I love... [Akashi x Orphan!Re...

By cyberwriterfuyu

78.8K 3.6K 622

A drama with a sweet romance. You and Momoi both love Kuroko and Akashi has feelings for you. What would happ... More

Where it all started
Extra Ch. 1
Extra Ch.3
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53-5
Ch. 56
Ch. 57
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61: Final
Akashi's Route
Kuroko's Route

Extra Ch.2

1.2K 56 31
By cyberwriterfuyu

Author's Note| Note that I'll be making a lot of Extras lately just to make things interesting. If there are things you might not understand, it will be explain later on. This is a long chapter =w=;; Sorry if I made too many mistakes. I'll fix it later. [EDIT] Yeah, 8 pages long, not gonna happen. x'D

"An invitation?" Murasakibara said.

"Yeah. You're all invited and its today at night. You guys can even stay the night as well." the red head boy said.

"But we don't have anything fancy to wear." Kise said.

"Wait, you don't have anything fancy?" you asks.

"Just because I'm a model doesn't mean I have a fancy clothes." he chuckles.

"It's fine if you don't have the clothes. I already prepare you guys clothes."

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH???" you, Kise, and Aomine said.

The boys and the girls were separated and went by different cars to get their outfits. As you got there, you were then again separated by Momoi. When you finish, you had got out, trying desperately to stand up. You never wore outfits like the one that you were wearing. You notice Momoi, smiling brightly, with her cheeks pink, looking at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a dark blue dress. You thought it look beautiful on her. She had transform. "Oh. You look beautiful." you said, trying to walk over to Momoi. She looks at you and giggles. As she walk over to you, you wonder how she could walk like that. "How can you walk like that?"

"I wore outfits like this before. Just in case, if I were to go on a date with Tetsu-kun." you flinch and she looks at you, smiling. "Besides have you seen yourself yet. You look absolutely stunning!" Momoi pushes you to the mirror. At that moment you were able to stand, and look yourself in the mirror. You wearing a white pure dress. You didn't recognize yourself and wasn't noticing on how beautiful you look. "Who is that in the mirror? Is that seriously me? I don't look-."

"Beautiful." a voice said. You and Momoi both turn around to see the red hair boy, wearing his outfit, smiling looking at you. He was more handsome. Your cheeks were slightly pink not making eye contact with Akashi. He smiles, to see you trembling, still trying to get up. He went up to hug you. "That outfit I chose for you was perfect for you. You look just like Cinderella."

"Cinderella..?" you said, gazing into Akashi. He was smiling. Both of you were slightly blushing but wasn't showing that much so that the two of you wouldn't notice each other's blush.

"Ehem." Momoi said, as if she was interrupting. "I like the dress that you chose for me."

"I'm glad that you like it. I'm sure that Tetsuya will too."

"Yes! Yes! Where's Tetsu-kun? I want to see him!" Momoi said, happily.

"He should be in the car, driving to my house. He should be there soon."

"Then we should get going as well!" Momoi said, happily.

"Hey, Sei-tan?"

"What is it?"

"You look handsome." you said, quietly.

"What was that?" he said, smiling.

"I'm not saying it again!" you said, trying to walk away from him. But as you try to take a step, you had accidently trip.

"Be careful." he said, smiling. He was hugging you from behind and you look up to his eyes. His red eyes were kind. "I don't want you to be hurting yourself."

"Can.. you take me to the car then.." you said, feeling embarrass. As he help you walk a bit, you were able to get use to it, quickly, thanks to Akashi. "Thank you. I think I got use to it."

As you got to meet the boys again. Momoi had went straight to Dai-tan and Kuroko-kun. You decided not to look at Kuroko-kun just yet. "WOAH!" Kise-kun says, blushing looking at you.

"Do I really look that bad?"

"N-no way! You look really cute." he said, using his hand to cover his smile.

"Midori-tan. Murasaki-tan. You two look really cool." you said.

"Thank you. You look nice as well." Midorima said.

"Thanks. Do you have some sweets for me?" Mursakibara asks.

"No, not today. We were going to eat a lot." you said, continuing the conversation and ignoring Kise.

"Compliment me! Compliment me!" Kise whines, trying to hug you. You put your hand on his face so that he wouldn't go near you. "How cruel, (Y/N)-cchi. At least compliment you."

"You look normal."

"How mean!"

"You look more nice then normal." you said, quietly. "Happy now?"

"Yes." the model said, smiling.

"Huh? Whose this?" Aomine-kun said, looking at you.

"What are you talking about, Aomine-cchi? It's (Y/N)-cchi!"

"Eh? Really?" the blue hair boy said.

"I knew it I shouldn't wear this. It doesn't suit me." you said.

"It doesn't. But you don't look half bad." he said, smiling. Aomine-kun comes up to your ear and whisper something. "You're not going to show Tetsu-kun?"

"STOP TEASING ME!" you said, almost slapping Aomine-kun.

"Anyway, where's Aka-chin?" Murasakibara asks.

"I think he said he's going to greet some of the guests. It was already evening, so the sun was setting. You turn to see Kuroko-kun's back. He was facing Momoi and talking to her.

"The look like a couple." Aomine-kun whispers in your ear.

"Like I care." you said, looking annoyed. Aomine-kun smiles, liking the look on your face.

"Then you shouldn't be clenching your hand." Kise said, smiling.

"S-shut up." you said, averting your eyes.

"Okay, you guys. You guys can come to the backyard. It's where the party is held." Akashi said.

"I don't mind being your date for tonight." Kise said, smiling, grabbing your hand. At that moment, Akashi grabs your wrist.

"Sorry, Ryouta. I need (Y/N) for something." Akashi said.

You could hear Ryouta clicks his tongue, looking annoyed, but smiling.

As Akashi takes you away from the group, you wonder why he took you away like that. "What's wrong Sei-tan?"

"It's nothing." he said. "I was wondering if I can have the first dance with you later."

"Hmm? They'll be dancing? I don't know how to dance."

"It's okay. I'll lead." he said, smiling.

"Hey, Sei-tan? I've already met your father. Why do I have to come? This dress.. The money that you have wasted on me.."

"More then anyone here, I kind of want you here." he answers.


"I dislike parties. But if you're here. Then maybe it would be not so bad."

"O-oh. I see." you said. You see Murasakibara already eating while Midorima greets the guests. There was a basketball court in the backyard, so Aomine-kun and Kise was playing one-on-one. Momoi and Kuroko-kun looks like they were talking and already having fun.

"It looks like Shintaro is already talking to my father. I see some of the guests dancing, why don't you greet my dad first and we can dance together?"

"O-okay.." you said, nervously. He holds your hand, noticing you were nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous. I know you dislike my dad."

"I told you that wasn't it!"

"Ah. Hello. (L/N)-chan, right?"

"Yes. I'm glad that you remembered me, even though we met only once." you said, smiling.

"I see. Have you and Seijuro became boyfriend and girlfriend yet?"

"I'm afraid not." you said, smiling at him. It was not long till Midorima figure out the atmosphere and that you and Akashi's dad probably not get along. But it wasn't that. Akashi's dad like you. You just didn't like the way Akashi's dad is.

"I'm going to take (Y/N) away now."

"Are you two going dancing? How nice." he said. He turns to Midorima and talks to him again.

"Come on. Let's dance." Akashi said, smiling.

"Ah, but Sei-tan." It was already too late. You guys were in dancing position and started dancing together. "I'm actually dancing?"

"You dance pretty well."

"But it's thanks to you. You give me too much credit." you said, smiling.

As you finish dancing with Akashi, Kise comes up to you two interrupting the two of you who are laughing and enjoying yourself. "My, my. Can I dance with (Y/N)-cchi?"

"Sure. I don't mind. Can I, Sei-tan? I wasn't your date for today, right?" you said, smiling.

"No. You can have her, Ryouta." he said, glaring at Kise, without you noticing. Kise smirks and takes you away to dance with him.

"I'm so happy that I get to dance with (Y/N)-cchi.~ I thought Akashi-cchi wouldn't let me dance with you." Kise said, smiling.

"I want to dance with everyone as well." you said, smiling.

"Even Kuroko-cchi?"

"Even Kuro-tan." you said, smiling brightly. This makes Kise blush.

"By the way, did you left Dai-tan?"

"No, nothing like that. I wanted to dance with you. Aomine-cchi went to go get some food. He's probably planning to dance with you later. I want to dance with you right now." he said. He notice you smiling a lot, even more brightly then usual. "You must be enjoying yourself today, even though you were a little upset with Momoi-cchi and Kuroko-cchi together."

"Well, I can't help it." you said.

After you finish dancing with Kise, Midorima was up.

"The stars look pretty today."

"Is that so?" The two of you didn't talk much, making you wonder if Midorima enjoy dancing with you but when you stop holding hands with Midorima, Midorima was blushing and not letting anyone see it. You see Murasakibara eating and decided to walk up to him.

"Mura-tan. You're eating too much. Digest a bit, and dance with me." you said. You drag the tall boy and started dancing a bit, which he gets a little annoyed. but doesn't do anything about it. "Haha, aren't you having fun?"

"I guess. But can we dance for a few minutes. I really want to go back and eat."

"Okay, okay. You can go back eating then."

"Thanks." he said, walking happily to get more of the food.

"What am I going to do with him?" you said, smiling. You turn around to see Aomine-kun.

"Yo. Let's dance."

"Eh? I'm kind of tired, honestly." you said. "But just for a bit then."

"You just want to save your stamina for Tetsu-kun, huh?" Aomine-kun says, laughing.

"Haha, you caught me?" you said.

"Not going to scold me?" he asks.

"I'm saving my stamina, remember?" you said, chuckling. As he started to dancing with you, you somewhat get a little annoyed. "Don't you dare touch me at a place where you're not suppose to be touching."

"Haha, you honestly don't think I'm going to do that, right?"

"Yes." you said, bluntly. "Besides Sei-tan is watching."

"You're going to complain to Akashi on me? Like that will help."

"Don't make me do it." you threatened him.

"Okay, okay. At least let me enjoy dancing with you." he murmured.

"You said something?"

"I said you should go dance with Tetsu-kun now." he said. He stops dancing and pushes you to Kuroko-kun.

"Wait! Kuro-tan and Satsuki-tan are dancing with each other!"

"That don't matter." he said. As we got closer to them, Dai-tan was holding your wrist so that you wouldn't get away. "Oi, Satsuki. Let (Y/N) have Tetsu-kun."

"Eh?" Momoi said. You look at Kuroko-kun who turns to you. Your face turns red. You were quite worried if Momoi had saw that, but Aomine-kun was already driving her away. "Oi! Dai-chan!

"At least let me dance with you too." he said, getting a bit annoyed.

"Haha.." you said, as you watch the two walking away.

"Um.. (Y/N)-chan?"

"Yes?" you said, turning around, smiling brightly.

"You look really beautiful. May I have this dance?" he said, holding your hand. You both blush not letting the other finding out that you guys were red on the cheeks.

"Sure!" you said, smiling. 'I can't believe it. I'm dancing with Kuro-tan. I'm having more fun now. Thank you... Kuro-tan.' "You look really handsome, Kuro-tan."

When you guys were enjoying yourself, Momoi had stop the dancing. Everyone who followed Momoi from behind grab you and Kuroko-kun, and as they did, the fireworks bloom into the night sky.

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