Hunter (Owl House) x Reader

By melissabee04

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THE OWL HOUSE SEASON 2 SPOILERS (Fem reader, if you want other genders just let me know in a comment and I'l... More

Chapter 2: Hunter
Chpater 3: Reader
Chapter 4: Reader

Chapter 1: Doctor's Orders (Reader)

5.2K 98 83
By melissabee04

Hello lovelies! Most of you know the drill for reader x character but in case you didn't...
y/n=your name
l/n=last name
h/c=hair color
e/c=eye color
I think those are all I'm going to use but I'll add more if I end up using them. The story will be written in 1st person because second gets a little weird sometimes. Anyway enjoy reading and be sure to vote!!

My feet click across the tile as I move through the grand, echoey hallways with my hands stacked full of papers. This was something I always hated about growing up in the castle, the way people could always hear your footsteps basically anywhere you were in the halls. I'd rather be undetected with nobody aware of my presence. Not because I'm doing anything bad but because I don't like the attention. I'd rather be cooped up in the research lab studying ways to cure whatever Belos keeps assigning to us and if it we're up to me, I'd never leave expect for sleeping and eating. But here I am, slightly jogging through the almost empty hallways, hands full of papers, on my way to see Belos myself.

None of the other researchers like to present our progress at the weekly meetings, afraid that coming up short would put us on Belos's bad side. I am always nominated to present the progress because as the youngest in the research group, having turned 16 a couple months ago, the others feel like they can push me around. I don't mind it though, as soon as it's over I can retreat back to the lab and begin looking for whatever order Belos screamed in my face at our meeting.

I glance at my watch, scared I'm not going to make it on time and quicken my pace. My footsteps go from the rhythm of a clock to the gallop of a horse and I curse at myself for being so loud. But then again being late to Belos is far worse. I am almost about to turn the corner and enter the hallway where Belos's office is located when I slam into something. Papers scatter everywhere, rocking back and forth slowly in the air before the final gust of air decides to send them halfway across the hall.

"I am so so sorry." I sputter to the person I just ran into but I don't have time to see who it is before I'm on my knees gathering up the papers.

"Hey it's ok, don't worry about it. Here let me help." The person says, their voice sounding soothing and kind. I see their hands begin to pick up some of the papers beside me but I still don't look up, to focused on making it to Belos on time. When I finish I quickly stand back up.

"Well thank yo-" I start but cut myself off when I finally make eye contact with my obstacle and helper. I've never seen him before, but granted I don't go out very much. He looks young, almost around my age but his outfit shows he has a very high rank. His hair is almost bone white, shaved on both sides with a small strand out of place. I get the urge to push it back with the rest of his hair but obviously restrain myself. There is a scar on the left side of his face, right cheek. His eyes are magenta, such a rare and beautiful color almost like an expensive gem stone. Nothing compared to my basic e/c eyes. The bags under his eyes symbolize he has had a rough night but based on his demeanor I wonder if he always just looks like this.

I'm still staring when he finally clears his throat, probably feeling awkward about this situation. I probably look like a crazy person with my messy h/c ponytail, strands falling out around my face. I'm sure I also have some eyebags due to being up all night reading. I finally bring myself back into reality and manage to squeak a few more words out.

"I uh- just, thanks. I'm sorry again." I say checking my watch. 3 minutes until I'm late. His watches me do this gesture and immediately understands the situation.

"Oh, go right ahead, sorry for keeping you." He says with a smile and steps to the side even though this hallway is so big I could've just walked around him. I can't muster any words at the moment so I just nod in acknowledgment. I begin to turn the corner leading up to Belos's chamber when the boy speaks again.

"If your ever worried about being late, I can always smooth things over with Belos." He says in almost a cocky tone. I turn my head so I can see him and give him a smile, hoping I don't look too insane. He smiles back and I notice the gap between his front two teeth. Cute, is my brains first reaction. My face heats up and I quickly snap my head back around to the floor and make my way up to the big doors leading to Belos.

I take a deep breath and go over what I am going to say one last time. The 2 guards outside the door glance down at me. They have masks on but I can tell they rolled their eyes, thinking "not this girl again." They open the doors and it lets out a groan like it hasn't been touched in a hundred years when it most definitely gets used everyday. I take another breath and step into the poorly lit chamber. I breathe in that all too familiar musk and dirt smell. The door closes behind me with a loud thud and the only thing illuminating my path is the half burned candles that line the walls. I take slow steps towards Belos's throne where he sits patiently with his legs crossed.

"What do you have for me this week?" He says unamused but still as terrifying as ever. My hands are sweaty and by knees wobble as they practically bang together. I take a breath and try to steady myself. Showing weakness is never pleasing to Belos.

"Well sir," I begin. "Our team has worked extra hard this week, but unfortunately we were unable to find anything significant regarding your," I pause. "...issue." I finally finish. Belos uncrosses his legs.

"But we did discover some new remedies that might help suppress the side effects." The last 2 words catch in the back of my throat and come out shaky and scared as Belos stands up. I hate when he stands up, not only because of how intimidating he is, but also what he tends to do. He slowly glides down the stairs leading up to his throne until he is towering over me. I suck in a big gulp of air as I feel my heartbeat hammering away at the inside of my rib cage. Scared it will pop out any moment.

"There's nothing." Belos spits in an unsettlingly clam manner. "After everything I do for you, there's nothing." He repeats again. I can only nod my head.

I miss when Lilith was here working with the research committee. She practically helped raise me, teaching  me everything she knew. It's how I became so interested in working for the emperors research team. The other members thought I didn't belong because of my age. They picked on me a lot. But Lilith always stood up for me and she was the one who delivered our weekly report. When she left I was crushed, but things slowly fell back into place. Me being picked on and taking over Lilith's job to present Belos with our weekly reports. I wonder where she is, off seeing the Boiling Isles. I would give anything to be with her, or even out there living my own life. Of course Belos would have my head if he ever heard me say that out loud.

I was pulled back into reality when Belos grips my cheeks with his hand. Almost like a grandmother would do but far far more threatening. He's done this quite I few times before so I don't resist when he tilts my head from side to side, admiring my face and eyes.

"Such a pretty little thing." He says more so to himself. "It's a shame she doesn't know how to follow orders though. I don't ask for much, just to be relieved of my burden. Is that too much?" He asked me, hitching is voice so it sounds higher than usual. I shake my head no the best a can while his hand still grips my cheeks.

"Then I don't know why you aren't trying." Belos booms in a loud tone.

"We are I promise!" My voice is shaky as I fight the urge to cry.

"Don't lie to me y/n." He begins to dig his sharp finger nail into the left side of my face. I tilt my eyes up avoiding his gaze. "I don't think this is everything." He says referring to the papers that have now been dropped and scattered about the floor for a second time today.

"It is I promise!" I cry out. His nail digs into the soft skin on my face and I feel the layer break sending a stinging pain through my body. He continues to drag the finger slowly down the side of my face, furthering the cut. I feel the warm liquid, presumably blood, start to form on the cut's opening. It doesn't hurt that much but the fear is what makes me blink back my tears.

Belos is about to say something once more when a guard bursts through the door. He immediately drops me from his grasp and I stumble back a step. I make sure not to show the guard my face while he reports the news.

"Emperor Belos, there is a situation in the dungeon. It's demands your attention immediately." The guard formally states.

"I see," Belos starts. "Tell them I will be with the guards in a moment." The guard salutes then walks out leaving the door open behind him so Belos can follow.

On his way out Belos puts and hand on my shoulder which makes me shudder. "Next week I expect something." His whispers menacingly in my ear even though we are the only ones in his chamber. He then walks out leaving me alone in the dimly lit room.

I want to collapse to the floor and cry but I keep my tears in as I gather up the papers in silence. Quickly, I leave his office and pass the guards on the outside of his door sparing them an awkward moment as I try to hold my tears in. I walk as fast as I can to the lab. Since it was progress report day, nobody is in there. A tear slides down my cheek and mixes with the blood that was still on my face. I'll be sure to see a healer before bed at least. I am about to open the door when I hear a voice behind me.

"Uh, hey." I recognize that sweet voice from this morning. Quickly I wipe the tears that fell down my cheeks and turn around. To my guess the boy who helped me this morning is standing in the middle of the hall. His face immediately turns sour when I spin around and I feel my face get hot in embarrassment.

"What happened?" He questions and I realize he is talking about the cut and the blood I probably smeared when wiping away the tears and not just my general appearance. I knew I couldn't say anything about the incident, making Belos look bad was a crime so I tell a fib instead.

"I slipped." There's a moment of silence between us as I feel him study my face.

"Do you want me to help fix you up?" The boy asks. Butterflies immediately erupt in my stomach. I've never been super close with a boy before due to all my time spent in the lab, and the fact that the emperors coven isn't exactly abundant in teenage boys. There's a sensation that wants me to say yes but I still attempt to decline.

"That's ok, I'll just find a healer at the infirmary."

"No really, it's ok. I've been wanting to work on my medical practices anyway." He rubs a hand through his hair and I watch as the one strand falls delicately back out of place. I don't really understand why a witch would need to learn medical practices since being in the emperors coven would permit him to learn healing magic. But the sensation growing in my stomach begs me to go with him.

"Umm, ok sure. If it's not too much trouble."

"No not at all. Come on, we can just go to the small clinic up at the front."

We walk in silence for a few moments. I try to get my heart rate to return to a normal level when the boy fills the space.

"Do you want me to help you carry that?" He asks and I realize I'm still holding the huge stack of papers.

"No, it's ok I got-" I start but he's already taking half of the stack away from me. His hand casually brushes mine as he takes the top half of the papers and situates them in his own arms.

"Thanks, again." I say

"No problem."

"I seem to be having to say thanks a lot. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you but thanks, again again for all the help."

He smiles. "It's really nothing." A few more moments of silence pass.

"So what's your name?" He asks.

"Oh uh, y/n." I answer. "What about yours?"

He debates for a moment like he forgot his name but maybe he's just debating if he should tell me. "Hunter, my name is Hunter." He finally says.

"Cool. What do you do here at the emperors coven?" I ask hoping I'm not being too pushy.

"Oh, I guess you could say I'm like a personal guard for the emperor. I'm guessing your on the research committee." I nod. "How did that go by the way, presenting the progress?" I tense up at his question. Trying to play if off hoping Hunter won't notice my uncomfortableness I reply. "Oh, it went ok. We haven't really found anything yet so there wasn't much to report."

"Well considering there wasn't much to report you sure have a lot of papers there." He smiles and I see the gap between his teeth again.

"Ya I'm required to bring all the notes from the previous check ins and some of the old research as well in case Belos wants to look over it. He never does."

Hunter laughs tossing his head back a little. His laugh is nice and sweet, it fits his voice very well. Kind of like it's glazed with honey even though his appearance seems contradicting. I blush some and turn my head away.

After a few more steps in the hollow hallways we turn a corner and Hunter points to a sign that says clinic.

"Right there. Everyone always uses the infirmary so there should be no one here."

He opens the door with a key he miraculously pulled from his pocket and within a few seconds we are inside the stark white and sterile smelling room. He sets my papers on a counter and I follow his lead, placing mine on top. Hunter begins to mess around through some of the cabinets. A wave of regret washes over me as I suddenly feel like we're not supposed to be in here. Most of the time people under a certain rank aren't allowed to wander the castle. For instance, research committee isn't allowed anywhere but the labs, library, personal rooms, and cafeteria. Hunter seems to notice the worry on my face.

"Don't worry," He reassures. "I've got quite a bit of free reign on the castle. I've been in here plenty of times before." I'm still not fully convinced until he begins to take off his gloves to fix my wound. I notice the emperors coven emblem tattooed onto his wrist and realize that he really is high up in the ranking system despite how young he looks. My worry subsides just a little.

Hunter gestures for me to sit down on the medical bed. The paper crinkles underneath and I cringe slightly at the noise. He continues to get out the supplies. Some alcohol, cotton balls and a bandaid. I hear the clanking of the cabinet doors stop which suggests he is done getting materials. He makes his way over to where I am situated and moves all the supplies to a closer counter. I'm still puzzled as to why a witch wouldn't be practicing healing magic but he continues with the old fashioned method. Without a second for me to process it, Hunter beings applying the alcohol to my face. I flinch a little as the medicine stings it's way into my cut.

"Sorry," He replies but continues his work. His hand is under my chin slowly guiding my face from side to side as he cleans up the now dried blood. His hands are soft and warm, his first two fingers fitting perfectly in the space under my chin. Nothing like the cold, scary fingers of Belos. Every time I enter his office I am always scared it's going to be an encounter that involves him touching me. It's the exact opposite with Hunter. His hands are comforting and welcoming and I find myself leaning ever so slightly into his touch. Hunter continues cleaning my face and I do my best to avoid his gaze.

Standing up he is only about 3 inches taller than me so sitting on this bed I am elevated above him just slightly. We say nothing for the moments that pass, only taking in each other's company. There's an electric sensation buzzing in the air and I can't help but to feel some sort of tension. He moves on to the bandaid and I hear him crinkle the wrappers as I try not to stare at him while he works. Hunter starts to apply the bandaid starting from the middle and pushing each of the ends out with one of his fingers.

Normally I always go to a healer when an incident happens. With a wave of their fingers and a spell circle the wound is usually patched up no problem. This kind of physical touch is something I don't get very often, not since Lilith left.

Hunter rubs the ends of the bandaids down over and over again slowly. Probably more times than needed to get it to stick. With each stroke he hesitates at the end, his fingers lingering on my cheeks before he decides to make another stroke starting from the center of the bandaid again. It's weird, having known him for less than 20 minutes but still feeling this unique connection. This moment isn't awkward like it should be, instead it's tender and kind and I want it to never end.

At some point I let my gaze wander up until it finds Hunter's eyes. Instead of looking away, I choose to stare, watching his magenta eyes focus in concentration. The corners of my lips turn up ever so slightly and I'm tempted to close the gap between us. That's bizarre, I only just met him I can't be thinking thoughts like this. But I do, and for the last few moments I let myself. After the last stroke, Hunter's fingers linger on my cheek and he looks up to find me staring. My eyes immediately widen as we hold eye contact for a few seconds. He clears his throat again like in the hallway and drops his hands from my face, taking a step back. His warm touch hanging on for a just a second afterwards and as soon as it's gone I wish I could have it back. He rubs his hand through his hair, missing the strand in the front again.

"S-so, there you go." He stutters.

"Thank you." I say as genuinely as possible, giving him another smile.

"We'll catch you around y/n."

"Ya... ya see you around."

Hey ya'll. Idk what this is or how I feel about it. It came to me in a dream and I know it's super out of character for Hunter but idk. I might continue if I get anymore ideas. I'm also going to maybe do a question of the chapter if I keep this up.

This QotC is: what did you think of it? What could  I do to make the x reader a little bit better? Like more action less story? I want your honest opinion.

Vote if you liked and thanks for reading!!

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