|| I Met You In A Locker || O...

By ScaleOfA_Libra

2.6K 67 42

Kokichi Ouma is an independant Ultimate Supreme Leader who is in charge of taking care of his secret organiza... More

Chapter 1 | "Accidental Summer Romance"
Chapter 3 | "A Talk With The Detective"
Chapter 4 | "Advertising"
Chapter 5 | "Familiar"
Chapter 6 ||"D.I.C.E"||
Chapter 7 | "Escape"
Chapter 8 | "Different"
Chapter 9 "Mixed Feelings"

Chapter 2 | "An Average School Day With A Not-So-Average New Student"

394 10 3
By ScaleOfA_Libra

    "Himiko sweetie, it's time for school!" exclaimed Mrs. Yumeno, throwing Himiko's pink blanket with miniature kittens on it off of Himiko and her bed and onto the floor.

    "Nyehhhhhhhhhhhhh! School is such a pain! Five more minutes!" whined Himiko. Himiko rolled over on her bed to face her mom. "Please?"

    Mrs. Yumeno put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "No, Himiko. School has started and you have responsibilities now! Go get dressed then come meet me downstairs for breakfast, alright?"

    "Fine mom," frowned Himiko. Once her mom left her room, Himiko quickly put on an oversized black hoodie that said "Misunderstood" on it in white writing, gray leggings, and a really dark red frilly skirt. She also wore the brown Mary Jane shoes she had liked to wear on all her outfits for about over a year now. She had gotten those shoes one Christmas day as a little girl but hadn't grown into them until recently. 

    She stared at the black wizard hat inside of her closet. It was such a shame that she wasn't able to wear it to school due to the no-hats rule. It was her second favorite thing in her entire wardrobe apart from her brown Mary Jane shoes. 

    Normally, she thought that starting a new school year was a pain. She thought that everything was a pain. Although this time was different, she had her own series of magic shows. She was an official magician and it was all thanks to her master. Her "master" was the old magician who had found her as a little girl, thought she had potential at becoming a magician, and had been training her in magic ever since.

    Although, she couldn't forget her first magic show by herself. That mysterious masked criminal had broke in and stole from her. He had also stolen her first kiss without her consent as well. She did realize that it could have been on accident though when she opened the locker, he had fallen on top of her and seemed to have no control over what fell on what. He had just happened to kiss her.

    Thankfully, she was never going to see that mysterious masked boy ever again. She hadn't told any of her friends or family of that incident, she wanted it to be long forgotten. She rushed into the restroom to quickly brush her teeth and splash water on her face, then carefully walked downstairs towards the kitchen to get some breakfast.

    She sat down at the table and noticed that her mother had prepared blueberry pancakes for her. Blueberry pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on top. She had also added a bit of sprinkles on top. The food looked delicious, as always. Her mother was an amazing cook. She licked her lips then quickly started devouring those godly-tasting pancakes. She couldn't help but smile while eating them, they were so good. Not too sweet, not too soft, not too stuffy. 

    "Um, honey, the bus leaves in 5 minutes.." warned her mother.

    Himiko stood up from her seat in surprise, wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her oversized sweater, grabbed her backpack, then rushed outside towards the bus stop. A few of her neighbors tried to approach her but she had to reply to each of them with a 'Sorry, can't talk right now, I have to catch the bus!' or 'I'm kind of in a hurry somewhere, sorry! We can talk after I'm done with school!'

    The thing is, Himiko's bus stop was 4 minutes away from her house which was why she had to quickly run if the bus was going to come in exactly 5 minutes. In about 4 minutes, she had reached her destination.

    Luckily, the bus arrived right as she arrived at her stop. The door burst open and her neighbors walked in one by one. Himiko was the last to get on her bus. Himiko wasn't a social kind of girl, she was a bit introverted and didn't get impressed by things easily. Himiko did have friends who she would always hang with, though. Her best friends were Tenko Chabashira and Angie Yonaga. Tenko had brown hair with a slight green glow to it. She also had green eyes, very obvious black makeup, a faded-looking blue dress on with a white collar and long sleeves, and long brown boots. She always had her hair in extremely long pigtails which went slightly past her knees.

    Tenko had an obsession of wearing sandals but sadly, since it was a school violation, she couldn't do so. Today she was also wearing a purple collar, purple headphones which was the same shade of purple as her collar, and a big green flower-like bandana tied to the very back of her head looking like there actually was a huge flower on the back of her head.

    As Himiko had introduced before, Angie had a very cheerful positive-thinking personality. On the other hand, Tenko always acted determined but cautious at the same time, mainly towards boys. She considered all boys as "degenerate males". Tenko's Aikido trainer was a male which made Himiko and Angie question how she could possibly hate all males but look up to him.

    When Himiko got into the bus and sat next to Angie, she noticed Tenko screaming at someone behind them.

    "YOU DEGENERATE MALE! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" she shouted as loud as a hungry tiger. "I WILL DESTROY YOU!"

    Angie and Himiko turned around in their chairs and saw that their best friend was yelling at a boy with green hair, green eyes, a white buttoned shirt, a gray jacket, a dark blue and black striped tie, and dark gray jeans with a black belt. He also wore black shoes. His name was Rantaro Amami.

    "Um, all I did was ask if you were going to be in any clubs this year and if I could know any of them since I'm considering joining one--" explained Rantaro, surprisingly still in a calm, reserved manner.


    "Um, alien spaceships..?" Rantaro questioned.

     The bus suddenly went to a stop. Everyone started whispering to each other as the bus driver stopped driving, stood up, and approached the aisle that Tenko and Rantaro were in. "Tenko, you do this every year. He did nothing wrong other than asking you a question. Not all men are evil. Stop."

    Tenko crossed her arms and glared at the bus driver. He was a male. "Fine!"

     Angie and Himiko both sighed in disappointment and embarrassment. This was the girl they hung out with at school every single day.

    "One more thing, you're definitely not my type. I wasn't hitting on you," sighed Rantaro, rolling his eyes. Tenko didn't believe him and kept glaring at him anyway. Tenko did this to literally every guy who approached her.

    "We're at school, everyone, get off!" announced the bus driver a few minutes later. He sounded unbelievably tired of some of his students yelling at each other during specific parts of the bus ride. Everyone got off the bus in a straight, orderly manner. Again, Himiko was last to get off the bus. She preferred to be last when it came to almost everything except for long lines when waiting for a school picture or something important.

    "What class do we have first?" Himiko asked, frowning in her usual neutral-sounding everyday tone.

    "We don't have class first, silly! We have a school pepper rally!" cheered Angie. "I must say, I am quite excited!"

    "I guess a pepper rally could be fun," admitted Tenko, smiling.

    "Pepper rally makes me think of pepperoni," drooled Angie, hungrily.

    "Eh," muttered Himiko, "They're alright"

    The three girls walked into the auditorium where the pepper rally was held. There were cheerleaders cheering up their own show on the auditorium's stage. Sadly, when the three girls arrived, they noticed that nearly every seat was taken except for the ones in the back. Himiko, Tenko, and Angie sat down on the left-back middle row where, unfortunately, there were really tall boys sitting in front of them.

    "MOVE! RIGHT NOW!!! LET ME AND MY BEST FRIENDS SIT IN PEACE!" yelled Tenko. The students weren't the only ones hearing her screams, the teachers did too. Angie spotted teachers whispering to each other near the entrance door and once they were done whispering, a teacher walked up to them.

    "Um, girls-" Angie tried to warn.

    "Tenko, you have been dismissed. Wait outside until the end of the pepper rally..." stated a teacher, sternly.

    "What?! It's not my fault that those degenerates were obviously blocking our view!!" cried Tenko.

    "Out, now!" demanded the teacher.

    Tenko frowned, then exited the auditorium with her head down.

    "Sorry that we had to make your friend leave, girls...her loudness was most likely disturbing the other students," apologized the teacher, sincerely.

    "It's fine! We're used to it! Although, Tenko didn't mean any harm! Perhaps if she let Atua instruct her on how to act in these situations, she wouldn't get in trouble so much!"

    "Er- I suppose," the teacher said, confused but going along with what Angie was saying anyway since she didn't know who Atua was.

    The cheerleaders had stopped cheering on stage and the principal got up on stage to give an introduction to his students on the upcoming school year. He talked about extracurricular activities, new teachers, old teachers, grading techniques, and many more school-related factors. He also announced new students and what schools they were coming from. 

    The Ultimate Magician was so bored. 

    'Perhaps I can get out of this if I lie saying I need to go to the restroom and hide in there for a while..this pepper rally is such a pain..' thought Himiko. Himiko got up then walked up towards one of the teachers.

    "What? Why are you standing up during a pepper rally? That's against the rules, Ms. Yumeno," glared the teacher she had approached. He seemed like a very angry person. He had black hair, a tux, purple eyes, and freckles. She didn't know why he was wearing a tux to a pepper rally or even a tux to school.

    "I really need to use the restroom!" lied Himiko. She hated lying but this was an urgent situation, she had to avoid this unbearable boredom.

    "Fine, you can exit, the restroom is right across the hall," the teacher said, rolling his eyes and brushing his black hair back with his fingers.

    "Thank you so much, sir!" smiled Himiko, opening the door of the entrance, exiting, then closing that exact door. She rushed down the hallway to find wherever the restroom was. 

    'Well, he clearly lied when he said that it was right across the hall,' she thought, annoyed.

    "LISTEN HERE, YOU LITTLE PUNK! DO WHAT WE SAY OR ELSE THERE WILL BE SOME CONSEQUENCES!" yelled a thick, deep voice in the science classroom.

    "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" yelled another voice, except this voice was higher and thinner.

    Himiko contemplated whether or not she should walk into the science classroom and see what was going on. That boy could've been beating the other one up. Then again, she could've decided to go back into the pepper rally room and go inform a teacher about her worries. The teachers might be angry about her interrupting the pepper rally again though. She was lucky that this specific teacher had let her even go to the restroom, that normally wasn't the case.

    She walked up towards the science classroom door, opened it, went inside, then closed the door even though closing the door right afterward was probably a bad idea.

    "What is going on in he-" Himiko started, before seeing a boy with red-ish orange-ish hair, very light cream-colored eyes, a cream-colored sweater, blue jeans, and black shoes. In front of him was a boy with purple hair, purple eyes, a black shirt with said "CHAOS" on it in gray writing which made out the shape of dripping paint, a white jacket, gray shorts, white socks, and black shoes. 

    Leon Kuwata was the boy with red-ish orange-ish hair but she didn't recognize the boy with purple hair. Leon was holding the other boy by the neck against the wall, nearly choking him.

   "Hey! Stop!" exclaimed Himiko, running up to them. "What are you doing?!"

    "Himiko, stay out of this. Also, stay back, things are about to get messy. This boy right over here won't give me both his lunch money and the cool action figures he has hiding inside of his backpack!" Leon announced, angrily.

    "He doesn't have to give you those! They're his, not yours!" Himiko said, walking up to Leon from behind him, grabbing his arms, trying to get his hands off of the boys' neck. "Stop choking him!"

    Leon suddenly got filled with rage, let go of Kokichi's neck, and punched Himiko in the face towards one of the tables of the science room. The table was knocked over and the glass containers came crashing down at light speed. They all smashed and broke on the floor. Thankfully, none of the glass containers hit Himiko but the edge of the table had cut across her arm and blood was beginning to spill out.

   "Now for you," Leon smiled, walking towards the purple-haired boy once again. This time the purple-haired boy didn't look scared though, he looked calm and neutral. Leon aimed his hands for his neck again but before he could touch it, Kokichi grabbed his hand and punched him across the face which had him fall to the floor. It was a hard punch that knocked out one of Leon's teeth and blood was dripping out of his nose. "W-WHAT..."

    "You were fighting me, not her. Come near someone else again and I'll finish the rest of your teeth," the boy spoke with no emotion in his face nor his voice.

    Leon ran out of the room like a scared little child.

    The boy walked up to Himiko and she kept backing up, crawling on the floor but realized her back had hit the table and she couldn't back up anymore.

    "Thank you, don't do that ever again though," the boy smiled. He walked up in front of where Himiko was sitting, crouched down avoiding the glass pieces, and continued to smile at her, a very sincere and warm-hearted smile. "I'm Kokichi Ouma, you?"

    "Himiko Y-Yumeno..."

    "Do you need help with that, Yumeno ~ Chan?" asked Kokichi, starting straight at Himiko then back at the cut on her arm back and forth. 

    Himiko nodded, "But shouldn't the nurse do it?-"

    "If we go to the nurse, we'd have to tell her what happened here which would cause her to send us to the principal's office for what happened with Leon. Do you really want that?" asked Kokichi, beginning to stand up. 

    Himiko shook her head.

    Kokichi headed for the back drawer of the science classroom which held a first-aid kit inside of it. He pulled out the first-aid kit then closed the drawer. Afterward, he walked up to Himiko and crouched down in front of her again. First, he disinfected her wound which caused her to scream a bit in pain but then he bandaged it up.

    "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

    "Where did you learn how to bandage deep wounds?"

    "Practice. Loads and loads of practice, nishishi!~"

    That was first the time Himiko had ever heard someone laugh by saying 'nishishi!~'

    They stopped talking after that. That confident boy who had appeared out of nowhere became the shy boy he once was when she first saw him being beaten up by Leon.

    "So..um..why weren't you at the pepper rally?" questioned Himiko.

    "...Skipped it," Kokichi muttered shyly and quietly. 

    "How often do you skip big events like this? Do you also skip classes?"

    Kokichi nodded, "Um, often.."

    "You don't get caught?"



    Kokichi suddenly realized that was the girl he had accidentally kissed that day, the girl with the black wizard hat. 

    "So..um..why weren't you at the pepper rally?" the girl with red hair asked. He responded with 'Skipped it' and she continued asking basic questions which he tried to answer in the shortest responses possible. He didn't know how to talk to her. Or at least, Kokichi didn't. The leader of D.I.C.E or the Phantom Thief would have a very easy time communicating with her.

    Although, this wasn't a time to behave as his fake lying-addiction exterior, this girl had just built up the bravery to help defend her against Leon, Kokichi ended up helping her in the end but still, she could've gotten even more seriously hurt.

    "I haven't seen you around here before, are you a new student?" Himiko finally asked. Kokichi nodded but didn't say anything. He just stared at her. "Nyeh, makes sense. Then, you were skipping classes and big events at your old school, you're just beginning to skip them at this school right now."

    "I....have to go..." Kokichi suddenly said, flustered. "Um, I haven't attended many pepper rallies so..I should go see this one!" he lied. He wasn't actually going to see the pepper rally, he was most likely going to escape into another classroom or onto the roof to drink some grape Fanta.

    "Oh, alright..." said Himiko. She seemed upset. Perhaps she thought that he now found her dull or boring now that he was actually talking to her. He didn't want her to think that was the case so he said, "Um, this conversation was fun...we should hang out and talk more often...."

    He didn't know why he said that, he just didn't want her to be upset. Hopefully, she wouldn't-

    "Why don't we hang out at the park tomorrow so that you can meet my friends?"

    Thankfully, he was already out the door when she said that so he pretended not to hear her and kept walking into the hallway wherever his feet would take him.





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