Our Secret

By Licutie269

259K 3.8K 467

Coralina Routledge, twin sister of John Booker Routledge, needs a distraction from the chaos of her life. He... More

Our secret November Part 1
Our Secret November Part 2
Our Secret December 3
Our Secret Christmas Part 4
New Years Eve Part 5
Our Secret January Part 6
Our Secret Valentine's Day Part 7
Our Secret February Part 8
Our Secret March Part 9
Our Secret April Part 10
Our Secret Sophomore Social Part 11
Our Secret Aftermath 1 Part 12
Our Secret Aftermath 2 Part 13
Our Secret May Part 14
Our Secret Memorial Day Part 15
Memorial Day 2 Part 16
June Part 17
June 2 Part 18
4th of July/July Part 19
Pilot 1 Our Secret Part 20
Pilot 2 Our Secret Part 21
Pilot 3 Our Secret Part 22
Pilot 4 Our Secret Part 23
Lucky Compass 1 Part 24
Lucky Compass 2 Part 25
The Forbidden Zone 1 part 26
The Forbidden Zone 2 Part 27
The Forbidden Zone 3 Part 28
Spy Games 1 Part 29
Spy Games 2 Part 30
Midsummers 1 Part 31
Midsummers 2 Part 32
Parcel 9 (1) Part 33
Parcel 9 (2) Part 34
Parcel 9 (4) Part 36
Dead Calm 1 Part 37
Dead Calm 2 Part 38
The Runway 1 Part 39
The Runway 2 Part 40
Bell Tower 1 Part 41
The Phantom 1 Part 42
The Phantom 2 Part 43
Cleo Part 44
The Gold 1 Part 45
The Gold 2 Part 46
The Heist 1 Part 47
Prayers 1 Part 48
Homecoming 1 Part 49
Homecoming 2 Part 50
Homecoming 3 Part 51
The Darkest Hour 1 Part 52
My Druthers 1 Part 53
My Druthers 2 Part 54
My Druthers 3 Part 55
Bonfire 1 Part 56
Bonfire 2 Part 57
The Cross 1 Part 58
The Cross 2 Part 59
Trapped 1 Part 60
Trapped 2 Part 61
Coastal Venture 1 Part 62
Coastal Venture 2 Part 63
Poguelandia 1 Part 64
Pouguelandia 2 Part 65
The Bells 1 Part 66
The Bells 2 Part 67
Fathers and Sons Part 68
The Diary Part 69
Heists 1 Part 70
Heists 2 Part 71
The Dark Forest 1 Part 72
Dark Forest 2 Part 73
Happy Anniversary Part 74
Happy Anniversary 2 Part 75
Tapping the Rudder Part 76
Tapping the Rudder 2 Part 77
Welcome to Kitty Hawk Part 78
Welcome to Kitty Hawk 2 Part 79
Secret of the Gnomon part 80
Secret of the Gnomon Part 81

Parcel 9 (3) Part 35

2K 39 7
By Licutie269

"Get your asses back here!" Kie yelled towards the three boys who were piled on the HMS Pogue leaving the three girls stranded on their own boat.

"We can't.  Not till you three figure it out," John B called back.

"I will literally kill every single one of you and take great pleasure in dumping your bodies in the marsh," Coral yelled, "I swear to God, JJ, Google will stop if you leave me here," she threatened. 

Running his hand through his hair she could tell he was contemplating coming back for her before John B said something to him.  Shaking his head JJ waved to her, "I love you!" he yelled back, blowing her a kiss.

"You can't just leave us here!" Sarah yelled.

"There's food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt," Pope called.

"Hydroponic," JJ yelled.

"This is ridiculous," Sarah muttered as she stripped down to her bathing suit.

"You're never going to catch them, they're in a boat," Coral stated, rolling her eyes when Sarah dived off the boat anyway.

"Wait!  John B, you asshole!" Sarah yelled, swimming after the boat speeding away from them.  "They're not coming back for you," Kie called down to the girl.

"I can't stay here with you," Sarah yelled even as she turned in the water and started to swim back.  

"I'm gonna fucking kill them," Coral muttered.  Opening her mouth to respond Kie was cut off by Sarah screaming.  Looking over the edge Kie asked what her problem was.

"I got stung by a jellyfish," she cried, "Shit! It hurts," she whined swimming towards the ladder of the boat.

"Well you swam into a man-o-war.  I don't know what you thought was going to happen," Kie huffed, rolling her eyes as Sarah climbed the ladder.

"Thanks so much for the help," Sarah muttered.  Sitting on the deck she looked at her stomach whining about the pain.  "That looks like it hurts," Kie commented, smiling.

Looking up at the two girls Sarah bit her lip, "Hey, you know what they say about curing jellyfish stings?" she asked.

"No, not happening," Coral answered.  "Please, you have to pee on me," Sarah begged them.  Glancing at Kie Coral shook her head, "I've got a better idea," she stated heading into the cabin.

Finding what she was looking for Coral came back out with JJ's backpack.  Sitting down on the deck she dug through the bag pulling out JJ's weed container.  Opening the container she held up the rolled joint, "It's for the pain," she told Sarah before lighting the joint.

Taking several drags Coral handed it to Sarah with a warning, "It's JJ's cousin's cripple and if you're not used to it shit will knock you on your ass."

"Case in point," Kie muttered as Sarah began coughing, "Maybe you shouldn't partake," she suggested taking the joint from Sarah's hand.

Several hits later and Sarah was giggling excessively, "We should play a game," she told the other two happily, "So like we could play truth or dare, but without the dare."

"That's just truth, Sarah.  The game would just be called truth," Coral told the girl.

"Oh my God!  It's a twin thing!  John B said something just like that when we played," she said laughing to herself.

"Alright, you want to play truth?  Then let's get right into it," Kie said, looking at Sarah, "Why'd you do it?" she asked.

Furrowing her brow Sarah asked what she meant.

"I mean sophomore year.  Why'd you do it?  We were best friends.  Literally did everything together and then the next thing I know I'm watching your birthday party from Instagram," Kie reminded her.

"It was one party," Sarah muttered.

"That you literally invited everyone too except me!" Kiara exclaimed.

"I wasn't invited," Coral mumbled.

"And then you told everybody I was the reason that the party got busted," Kie went on completely missing Coral's comment.

"Okay, well who else would've called the cops?" Sarah asked, no longer happy but instead irritated.

"You never asked," Kie said wide eyed, "You just let the rumor go that I was a rat.  You were my best friend and then you ghosted me, and I don't even know why."

"It doesn't feel good, does it?" Coral asked, raising an eye brow at her curly haired friend as she took another hit from their shared joint.  "What?" Kie questioned.

"It's because you liked me," Sarah blurted out, "I have this thing.  When people get close to me.  I feel trapped and I bail," she told them shrugging, "And then I blame them for it."

"So you're gonna bail on my brother?"

"No," she responded immediately shaking her head, "John B's different," she admitted quietly.

"How so?" Kie asked.  Clearing her throat Sarah shrugged, "He just is," she replied before smiling, "Okay, it's my turn.  Coralina, how did you and JJ come to be?"

"We......well more like I decided to have sex."

"I'm sorry, what?" Sarah asked confused. 

"It was just supposed to be a hookup," Kie supplied. 

"What made you decide on JJ for a hookup?"

"Well we've been changing around each other since we were kids so I knew he was hung like a horse."

"Oh my God, Coral!" Kie exclaimed throwing her hands against her ears, "I can never unhear that!"

Laughing Coral shrugged, "She asked.  Besides that was only part of it," she admitted, "JJ happened because I needed somebody that night and he was my best friend.  I didn't think either one of us would catch any feelings but we did and it just works," she answered seriously. 

"I'm glad for you even if you two are completely gross to be around," Kie told her, "Now I have a question for you what did you mean just now when you said it doesn't feel good?" she asked looking at Coral.

Pursing her lips Coral tilted her head back to look up at the sky before taking a deep breath, "Alright if today's a day of truths then I'm just gonna say it," she said bringing her gaze back to Kie, "You keep saying Sarah was your best friend well you were mine."

"At least until you went off to join the Kook academy and then you did the same thing she did to you to me," she continued, "I mean how do you think it made me feel for you to cancel Thanksgiving but then I see you're at the Cameron's on Instagram."

Blinking Kie opened and closed her mouth several times before blowing out a breath, "I'm sorry, Coral, I didn't even realize that I was hurting you."

"I know," she stated simply, "And I understood which is why when you came back I forgave you so if I could forgive you I think you need to forgive Sarah too."

"Do you think you can?" Sarah asked hopefully.

Giving the girl a small smile Kie nodded, "If Coral can forgive me then yeah."

Smiling widely Sarah squealed, "Oh, I'm so glad because I missed you and I'm really looking forward to getting to know Coral."

"Yeah, you don't seem half bad," Coral told her with a wink. 

"Alright, so next question is for Coral.  You threatened JJ with Google.  Why would he be afraid of Google?" Sarah asked with a look of confusion. 

Snorting Coral laughed till her stomach hurt, "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes," Sarah said at the same time Kie said no. "I'm telling you any weird things they do you do not want to know about," Kie warned.

"You still want to know?" Coral asked with a raise of her eyebrow as Sarah nodded, "So, I use Google to find different sexual positions," she revealed laughing at Sarah's face and Kie making gagging noises.

"Really?" Sarah whispered, "Does it like show you how?"

"Oh for fucks sake," Kie muttered standing and heading into the wheelhouse.  Laughing Coral nodded, "Sometimes or it just describes how to," she answered with a shrug.

"So like you guys are into different things like that?  It's not embarrassing?"

"No, I think if it was anyone but JJ then maybe it would be, but we've known each other since we were like nine.  It's liberating to be so comfortable with someone," she replied.

"And if you're around them long enough you'll see how liberated they are," Kie said plopping back down with a bag of potato chips. 

"We aren't that bad!" Coral laughed.

"I think that would be amazing to be that comfortable with someone.  I've never," Sarah paused, "I've never had sex," she admitted, "Mostly because when it gets that far I'm afraid to let someone see me like that."

"You have to find the right person.  Someone who accepts you for you.  Who knows all of your flaws and loves you anyway," Coral told her, smiling as she thought of JJ.

"What about you Kie? Any epic love stories for you?" Sarah asked. 

"No, nothing to report," she responded. 

"I can't believe they're gonna just leave us out here," Coral moaned sprawling out on the deck. 

"Well let's go have our own fun," Sarah decided jumping up, "Come on let's go swimming!"

"Uh, did you forget the man-o-war you swam into earlier?"

"Pfft, the water isn't covered in them," Sarah dismissed with a wave of her hand, "Come on," she whined pulling on Kie and Coral. 

"Fine," Kie relented standing and stripping down to her bikini while Coral did the same. 

"Come on we'll jump together," Sarah declared as the girls met at the edge.  Clasping hands they counted down before jumping. 

Screaming all the way down they resurfaced laughing hysterically, "Who needs those stupid boys to have fun?" Sarah laughed.

Climbing back on board Kie grabbed blankets from the cargo hold while Sarah brought poptarts out of the wheelhouse.   Digging around in JJ's bookbag Coral pulled out a long sleeved shirt.

Stripping out of their wet bathing suits they put their dry clothes on before curling up under the blankets after eating their poptarts.  Using JJ's shirt as a pillow Coral laid sprawled between the two girls. 

"Sarah, promise me you won't bail on John B; he seems to really like you."

Turning her head to look at Coral Sarah nodded, "I won't.  I promise."

Giving her a small smile Coral pulled her blanket up and closed her eyes. 

"Hey Sarah?"

"Hey Kiara," Sarah answered back.

"I never said sorry for calling the cops."

Snorting Coral covered her mouth as she laughed.  "I knew it!" Sarah exclaimed as Kie started laughing, "I knew it, you bitch!"

"You should've invited me!"

Sitting around the boat deck the next afternoon Kie groaned, "What are those idiots doing?"

"You'd think they'd be back to get us by now," Sarah chimed in.

"It's probably my fault," Coral said where she lay like a starfish on the deck, "Both John B and JJ know I'm not a morning person.  JJ had to wake me up yesterday."

"Coral, we left at like two in the afternoon," Sarah laughed.  


"Oh, here we go, finally," Kie said looking out over the water.  

Sitting up Coral could see the boys heading their way on the HMS Pogue.

"We're not giving them the satisfaction of knowing this worked, right?" she asked.

"Hell no," both Sarah and Kie replied at the same time.

"Uh oh, did you lose your keys?" Pope called.  "Yeah, you're a regular comedian," Kie responded crossing her arms to glare at the boys.

"You know we're gonna get you back," Sarah told them.  "I look forward to it," John B replied cheekily.

"You still love me?" JJ asked as he climbed into The Alp and helped Coral up off the deck.  Humming as she pretended to think about it she eventually shrugged, "If I must," she retorted, "It's gonna be awhile before I Google, though," she told him smirking.

"Oh, come on," he whined, "It wasn't even my idea."  

"So, did you three work through your, uh, differences?" John B asked.  Glancing at Coral and Kie Sarah rolled her eyes, "Not even close."

"But we're willing to work together," Kie told them.  

"Well that sounds like a victory," John B decided.

"Guess I'll put the engine back together so we can go," JJ said before heading into the wheelhouse.

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