many of these so i made one :) charac... More

how you met♡
being friends with them includes♡
they realise they like you♡
how they comfort you after a bad day♡
your best friend♡
nicknames/contact names♡
when you met their team♡
do you play volleyball/your hobby♡
who youd be in a poly relationship with ♡
iwaizumi catch up ♡
Bokuto × Reader (Soulmate Au)
them as convos my friends had w/ me ♡
them as songs in my playlist
the pets you guys would own ♡
saying their names in google voice to text ♡
t/b/s ♡
favorite place to hangout ♡

meeting them again/becoming friend♡

3.5K 52 8
By mtndewcollectors


~your pov~

you were walking home late after school because you had detention for being late. you noticed people walking behind you but you were more worried about the people who were hanging out on the corner. you went to school with them and they really liked to bully you.

"oh heyyyyy its y/n-chan" you tried to walk past but they took up the whole side walk.

"i need to get home.."

"talking back are we?"


"why you-"

"excuse me but move you're in my way" it was the blonde you bumped into and some green haired kid.

"does it look like i care?"

"i never asked if you cared i asked you to move" he dramatically pished his glasses up and you snickered.

"what do you think is so funny you and your friend are about to-"

"TSUKISHIMA!!" some orange haired guy and a couple of other people walked over.

"daichi said he was gonna buy us meat buns do you guys want some?!"

"we'll finish this later" the kids walked off and you looked at the others.

"OOO TSUKISHIMA WHOS THIS?!" the orange haired one bounded over to you.

"i dont know"

"im just gonna.. go" you waved and the others, not tsukishima, smiled and waved back.

the orange haired one ended up dragging you to one of their practices and after awhile you and tsukishima ended up being acquainted because of yamaguchi. you guys walked together alot.


~your pov~

you came to the next practice and suprisingly the only person who you got along with really well was yamaguchi. you guys stayed after and practiced serves.

"hey yama?"

"o-oh yes y/n?"

"here" you handed him a slip of paper

"so that we can get to know eachother" you smiled at him and started cleaning up, he stopped gay panicking and also helped.


~your pov~

you were walking down the hall and you bumped into some bald guy.

"oh sorry"

"you gotta problem?!" he gave you a look but he looked more constipated than anything.


"TANAKA!!" you looked at the guy who just yelled and smiled, it was that cute libero.

"oh hey its the cutie from the shop!" noya turned red slightly but still smiled.

"that sounds gay bro" the bald headed one joked around but you deadpanned.

"because i am" you all just looked at eachother until you guys started laughing.

"oh hey here gimme your arm"

"huh? okay" you grabbed a sharpie and wrote your number and name.

"text me later, you seem cool!" with that you walked off.


~your pov~

kenma had come back the next week but this time with some rooster head looking guy. you learned his name was kuroo. kenma was playing minecraft and you asked him for his friend code. he gave it to you along with his number and you guys would play until 3 in the morning sometimes.

"kenma kenma kenma kenma CREEPER!"

"...the house"


"how do i unalive?"

"kenma nO"

"kenma yES"

you guys would also eat apple pies together at your parents bakery and you would even make some for him.


~your pov~

bokuto wanted to hang out with you and kuroo after the practice match and kuroo would use alot of pickup lines on you because he needed "practice".

"are you a keyboard?"

"wha- no"

"cuz youre my type"

"im hitting the delete key." he pouted and you rolled your eyes.

"but maybe i could copy and paste my number into your phone" this caused him to choke on his drink and you giggled.

you ended up giving him your number and you guys texted frequently. well he would wake you up with a pick-up line and youd have a come back.


~your pov~

you were actually at the mall planning on buying some new shoes and he recognized you so he ran up to you.


"oh hi bokuto"

"watcha doin here?!" his smile was nice. like way to nice and you were to suspicious.

"needed new shoes, i found a cool pair at this shop and i was-"


"huh? oh i guess.. only if youre not busy.."

"no im not!! i already got what i needed see?!" he held out his hand and he showed you the ring on his thumb.

"oh thats really cool!"

you guys ended up going the the store and trying on shoes. and then went to a clothing store. he helped you carry your stuff home and you guys exchanged numbers afterwards. and tik tok accounts.


~your pov~

akaashi actually invited you to some art studio that he hung out at after school, you were homeschooled so you had time. you guys painted pictures of flowers together and exchanged them at the end.

"wow akaashi these sunflowers are really beautiful!!"

"well i tried my best, that drawing of me from when we first met was really good."

"haha theres more artwork at my house if you wanna see"

"if youre okay with it can i?"

"o-oh uh yea of course!!"

you guys ended up hanging out at your place and he even bought some after you explained that you sold them. you were really grateful and he said it was no problem.


~your pov~

he actually came to your class after it was over and asked for the recipe for the cookies you used. you told him youd teach it to him and gave him your number and told him to text you when hes free. the next weekend he was at your house and you were teaching him to make them.






he was surprisingly fast and you were about to strangle him but then your mom came home with your little sister and oikawa immediately started apologizing and cleaning up.


you actually saw him on a swing set at the same park a week later so you walked up to him. he apparently was there with some other friends but two of them were running from someone named semi and another one was getting a volleyball, you ended up playing volleyball with them and tendō taught you how to block.

"so you just put your arms like this and jump and then BOOM you block the ball"

"okay so can i try with ushijima?"

"hmmm i dont know he might take your arms off.."

"it should be okay"

you ended up jamming your finger and tendō felt bad. but you assured him it was fine.

"seriously im fine"

"but you got hurt"

"buy me boba and itll be okay"


you all went to get boba and had tons of fun with your new friends.


~your pov~

yea atsumu had said he would meet with you the next day but you didnt expect him to basically tackle you in the hallway the same day you met him. thankfully he did though, some kids were bothering you.

"Y/N-KUN!!" you whipped your head around quick enough to see atsumu hugging you knocking you both to the ground. you smiled and giggled.

"heyo atsumu-kun!"

"waaa your giggle is so cute!!" he smiled at you before getting off of you and helping you up.

"can me and y/n finish our conversation?"

"huh? oh no me and y/n-kun are walking home together so bye!" atsumu had walked away with you and you thanked him. he said it was no problem.


"mkay" you laughed and he dragged you off.


~your pov~

osamu actually saw you at lunch the next day and went to sit with you. of course his brother came over, and his friend followed.

"hey, y/n right?"

"mhm hey osamu"

"ooo samu whis this?! his food looks good.. can i have some?!"

"no my food." osamu and suna snickered and atsumu pouted.

you and osamu shared your guys food and suna got to try yours. you gave atsumu the last bite of yours so he would stop whining. you guys all exchanged contacts and you guys would hang out together alot.


~your pov~

you ended up getting detention for not completing the homework all week and you ended up seeing the guy you crashed into. he saw you and waved you over.

"we met at the skate park right?" he started eating a jelly stick and you giggled.

"yea we crashed into eatcother"

"so why're you here?"

"didnt do the homework, you?"

"sleeping in class"

"a nap sounds nice"

"it really does"

you guys ended up going to your house after detention and watched some movies and took a nap before going late night skating.


~your pov~

inarizaki and itachiyami were having a practice match and atsumu ended up dragging you to practice after school. you met sakusa again and you both made fun of atsumu before the match began. he liked your sense of humor so you guys exchanged numbers.

"you guys are so mean!!" atsumu wouldnt stop whining.

"shut up piss head."

"you have the personality of the onceler." this caused you and sakusa to laugh really hard and osamu called out from across the gym.


"ugh im leaving you two alone now.."

you and sakusa ended up talking some more before the match started. he didnt let you touch him but that was fine you were okay with a wave instead of a hug.

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