Love in war

Od shinningstarantara

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Vansh , a gangster falls in love with fun loving Riddhima without knowing about her past truth . Will Vansh a... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 ( epilogue )
Link to new book

Chapter 4

2.5K 176 26
Od shinningstarantara

Let me introduce some characters :

He is Rudra Rai Singhania , Vansh's chacha .

She is Chanchal Rai Singhania , Vansh's Chachi .

He is Aryan Rai Singhania , Rudra's son and Vansh's cousin . He is 25 years old .

This chapter starts with ,

Riddhima sitting in her room looking at her photo with her friends .

Riddhima : I am sorry Kabir , I know that you will be upset with me , But I have no other option . To save you , I have only this way .

Riddhima remembers the flashback :

After she talks to Kabir last night , She goes to the room .

She gets a call from Vansh .

Riddhima : Hello

Vansh : Hi Sweetheart .

Riddhima : I am not your sweetheart , I have told everything to Kabir , He will not let us to get married .

Vansh : So you will not marry me ?

Riddhima : Of course , I will not marry you . Forget about living a life with you , I cannot even live a second with you . That much I hate you .

Vansh : I knew it sweetheart , You will surely refuse me . But I didn't ask your permission I just gave you information .

Riddhima : Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania , I will not marry you , It is final . No one can change my decision .

Vansh : Riddhima , What do you think you will refuse me and I will let you live peacefully . Nah .. Just tell me one thing where is your friend Sejal ?

Riddhima realises that Sejal is not in the house .

Vansh : I know where she is , She is in blue star hotel . What if something happens to her ?

Riddhima : Vansh please , please don't do anything to her .

Vansh : If I shouldn't do anything to her . Just listen to me carefully . After refusing to my marriage proposal you cannot live peacefully . I swear I will kill all your friends if you refuse me for this marriage . Don't think you can run away to some other place , Where ever you go I will come there . Nothing will happen to you but all your friends including that Kabir will die . So think .

Vansh cuts the call , Riddhima cries .

Flashback ends .

It is evening ,

Riddhima gets ready for engagement.

Kabir : Riddhima please say , Is Vansh threatening you to marry him .

Riddhima : No , He asked for my hand in marriage and then I agreed to marry him that's solve Kabir . Why are you over thinking .

Ananya : Kabir , Just leave her . Don't bother her , She have decided to marry . Let her get married to the man she wants nah .

Kabir : Look Ananya , If she is getting married to some other man I could have agreed . But she is getting married to a criminal . How can I agree ?

Ananya : Kabir , I don't know all that ,  But I have seen Vansh's dadi and mom. They both are very nice , They will take care of Riddhima . Now see , Riddhima is a orphan . If she gets married to Vansh , she will get a good family to take care of her . I think Vansh also loves her . He will also take good care of Riddhima . Don't worry . As you say , if Vansh is a criminal , Riddhima will change him into a good person as a dutiful wife .

Kabir : You are talking very nicely , instead of becoming a doctor you could have become a lawyer .

Riddhima : Kabir , We are getting late . Come let's go for the engagement . Later we can argue .

Kabir in a irritated tone :

Fine , I will take the car . Come

Kabir , Sejal , Ananya and Riddhima goes to VR mansion .

Dadi welcomes everyone . Sia comes and hugs Riddhima .

Vansh stands and admires Riddhima .

Karishma : Come on dude , You can admire her after marriage .

Angre laughs .

Vansh goes to Kabir .

Kabir : Why do you want to marry Riddhima ?

Vansh : I love her that's why .

Kabir : I don't know why she agreed to marry you , But I think you have some other intentions behind marrying her . Because Vansh Rai Singhania cannot love anyone .

Vansh : You are free to think , Whatever you want .

Riddhima stares at Vansh , Vansh smiles at her .

Ishani , Chachi and Aryan sees Riddhima .

Ishani : So she is the girl . I don't know what my bhai saw in you .

Chachi : Nothing is special in her , She is just a simple girl .

Aryan : I think bhai is marrying her just because she is pretty .

Ishani : Whatever .

Dadi : Come it's time to exchange the rings .

Vansh and Riddhima goes to the stage .
Vansh puts ring on Riddhima's hand , Then Riddhima puts ring on Vansh's hand .

Anupriya : Now you both are engaged .

Anupriya smiles .

Kabir thinks :

I should do something and stop this wedding . Now they are engaged , tomorrow is their marriage . I should stop it some how . I cannot let my friend live a dreadful life .

Sia : Bhai , It is your engagement , So you should dance with bhabhi.

Dadi : Yes Vansh , Come on dance with Riddhima .

Vansh takes Riddhima's hand and takes her to the centre of the hall . Music plays , Vansh and Riddhima dances .

Vansh : It's good that you agreed to marry me .

Riddhima : I had no other option . But Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania I will never accept you as my husband . I will marry you , But never I will be a dutiful wife to you .

Vansh smirks .

Riddhima and Vansh finishes dancing .

The engagement gets over . Riddhima and her friends gets back to their house .

Riddhima is in her room ,

She thinks of the engagement and gets sad . Suddenly someone wrapped with black shawl enters through the window , Riddhima notices some shadow . She gets scared . Riddhima slowly goes behind the shawl person and catches him tightly .

Riddhima : Thief , thief , I have caught the thief . Thief .....

She catches the person tightly . Shawl person removes his shawl , It is Vansh .

Vansh : Wow , How tightly you are catching me , If you will catch me like this then for life long I will be a thief .

Riddhima recognises Vansh's voice and leaves him .

Riddhima : You ...  Why did you come here ?

Vansh : To see you

Riddhima : What ?

Vansh : Riddhima , Tomorrow at this time it will be our first night know ?

Riddhima gets scared and shivers.

Vansh : Riddhima , Don't get scared . I just came here to see you and inform you about one more thing .

Riddhima : What is it ?

Vansh : Your friend Kabir is not as he seems . He is not your true friend , He is hiding many things from you .

Riddhima : What the hell ? Kabir is not like that , He will not hide anything from me and he is my best friend . Do you get that .

Vansh : I came to..

Ananya knocks on  Riddhima's room door .

Riddhima gets tensed .

Ananya : Riddhima is everything ok ? Why did you shout ?

Riddhima : Nothing Ananya , I just had a bad dream.

Ananya : Ok , Don't be awake go to sleep .

Ananya goes .

Riddhima : Vansh leave from here , If Kabir sees you then it will become a big problem . Please leave .

Vansh : Ok sweetheart , I will leave now . But one day I will prove that Kabir's true face in front of you .

Vansh leaves .

Riddhima : I know Vansh , You want to create a rift between mine and Kabir's friendship but I will not let this happen. I will never believe you .

Next morning ,

Riddhima's and Vansh's haldi ceremony goes on well .

Riddhima thinks :

I don't know what I am going to do after this marriage , Really it will be tough for me . But I have to tolerate it for my friends .

It is afternoon ,

In Kabir's house ,

The preparations are going on well . Everyone are busy preparing for the wedding . Kabir goes to Riddhima .

Kabir : Riddhima , Just relax . How long will you work . Come on drink this juice now .

He gives juice to Riddhima . Riddhima drinks it .

Riddhima : Thank you Kabir .

Riddhima again goes and starts preparing for the wedding .

Kabir recalls adding some pills to the juice .

Kabir thinks :

Sorry Riddhima , But I can't let you marry to that criminal .

Riddhima faints . Kabir carries her and puts her in the car .

After some time ,

Riddhima wakes up and notices that she is in a moving car . She then sees Kabir driving the car .

Riddhima : Kabir , What are you doing , Where are you taking me ?

Kabir : Riddhima I won't let you to marry him . I will send you to Thailand . There no one will be able to find you . You can go and live there peacefully .

Riddhima : No Kabir , It will become a big problem . I am not going anywhere . I will get married to Vansh .

Kabir : Just shut up Riddhima , I know what is good for you .

Suddenly one car comes and stops in front of Kabir's car . It is Vansh's car . Vansh comes out of his car. Riddhima and Kabir also comes out of their car .

Vansh : Kabir , What's your problem ? Why are you troubling me ?

Kabir : I am not troubling you , You are only troubling my friend . Leave her Vansh , She is innocent .

Vansh : For your kind information Kabir , I am marrying Riddhima with her consent only .

Kabir : Vansh , Don't try to be smart . I know that you are forcing her to marry you . Riddhima you decide now , For you I am important or this Vansh is important .

Riddhima : Kabir , What type of question is this ?

Kabir : Riddhima if for you he is important you can go marry him . If I am important for you then don't marry him . The decision is yours you can choose only anyone between us .

Riddhima thinks :

I am sorry Kabir , I cannot say the truth and risk your life . If I didn't marry Vansh , then he will kill you . For me more than your life nothing is  important .

Riddhima : Kabir , It is very important for me to marry Vansh now .

Kabir : If you want to marry Vansh , then forget about our friendship .

Riddhima : Kabir ...

Kabir : Enough Riddhima , Now also you are not refusing to marry him know .

Riddhima : Kabir whatever happens I will marry him only .

Vansh : Kabir heard it , Now Riddhima itself told it clearly to you . Now Riddhima will marry me only .

Tears starts flowing from Kabir's eyes . Vansh grabs Riddhima's hand and takes her .

Kabir : Riddhima , Listen to me carefully . If you marry him , then forget about me , I will not be your friend anymore . Hereafter there is no friendship between us.  Remember that .

Riddhima starts crying and she gets into the car . Vansh drives the car and leaves .
Kabir sits and cries in the middle of the road .

Kabir : Why Riddhima , why did you do this ? Why are you so stubborn in marrying him . You don't know the consequences of marrying him .

Kabir calls White evil .

Kabir : I am sorry , I cannot stop your sister from marrying him . I am sorry please forgive me .

White : Don't feel sorry , I know that Riddhima is not interested in marrying him . I think he blackmailed her , that's why she is agreeing to marry him .

Kabir : If he is blackmailing her , She could have told me know , But she is not telling me anything . Even after I say that my friendship with her is over , still she is not refusing for the marriage .

White : That Vansh Rai Singhania has crossed his limits . He forced my sister to marry him nah , Now I have decided I will kill him .

Kabir : No no please don't do anything like that , Then our Riddhima will become a widow .

White : Kabir we can get her remarried also . But Vansh Rai Singhania has to die .

White Evil cuts the call .

Scene changes .

Vansh and Riddhima stands to marry at the mandap .

Pandit : Now you both exchange the garlands .

Vansh and Riddhima exchanges .

Pandit chants mantra and they both starts to take rounds around the holy fire.

Vansh thinks :

Finally Riddhima you are going to become mine .

Riddhima thinks of her broken friendship with Kabir .

They both completes seven rounds .

They sits down .

Pandit : Now tie the mangalya sutra around her neck and apply the vermillion on her forehead .

Vansh ties mangalya sutra around Riddhima's neck and applies the vermillion on her head partition .

Pandit : Now you are husband and wife .

Everyone becomes happy . Finally Vansh and Riddhima gets married .

They seeks blessings from the elders . They all takes wedding photos , Riddhima is still sad . After that all the function gets over .

Dadi takes Riddhima along with her .

Vansh goes to the study room .

Karishma : Congratulations dude , finally you have married the girl you like . I am very happy for you .

Vansh : Thank you Karishma . Now I got married , Now don't you think that you should also get married .

Karishma : No dude , Marriage is not my cup of tea . Ok now I will go talk to your wife . Bye .

Karishma smiles and leaves .

Vansh gets a message from an unknown number .

Vansh reads the message

The message :

Do you know your wife well ? Do you know about her past ? If you know about her past you will surely kill her with your own hands . If you want , you can try searching for her past secrets .

By yours ,

Well-wisher .

Vansh gets confused on reading this message .

Share your thoughts about Kabir's and Riddhima's friendship .

Thank you guys for reading my story . I hope you all like it . Sorry if there is any mistake in my English . I will soon upload the next part .

Please do comment and vote 😄😄.

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