Jaune Arc from betrayed to de...

By Antrell128palm

54.9K 464 223

After Teams RWBY, and JNPR returned to Beacon with their lives, they had told professor Ozpin the identity of... More

Just a Heads Up before i get started
Chapter 1. Reaction
Adding OC Teams
Chapter 2. Regret
Chapter 3. Confessions and Reactions
Vote Closed
Chapter 4 .Double Fox Trouble
Chapter 6. I must Have Him
Quick Questions
Chapter 7. The Devil Is Here
Give your Opinion

Chapter 5. Are you Crazy

3.1K 36 12
By Antrell128palm

<Beacon's Infirmary>

Dj, and the Members of teams RWBY, and JNPR are hanging out in the infirmary waiting for the nurse to come back, and watching Genji as he lays in a bed right next to his sister Kunou who is still out.

(Pretend its Kunou)

"Is she gonna be okay"? Ruby asked.

"Im not sure Rubes" Yang Said. If what her brother said was true, and the spell was way too advanced, then who knows". Also these kids are technically Demons, so I'm not quite sure how their anatomy works.

Well just in case the same thing happens to him, he's in a bed as well says Dj placing an ice pack on Genji's forehead.

"But I'm fine I don't even have a headache". Genji said while lying down.

It's just for safe precautions, and besides it's getting late anyway you really should be asleep.

"Yeah Kunou told me the same thing.
I know I should have listened to her, but I really couldn't wait" Genji said.

Next time you should really listen to her. Now you two little foxes need to get some shut-eye. Said Dj

"Okay I'm sorry"  Genji said.

"It's fine, but I do know one thing, you owe your sister a whole lot of apologies when she wakes up" DJ said.

"Yeah totally". Ginji Said

After DJ, and the other left the infirmary the nurse finally came back.

" Okay Nurse Mina they're both in bed and they have ice packs just in case DJ said.
"thank you so much Mr. Grayson I really appreciate it. I'll take it from here, so you guys just head back to your dorm rooms said nurse Mina".

Ok I'll be seeing you. Said Dj

Okay so we helped the adorable Fox children out but we're not out of the woods yet DJ said while walking back to his dorm.

What do you mean? the children are okay Weiss said.

"I know, but that still doesn't change the fact that a Demon Lord's son and daughter just teleported to our school". in other words "lives are going to be at stake"! DJ said all worried

"Then what are we going to do"? Pyrrha asked.

"Well i heard from Lillian. And she said you guys had a plan about heading towards his kingdom to talk to him" Dj said.

"Well yes that is true we're trying to go
And his parents were planning to come along as well" Nora said.

"Okay that the dumbest idea ever". "Because last time you guys we're lucky that you even came back with your lives, and now you want to go back to the same place that might get you killed this time"? "And the worst part its people that ruined his life that's planning to go. Dj said trying to State a fact."

"Look We know we screwed up a little", but were all gonna be in danger if we dont do something. I'm just trying to get my brother back. Jeanne said all annoyed.

"You screwed up A little? "Try Alot"! And also before, you said that you were glad that he killed himself, and now all of a sudden you feel bad. I'm sorry to say this well not exactly, but there's only one Arc(Saffron) that is able to go there and come back alive. And I don't think it's you, or any of your other family member" Dj said.

Look we already got scolded by your big breasted partner okay"!? Yang Said.

One. I'm just stating a fact what you guys are doing is a dumbass idea. And two, there's the pot calling the kettle black.

"Hey"!!! Shouted Yang Covering her chest.

Are we going to stand here talking about Big Ass Titties or are we going to figure out how to save our world from being destroyed? Weiss Said bored.

I know that, so are we going to do about the children? Yang asked.

Okay you know what? How about this, we don't have to go to his kingdom. Why dont we just figure out a way to get him to come here? After all we have his children with us so that means we may have the upper hand. We can just use them for bait. all we need is Ductape maybe some ropes. Jeanne Said.

Just about to finish her sentence she was interrupted by a slap from Dj

"Oww What The Hell Grayson"!? Jeanne Yelled.
"I Should Be Asking You That"!? Dj Yelled Back
Not only are you a backstabber you are a " STUPID FUCKING BITCH " !"You haven't changed not one bit. It's bad enough you guys betrayed one of your own, but threatening to hold his Children captive? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME"!? Im out of here Before I have to hear another one of your dumbass ideas"!
As DJ walks off everybody looks at Jeanne. "okay that was of line I get it". I just said it out of frustration let's just go back to our dorms.

"Before DJ went back to his dorm he heard crying from Glynda's office so he steps in and sees her at her desk with a bottle of Scotch liquor.

Just as she is about to take another drink DJ walked up to her and without saying a word took the bottle out of her hand and drops it in the trash can.

"M..Mr. Grayson i"..

Just as she was about to finish DJ then pulled her in for a hug.

"Don't worry we'll get him back. just have faith" Dj said while hugging his Headmistress after hearing that Glynda said nothing else but started to let tears flow down.

"I know you guys are planning to go to his Kingdom". "And as long as its the people that didn't betray him, I'd say count me in". "After all You thought of him as a son you never had, and he thought of you as the mom he always wanted". "So instead of expecting the worst, pray and hope for the best". Dj said smiling.

"Youre Right" Glynda said calming down.

"There's something else that I need to show you come with me to the Infirmary. also I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need to get Ozpin as well.

After telling her that they both headed to get the Headmaster before heading to the infirmary one last time.

*meanwhile at Lucifer's Kingdom Lucifer, his wives,  his Lieutenant Issei, his girls, and some soldiers from the Prodigum Army  were looking everywhere all over the castle, but they couldn't find the Fox Children.

"KUNOU"!!!? Yasaka Yelled.
"GINJI"!!!? Jilvia Yelled.

"Lord Lucifer we searched everywhere I don't even think they're in the Castle" Issei said bowing down before his king.

" Damn it where could they have gone? Lucifer said all worried.

"Umm honey I think I might know" Lady Jasmin said. I checked their bedroom and all I could find was these Maps, and also one of my spell books is missing.

"Beacon Academy". Lucifer said upset as dark aura begins to glow.

Beloved please Jilvia said
Dont worry Dear Yasaka said
"We now know where they are"
Both liless and Irinlea said together.

Lucifer calmed down as his Aura disappeared.

So what's the plan my Lord"? Rias asked.

"Yasaka, Jilvia" the three of us are going to Beacon Academy to get our children. The rest of you is to stay just in case.

"So it's true they did teleport there". "Because the spell book that was missing it had an advanced teleportation spell, and it required a crystal.  Jasmin said.

Oh my gosh I thought i told them not to play around too much in the Magical Forest parts of it is dangerous. Lucifer said all shocked.

"Well we know them. Just doing whatever they can to impress their father" Raynare said.

"No matter what happened we need to get them back". Issei said.

After the conversation Lucifer, Jilvia,
and her sister Yasaka walked through a dark portal conjured by Lucifer.

" please be careful darling Liless said.

"Will do dear" Lucifer said. "hold on my children... Your Mommies, and your Daddy is coming".

Well there you go there's my new chapter. sorry I took a long time. work has been crazy but here it is.

So  Lucifer found out that his childrens missing and he is heading to Beacon Academy so it's obvious that that's no bueno.

And Jeanne you're a Dumbass and a horrible sister.

And don't you just love Glynda in the story? And what do you think we supposed to do when he sees her?

What are you guys looking forward to when he gets there?

Find out next chapter

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