Esther Ashur

By LordPhoenix209

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Takes place in the popular "Fallout" setting. Follow the journey of a young squire in Lost Hills, California;... More

Prodigious Squire, Esther Ashur: PT 1

5 0 4
By LordPhoenix209

Young Age in Lost Hills
Esther Ashur was born in 2199 in Lost Hills in California, during the reign of High Elder Rhombus. She would never meet her father; who was a Paladin, having died on mission only a few months before Esther’s birth, and his body and armor were never recovered. Esther’s mother, Shaph (pronounced Shah-ff) Ashur, was a well known knight Banneret, an engineering manager, though only one of many in the large Lost Hills chapter. Shaph would do her best to raise Esther in her earliest years, though with her heavy work as a Banneret, it was not uncommon for young Esther to be left to roam the Civilian Quarter of Lost Hills on her own, where she would be taught manners and learn about aspects of life in her home as an explorative toddler. As such, Esther met all sorts of people very early on, and was generally cared for greatly while her mother was busy with her duties. This served to temper her educational mindset before even starting pre-schooling, and was considered a very pleasant and well mannered child even by the paladins, when they would sometimes see her while off-duty. At this age, Esther would never come to grow especially attached to anyone in particular besides her mother; though she loved all she met most equally. For a young child to live in such a way is not abnormal in the Brotherhood of Steel; after all, the duties of a knight, scribe, or paladin are greater than that of a parent, and such those duties come first, always. When Esther and Shaph were together, the two certainly cherished it. In fact, Esther distinctly remembers once seeing the High Elder, Rhombus, walking the halls; his towering stature, yet kind expression toward her leaving an impact on young Esther, as silent as the interaction may have been.

At age four, Esther’s mother, Shaph, became pregnant again; the father being another Knight. This came as a surprise to Esther, who had never met the man before. Though he seemed nice enough, this Knight never cared much for Esther, and vice versa, they did come to live together for a time. The two rarely bonded, and, in fact, Esther grew to dislike him only because he took Shaph’s attention away from her. Esther never voiced these feelings, of course, and she did her best to come to terms with the situation despite feeling somewhat neglected by her already often absent mother. Esther also began formal pre-schooling, where she was a favored pupil of her instructors for her exalted manners and general good behavior. Esther picked up a love for learning, aided by pleasant interactions with her instructors and fellow students. Later, Shaph gave birth to a second daughter, Kassia, but complications during delivery left Shaph bedridden and hospitalized after the fact. Kassia was cared for instead by a wet nurse immediately after birth, and Esther spent all her time outside class with her mother. Two weeks later, Shaph was dead. 

The news was heartbreaking to Esther, only five years old at the time. To some extent, she blamed Kassia’s father for the event, though Esther knew to say such a thing would never be fair to him; but she would still hold a silent grudge against him for it. Esther would mourn her mother for weeks, and would be present for her funeral ceremony, but would not bear witness to the disposal of the body. Shaph’s death would weigh on Esther heavily in the following months as she struggled to settle back into her normal life. Her education suffered for a time as a result, and she was offered temporary leave by her instructor for grievance; Esther did not accept it however, instead opting to work even harder toward her learning to help ease her mind further. The support she gleaned from all she knew was greatly supportive during this time. Her upholding her rigid manners and attitude, despite her pains, gave her further respect from the adults around her. As an equal child of the entire chapter, Esther often bounced around different quarters in her free hours, and she was always welcomed. At nearly six years old, after a day of schooling, Esther left the instruction room and headed back into the Civilian Quarter; but on her way, she encountered who may have been the last person she expected to see.

Fated Encounter (2205)
He stood tall, clad in a large, multi-layered blue robe; adorned with metal plating and silver insignias denoting the Brotherhood of Steel. He looked down to young Esther; his stern expression outweighed by the kind gleam in his eyes. “I heard about your mother. Please, accept my condolences, Squire Ashur.” The High Elder, Rhombus, said as he took a knee, as to speak at eye level. His voice is exceedingly gruff, though his tone exudes only warmth. “I’ve taken the liberty of assuring that your sister will be well taken care of in the Medical Quarter for the time being. In the meanwhile, would you care to follow me?” The High Elder stayed, waiting for a response. For Esther, the situation had come from nowhere; to be face to face in conversation with a High Elder is an honor usually only reserved for the highest in the order; never to a Squire, and Esther knew this well. Of course, Esther agreed hastily, to which High Elder Rhombus stood back up, with intent to lead Esther down the hall.

Esther followed down the long steel corridors of Lost Hills. To an outsider, this place may seem eerie; dark metal walls, grated floors, the unplaceable taste of heavily filtered air. To Esther Ashur, who has only ever known the outside world through photographs, it is hard to imagine a life without the rigid certainty that the Lost Hills bunker brings. The High Elder led her down these familiar halls out of the Civilian Quarter; straight into "Central 3," denoting the third level of Lost Hills' central column. Esther has heard of this place; it's the working and living place of the Scribes, the scientists, researchers, and archivists of the Brotherhood of Steel. Esther has known some Scribes before, the married ones living in the Civilian Quarter, but never has she seen them at work; Central 3 is off-limits to Squires, after all. To see in passing, countless Brothers in pristine, flowing red robes, talking amongst themselves over their computers and workbenches; even for a moment, witnessing them at work was astounding. On the side of the hall, lining the corridor, bored looking guard Knights in grey polymer combat armor. Esther witnessed in their hands, weapons she had only ever heard about, or seen diagrams of. Each one greeted the High Elder as they passed, a few of them moved their eyes down to young Esther; who is still unable to make sense of her situation, yet still she followed. 

"Keep note of our path, Squire. I will not be able to lead you down it every time." The High Elder said to Esther. The thought was somewhat harrowing; potentially having to walk through Central 3 without an adult, especially considering she knows she should not be here in the first place, being but a child. Nonetheless, she remembered their route. "...Understood, High Elder." She replied, concisely, though with a clear hint of hesitation. The High Elder led her to the exit of Central 3, politely greeting the door guard as they approached; a Paladin, wearing a massive suit of shining power armor, in his hands, a large precision laser. Esther's eyes drifted across the guard's steel carapace; littered with small charms and adornments, across the armor are numerous dents and scratches, in some places the dark green paint is peeling off. He wears no helmet, yet he wears no expression either; a stern, duty-bound look on his face as he comes face to face with the High Elder. Though wearing but an ornate robe, the immense stature of High Elder Rhombus leads the Paladin in the venerable steel suit to not even need to look downward to match eye level. 

"Senior-Paladin Barkos," the High Elder began,
"This is Squire Ashur, from the Civilian Quarter."
The High Elder gestures down toward Esther, who stood as tall as she could, but still with an uneasy expression.
"Take note of her. She has my express permission and will be welcomed to travel this path through Central 3 at any time. Ensure, too, she does not stray. Make this clear to your guardsmen, as well." 

The stern looking Paladin gave a steady nod in response. "Understood, High Elder."  
Then, he looked downward, toward Esther, their eyes meeting for a moment, "Have a good evening, Squire Ashur." His voice was rough, comparably to that of High Elder Rhombus'; though probably less than half his age. 
"Thank you; you as well, Senior-Paladin." Esther replied, her words curated, as she has spouted a similar phrase to her instructor every day for years now. 

With that exchange, the High Elder continued forward to the nearby elevator; the exit of Central 3. At the behest of a button’s press, the Paladin made way for the High Elder, causing the large steel doors of the lift to slowly pull apart, revealing the spacious, plain room within. The High Elder entered, and Ashur followed suit. Esther had heard about the elevator before; a device allowing Brothers to traverse the bunker vertically, instead of horizontally; incredible. The High Elder would press a button himself, and the large doors came shut once again. Esther was struck by the sudden sense of weightlessness as the entire room began to move downward at a controlled speed; almost throwing the young girl off balance. 
"Stay close behind me, Squire Ashur; children are strictly prohibited from entering Central 4, under normal circumstances."
Central 4; the home of the Elder Council, and the beating heart of the Brotherhood of Steel. Esther had only heard stories; about how it looked, about the people down there, but ultimately, she had no idea what to expect. 

The sacred sigil of the Elder Council.

As the elevator came to a stop, the steel doors once again pulled open. Esther stood in disbelief, laying her eyes upon Central 4 for the first time; she was astonished to see...more dark, featureless steel corridors. To the left, a long hallway without a single door off to the side; at the end, a massive door more beautifully adorned than Esther could have ever imagined, laden with silver ornaments. To the left of the door: a massive red and white flag; bearing the sacred sigil of the Elder Council of the Brotherhood of Steel. To the right of the door: one of the Brotherhood’s most treasured artifacts. As Esther let her gaze upon it her eyes almost could not bear the view. It was a suit of T-51b power armor, scuffed and scratched; not so different from the armors today, but clearly a relic of a different age. Across it, added metal plating welded onto the smooth steel of the original suit, the spray of ancient sand still caked to the steel boots. On the breastplate, a crudely etched yet unmistakable symbol of the Brotherhood of Steel. The sight was no less than magnificent; Esther could simply not help but get a closer look. She began to wander forth, just as, “Squire!” Esther snapped out of her intense fixation, turning sharply back to see High Elder Rhombus, standing, alone, almost ten feet away now. The High Elder’s tone was sharp, almost fierce; it struck Esther hard, enough to practically wipe the relic from her mind, for the moment. “M...M-” Esther stuttered, trying to produce the words to express her guilt. “My apologies, High Elder...I just-”

“Enough, Squire.” The High Elder’s tone slowly shifted back to a more neutral tone, as his face shifted from aggression to passivity. He looked past Esther, to the end of the hall, laying eyes in the armor just as the Squire did, then he looked back to her, "I understand your interest, Squire Ashur, but we have more important things to do right now; would you be satisfied if we are to come back later?" A gleam of hope returned to Esther's eyes, as she nodded quickly in agreement. The High Elder smiled back, then turned, continuing down their path. As the High Elder continued to the right, down the hall, so did Esther, right behind. Esther was led down to the end of the hallway, turning left at a corner and passing through a circular blast door similar to the ones separating Central 3 from the Civilian Quarter. The walls were mostly bare, one of them bearing a large, steel Brotherhood symbol; likely printed by a knight and suspended here, as the same with many other instances of these symbols throughout Lost Hills. With the exception of the hall to the Elder Council, Central 4 was noticeably straightforward in its design; no large flags draped from the ceiling, no maintenance terminals protruding from the walls, not even any security cameras in the corners of rooms. In addition to this modest decoration, guardsmen were noticeably absent from the halls; in fact, Esther had not seen a single person besides the High Elder since they had arrived on this floor. The ruckus of work, conversation, movement; all of it was absent here, only the quiet buzz of machinery within the walls operating automatically. As Esther was led further in, the ambient dust floating in the air only seemed to consume her senses further; Central 4 was absolute isolation. 

Finally, the High Elder showed Esther into a smaller, thin hall off to the side of Central 4’s main corridor. It was a thin and short hall, a single fluorescent light illuminating it. In the hall was situated four smaller residential doors, two on each side of the short hall, each one with two small keypads next to the entrance; one high up beside the door, and one low to the ground. The High Elder stepped in first, walking to the end and, then turning back to young Esther who stood behind.

“The locks have been situated in a way that you can open them, as easily as an adult can.”
The High Elder spoke softly, gesturing to the door to his left, and Esther’s right. Esther looked over; the lower keypad was about at her eye level. 
“Go ahead, the code is ‘0000.’”
Hesitating for only a moment, Esther raised a hand to input the code onto the keypad. She had never handled a device such as this before; the rooms of the Civilian Quarter did not have locks, certainly. As she hit the confirm button, the slim door pulled apart quickly, revealing a small room within. As Esther peeked inside, she could hardly believe her eyes.

It was a small, square room; though slightly larger than the spartan lodgings she was familiar with in the Civilian Quarter. The real draw of the room was the furnishing, however; a well-kept twin bed, a large Brotherhood flag draped across the far wall, and a small refrigerator. At the end of the room, a pristine metal desk, complete with drawers. On top of the desk, a stack of blank papers, a metal cup filled with various pens; essentially everything a young student could need for a day. The real prize of the room sat atop the desk; a perfectly operating computer terminal, sitting idle with small lines of green text stagnant on the screen. 

As Esther started to explore the room, the High Elder began, "It's a small project I've been putting together; a study, for prodigious squires like yourself. I understand the Civilian Quarter can be somewhat...chaotic. In any case, you are welcome to come down here whenever you like after instruction. Should you need me, you'll find my office at the end of the hall, and the room across from this one is the restroom. The other two rooms are...unfinished."

"It is beautiful..." Esther muttered in response, before turning back to face the High Elder. "Thank you, High Elder!" She smiled widely.

"I ask only one thing," the High Elder replied,
"Do not stray from your path, Squire Ashur. The others disagree; some think this study on Central 4 is a bad idea..." The High Elder's voice softened as his eyes drifted to the ground, "Retain your spirit, continue your instruction; I see much for you, Esther Ashur." 

Esther was unsure how to respond; such a praise from the High Elder was not something she expected now, let alone ever. 
Esther, however, fully understood the High Elder's words. Dutifully bound, Esther replied, "I will not fail the Brotherhood." 

Child of the High Elder (2209)
It was not difficult for Esther to work her new study into her schedule; though somewhat convoluted, it was not a long walk there from the Civilian Quarter, and it was far more convenient than doing her post-instruction study in the lodgings of various adults in the Civilian Quarter. Not to say she didn't enjoy their company, but she did function far better in near isolation, and with all the tools available to her in her new room. 

In fact, Esther grew to enjoy the journey; sometimes, she could take a moment to admire the work of the scribes as she passed through Central 3, and greeting Senior-Paladin Barkos as she passed through every day was very pleasant. Though her record was far from perfect, Esther did quite well in instruction, and her status as an excellent squire never failed to precede her. Esther’s early life did not change much from then on, though she spoke with High Elder Rhombus almost every day when he had a moment to spare; managing the Brotherhood of Steel was not a simple task by any measure, of course, but he made time. Needless to say, Esther cherished every second. In a way, Esther grew to see the High Elder as a father figure of her own; not just the father of her order, but a genuinely loving caretaker, and that he did appear to her as. 

Meanwhile, Kassia and Esther would stay mostly separated. Though nothing was stopping them from seeing each other, physically or logistically, Kassia was largely a product of a time in Esther’s life that she’d rather ignore. Besides, familial relations never meant much in the Brotherhood; they were still sisters, and more importantly, both Brothers of Steel, but they were under no moral obligation to associate. As Kassia grew up, they generally regarded each other in the same manner any fellow Brother would be addressed, and Kassia, too, bounced around as a child of the chapter just as Esther had at her age.

Esther enjoyed her post-instruction free time often with High Elder Rhombus. Despite being very much old enough to associate with other children her age on her own, Esther never made such attachments in her early life; she felt more comfortable around the adults, even Senior-Paladin Barkos who she considered a friend. As she grew older, this rift between herself and her peers only grew; by the time she was ten, she was a regular in Central 3 and was largely allowed to roam, as long as she stayed out of the way of the scribes' work. Esther, of course, acted courteously, but often did observe them from a distance; she did this quite regularly during post-instruction. 

It was an otherwise average day, post-instruction, as Squire Esther Ashur, age ten, stood, leaning against the wall of the heart of Central 3. Her eyes drifted from place to place, the scribes busy as always. Even if Esther was not privy to the exact knowledge of their projects, she was nonetheless satisfied watching them go about. A few of them, those with children, she knew from the Civilian Quarter. A few more, she had become acquainted with by way of concise conversation in between the scribes' work. Regardless of if or how she knew them, Esther stayed very much to the side; the last thing she'd want to do is interrupt their work.

In a sudden, but not unwelcome, disruption of her admiration, Rhombus appeared in the corner of her eye; she turned, facing him, and putting on a smile.

The High Elder approached, 
"How is it I knew you would be here, Squire Ashur?" Rhombus said, with a kind expression mirroring that of young Esther's. Esther pondered for but a moment before shooting back a reply, "You know me very well, High Elder Rhombus." Her giddy expression outweighed by the neutrality of her tone.

"That I do, Squire. For who would I be if not a keeper of knowledge? It is no surprise to you, I see."
The High Elder paused for a moment. 
"Would you care to take a walk with me, Esther?"
Esther needed no time to think, not a moment to hesitate, "Of course, High Elder." She said, with a hint of excitement. To be lead around by Rhombus, in Esther's experience, can never be uninteresting; so to that she agreed, and the two set off. 

The High Elder walked quite slowly, or Esther had become more nimble, or, perhaps, with so many walks through Central 3 under her belt, it was no longer an inherently intriguing journey. Young Esther never exactly yearned for adventure, however; she spent enough of her days exploring a textbook. The two approached the elevator, the exit of Central 3, with a familiar face standing stalwart beside it, as always. 

As Rhombus and Esther entered his line of sight, his cold, stoic expression quickly shifted to a smile as his eyes angled to the High Elder, then down to young Esther. 

Esther began to speak first as they approached, in a practiced, formal tone,
"Greetings, Senior-Paladin Bar-"
Esther was swiftly interrupted, as soon as the word 'paladin' left her mouth. 
"Hold it!" Barkos spoke,  "I'm proud to say, as of today, I am now Star-Paladin Barkos." The smile on Barkos' face grew wider, as Esther spoke up once again, "That's..." She hesitated for a moment, trying to find a word to express herself, "...wonderful! Congratulations, Star-Paladin."

Star-Paladin Barkos almost began to reply, before the High Elder responded first, "You have come very far, Barkos. Lost Hills may never have been more secure than it is today and I believe you have facilitated that. Excellent work, Star-Paladin." 
The High Elder spoke with the same rough yet cordial demeanor that anyone who has met Rhombus would know him for. Despite having grown quite old by now, his senses seemed to be as sharp as ever, too. 

Barkos' smile shifted back into an expression of stern neutrality, "Thank you, High Elder, but I alone cannot accept that praise. The Brotherhood has flourished as a result of your tenacity, your spirit, and your willingness to elevate us at every turn. For that, I thank you again, as the deeds you have done for the Brotherhood are ones that cannot be understated."
As Barkos finished speaking, he quickly turned to the side, forcefully swinging his hand down on the elevator button, prompting the steel doors to pull apart once again.

Rhombus let out a chuckle, before looking back to Barkos, "No need to flatter me, Star-Paladin. The Brotherhood today would not be the same without each and every Brother." With that, High Elder Rhombus continued forward into the elevator. 

Esther spoke back up to Barkos again, "Have a good evening, Star-Paladin Barkos." 
Barkos let a smile across his face and replied, "Thank you; you as well, Squire."
Esther continued into the elevator after the High Elder.

It took only a few moments of travel for the elevator to reach the floor below; Central 4. This trip was no longer momentous for Esther; she had been down here to visit her study nearly every day. As the elevator came to a stop, Rhombus stepped out first, turning sharply to the left as they exited. Once again, Esther Ashur stood staring down the hall toward the Elder Council; still a beautifully adorned entrance that hasn't seemed to have changed a bit over the few years that Esther has been a regular in Central 4. Of course, to the right side of the door, the ancient suit of T-51b was still displayed, suspended off the ground. Rhombus led Esther down the hall toward it, stopping as he came close, and allowing Esther to get a look at it up close.

The suit was stunning. The sheer size of the armor, coupled with it being held, attached to the wall, a few inches off the ground, made the scale of the suit remarkable. Of course, Star-Paladin Barkos, too, wore T-51b power armor, but his was clearly a product of a newer age. This suit, however, still bore the spray of sand across the legs. No single inch of the armor was without a bullet dent or a scorch mark. Despite its damage, a noticeable sigil of the Brotherhood of Steel was still carved right into the breastplate of the armor itself. Below the sigil, a word, nearly completely scratched out, barely legible; 'Captain.' Directly below it, a more clearly readable phrase, 'High Elder Roger Maxson.' 

"This is it," Rhombus began.
"It is a relic of the Brotherhood and the Maxson family; the armor Roger Maxson wore all the way from Mariposa and remained his loyal suit 'till his death." The High Elder explained. Though Esther had heard some of the history behind the Maxsons during instruction, history was often secondary to learning about the present. 

Rhombus looked across the armor, studying it intensely.
"Roger Maxson and his followers walked south for weeks, picking up stray families and allowing them to follow for protection. Keep in mind, this was just days after the nuclear war. Along their route, the group fell under attack almost constantly by violent looters; similar to the raiders of today, looking to capitalize on the tragedy of the Great War by using newfound lawlessness to kill and steal. In attacking Maxson's squad and the following refugees, they always failed, but some people died and there was nothing further Maxson could've done about it. When they were under attack, however, Roger Maxson was always the first to offer himself as their shield, and this armor serves as proof of his conviction to do so. Every kinetic indentation, every laser burn; each one represents a civilian saved."
The High Elder paused for but a moment to take a breath, then continued.

"Of course, Roger Maxson and those civilians went on to find and access Lost Hills; where we stand today. They were, in essence, the entire Brotherhood of Steel of their time. Roger Maxson was the first paladin. To be a paladin is to offer yourself as a shield, in the same way Roger Maxson did. In that sense, to become a warrior of the Brotherhood of Steel is to emulate the way Roger Maxson fought for the survival of those less able to protect themselves; protection from dangerous mutants, anarchists, and bandits. Regardless of what others may say, that is the foundation of the Brotherhood of Steel; protection, inward and outward. Roger Maxson, too, was the first elder. To be an elder is to be a guiding light; illuminating a path for the Brotherhood to embark on unto the future. An elder is one who looks upon all possible paths and finds the right one for the Brotherhood to follow. The Elder Council is a vessel for those elders to communicate amongst each other; to find the true, right path. Roger Maxson became High Elder; he who dictates, with finality, the path the Brotherhood of Steel will take."

Rhombus quieted for a moment, shifting his gaze from the suit and looking down as Esther. His expression is stern, serious; his brow furrowed, almost appearing as anger. 
"It is my great honor to hold a candle to such a protector; for Roger Maxson's honor and ambition to help others is the path I seek to emulate as High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel. 'Without us, humanity is sure to perish.' I'm sure you've heard that before; it's a phrase I hold close to my heart. I hold the Brotherhood in such regard because we, as a whole, fight for nothing less than the protection of the human race; just as a paladin fights to protect an individual, on a larger scale."

Rhombus took a knee, as to speak to Esther at a more even level. His sturdy, serious expression was completely retained.
"I have seen the way you study the scribes, Ashur. It is my hope you will glean knowledge and wisdom from them, but I know you have the fire within you for the path I believe you must take. When the time comes, become a Paladin." 

Path of Clarity (2215)
Squire Esther Ashur heeded every one of High Elder Rhombus' words. With a clear path ahead, Esther went on to excel in the rest of her formal education in the form of Instruction. Now undoubtedly a young woman, and with the relentless ambition to secure her future, nothing could stop her now. 

Esther was sixteen years old; in her final year of Instruction. At the end, herself and her peers would be considered adults in the eyes of the Brotherhood of Steel, and all the responsibilities that come with it. Of course, any squire had the freedom to leave the Brotherhood upon graduation if they so desired, but Esther obviously would never entertain the thought. 

Graduation and promotion to Initiate was a major step for every squire moving up in the Brotherhood; a formal declaration that one is now a full member of the order, in good standing. Despite this, they were never major ceremonies; it was far more common for those squires to graduate and get straight into work as an initiate. After all, the goal of an initiate is foremost to pick an order, the knights or scribes, and find a full member of that order to become an apprentice by. Apprenticeship usually entailed menial work and long hours of it, but with the eventual reward being induction into the knight or scribe orders, it was a very much valuable process for everyone involved. 

Squire Ashur, however, on her way to Instruction on what she knew would be her day of graduation was uneasy. It was only days before that Rhombus had fallen ill; a strange disease that, despite the best efforts of the Head Scribe, has not been identified. Just as she did with her mother when she was a little girl, she spent all her time outside Instruction by his bedside. At least, unlike Shaph, Rhombus stayed conscious; enough to speak, at least. During this time, otherwise alone, they spent hours in discussion; about the past, the present, and, of course, the future. They debated the future of the Brotherhood of Steel, the future of the outside world, and, grimly, the future of the High Eldership. Of course, High Elder is a largely hereditary position; granted almost exclusively to those of Roger Maxson’s descent. In fact, the only time in history where one from another family became High Elder is Rhombus himself, and it was only done because no Maxson was willing or able to take the position at the time. Today, however, that is no longer the case. Though High Elder John Maxson passed a couple decades ago, he was far from the last of his line; right now, Elder Gideon Maxson, son of John Maxson, is nearly forty years old, and a beloved senior member of the Elder Council. Esther remembers the conversation acutely. 

The fluorescent lights burned into Rhombus’ eyes as he laid, facing upward toward them. Esther sat beside, looking at him, in his unflattering state. Despite this, his voice exuded power, his mannerisms practically unchanged with the exception of his immobilization. 

“Gideon Maxson,” the High Elder began, “You haven’t met him, I’m sure; all his time outside the council room is spent on the surface. I couldn’t tell you the last time he walked the halls of Central 3; if you knew him, you would...understand why.”
Rhombus looked away from Esther for a moment, taking a deep breath as he looked back to her.
“He has spirit, and fire in his heart; but it is passion he cannot control.” As he spoke, Rhombus’ voice intensified, as his brow furrowed. “For a man as old as himself, he should have learned by now; but he hasn’t.”

As Rhombus’ voice slowed, Esther spoke up in response, “He is a man of Maxson heritage as well, is he not? How is it that he could be…” Esther attempted to search for an apt description, without being insulting to an elder. “...unrefined?”

Rhombus looked to the far wall of the room, as his face slightly twitched with agitation. He began to speak, slowly and roughly; “Ever since he was a knight, he was never the same man. Make no mistake, Gideon was a savant; but he suffered a terrible loss early in his life, and a brutal scar to accompany it. He bears great guilt, and it clouds his judgement. Gideon has the charisma to lead the Brotherhood, he is beloved on the Elder Council, but none of the patience or wisdom; no refinement, as you put it.” As Rhombus spoke, his voice gradually empowered as his body straightened; by the time he finished, he looked as though he could jump out of his hospital bed and straight into a suit of power armor. He looked straight at Esther, his eyes wide, unblinking, “Gideon Maxson will be High Elder. I could attempt to decree against it in advance, but it wouldn’t work; the Council would do as they wish once I’m gone.” With that, the fire in Rhombus’ eyes burnt out, receding back into a tired expression as his body slumped back into the bed. His voice softened, almost to a mumble, as his eyes drifted to the ceiling, “It is my only hope that his son will not suffer the same fate. I have taken care to temper young Jeremy Maxson, Gideon’s son, but I know not if it will be enough…” Rhombus slowly looked back to Esther, meeting her eyes again, “Stay your path, Esther Ashur. For it is those like you who are the blood of the order; the future of the Brotherhood, and the future of humanity.

High Elder Rhombus’ words weighed in Esther’s mind immensely. They were practically the only thing on her mind as Esther Ashur went through her graduation ceremony with the rest of the squires in the instruction room. With haste, the Senior-Instructor personally promoted each pupil of the class; Esther and her peers officially becoming Brotherhood Initiates after years of work. 

To be an initiate, of course, is to be a learner; similarly to a squire. An initiate's education, however, is less linear. A squire's instruction period is straightforward and fully scheduled up until the end of their thirteenth year, meaning a new initiate is often sixteen; barring extraordinary circumstances. An initiates education is largely on their own shoulders; to educate themselves on the intricacies of knighthood or scribehood. One, of course, cannot become a paladin without first excelling in one of these categories. For Esther, of course, it was a path of clarity; she would train as a scribe. 

Learning such crafts are easier said than done, though. Esther started by observing more closely the full scribes in Central 3; in which she was very welcome, having always been an observer. She balanced her study of the scribes with her visitation to High Elder Rhombus. Rhombus' condition never improved, but he stayed strong throughout. The Head Scribe never was able to identify the affliction, nor able to provide a cure; the best they could do was give the High Elder as much comfort as possible and provide what medication seemed to have any positive effects. As Rhombus' condition worsened, Esther spent more and more time by his bedside as opposed to progressing as an initiate. 

A few months had passed with Esther routinely visiting the scribes of Central 3 and the High Elder. She was seventeen now, well into her training as an initiate, though still without a single scribe she looked up to; more of a roamer who gleaned knowledge from every scribe to a lesser extent as she interacted with many of them. It was an otherwise average day that she stopped in in the Medical Quarter to visit with the High Elder; upon entering, two men stood looking down on Rhombus, neither of them seeming to be doctors. 

As Esther entered, the two fell silent, Esther hearing barely a glimpse of their conversation. The two strangers still faced away from her, toward Rhombus. One of them was dressed in a large robe, similar to that of High Elder Rhombus' robe, colored with a light grey instead of a blue, and far more excessively ornamented than Rhombus' attire. The other one was dressed in a standard recon underarmor; the type worn beneath a suit of T-51b. The one in the recon armor turned toward Esther first, quickly; it was no stranger, it was Star-Paladin Barkos. His expression was stern, and did not turn to that of a smile as he laid eyes upon Esther. Barkos walked swiftly toward the door, stopping for a moment only to say, "Good day, Initiate." in a dampened, quiet voice; Barkos then left the room, leaving only the robed figure still facing away, his face obscured. The High Elder was looking up toward the grey robed man, beginning to speak in a soft voice, "Go ahead, Elder; she is the one I spoke about to you. You need not be shy." Rhombus' expression was completely blank.

Slowly, the robed man turned, one hand obscuring his face for a moment, before he slowly lowered it. Revealed was a face tortured; a large burn mark on the left side, and a litter of small scars on the other; there must have been dozens of them. No inch of the man's face was untouched; all sullied by what must be the carvings of a madman. Though Esther had never been acquainted with him, she had heard of his looks from the High Elder; she knew who it was. He approached her, and as he did, slowly making a smile, his voice was deep but quite soft, warm, almost sounding harmless, "It is an honor to meet you, Initiate Ashur. I am Elder Gideon Maxson. I'm...sure you have heard of me, to some extent..." His voice trailed off, as he looked to the side; looking at nothing in particular, just not at Esther. 

Esther spoke back in response, in a flat tone, "That I have. It is an honor to meet you personally, Elder Maxson." 

Elder Maxson looked slowly back down to Esther, speaking again, "Rhombus had a lot of good to say about you. I take it I can expect great things." 

Esther almost began to speak in reply, but Maxson quickly prevented that as he began again, "I...should be going now. Much work to be done. Have a good evening, Initiate Ashur." Esther was not given a chance to return the gesture as Maxson quickly exited the room, the door shutting behind him, leaving only Esther and Rhombus. 

Esther approached the High Elder's bedside, looking to her first with no expression. With a bit of hesitation, Rhombus began to speak to her, "It is likely you'll start to see Maxson more, from here on; at this rate I can guarantee his admission to the High Eldership. I...suppose I shouldn't dwell on it, lest I risk becoming little more than a cynical old man..." Rhombus' expression shifted to a slight, pained smile. 

Esther sat by his bedside, looking to him, returning a warm expression. "You have no need to worry. We will stay safe; the Brotherhood will stand, no matter what."

Rhombus did not yet reply vocally, instead reaching his hand over to a white, sterile nightstand; grasping a sealed envelope and holding it up to Esther. The letter was plain white and with a common stamp holding it shut. "This is for you, Esther Ashur." 

Esther slowly took it from his hand; examining it, and seeing it is about as usual and uninteresting as a blank envelope is expected to be. Rhombus spoke again, "Within that, is a note; my final words. I would like you to bear them, hold the letter in your possession. Open it only when you feel you are ready; not a moment before nor a moment after. When you do, you will know in your heart what to do with it. Pledge to me that you understand."

To this prompt, Esther never felt so certain about anything, “I solemnly pledge that I, Esther Ashur, will hold this note in my possession, and open it only when I feel ready; not a moment before, nor a moment after.” Esther repeated after the High Elder, as she clutched the note between two fingers.

Rhombus laid, still looking at Esther. He shut his eyes tight, as a tear seeped out and drifted down his cheek. He opened them again, an expression of unmatched happiness, “You have given me peace, Esther Ashur. It will never be forgotten.” 

“Rest well, Rhombus.” Esther replied, as the High Elder shut his eyes for the last time.

As the heart monitor slowed to a stop, a quiet buzzer sounded, as another door opened and medical personnel practically poured into the room. Esther looked down at the note in her hands; the last living remnant of High Elder Rhombus. Esther shed but one tear, landing squarely on the envelope; then leaving to walk the halls of Lost Hills once again.

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