
By starlit-dreaming

44.4K 1.8K 334

He was pretty sure he transmigrated into a fanfic of [The Lovely Princess] - after all, he would've remembere... More

chapter 1: a goal in mind
chapter 2: aiming towards the future
chapter 3: spending time with family :)
chapter 4: an unnecessary change of plans
chapter 5: a lovely family outing
chapter 6: something simple, something new
chapter 7: without a shadow of doubt
chapter 9: the smile in her eyes
chapter 10: don't wanna know your name
chapter 11: an introduction of Verena Durk
chapter 12: where the stars all are
chapter 13: realization, remembrance, reunion
chapter 14: know there's something more
chapter 15: really, what does she know?
chapter 16: when i look in the mirror
chapter 17: the beginning is a great place to start
chapter 18: i've got enough on my mind at the moment
chapter 19: everything's kind of complicated
chapter 20: no one believes in me except for you
chapter 21: quiet, but i'm sure there is something here
Extras/Drafts + Announcement!

chapter 8: this is the morning after

1.9K 97 26
By starlit-dreaming

'How annoying,' Athanase thought as he weaved flowers into a flower crown. He glances up at Athy, who picked two big pink roses and kept her gaze down. 'They're still looking at you, Athy,' he tells her, noticing her eyebrow twitching at the statement.

'I know, Athan!' Athy had thought to him with a cry. 'What do I do?'

'Well, it's not like we can just tell them we don't want to see our mom. They'll think that we're lying and trying to suppress our feelings at such a young age,' Athan huffed, picking up a white daisy and adding it to his flower crown. 'Well, we could always ask Claude, but in Toska, this was what caused him to stop calling for us as often as he does. I don't think he hates her, but there's definitely some baggage going on there, and that was the reason why he hated the twins in Toska.'

'Then he can't find out we want to see Diana,' Athy thought with the utmost determination, picking up another pink rose.

'Wouldn't it be better to get ignored by him, though? I thought you wanted minimal contact with him,' Athan frowned.

'I know, but... there's a lot of pros to this plan as long as we act like Jennette,' Athy pouted.

'If you say so...'


'I've had enough of trying to leave like I don't have a clue,' Athy inwardly groaned. 'This is so uncomfortable.'

'I think you've been handling it pretty well,' Athan hummed, flicking through his book on Siodonna, looking at photography of various sceneries. 'Especially since Diana would've been the best mom if she survived during childbirth.'

'Ugh, don't be like that,' Athy shot him a flat look. 'She's not even our real mom, anyway.'

'I vastly prefer her more than my previous life's mom, that's for sure,' he snorts. Pausing when he hears quiet footsteps leaving the room. 'Ah. They left.'

'I'm going to follow them,' Athy hummed, getting off the sofa and trotting over to the door. 'Wanna come with?'

'No,' he flatly thinks back. 'Something bad always happens after you ask me that, and I want no part in it.'

'Not true.'

'Meeting Claude and ruining the original plan of getting ignored.'

'That... was kind of inevitable, wasn't it?'

'December of last year. You wanted to sneak into the kitchen for chocolate, but since we were too short to reach the doors, you dragged me along to help. But then, since you got so scared because there was a rat that hadn't been caught yet, you ended up screaming and accidentally whacked the table and got flour spilled all over me and further freaked out because I looked like a ghost and—'

'You are so fucking mean to me. I'm telling Lily that you're absolutely evil.'

'Good luck with that. She thinks I'm an angel.'

'Ugh, I hate you.'

'Love you, too.'

'Athan, I fucked up!' Athy had soon cried, throwing herself onto the sofa and onto Athan's lap. 'What do I do? I made everything worse!' she mentally screeched, hugging his midsection.

'I'm so glad I didn't tag along,' Athan thought to himself, patting his sister's head. 'There, there. Tell me everything that happened.'

Well, something bad happened, but thankfully, it's not Athanase's problem.


The day following after Athy's spectacular outburst against Felix regarding their birth mother, Athan was the only one able to sleep peacefully. Everyone had pale faces, a hint of exhaustion being the only indication of how they felt overall.

Well, for starters, Athanase remembers the way Lily had gently declared that Diana was always at their side. It was possible that she stayed there until the sun began to rise, and Athanasia herself did confirm in her mind that she couldn't sleep.

Thus, it stood to reason that Felix also didn't sleep much at all last night.

'You all look like shit,' Athan commented, rubbing his eyes as he yawned as always. He still wasn't a morning (and he didn't care what Athy said — 11 AM is still in the morning) person, but at least he got enough sleep.

'And you're looking like a gremlin as always, I see,' Athy dryly thought back.

"We should be heading out now," Felix stated, hesitating as he glanced at Athanasia.

'Was I being a bit too much yesterday...?' Athy thought.

'Probably. They both think that you're suppressing your feelings regarding the whole "I wanna see Diana" thing,' he huffed as Athy tugged on Felix's cloak, asking him to pick her up. 'Thankfully, since we're still little kids, they won't think too much about it if you act like you never had a fight.'

'I guess that's just one of the few perks of being a small kid,' Athy hummed as Felix picked her up in a piggyback ride. 'Look at them, acting like newly-weds. They don't have feelings for each other, do they?'

'Then what does that make you who's between them, their child?' Athan raised a brow as he walked beside Felix with his grip on the knight's cloak.

'You can't have Lily!' Athy adamantly thought with puffed up cheeks as she stared at the back of Felix's head.

There she was — ignoring him.



'As always, Claude has crappy manners,' Athy huffed.

'He's still a good Emperor,' Athan hummed, observing the imperial family's emblem on the banners. 'Terrifying or not, he actually gets the work done, enough that he's able to make time for us in his busy schedule.'

'If he's going to make us wait, the least he could do is let us wait in a room or something,' Athy pouted at him.

'True, but you don't have room to complain,' he raised a brow at her. 'Considering that you're using Felix instead of standing.'

'That sounds like a you problem.'

'Did you just... did you just meme at me?'

'What's a meme?'

'Oh my god, my sister's an uncultured swine.'

'Shut up, I was broke in my previous life. I didn't get to grow up with almost all of your internet terminology — not that it'd matter since you grew up in America and I lived in Korea,' she glared at him. 'And I was talking about the fact that you could have Felix pick you up, too, but you always insist on walking.'

'I'm building up strength for when I eventually start my sword training,' Athan rolled his eyes. 'I don't remember why I know this, but if I start any physically strenuous exercise now, I could possibly stunt my growth and cause my body more harm. Plus, I was only 5'2" in my last life, and Athanasios is taller than 5'4"! Every inch counts.'

'Seriously?' He didn't need to look at his older sister's face to see her incredulous expression.

'Well... I just know he's taller than Athanasia when the twins are 16 years old.'

Before Athy could have a chance to respond back, the doors to the throne room opened. A man with white hair and golden eyes emerged — clearly a noble, judging from the expensive materials his suit was made with. Wasn't this Ijekiel's father?

'The same ducal family that raised Jennette until she was 14 years old?!' Athy stares with wide eyes.

'If I transmigrated as a 30-year-old dude, I'd definitely tap that,' Athan thought, peering up at the older man.


'Nobody asked for your opinion, Athy.'

'Then keep a better hold on your thoughts, Athan.'

That was laughable — compared to Athy, Athan was much better at keeping his thoughts to himself, with only an occasional slip up here and there.

'He's your love interest's dad, for goodness' sake!'

'Same goes to you!' he shot her a look. 'Athanasia also fell in love with him in Toska, along with Jennette, Athanasios, and even Verena, that minor villainess, fell in love with this dude!!'

"My, pardon my manners, I didn't notice," Duke Alpheus said upon noticing Athanasia peeking over from Felix's back. His gaze falls, finally taking notice of Athanase at Felix's side as well. "Roger Alpheus, at your service. Prosperity be upon the Obelian Empire."

'Ah... I guess he's comparing you with Jennette,' Athan thinks as he notices the Duke's gaze lingering on his sister. 'I take back what I thought. His staring's getting kinda creepy.'

'Me, a 5-year-old?' Athy thought angrily as she smiled cheerfully.

Athanase looked at her.

"Hello, Mister White!" Athy brightly greeted. 'Sup, how's Jennette?'

'And you always tell me off for playing jokes like this,' Athan thought as he simply looked away.

'It's his fault for comparing little kids,' Athy hummed.


Athanase gave the Duke a little wave as they walked past him and enters the throne room at Felix's side. After Athy's little joke on Duke Alpheus, it seemed to more or less give the Duke some rather mixed feelings. He could understand that — the twins had never been openly acknowledged until recently, and the only thing known about them is that they were the only survivors of the Ruby Palace Massacre.

Claude didn't really come across as a doting father, and Athy's interaction with Duke Alpheus didn't really confirm or deny much of anything regarding the twin's relationship with the man who sired them. After all, if Emperor Claude was a surprisingly doting father, then surely that would mean Jennette would be left in Claude's care without too much of a worry.

'Then again, that's all speculation,' Athan thought, smiling at Claude. 'The only reason why Claude becomes fond of Jennette is because of how persistent and kind-hearted she was. Kind of like a clingy puppy.'

"You're here?" Claude had asked in a bored tone of voice, and Athanase could tell that the question somewhat irritated Athy in the fact of how inconsiderate their father was in summoning them.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Felix answered. "We bumped into Sir Roger outside."

"Mister White!" Athy cheerfully piped up.


"He looks like a white doggy!"

Claude had slowly looked away, his mouth twitching as his hand seemed to shift just to cover enough of his mouth.

'Huh? He smiled!' Athy thought.

'Do you think he's trying not to laugh?' Athan wondered, staring at their father with interest.

'No way — that cold-hearted emperor?' she responded, and he could practically imagine her frown deep down inside. He could imagine she was thinking back to the original Athanasia begging for her father's love, the way his stare was described had given him shivers.

What a waste of a good novel — beautiful writing with gorgeous descriptions and writing that just spoke personality — only to end up being absolute shit. There was next to no world building, the characters felt flat, and while clichés were nice, it just didn't make sense. Alright, prince charming Ijekiel Alpheus was a kind young man with dashing good looks, and he was caring towards Jennette and always gentle with her in their interactions, but what about Ijekiel as a character? He's literally used as a prop to make Jennette look better.

Duke Alpheus seemed to be a bit of a scheming annoyance, but in Toska, it didn't seem like that would be an issue for the twins. Rather, the Duke only focused on trying to make Jennette look better and didn't even bother sparing the twins a second thought.

"A fitting nickname for a constant barker."

'My, my, that's no way to talk about a future in-law.'

'Ijekiel's the son-in-law, though, so the Duke wouldn't be the one with actual ties to the imperial family, although the nobles will probably see it that way,' Athan hummed. 'Then again, maybe it's different in this world and Duke Alpheus would end up being considered as a brother-in-law, even though that wouldn't have made sense in our previous lives.'

'Ugh, that's going to be a headache trying to figure out all the differences.'

"You've become quite the babysitter," Claude comments with a... smile? as Athy gets off of Felix's back.

Athy takes a hold of his hand, about to rush off to their father on the throne.

'You're still holding your candy,' Athanase notes, causing her to blink and glance down at her other hand holding the lollipop.

"Ah," his sister nods before handing the lollipop to Felix before dragging him over to their father.

"That reminds me," Felix spoke as Athy noticed the throne crafted in gold. "I've heard that Sir Roger has a son the same age as the prince and princess. Wouldn't he be a good friend for them?"

Athan wrinkled his nose, distinctly remembering Athy's tease over the original Athanasios' crush on the boy in question. Her teasing would become absolutely unbearable.

But... it would be a good idea for them to become friends. The sooner, the better, perhaps?

"Athy will have a friend?" his sister cheerfully asks.

Claude stared at his sister before finally stating, "It's already unpleasant to have two kids running around the palace," he comments, more so to Felix than to either Athanase and his sister. "Just thinking of three children running around the palace is a headache. I hate noise. And to think of a boy who looks like Roger Alpheus," he seemed to scowl.

'Too bad,' Athy thoughtfully noted. 'I was a bit curious about Ijekiel. He was two or three years older than Jennette...'

'It would probably be fine to ask if we could play at his house, then,' he raised a brow.

'I value my life, thank you very much — huh?'

"You really are heavy," Claude commented, picking up both of the twins. Athanase blinked as he found himself staring at the ground. He could feel his sister panicking at the strange and sudden behaviour coming from their father — after all, normally he would never even come near the twins for no more than a table's distance.

All of his thoughts immediately halt the moment he's placed down into a small alcove of a resting spot hidden behind the throne.

It was beautiful.

The mattress was comfortable — it was the equivalent of a thousand dollar memory foam mattress that his best friend owned in his previous life — covered with a bedsheet made of the finest and softest fabric Athanase had ever had the pleasure of sitting on. It seemed like the kind of material that he would gladly rest his cheek on and sleep, even if it'll leave an imprint later, he would certainly have no regrets, none whatsoever!

Athan picks up a pillow with a pale green pillowcase, looking down at it with wide and starry eyes as he hugs it — the material was the same as Mr Mittens. He wasn't allowed to bring Mr Mittens with him when they came to see their father, but he'll gladly accept this pillow as a substitute.

'This pillow is mine, now,' Athanase solemnly thought to himself as he giddily flopped onto his side, hugging the pillow as he rests his head against the other pillows.

"Hearing so much barking this early in the day has made me tired," Claude said, moving to lay down.

This man truly was his father — how could Athanase dare think otherwise, when the evidence had now been so blatantly clear? Athanase wholeheartedly agreed with his father; mornings shouldn't be so troublesome, and if Athan had his way, he would never have to wake up at all in the mornings and could always wake in the afternoon.

Whatever budding camaraderie Athanase felt towards Claude was abruptly crushed when he requested for Athy to sing "The Lullaby Song".

Did his sister even have a decent enough singing voice? He only remembers how useful it was when it got him and Athy out of a potentially life-threatening situation when they woke their father up. Athanase was confident in his capabilities of being a heavy sleeper, but he wasn't sure if the same applied for when he was on the verge of falling asleep...

Well, fuck it! It's a challenge he'll just have to take for the sake of a nap.

'Help me, Athan!' Athy had screeched at him.

'Athan whomst? I only know sleep.'

'You asshole!'

In the end, he couldn't fall asleep. He was in that awkward place of being sleepy-tired and wanting to sleep, but incapable of resting. His eyes were burning from exhaustion, and he shifts from where he laid, seeing Athanasia tugging on their father's hair.

"Is His Majesty asleep?" Felix had asked, and Athan's gaze sleepily shifts to the entrance of the alcove where the voice had come from.

He doesn't really register the conversation, much, when Felix starts apologizing to Athanasia. It's a personal conversation for the two of them.

But then...

"Do you have a wish, Princess Athanasia?"

"A wish?"

So, Athanase closes his eyes, realizing for the first time, a fact that's always been there nestled in the back of his mind: Athanasia wanted to live past eighteen, she wanted to be close with Claude so much that he wouldn't want to kill her after Jennette enters their lives.

But Athanase... he didn't share the same ambitions and goals as she did. He's not afraid of death, rather, he loathes the idea of painfully dying. And so, he wants to do as he pleased, to pursue his interests without financial worries.

They were very different — he already knew they were, given their personalities.

So Felix asks, and Athanasia says she isn't lonely.

(But nobody ever asked Athanasios how he felt, did they?)


End of Arc 1: Beginning of the End

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