By SonamDiwakar2

313K 7.9K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

38. How It Feels Like

3.2K 120 134
By SonamDiwakar2

Stiles, Issac and Peter were checked by Bruce and four other doctors when they reached tower.

At that point pepper knew how much all three got hurt. She was conserned but Stiles know she will go all angry mom on them after some time.

Stiles was still avoiding everyone about Bucky's situation and how much of a big blunder he did. He knew it by everyone's faces that they support and accept him and Bucky. But he was still dying by embarrassment. He don't know how Bucky is reacting, coz he haven't met him yet.

Stiles had two stitches on his shoulder and bandage around his ribs, luckily they weren't broken. Peter was given some painkillers, Stiles also took same ones becouse both need strong dosage. Issac was completely healed but Pepper still made a doctor check him completely. Everyone felt a smile in their faces at that.

Phil called Kyra to inform Stiles will not come for training. But she said she already knew becouse she was watching news about attack on school.

Finally pepper and Tony took three on common floor where everyone is waiting for their talk. Stiles know this will not go well.

When they entered common floor Peter was hugged by may then Steve came and hugged Stiles and Issac. Stiles remembered thinking how good huggers all avengers are and if he would get hug from everyone, now he almost gets them everytime.

And after that all time Stiles saw Bucky, standing in back looking hesitant but Stiles know he was holding himself back. Stiles thought for a second about everything happening around him and what they might think, but then he thought fuck it. Stiles always been the bold one when he have something decided.

He walked in Bucky's direction in fast pace. Bucky realise what Stiles is doing and took some steps towerd him, both reached eachother and kissed. Just like last night it was small and sweet, full of emotions. They can never get other eachother.

Stiles heard some awwww's and finally's. Bucky and him broke the kiss and looked at eachother.

"Never scare me like this again." Bucky says, he was scared out of his life whole time. Only things he was remembering was that death card Stiles chose yesterday.

"No promises." Stiles smiles.

"Stiles I'm serious." Bucky says.

"Am I missing something here?" Bruce asks, looking utterly confused. He's the only one who was not listening everything.

"Just that Bucky finally got enough balls to propose Stiles yesterday night and then they blew their cover in less then one day." Natasha says, in amused voice resting her arm on Bruce's shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you Stiles." Phil says, hugging Stiles again.

"Young one deserve all the world. After your hardships you both deserve love." Thor says.

"I was waiting for you both to realise. How did it even happened?" Clint asks.

"Steve and Nat encouraged me." Bucky answers, everyone smiled at two who were vibration from happiness.

Everyone hugged and congratulated Stiles and Bucky. Pepper came and kissed Stiles forehead. Issac, MJ and Peter were planning on teasing Stiles. Mey met Stiles for he first time and invited Stiles and Issac to come over with Peter sometimes. She got mostly whole story by Peter when he was red by anger after knowing about Beacon Hills. She found all of that hard to believe but she knew it was true and was relieved that Issac and Stiles are not in that place anymore.

In the end Stiles turns to looks at Tony who was still silent.

"Tony?" Stiles calls him. Tony looked at him and smiles. He then came and hugged Stiles.

"Don't get that look on your face. I'm happy for you and I will support everything you want. I love you and Your happiness comes first." Tony said, in his most sincerely voice. Stiles tightens his grip on Tony.

"Can anyone tell me why Desart Wolf attacked Stiles in first place?" Bruce asks, whole room gave him a look for ruining the moment. They're wishing they have gave him a com too, so he would have listened.

Pepper, MJ and may also don't know why attack happened and they also now looked interested. Sam told everyone to sit first before starting explaining everything.

Stiles sat on one couch in middle of Bucky and Tony. Pepper was on Tony's right and Issac on hand rest of couch with Pepper.

Other couch was occupied by Peter, MJ and May. Then Steve, Sam, Natasha and Bruce on one then Thor with Clint and Phil.

"First I want to know why Pepper was with you guys in school?" Tony asks, looking at Pepper.

"I called her to get Stiles home after Mr. Harington told us to." MJ answers in place of Pepper.

"And why that?" Phil asks. Stiles sighs and started to tell.

"We ware preparing for upcoming quize in library with whole team. We took a break and Mr. Harington decided to play riddles so we can bind becouse not all of us get along with eachother. He divided us in two teams and I was with the boy Flash....he don't like me much, only Ned was with me but he was sitting on other corner. Then we started playing....and I....woke up in nurse's office after that." Stiles told. He avoided saying he don't remember.

Bucky's hold tightens around him and whole room looks at him with conserne.

"You don't remember.....what happened." Steve asks. Stiles slowly nods. Tony grips Stiles's hand.

They automatically looked at Issac, Peter and MJ for answer. Issac started becouse he was the first to notice what happened.

"When teacher started asking riddles Stiles's heartbeat started increasing. At first he looked uncomfortable and then he closed his eyes and gripped his desk too hard. After that he started answering every riddle before anyone else can." At this point everyone knew that Stiles was having a flash about nogitsune. "When his team won and Mr. Harington complimented him....he just sat there..... not reacting. That's when I knew something was wrong I need to do something but before I can move Flash started saying things to Stiles but he still didn't respond. Peter shouted at him to stay away from Stiles but he grabbed Stiles's shoulder."

"What is that kids problem?" Phil asks, irritated by his behaviour. Peter answers before he can think.

"Actually he never liked me. When Stiles and Issac became my friend he thought they were cool and tried to make them his friends but Stiles denied. It got to his ego and he just hate Stiles since." Peter said.

Every adult in the room looks angry, Stiles have his head in his free hand. Issac and MJ were trying not to laugh.

"So, he's your bully." Steve asks, with clanched teeth. Peter realise his mistake and tried to shake his head. Everyone know how much Steve hates bullies.

"Issac. Tell is what happened after that?" Bucky inturupted. Issac's mood dimmed. Stiles was also somewhere want to listen becouse he don't remember that part.

"As soon as Flash touched Stiles's shoulder he lashed out. He screamed, grabbed his wrist and threw him away...then he was about to attack him but I somehow hold him back, he was getting out of my grip and Peter also had to hold him. He was screaming on us to let him go like he was in some where else. Then finally he calmed down but he wasn't responsive so we took him to nurse's where he passed out, becouse of adrenaline crash and woke up after ten minutes. But he didn't remember what happened. Mr. Harington came with Flash and us to call our perents to pick us from school." Issac ended.

"What happened with Stiles Bruce?" Tony asks.

"It was a trigger we didn't knew about. It will be good if we don't do that again. It took him the same moment when he asked him riddles and acted violently. I just checked him in med bay and he's fine now so don't worry. Maybe he could have bad headache." Bruce explains, not using nogitsune's name.

Everyone nods taking note to not use any riddles around Stiles ever again.

"What happened after that?" Bucky asks, after a moment. This time MJ spoke.

"Flash's mom came first and Mr. Harington tried to explain her that it was an accident but she started saying things like seeing us and doing things. She waited for whoever will come to take Stiles, so she can threaten them but then Pepper came and her face was.... funny after that. You should have seen her." Issac says, Stiles Peter and MJ chuckles at that, remembering how she looked.

But adults still look pissed.

"She even tried to fight me. She was trying to say I was lying about Stiles, Peter and Issac being close with us. I had to threaten her, then she finally shut up. But before we could leave school got in lockdown and then when we were wondering who that could be she announced that she killed two people and will kill more if Stiles didn't gave himself up. Now tell me why she was after Stiles?" Pepper said. They were not doing anything about Flash now and that conserned Stiles, he have no idea what they have in their mind.

"She wanted to kill Stiles in front of Malia becouse Malia loves him and she hates her." Clint says, he's waiting when they can ho back to headquarters.

"That women is sick." May said,whole room agreed with her.

"And our kids decided to face her alone after locking me and other kids in a room." Pepper told May, making her look at Peter with disappointed expression.

"Did they got hurt?" Mey asks, still making Peter sink in his seat with her look.

"Peter was thrown accross the room and got electrocuted twice and Stiles have stitches on his shoulder with a hard blow on his ribs, Issac is completely healed now but he had some broken bones. And I will be true to my words and will ground you three!" Pepper says, standing from her seat facing three teens now. May also got up from her seat and surprisingly Natasha too.

"But we're fine and none of us got seriously hurt and.....and I don't have anything to say." Stiles trails off. Whole room wanted smile at that.

"How are you going to ground us, I mean Stiles and I only go to school or training. We stay in tower all the time. But Peter still have too much to do in his day so he maybe can get." Issac says, gaining a glare from Peter.

"Don't be too smart Issac. You're not entering Gym for next one week." Natasha said.

"Then what will I do?" Issac wines, standing from his seat.

"You can join Stiles and Peter in wherever they will decide to do." Natasha said, in final voice.

"Now Peter." May said, making him groan. "Only one hour of patrolling and no lab time." My said, Peter know if he tried to protest he will only worse his situation.

Stiles looked at Pepper with his best puppy face, so he will get something easy or nothing. He can see Pepper was trying to not look at his face.

"Only one hour in lab for next week." Pepper said, this time Tony's reaction was bigger then Stiles.

"Are you grounding me!" Tony said. Whole room chuckles at that.

"That's a good idea Tony. Considering how much reckless you are, these kids got it from you actually." Pepper said, shutting Tony up.

"But mom, what will I do then. I'm not on my Adderall and I want something to be occupied." Stiles bargains, Bucky knows Stiles is trying to guilt trip her, and by most of the room's faces they know too.

"I can teach you how to bake....and you can teach me how to cook." Pepper suggested. Stiles actually liked the idea.

In the end Stiles, Peter and Issac were less grounded but got more time to learn new things and hade quality time with Pepper, Natasha and Bruce, who is sapposed to spend less time in his lab and more with teens to teach them new things.

Teens found that Desart Wolf only killed two teachers in school, other two shots were only fired to scare. Happy was able evacuate everyone after announcement in five minutes. Happy didn't find them becouse they were on other side of school away from class rooms. Now school is cancelled for tomorrow becouse of today's events, that means Stiles can't do anything about his memory for two more days....but he was not going to wait anymore. He know what to do, he just hopes he will do that successfully.

Stiles was tired becouse his day was already tiring. Tony told him to rest in his room and that he will call him down when food is ready. It was unspoken that Bucky will come with him. Stiles went to his room with Bucky and Issac in his. May took Peter and MJ with her becouse MJ's mom was calling her.

Everyone else already know they were going to headquarters to interrogate Desart Wolf and Deaton, who should be awake now. But fury called and told them to come tomorrow and that he have one more person his Agents were able to arrest from Mexico.

Fury and Avengers are on kind of hunting mission from last week. Whenever they got chance to go to headquarters they will try and find everyone responsible for hurting Stiles and killing people in Beacon Hills.

Now having nothing to do whole day everyone disappeared for whatever they wanted to do.

Stiles, Issac and Bucky reached their floor and Issac walked towerd his room in fast pace.

"You guys don't have to worry about me I'm not listening anything and if you want I can go on Aunt Tasha's floor." Issac says, trying to sound understand but smirk on his face says all.

"Shut up Issac." Stiles rolls his eyes but Bucky was trying not to blush.

"Have a great time then." Issac shrugged and closed his door behind him. Stiles's room is third one from Issac's.

"I have no idea how long Issac I gonna be like this." Stiles says, closing his rooms door just as he turned around Bucky wrapped him in a tight hug, Stiles hugs back resting his head on Bucky's shoulder and closing his eyes.

"Whole way I was feeling like something will happen and you will get hurt. I kept remembering that death card.  I feel like I couldn't breathe before I'll see you." Bucky says, still in hug. Stiles never heard Bucky that scared.

"But if we had stayed there then she might have found us and would have shot some student, teacher..... MJ or maybe P- Pepper. But I was danger for them that time. I'm sorry for scaring  everyone.....for scaring you." Stiles says, pulling back and looking at Bucky in eyes. Bucky sighs.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Stiles. Her hate fr you was completely invalid. She hate Malia and that's why her twisted mind made her think you can be a way for her to get to Malia. You were brave to put their safety first knowing she was after you, you were just saving lives like you always do." Bucky says, softly running his thumb over Stiles's cheek, around his moles.

Stiles drops his eyes not wanting Bucky to see slight wetness in them.

"But I was the reason they were in danger. She killed two teachers just lure me out.....not thinking about their family....or friends." Stiles says in small voice.

"You can't take blame of everything on yourself Stiles. She was the one to come and shoot them you never even met or see her. So you don't get to blame yourself....I won't let you." Bucky retorted, making Stiles look back at him with a small smile.

Stiles looks at Bucky's blue eyes looking back at his brown's. His gaze then falls onto Bucky's lips and he leans forward. Bucky captured his lips mid way and both kissed eachother.

This time it was not like last time, when they will just brush their lips together. It was more passionate and long. Stiles had his hands on Bucky's back and Bucky have his hands in Stiles's hair. This time Stiles felt more confident kissing Bucky.

Both had to broke the kiss becouse of damn oxygen, but stayed there with their foreheads and nose touching. Both have that smile on their faces, they always have around eachother only.

"When was the last time you kissed someone?" Stiles asks, his curiosity awakening.

"Before I went for war." Bucky replies, making Stiles gasp and look at him.

"It was more then seventy years ago. I'm your first kiss after decades." Stiles says, shocked. Bucky chuckles.

"At that time people were either barely living or were in war. If we ever got some free time we will spend it all in bars or with girls. I went out with couple of girls but I always liked boys more..... and back then this kind of relationships were not easy to find or.....most people don't accept them. I felt scared sometimes thinking that even if I found someone how was I supposed to make a peaceful life, I always wanted. But my life just pulled me in a hell to put me back here after generation to worry about new things." Bucky tells Stiles, and guides him to bed, lying down with him inside the blanket with his arms around Stiles. Stiles lies with his head on Bucky's chest, just like he woke up.

"My first kiss was Heather.....after that I got in a thing with Cora but there was no romance. We both kind of supported eachother and it just happened.... we're still just friends. Then Lydia....I know she feel something about me but her ego was too big to let her admit that she might be feeling something for the boy she ignored for years. Then Malia.....But I never felt like that before. With you it.... feels like....I don't have to worry anymore. I don't have to hide how broken I feel and how much.... it hurts, it hurts even when I breathe..... or close my eyes becouse all I see is how many people I failed, or how scared I am of myself that I will fail more if I stayed around them. I never want to hide it from you becouse you know exactly how it feels to want to not feel anything at just try and stop it all but you couldn't, becouse you think like it's your punishment to live with what you have and what you've lost."

Stiles says that all the while with tears falling from his eyes, Bucky was no different, he was holding on Stiles like his life depends on it. He want to say that he don't know half of how much Stiles feels but he stayed quiet, just stayed there telling Stiles he agrees and he understands.

"You didn't failed anyone Stiles. It's just your good heart that think you might have done something in those situations, but reality.....there is no way stopping it. And never think that living this life is a's a blessing for you, for the family you have now, for your friends. You're life is blessing for me.... you're brightness of my life, and I'm luckiest person to have you with me.....we all are." Bucky says, and Stiles looks at him to deny but his heart somewhere says Bucky's right, so Stiles just leans forward and kisses him.

He can feel Bucky smile in the kiss becouse Stiles didn't denied this time, but Stiles still have a thought ' how can someone in such dark as as him can be light in someone's life's ' he broke the kiss and just rests his head again on Bucky's chest. Bucky smiles when he saw Stiles drift off to to sleep just in two minutes.


Chris was driving for nearest airport to meet the person deaton told them about. After knowing what happened Chris called him and that guy was already aware of the fact that they want to reach New York.

He have a cargo plane and he was willing to give them a ride there.

Kira was sitting in passenger seat, Lydia and Scott in middle and Liam with Malia in back. Liam wasn't happiest about his seating place but kira convinced him, he was also ready unless he was not sitting with Scott.

It wasn't easy to sneak out of town without those agents knowing, but Chris was able to cheat them. Mellisa was too busy in her work now days to notice Scott's absence until tomorrow. Breadan left town for a week becouse of some work and Noah helped them in getting out. He wanted to come but someone was required stay back. Satomi and her pack were busy with some Alpha to Alpha meetings. Liam might have gone too if he was not leaving for New York.

Liam was getting more impatient and scared as days were getting by. He felt like forever since he saw Stiles. He was nourves how Stiles might be right now, how he was holding up after his best friend left him alone in his worst time. Liam was scared if he will ever get back the Stiles he knew. The boy who became friend to packmate and then his Alpha to big brother.

Kira was same. She was never too close with Stiles but both of them have a bonding like no other. She was in relationships with Scott but whenever she felt like she was scared or wanted someone to listen and understand Stiles was there. He always left his window open to let them come even in middle of the night. She sometimes found Liam or Malia there and they will end up talking hours.

She is thinking about move back to New York after meeting Stiles, so she will stay away from Beacon Hills and stay near Stiles, becouse she know Stiles is not coming back, he shouldn't and she won't let him. She don't want we favourite person in pack to get hurt again. Maybe Liam can also come becouse it's only him and his dad.

Lydia is pissed. She is person who have big dreams and ambitions. Now she is getting Stiles back by going against an whole organization and in a way against avengers and Tony stark, owner of Stark industries. If she have met him or Pepper Potts in any other circumstances then it might have been a big opportunity for her. If you got a Stark behind you then you have everything. Any collage, any university and job you want will come to you. She knows that.

Now she was one of the most wanted according to him. She wishes that Stiles had never left, that she should have done something to make him stay. Stiles always has been a confusion for her. He thinks she never noticed him but she did. It was hard to ignore a smartass who always saw right through her faced. In the end he broke it. When finally she started feeling something towerd him he just stopped showing his feelings for her, and her pride never let her admit it.

Malia just want everything to go back the way it was. She was happy with Stiles. He always understood her and her difficulties to adjust. Everyone will look at her weirdly but Stiles never did. He I best boyfriend a girl can ask for. But she fucked everything up, she should have notice what Theo was doing. She was with him almost all the time and she didn't realise he was suffering. He was attacked and almost killed becouse she left him sleeping in library. When Stiles broke up with her she didn't even try to stop him, she should have known Stiles will never leave her in his right mind. He loves her just like she loves him.

She need to protect Stiles like he protected her. He's not in any place to defend himself against Theo and spacially her mother. She have to do that and she will not let anyone come near him again.

Scott is a whole different story. He just want his pack back like before, and he can't have it without Stiles. Even if Stiles is a reminder for him about Allison he know he needs his Alpha Powers. He put up with killers before and he can again, but none of them killed Allison, that's what makes I more hard. He have to apologise to Stiles and if he didn't agree this time them he have to use other way, but how was he sapposed to get Stiles alone if he was with Avengers. That's a problem and he thinks Chris have solution for that.

Whole ride no one spoke. Tension in car was almost chocking for werewolves and coyote but no one did anything to reduce it. That's something Stiles does and they all know that.

After reaching their destination, they all picked their bags and followed Chris. They met a man names Tyler who took them to his small plane. It was a transport plane but Tyler did some changes so they can be comfortable for next several hours.

All of them left within next hour. They all are going to find same boy but with different intentions.


Bucky woke up around dinner time when Issac knocked in the door. He slowly slipped from the bed leaving Stiles asleep to answer. He opened the door to see Issac standing there. Looks like he also woke up minutes ago.

"Tony's calling you and Stiles down for dinner, I'm going." Issac says. Tony didn't called in Stiles's room thinking he might be sleep.

"I'll just wake Stiles up, he's still sleeping." Bucky said, Issac nods and walked away.

Bucky walks back towerd bed and tries to pull blanket from Stiles, who was now wrapped in it from head to toe. Stiles just pulls back the blanket and groans. Making Bucky chuckle.

"C'mon Stiles, we just have to go for dinner and then you can sleep again." Bucky tries again but Stiles just rolls around and now he was looking like a spring roll inside the blanket.

"Stiles, I can just pick you and go." Bucky laughs, even if he know this will get him and Stiles teased alot. this time Stiles turns towerd him and opens his one eye.

"Cn you gimmi five min?" Stiles ask, Bucky can do anything but deny to Stiles, spacially when he's sleepy.

"Fine, but if you didn't come in ten minutes I will definately carry you there then." Bucky agrees, he leans down and kisses Stiles forehead making him smile.

Bucky looks back at Stiles once more and leaves the room. Just as Stiles heard door shut he sat up in his bed completely awake. He hate to act like that with Bucky but he needs some time alone and if he went down with Bucky he will not get it.

He's hoping everything will go fine, it has too. Otherwise it will be big mess and he really don't want to, but what more he want is to know who played with his head.


Sneak peek for next chapter...... brought to you by a furious Stiles

Pepper was still little freaked about today's event but Issac and Natasha are talking to her to make her feel batter. Bucky thought he should go back to check if Stiles even woke up when Jarvis spoke gaining everyone's attention.

"It seems like Stiles is in distress."

"Is he having a nightmare?" Bucky asks, walking towerd elevator. Maybe Stiles fall asleep again.

"He seems to be angry. He punched punched the wall and threw some things around his room."

This mare everyone ran towerd elevator with Bucky.

"He's screaming!" Issac said, with wide eyes using his super hearing. He was looking at ceiling of elevator where their floor is.

When elevator door opened they all hear something being thrown on the wall and blood freezing screaming of Stiles. He was screaming in rage.

Tony was first to reach the room he opened the door to see Stiles sliding down with support of wall. His face was red by screaming and wet with tears. His body was shaking violently.

As soon as Stiles's eyes fall on Tony he sobbed.

"He did it.....he did it to me and her."


I decided it will be a good idea to dump an interview I worked too hard to crack after passing it and started a YouTube channel.

I just felt like that that job, or any job is not for me and I just like to entertain people, no matter if it's writting or YouTube videos.

I will start that channel on my birthday in end of this month. I'm turning 19 and I hate that, I don't want my teenage to end. I wish I can stop my birthdays from coming every year and increasing one year in my life.....I dont like it

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