By thevampsarecalling

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"Are you done?" He asked, his face pressed against my ear and his lips brushing my cheeks as he talked. My bo... More



110 11 10
By thevampsarecalling

"You're not coming, and that's final."

The words didn't leave any room for negotiation. I exhaled loudly. William and I had been fighting for the past thirty minutes over letting me out of the house to help track the creature that I let escape the other day. William's cop 'friend', Kolbyn, had arrived earlier in the morning when I was eating breakfast while chatting with William about his eating habits - turned out human food wasn't toxic to vampires, it simply didn't taste like anything and didn't provide the necessary nutrition they needed - and told us that there was another victim. That made a total of three, and I knew there would be more if we didn't stop it. I was a skilled Hunter, I could help but William was adamant that I was to stay inside until we figured out how to fix the Gates. I understood the risks– if a creature got my blood, it could open the Gates. But according to him, a LOT of it was necessary to be able to open them, and so unless I was captured and sacrificed, it wouldn't happen. And well, I didn't intend on getting captured. Plus, I now had an army to protect me, even though I doubted that William's friends from yesterday were very happy about being assigned to babysitting duty.

"I am not your pawn!" I shouted, my nails digging into my palms as Dee continued to snarl and bark at the group of strangers. She was protectively standing between me and the group, although her attention wasn't on the person I was arguing with at the moment. "You can't do what you please with me. I'm coming, and that's final."

The challenge in my voice didn't go unnoticed. The room was suddenly very quiet, everyone looking at William anxiously. What did he think? That I'd agree to be locked here until we found out how to fix the Gates? Hell no. I might have been open to the idea that everything he said yesterday was true, and that being here was for my protection, but that didn't mean that I'd accept to be literally locked up. Especially not when there was a deadly creature roaming the streets.

A deep growl escaped William's throat, rising hairs all over my skin. I focused on my breathing, hopelessly trying to hide the effect he had on me, whether that was fear, or— lust. At that moment, it definitely was fear. I swallowed. His hooded eyes were narrowed on me, his angular jaw clenched, and I noticed how his chest had stopped rising up and down. I knew vampires didn't breathe nearly as often as humans, but William was an expert in the art of blending in, his chest usually heaving at a regular pace. Right now, his chest was as still as a statue's.

He was looking at me with an intensity that made my body feel on fire, and my instincts screamed at me to look away, but I didn't. I stayed composed, and as determined as he was. He couldn't control me. I wouldn't let him— vampire or not.

William was struggling to stay in control. I could see in his eyes and body language, he was fighting his instincts, and it seemed to take all of him. Contrary to him, my chest was heaving worryingly fast for a human locked in a room with six vampires.

"Go, I'll meet you there," he suddenly said to the group standing in the kitchen. My eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't going to let me leave. A new kind of rage erupted from the pit of my stomach. I wasn't in control of my life anymore. I trusted him when he made me believe I was a guest, not a prisoner. But that was a lie, wasn't it? He was controlling my life now and wasn't going to let me go before I fixed the Gates. What if I couldn't? What if I wasn't the one the prophecy foresaw? I wasn't powerful— not like that. Would he keep me here forever?

I was trapped and powerless— again. The anxiety from the attack creeped back, rising fear and anger to new levels. But I wasn't weak anymore. I wasn't an inexperienced teenager anymore. I could fight back, and I would.

The house was now empty for the exception of William, Caelan, Dee and myself. Caelan was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and looking at William and I as if we were the most entertaining thing he had ever witnessed. An amused smile sat on his face, and if William wasn't standing so close to him, I would have gone and erased the smirk off his face. My nails dug deeper without my control.

Before I realized what happened, I was pinned to the wall opposite from the one Caelan was leaning on, William's hands gripping tightly on mine against the cold wall. He had me trapped again.

"Stop doing that," he ordered through tight lips, his breath caressing my face. He was standing so close to me that his chest touched mine. The contact of his hands on mine sent a jolt of electricity through my entire nervous system, awakening the tingles and all sorts of other things. I stopped breathing.

His scrutinizing gaze made me feel naked again, as if he was inside my head, and for a moment I couldn't think about anything. My mind was completely blank as we stared at each other in silence, my breasts pressing against his torso to the rhythm of my jerky breaths. His hands were keeping mine flat against the wall, but there wasn't any pressure anymore. They felt light against mine, and I knew it was taking all of him to control his strength, to keep such a soft and gentle hold on my hands.

His eyes squeezed shut as another growl escaped his throat. The sound had me shuddering again, and although I knew I could have tried to fight, even maybe could have managed a punch or two, I didn't. I stayed still and quiet because the truth was, those shudders didn't come from fear. And that realization scared me a lot more than what he might have done to me at that moment.

His head leaned forward until his forehead rested on mine. My heart skipped a beat.

"You have no idea what you're doing to me," he whispered, his eyes still shut.

My heart was beating so fast I wondered how it hadn't jumped out of my chest already. I was sure the entire neighborhood could hear its loud beats and I wondered how William and Caelan were still in control right now.

The pressure of William's hands on mine unexpectedly hardened, making me gasp at the sudden pain. His eyes shot open and he lifted his head to look at me. His eyes were no longer a bright hazel colour but dark, and he was looking at me with confusion and worry written all over his face. His eyebrows furrowed and before I knew it, his hands were off me and he was standing a couple of steps away. My hands dropped to my side like the day before. I was too stunned by what happened to say anything, or do anything. My eyes found Dee, standing guard in front of Caelan, her canines on display. That only seemed to amuse him. Why wasn't she alarmed by what just happened? William could have bitten me and she wouldn't have noticed.

"You need to better control your emotions," William said through a clenched jaw, bringing my attention back to him. Although his words were patronizing, the tone of his voice was begging— he was playing with fire having me around. But how was I supposed to control my emotions? I couldn't simply tell my heart to stop beating, or my body to stop heating up when he was close to me. If I could, I would, because I knew he could sense all of that. The thought had me shivering again. "Charlotte—", he sighed as he ran his hands into his curls, his eyes squeezed shut with frustration.

"Sorry—" I said, not sure what I was apologizing for. Breathing? "It's not that simple," I added as I detached myself from the wall. "How am I supposed to do that? How am I supposed to react when you tell me I'm locked up in here? When you trap me against the wall? Tell me, William," I could feel my anger rising again, and I had to fight to bring it down. "I'm not like you— my heart beats and my blood's warm. There's nothing I can do about it. If you can't handle it, then let me go."

His gaze didn't move from mine as he continued to stare at me without moving. My eyes glanced at Caelan who was still leaning against the wall, the amused smile on his face replaced by a large grin. Was the bastard enjoying the scene? Without a doubt.

"You're not leaving this house," he answered and it was clear from his voice that the conversation was over. "You can hate me for it, but I won't risk your life by letting you go hunt. Especially not now— not when the Gates are so close to break and creatures are running to the city— to you."

My mouth opened to answer but he didn't let me.

"You're a magnet to us, Charlotte— your power is calling us and it's only a matter of days before the city is crawling with things that would make your worst nightmares dull. It's time you realize that."

I swallowed, tiny pimples spread across my skin as he turned towards Caelan.

"Cal— she stays here, no matter what."

"You can't—" I started to fight back again but Caelan cut me off as he casually walked towards us, his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"Don't you worry, Lottie. I've got plenty of fun activities planned for us to fill up our day," he said to me with an obnoxious wink. My eyes rolled so far back I wondered how they didn't get stuck.

"Don't call me that," I snapped as I gave him my deadliest stare. He laughed.

A loud sigh escaped my lips as I faced the reality of things— no matter what I'd say, I wouldn't leave the house today.

I suddenly noticed how the rage I was feeling only moments ago seemed to have faded into nothingness. I didn't feel anything anymore, only a hole inside of me. Where did all the anger go? When I lifted my head I noticed William and Caelan looking at me with the same confused expression as mine.

"She's a quick study," Caelan's voice echoed in the quiet kitchen. My eyebrows furrowed. "Keep your emotions in check like that and you might just survive the day."

My lack of emotions was short lived when I saw the smirk on his face. What I wouldn't have done to use him as a punching ball at that moment.

"You can't keep me here forever," I said to William, ignoring Caelan. There was no hate or anger in my voice, only resignation for the time being. But despite knowing I didn't have much choice at this exact moment, I meant what I said. Because I wouldn't let him keep me locked up. I was going to escape even if that meant I had to kill him to do so.

William looked at me with more intensity than ever and for the millionth time I wondered if he could read my thoughts. Could he tell that I was ready to kill him if he didn't leave me a choice?

"I don't intend to," he answered, and although his jaw was clenched, his eyes were soft. He looked like it was painful to admit it, but he meant it. Did he really?

"Come on, Dee. Let's go back to our cell," I said and Dee finally turned her attention from Caelan to me.

"You. Are. Not. A. Priso—" William started to fight back through gritted teeth but I didn't let him finish his sentence.

"You say that one more time and I swear I'll put a stake through your heart!"

Both William and Caelan gave me a look, before Caelan started to laugh like a whale while William's lips curled into an amused smile.

What was so funny?

"You are so violent," William said as he shook his head, his grin never leaving his lips.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she hid garlic all around the house," Caelan said when his laughing fit calmed.

Did I miss something? A stake in the heart was the most effective way to kill a vampire. I had used my blade to do so for years and it worked every single time. So why did the very idea seem so funny to them?

"Dee, remember when I said that biting off strangers' arms was wrong?" I said to her standing next to me. "I take it back."

A growl almost as deep as the one that escaped William's throat earlier echoed in the room as she started to snarl at them. I knew she wouldn't attack if I didn't explicitly tell her to do so, considering how trustful she seemed to be of William. With Caelan on the other hand, I wasn't sure she would hesitate.

A single glance from William was enough to quiet her and she sat next to me like a docile puppy. What kind of dark magic was that? She never acted like that— never.

"Soon you'll understand that I'm doing this for your own protection," William said before turning to Caelan. He whispered something to him, his voice so low I couldn't hear what he was saying, and gave me a last glance before leaving. The door shut behind him and I was left alone with Caelan, Dee back to showing her teeth to him. Good girl.

"What did he tell you?" I asked, wondering what he could possibly have to tell him that I shouldn't hear. Obviously, it was about me. Caelan's lips curled into a grin, and I instantly regretted asking. "You know what, I don't care," I quickly added as I turned around to walk back to William's room. Caelan was standing in front of me before I could take another step.

"You don't care, uh?" he mocked me. "Why did you ask then?"

I refrained from digging my nails into my palms. But he was right— why did I care? What William told him about me didn't matter. His opinion about me didn't matter.

"I don't like people talking about me behind my back," I answered before trying to take another step to his right but he moved as gracefully as William.

"Well, technically we weren't behind your—" he started to say before he judged it safer to not finish his sentence by the look on my face. He chuckled. "Alright, as you're clearly dying to know, he told me to try and not kill you."

My eyebrows furrowed. Was he serious? Why would William leave me here with Caelan if he didn't trust him? I sincerely didn't feel in any danger with Caelan.

"It's you he should be worried about— not me," I answered. "I can't guarantee I'm not gonna try to kill you."

Caelan laughed again. Were all humans so amusing to him?

"Today's gonna be fun," he said, a large grin on his lips. "So what should we do? I can think of a few things, but especially one that would make time fly by."

My eyes widened at his words. The smirk on his face made it clear what he had in mind. My cheeks suddenly felt on fire, and I was sure that if I checked myself in a mirror, they would be a new shade of red. His smirk grew larger at my reaction. Stupid body.

"I'd rather pierce my own eyes than have sex with you," I answered with a disgusted face. In all honesty, he was probably the second most attractive man I had ever met— second only to William.

He smiled again.

"Your pulse says otherwise."

My breath caught in my throat but I swallowed down the urge to hide in a dark hole. I wasn't going to let him— or anyone else, get in my head.

"My pulse tells you to fuck off," I answered and he laughed.

"You'll change your mind soon enough."

I ignored him and walked around him and towards the stairs. He didn't try to stop me this time, but followed me upstairs.

"This isn't happening. You can go back downstairs," I said when I arrived in front of the door, Dee next to me.

"As much as what you're saying pains me, I promised Will I wouldn't let you out of my sight. So that's me doing just that."

A long sigh escaped my lips. Because it wasn't bad enough that I was locked up in here, I had to be locked with a sassy, snarky and immature vampire.

"I'm sure your vampire hearing will do just fine keeping track of what I'm doing from downstairs," I answered, feeling my patience thinning with each new word that came out of his mouth.

His blue eyes were scrutinizing me with interest, but I could see he wasn't going to back down. He stayed quiet, not even bothered to argue something he wouldn't budge on. Shaking my head, I turned around and opened the door, naively thinking I could sneak in before he could make his way in. How naively wrong of me. As soon as I put one foot in the room he was inside with me and the door shut behind us. The next moment he was lying on the bed, his hands behind his head, his legs spread wide. What the hell was he doing?

"So, changed your mind yet?"

I wanted to scream at him. Was he always so obnoxious? How could William be friends with him? William was so calm and mature in comparison.

"Was William in his right mind when he left you alone with me?" I asked and his eyebrows flexed.

"Why? You think he would care if something happened between us?" He asked, genuinely curious of what was in my head.

I rolled my eyes, but my heart skipped a beat at the thought. It wasn't just the fact that he seemed to think that William would be totally okay with his friend screwing me. It was also the idea of a human and a vampire having sex. Surely that wasn't a thing. Vampires lacked control, how could they have sex with the source of what they craved so badly? But judging by Caelan's behaviour, it seemed like they could, and he appeared more than happy to demonstrate.

"Nothing's gonna happen between us," I answered as I walked towards my suitcase that was laying open on the floor. "And I was more worried about your own safety when I asked."

He snorted. I grabbed my toothbrush from my suitcase and walked towards the bathroom door. When I turned around, I saw that Caelan was now standing near the bed.

"Are you gonna follow me to the bathroom as well?"

"I don't know— do you want me to follow you?"

If someone handed me my blade at that moment, it would find its way deep in Caelan's chest before he could say another word.

"I totally would, although a bed would be more comfortable," he smirked.

That was it— I couldn't take it anymore.

"Leave this room right now," I ordered, ready to lunge at him and knock him down. He didn't move, his eyes slightly widened before narrowing again. "Caelan, I swear to God if you—"

He had his hand pressed against my mouth before the rest of my sentence could leave my lips. He was looking at the door, as still as a statue, his hand still pressed tight against my lips. My heart started to race in my chest. Something was wrong.

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