Saiki k crack fic

Autorstwa kenmas_left_joystick

75 3 3

Saiki fanfic that I wrote out of a boredom and as a favor. ***I don't own Saiki k or it's characters.*** Więcej


75 3 3
Autorstwa kenmas_left_joystick


My name is Kusuo Saiki, if you're reading this weird fanfic then you already know about the premise of the show. I just wanted to spend time on my own on my one free weekend as my parents had gone on a trip. However, I have a dilemma.

"Saiki!" Kaidou calls out to me. I pretend to not hear him, 'Huh, guess he won't want to share this coffee jelly with us.' Kaidou's thought provoked me to open the door to them which is why they're all here now. Who's they? Well, Teruhashi, Yumehara, Nendou(sadly), Kaidou, kuboyasu and Akechi. Time to see where this chaos will go, I'll just enjoy my Coffee Jelly.

'How good that we ran into Kaidou while shopping, now I have more time to get Saiki to say "oh wow" now HAHAH' Teruhashi, always trying to impress me. I'll refuse to say "oh wow", it's quite annoying, Teruhashi brings attention wherever she goes, another reason why we won't work. "So Kaidou, it's crazy to have run into you at the store right?? Now we're hanging out together!" Watching Yumehara trying to indirectly tell Kaidou she likes him is painful.

It almost makes you wanna tell him directly for her, she'd deny it and Kaidou would believe her. This is a mess, I need most of them to get out of my house. Wait a minute, why did Akechi come with them in the first place? I look over at Akechi and Kuboyasu looks like he's about to beat him up, Kaidou pay attention! Akechi was probably blabbering too much.

I look at Kaidou still talking (or at least trying to) with Yumehara. He finally looks at Kuboyasu "Aren!" Kaidou quickly goes over to Kuboyasu and tries to hold him back. Unsurprisingly it worked. As you know if you watch the show, these two are very much close. Heck you could even say they're like a couple. Yumehara and Teruhashi look over at each other, they both nod. Hey wait didn't they already do this before? I already said to leave the telepathy to me.

"Uhhhh me and Chiyo will be right back!" Teruhashi and her rush off. Now what are those two up too? "Chiyo, this is a mess. We came to try and get Kaidou and Saiki's attention but so far it's not working!" Teruhashi says, ah, so they're trying to get our attention. I don't see why they just don't get together, they're clearly great for each other. "Right, although I'm finding myself losing interest in Kaidou, kind of." Yumehara says.

Why keep trying to talk to him then? Where is this going??

"Chiyo! Don't think like that. Now let's think of a plan." Teruhashi starts thinking, nothing she thinks of will work though. Wait a minute, Yumehara, that explains why she's less interested. Definitely going to have a problem with others though. Teruhashi on the other hand—

"Kus- I mean Saiki, Isn't it great that your friends are here? I mean of course we're missing the other Pks" Don't call us that, Akechi. "But either way it's still fun! Although I don't think Kuboyasu appreciates me too much, it might be because I figured out his past so quickly, although I could tell very easily, for example: ever noticed how his glasses are fake? He's trying to seem bland and that hair too, blandness although I don't really see why being bland is good—"

That's enough talking, Akechi. I covered up his mouth for you guys so he's not making it hard for you to keep reading it. Teruhashi and Yumehara finally came back, "Go on Chiyo, go do it." Teruhashi pushes Yumehara closer to Kaidou. "Kaidou, I- uh I like you." She's looking at the ground, Aren gasps, Kaidou is speechless, and Nendou is just doing whatever he was doing before this moment.

Good grief, why did they have to do this at my house? Not going to lie, I'm even a little surprised Yumehara had the courage to say something to Kaidou. Kaidou say something already, anything. The room is so quiet, even Akechi stopped talking, to give you a good idea on how awkward this place has gotten now that Yumehara confessed. Kaidou finally opens his mouth after much debate, he finally comes out (literally).

"Yumehara... I'm literally gay." He announces. Everyone gasps after the homosexual comes out, Yumehara bites her lip, still looking at the ground, 'Is she upset?' Kaidou's thoughts are only that he doesn't want her to be upset or hurt.

'That's shocking... who would've thought Kaidou was gay? Does that mean I'm so beautiful that even gay people think I'm perfect?' Teruhashi's beauty is really that effective. Heck even Akechi is attracted to her a little, not that that's anything important... Anyways, back to Chiyo and Kaidou. Remember when I said that Yumehara was losing interest? Well, "Kaidou, it's okay. I am too, I mean have you seen Kokomi?"

"WAIT- WHAT CHIYO UHM-" Teruhashi starts panicking. Yes, after all the time Yumehara spent around Teruhashi, she's fallen in love with her surprisingly. Although this isn't very accurate to the show, it's still something nice to witness though. "Yes, you Kokomi Teruhashi, are the one I'm in love with."

Yumehara grabs Teruhash's hands, "Please forgive me, Kokomi, you really are something. If you still like Saiki, it's okay I'll wait". She stares deep into Teruhashi's eyes, with tears in them, "Chiyo, I don't know why but I'm suddenly so in love with you. Chiyo Yumehara, please be my girlfriend." Yumehara happily nods and they both kiss.

Kaidou and Kuboyasu just kinda stand there. "So, are you fruity too, Aren?" Kaidou grabs Kuboyasu's hand, Kuboyasu slightly tenses up, then relaxes, "yeah... I guess I'm a skittle bag or whatever." And they both kiss too. Good grief, can these homosexuals leave my house already? I point to the door and get all their attention. "Homosexuals, leave my house now." I say, with my telepathy obviously. "Kusuo, aren't we dating as well? I mean if you say "homosexuals leave my house" then that includes me as well, right?" Akechi asks suddenly. My secret is out now, I can't hide it. The other 4 gasp, "So in other words, we're all homosexuals?" Kaidou starts questioning so much.

"No, I'm not a homosexual. But I support you guys." Nendou spoke up. Nendou you truly are dumb but you're a good friend. "Kusuo I'm sorry about telling them we're dating, but I really don't think they care, however kicking them out because they're homosexuals means you have to leave too and me. We've been dating since I found out you were—" I shut Akechi's mouth again, they don't know about my psychic powers yet, I'd rather keep it that way.

"Well guys, we should leave since Saiki wants to be alone with his boyfriend!" Teruhashi grabs her things and Yumehara then leaves. Kaidou and Aren do the same, dragging Nendou with them.

I finally take my hand off Akechi's mouth. "Good grief Akechi, you almost exposed me again. Learn to keep a secret." I was about to kind of lecture him but I don't want to right now, he hands me an extra coffee jelly he saved.

"Here's my apology for almost exposing you , being around you makes me talk mindlessly all the time and makes me lose track of what I'm saying if I'm so fixated on it! Like how when I was talking about our childhood or how I knew you were psychic! By the way, the other pk's aren't coming over today right? It'd be nice to have one less chaotic day, although it makes life more interesting. It's said that you spend ⅓ of your life sleeping so best to live other ⅔'s to the fullest and productively as well so you can..." he kept talking like that for a few more hours, I just happily listened.

Thus concludes this weirdly written(and repetitive) fanfic that conveniently had all the characters be a fruit basket(lgbtq+= fruity for those who don't understand.) it's got a nice ending I guess. Goodbye now.

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