You're Beautiful When You Smi...

Por tangcheng

45K 1.2K 27

Disclaimer: The story is not mine nor the translation. Credits to the original writer of the novel and those... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82

Chapter 83

2.2K 36 11
Por tangcheng

Tong Yao was streaming ranked matches when Xu Tailun was being exposed on Tieba. When she was waiting in queue, she went on Weibo to look around and happened to see someone had forwarded the Weibo posts from "In your name." The moment she saw the picture of the little kitten, she realized what had happened.

She cried out: "Shit." She almost wanted to raise both of her hands to declare that this time it wasn't her who had started the controversy.

In the meantime, Old K who was playing duos with Tong Yao also saw the post on Weibo while waiting in queue. Before Tong Yao could stop him from shouting out loud, he called out: "Shit, who is this "In your name"? Qing Dynasty jungler's fangirl? Is this that fangirl? What, she even bought a shirt for him-- --Why aren't there any fans buying a Givenchy for me?"

Tong Yao: "......"

Lu Sicheng: "Because you don't have any fans."

Old K ignored him and continued reading the Tieba posts: "Then who's this 'Guoguo?' The one who liked the post from 'In your name'?"

Little Fatty answered: "You idiot! Who else can it be? It must be 'In your name' herself! The same person! Xu Tailun always says that he and his girlfriend are so in love and PDA everyday on stream-- --Maybe something he said on one of the streams was the last straw and that fangirl became desperate, she exposed the whole thing herself! Nice!"

Lu Sicheng: "Why do you all like to gossip so much?"

Tong Yao: "Yeah, why gossip so much? I have my stream on. Watch your language."

Old K: "But he said Chinese LoL is weak."

Little Fatty: "I feel like I've been stereotyped. My all Chinese team had just defeated him last week. Old K cornered him in the jungle. And he has the guts to say that Chinese LoL is weak?"

Old K: "Yeah, I really can't stand this."

Tong Yao watched them become more and more annoyed. While what they said was true, those words were still unsuitable for the public. If someone with ill intentions recorded them, then there might be another wave of controversies. Tong Yao turned to announce to the stream that she was going to rest now and would end the stream......However, her fans weren't stupid-- --

[Don't turn it off, it's just getting interesting!]

[.................................Don't tell us you're going to rest. You've been playing rank till one or two o'clock in the morning almost everyday lately. You want to turn off the stream so you can go watch more gossip, right?]

[66666666 Your teammates can really gossip!]

[But I feel the same as Little Fatty. Even though the Chinese region has never won the championship, I'm still very angry that he said our LoL is weak!]

[Don't be angry. What he said is the naked truth. Let the Chinese team win the championship so we can slap his face.]

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, why do you say so at a time like this! Get lost!]

[So disappointed. I thought Xu Tailun was a very nice person......]


Tong Yao still turned off her stream against the protests of her chat.

She then indeed logged onto Tieba to continue to read gossip-- --

By this point, the whole thing wasn't just a simple incident about Xu Tailun losing his fans.

They had dug out more posts from "In your name", that made it impossible to brush aside, including how he conducted himself, how he recklessly called his teammates names while working for the Chinese club, and a bed photo-- --In the beginning, there still were people trying to whitewash the incident saying "who's this" or "nowadays, anyone can create a Weibo account to post random WeChat conversations to lead the public on."-- --Until the bed photo was posted. In the picture, Xu Tailun slept on the bed, covered by a blanket up to his chest, and in his arm, lied a girl with her face blurred......

No one could argue that they were in bed just to have a chat.

The ones who would defend Xu Tailun became fewer and fewer-- --

The image Xu Tailun had maintained up till now, "a nice guy" "studied hard to learn Chinese" "one of the Korean help who's devoted and wants to win", had totally collapsed.

Once in a while, there would be comments like "as long as he plays games well, it'll be fine", then they would be attacked......It was like when a wall was about to fall, more people would give it a shove. More and more people came to diss Xu Tailun and declare that they had turned from fans to anti-fans. One man claimed to be a staff member on Qing Dynasty who had come out to spill the beans-- --

The staff member posted: [Exposing a secret. You can believe it or not.

Qing Dynasty treats the Korean like he's the boss; everything is his call, no one on the team has the courage to go against him. Actually, for last week's match against ZGDX, the team didn't want to focus on ZGDX's mid-- --Any idiot would know our team isn't on par with ZGDX in the other lanes. But they did it anyway, why? Because the other teammates couldn't say no! He blames ZGDX mid for not covering for him about the movie theatre incident. He did it simply because he's holding a grudge against her.

Nobody dare deny it. What he did that day was so obvious. Even the commentators couldn't make up an excuse for him, despite the fact that they're required to be impartial while commenting. Hehe, we could say that even the commentators couldn't stand it.

Then the question is, why does he hate her so much?

It's because the teammates on his own club are too docile to him. So he thinks all the Chinese are like that and can't take it when there's a person who stands up to him......

Some Koreans simply look down on you from the bottom of their hearts.

Pay attention, I said some Koreans.

However, there's not much we can do about that. Because, we indeed are weaker than them in LoL competitions-- --

This is why the Chinese region really needs to win a championship now. Whichever team achieves that will be the Liu Xiang of League of Legends.[1] At least personally, I think the team will never fall out of favor for the rest of our lives.

To be honest, this isn't just a problem with this particular Korean player, this is a general phenomenon-- --I'm not going to deny there are quite a few Korean help who're truly devoted to their clubs to the point that they probably even wish they could join the Party. As far as I know, Li Huanshuo of Huawei, Pope and Xbang of YQCB and Ahlulu of Doomsday Orcs are all pretty good Korean help......Look at YQCB, isn't Pope a top player? YQCB was still fighting to keep their seat in the major league in the Spring season, but YQCB doesn't let him do whatever he wants. By the Summer season, the team is already soaring. There's not much to say about Huawei which is traditionally a strong team. But for Doomsday Orcs, it doesn't have many star players but is able to still firmly stay in the major league-- --Why? Because all these teams have discipline. The Korean help isn't everything, not even when they always carry the game. Everything has to follow the rules.

The strength of a team isn't decided by whether the team has the greatest number of star players and looks good on paper. It's true that the Qing Dynasty has done very well in the Spring season, but that really is just a fleeting phenomenon. When the club's turned into a club ruled by the voice of one person, it's begun to rot at the roots.

-- --Nowadays, there are many teams like the Qing Dynasty where management has lost the ability to rein in their Korean players and let them do or say as they wish. It really isn't just a problem with the Qing Dynasty. To tell the truth, I personally believe if the Chinese major league can't rectify these kinds of practices and unhealthy tendencies, the major league will go under sooner or later.

Even if it's four Chinese with one Korean or three Chinese with two Koreans, if the team can't work together as a team, how can they beat a team of five Koreans?

I know there are many people at the management level of various clubs who read Tieba regularly.

You should all think it over carefully. Am I speaking the truth?]

The long post from this self-proclaimed insider made many readers ponder.

The whole incident wasn't about Xu Tailun anymore, rather the incident had caused people to rethink the trending phenomenon of recruiting Korean help in the Chinese esports community......

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning, when there was more than a thousand comments under this long post, that 'In you name' started to delete her Weibo posts as if she had just woken up to the storm she had helped create. By that point, her Weibo post had already been screen shotted from beginning to end by the internet. To delete her Weibo at this time looked more like she was trying to cover up something. It further confirmed to most people that everything on her page was true.

[1]: Liu Xiang (刘翔) was a Chinese athlete who won China's first Olympics gold medal in track and field in Athens, 2004, breaking the Olympic record at the time for men's 110 m hurdles. So he's seen as a national hero.

At 1:30 in the morning, "In your name" finally deleted all of her Weibo posts.

Then ten minutes later, "Guoguo" also started to delete her Weibo posts.

By 1:45 am, there was nothing left on "Guoguo's" Weibo account except one newly posted message with only three words: It has ended : )

At 1:50 am, Lu Sicheng stood up to get some water. When he passed by Tong Yao's seat, he backtracked a bit and pushed the back of her head down with some force: "Look at the time, why haven't you gone to sleep?" Tong Yao kept looking down at her cell phone.

Tong Yao lifted her phone up to show Lu Sicheng the long Weibo post by the staff member: "Look at this, Cheng Ge. This person said it well!"

Lu Sicheng took the phone. At first he was only indifferently skimming over it, after reading a couple of lines, he suddenly leaned against the back of Tong Yao's chair and carefully read through the whole post-- --

Afterwards, he stuffed the phone back into her hand who was now holding onto the back of her chair and staring at him. Lu Sicheng briefly commented: "This person said it well."

Tong Yao: "How come?"

Lu Sicheng: "It's good all over."

Tong Yao grabbed Lu Sicheng's sleeve as he was about to walk away: "Let's hear it, let's hear it?"

Lu Sicheng glanced at the fingers that were holding onto his sleeve tightly-- --She was holding onto it with enough force that the tips of her fingertips were white. Despite clinging somewhat tightly, it would be rather easy for him to pull his sleeve out of her grip-- --But he didn't do that. He lightly sighed, then looked away from the hand on his sleeve.

He let her continue gripping his sleeve.

Then Lu Sicheng slowly started talking: "If some of the clubs in this country actually rethought and took care when hiring Korean help after this incident, then this whole scandal wouldn't be a bad thing after all......This business needed a clean up a long time ago."

Tong Yao released Lu Sicheng.

"Actually, most clubs understand the things that person brought up, but they're afraid to face it. Just like right now, we can wait and see whether Qing Dynasty has the courage and determination to-- --set their ethos straight even if it means the team will probably fall out of the major league."

After speaking his mind, Lu Sicheng turned to go to the kitchen and get a cup of coffee.

Tong Yao stared at his back for a while, then turned and sat back down in her own chair-- --She held her knees to her chest, stared at her cell phone, then wandered off......When Lu Sicheng came back with the coffee and sat back down in his chair, he found the person next to him seemed to have spaced out staring at her phone

He was quiet for a moment, then looked back at his computer screen constantly clicking his mouse. His eyes were focused on the computer screen as if he was seriously checking his stats from the last few ranked games. As he was looking forwards, he spoke as if very casually: "What are you thinking of?"

He didn't indicate who he was addressing with the question

However, the person next to him started to answer his question quite naturally.

"I'm just happy for myself that I've joined an all Chinese team. Well, I'm not saying that Korean help isn't good, but in comparison, it's much better to have five Chinese players in one team." Tong Yao put her chin in between her two knees and said in a low voice: "They all say that LoL has only regions, not countries. It's a competition among all the clubs-- --I understand all that......"


"But when I saw Team Wings win the Dota championship and waved the national flag onstage, I really envied them."


"If someday I can do that as well, it would be great." Tong Yao poked at the team uniform placed on her desk with a finger, "I want to qualify for the world tournament, want to win the championship, want to prove myself, and also want to prove to others that our LoL league is as good as the other regions."


"Don't you want that?" Tong Yao turned to look at Lu Sicheng.

Her black pupils were tired but unusually bright.

"...............................I want to have Calista's skin even in my dreams." Lu Sicheng said dryly, "But look at the time. Can you go to sleep now? Big dreamer."

Tong Yao raised her head from her knees and frowned disapprovingly: "You don't have dreams. You don't want to win."

Just as she finished speaking, a jacket fell onto her head, covering her whole face-- --It had a familiar smell to it. She realized that it was Lu Sicheng's team uniform and struggled to pull it off her blushing face. As she was struggling, she heard the man's calm voice nearby-- --

"Don't talk nonsense. If I didn't have dreams, I wouldn't have chosen to leave the Korean region and come back to the Chinese region. Why do you think I did that? Just to be special?"

Tong Yao: "......"

She successfully pulled the jacket off her head.

Then a big hand reached from the side and pushed her: "Go sleep."

Tong Yao's body wobbled a bit from the push: "I'm not going."

Lu Sicheng: "You don't go to sleep, so you're going to fly in the air?"

Tong Yao: "I'm not going to fly in the air. I'm just going to watch you."

Lu Sicheng: "?"

Tong Yao: "Watch how our captain will shine when your personal appeal reaches the peak."

Lu Sicheng: "..............................."

Little Fatty nearby was so amused by their exchange: "Tong Yao, why do you make fun of our captain just because you don't like what he said." Amid Little Fatty's mocking laughter, Lu Sicheng paused, then mumbled: "Aren't you a retard." He stood up from his seat, Tong Yao raised her head to look at him: "Where are you going?"

Lu Sicheng replied with a stone face: "Go pee. Are you coming with me?"

Tong Yao didn't follow what he was saying and asked in confusion: "What for?"

"Who knows." Lu Sicheng pouted his thin lips, making a sarcastic expression: "Give me a hand and help me?"

"Don't mind him." As Lu Sicheng's footsteps moved away, Little Fatty told Tong Yao with a self satisfied expression: "He's shy, he's shy. He's just making an excuse. Our thin-skinned captain is going to the bathroom to hide his red face. He'll slam the door soon, if you don't believe me-- --"

Before Little Fatty could finish, a loud slamming sound came from the direction of the bathroom.

Tong Yao: "......"

He did slam the door and rather loudly.

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