Harry Potter One-Shots of Rom...

By PotterLupinBlack

28.3K 720 259

A collection of one-shots from Harry Potter. Romione, Hinny, Jily, Ronks, Scrose, Tedtoire. My first stories... More

This is Forever- Hinny
Denial- Jily
Frustrations- Romione
3 Galleons- Ronks
Dragon Pox- Scrose
The Bet- Ronks

Train Tracks- Tedtoire

2.8K 89 43
By PotterLupinBlack

My name is Victoire. Victoire Weasley. Did I mention I'm a Veela? I am, and I hate it with a burning passion. Since I was born, men's eyes had naturally been drawn to me. I used to not understand, but now I am clearly aware of the bloody consequences. Bleargh.

I was fourteen, and had been crushing hard on my best friend Teddy for about a year. The irony is that I could have had any boy I wanted, but Teddy doesn't seem to be all that interested. Now, at the beginning of the year, I hadn't seen him all summer and I missed him terribly.

"Vic!" I swirled around gracefully at my nickname.

"Teddy!" I flung my arms around his neck and he picked me up, spinning me in a circle before putting me back down.

"Good summer? You've gotten taller again, I swear to god," I said. And it was true. I only came up to about his chest.

"It was alright. I swear, Gran's gone balmy, keeps asking me why I haven't got a girlfriend, then assumes I'm gay. Which I'm not! Not that that's a bad thing but... I'm not, and I thought you should know that for some reason?" He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Pfft, you're adorable," I snorted, standing on my toes and ruffling his hair.

"Oi, thanks," grumbled Teddy, slightly red in the face.

We were getting dangerously close to the empty train tracks when I slipped. I felt the sensation of falling. Was this it? Then I felt hands on my back, and I was breathing hard, crushed to a warm chest.

"Oh, mon dieu," I breathed. "I almost..."

He looked me in the eyes, his hair a bright purple and expression intense. And then he kissed me. I kissed back. It was as messy as a kiss between a fourteen-year-old and a seventeen-year-old could get, but to me it was like heaven. I knew it was neither of our first kiss.

"I could have lost you," he murmured.

I took him by the hand and pulled him all the way back to the brick wall. "But you didn't. And that gave us an opportunity." I pulled him down by his tie and we were kissing again, tongues twisting, teeth gnashing...

"TED? VICTOIRE? What are you two DOING?" James. Oh, I am going to kill the little bugger.

"Sod off, Potter." Teddy growled. "I've come to see Victoire off, is all."

"We're kissing, James! Grown-up things! Go away!" I yelled from behind Teddy." James giggled madly and started chanting: "TEDDY SNOGGED VICTOIRE! TEDDY SNOGGED VICTOIRE!" He ran off into the steam haze, laughing.

"Little bugger." Teddy growled. "Should we get him?"

"Nahh, leave him. WE'VE got better things to do." I teased.

"Damn right." he chuckled, pulling me in again.

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