Dreams Do Come True (A One Di...

By Maria_Camilleri

1.7K 66 25

DON'T READ! IT'S BAD. JUST A WARNING..... How it starts: A dream relationship? Literally. She dreams about a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

60 4 0
By Maria_Camilleri

I know!! All of you must hate me for not updating for over a week, but I've been busy.

This chapter is dedicated to Authenticity9812 because she commented on the last chapter and made me smile. :) thanks!

And I'm not going to make you wait any longer. 

So here it is!

Chapter 15:


I jumped up and ran to her, wrapping my arms around a friend I hadn't seen in like forever. 

"Why are you in London?" I asked, pulling away from her slightly. 

"I could ask you the same thing," she giggled, hugging me back. 

"I moved in with Elizabeth. The girl we met senior year? We share a flat now," I told her, smiling. "What about you?" 

"School. I'm going into writing," she said, happily. "I missed you so much!" 

We hugged again, pulling each other close. 

I can't believe she's here! 

"Uhh... Not to interrupt this love fest or whatever it is, but what is going on?" Liam asked, the other three nodding along with him. I looked at him for a second and turned back to Morgan. A glance between us was all that it took. 

We cracked up laughing, the guys just staring at us like we were crazy. 

"Hah! Okay,..." I said, calming down a bit. "Morgan here, is my best friend from high school. We talked about moving to London for college, and I guess we both did, just not together. We met Elizabeth on our senior class trip that happened to be to Paris, Rome, and London. Elizabeth and I kept contact, and once we were out of high school, I moved into a flat with her. Morgan didn't know if she could come, but I guess she was able to after all," I smiled again. 

"I had to get a new phone when I got here. The other one quit on me, otherwise I would have called you as soon as I could," Morgan told me. 

"Of course you would have called," I said, reassuring her that it was okay. 

She smiled at me again and went to go stand next to Liam. I cocked an eyebrow at her. 

"And what is this?" I asked, gesturing between her and Liam. She blushed as deep as he did. Hmmm... 

"Well, we met at Starbucks, and I asked her to go for a walk with me, but these two dumb nuts," Liam said, smacking Louis and Harry on their arms, "interrupted by calling me. So, I went to go pick them up and Morgan came with us." He smiled at her. A smile I hadn't seen him give to anyone, even if I had only met him a few days ago. It wasn't a friendly smile or a polite one, it looked like he really liked her. 


Everyone looked at me. 

"Uhm... I said that out loud right?" Niall started laughing, causing us all to have fits. A nurse came in to talk to us, but just stood there and tried not to laugh himself, as we all cracked up. 

"Woo,... Anyway, did you need something?" Liam asked the nurse. 

"Well, I'm Jeff. And Elizabeth is doing well, we just gave her some pain medication and she should be sleeping right now. Her boyfriend, Zayn was it?, is sitting with her in the room. You all can go back now if you want, just don't be too loud," he said. His voice was sort of high, but it was pleasant. He had an air about him though. 

I walked up to him and just looked into his face, searching for what I was looking for. I stared for maybe a minute before he asked what I was doing. 

"Oh, nothing. Just trying to see something..." I said. "You have pretty eyes by the way." 

"Uhm... Thanks. You have nice shoes," he mumbled. I smiled wide and hugged him. 

"Wanna be my guy best friend?" I asked. 

"You know. Elizabeth asked me the same question... And sure. But I'm gay, just warning you," he said, hugging me back. 

"Oh I know. You complimented my shoes," I told him smiling. 


"If a guy compliments your shirt, he's looking at your boobs. If a guy compliments your pants, he's staring at your ass. But if a guy compliments your shoes.... He's gay," I said. He laughed. 

"So, now that you're my best friend, I have to warn you..." I leaned closer and whispered so no one else could hear... "The blonde is mine, that's Niall. The mature one, Liam, is with the girl, Morgan, not officially but yeah. Curly, Harry, and stripes, Louis, are both single and I'm not sure what team they bat for. Zayn is Elizabeth's boyfriend." I backed away, smiling once again. He flashed one as well. 

"Well, now that YOU are MY best friend," he said, "I need your number." He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I put myself as "Jillian the Mighty". Don't judge me. I sent myself a text and have him his phone back. 

He took mine from me and added himself as "Jeff the Amazing". Wow, great minds think alike right? 

He came and sat with all of us and we got to know him a bit before he had to go back to work. I said goodbye and he headed out. 

"Well, he was nice..." Louis said, looking at Harry. 

"Mhmm..." Harry mumbled. "Yeah, he was." He grabbed Lou's hand and pulled him along out of the room. Vending machines, maybe? 


I shrugged, not really caring where they went. 

"I'm starving," I heard Niall complain. "Let's go to NANDOS." 

"I'm going to stay here, but bring me back something?" Liam asked. "Morgan, too." He smiled at her, cutely. 

"Jillian? You coming with me?" 

"Sure," I said, standing up. 

I grabbed his hand and we walked out.


That's it. It's just Liam and I now. 

Just the two of us. 


So alone. 

Well, this is boring. 

What's that? Is he gonna- 

Liam grabbed my hand again, rubbing he back of it with his thumb. 

"I have a question for you," he said softly. 

"And I have an answer to that question," I replied, simply, making him smile. 

"Would you like to go on a date with me? A proper one?" he looked nervous. 

I pretended to think about that. 

"No. I wouldn't like to," I said. His face fell a bit, but I wasn't done. 

"I would love to." 

He smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. His eyes almost sparkled. He looked so happy. 

And so was I. 

He had asked me out on a real date. 

"Where are we going to go?" 

"It's a surprise. Are you free on Friday?" he asked. 

"I think so...what's today?" I really wasn't sure. 


"Then, yeah. I'm free." He was still smiling, my hand still in his. 

"If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?" he asked, suddenly. 

"Happy," I told him. 

"That's not what I meant," he said, laughing. 

"I know. But that's all I want to be. Happy." 

"That's a good answer..." he trailed, thinking about it. "I think I want to be happy too." 

We smiled at each other and it took me a few moments, but I noticed the distance between us was getting smaller. 

My brain went into "oh my gosh" mode and I didn't know what to do. 

He kept getting closer. 

Oh what the hell. 

I closed the space between us, our lips coming together. 

I caught a glimpse of his eyes shutting before mine closed as well. 

The moment was perfect, just beautiful. His warm, slightly sticky lips were pressed against mine. He tasted like strawberries, in a good way. I didn't want to be the one who pulled away first, and it seemed like he didn't either, but we both needed air and broke apart at the same time. 

A smile lit his face as we split and a blush lightly rose across his cheeks. I'm sure my face was red, too. 

He entwined our fingers and scolded his eyes. 

I looked at him closely. He was so tired, you could see it in the lines of his face an the light purple marks under his eyes. Now that he relaxed, he looked younger. 

A light snore came from him. 

I lifted my hand, the one that wasn't trapped in Liam's, and put it up to my mouth. 

My lips were still lightly tingling from his kiss. 

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. I wasn't tired, but I was comfortable. 

I closed my eyes.


We pulled into NANDOS, and I ran out so I could open the door for Jillian. 

As soon as we walked in, a woman in maybe her late 30s, early 40s, ran up to us. 

"Jillian! You're late! Where have you been?!"  

"Oh, shit," I heard Jillian mumble. 

"I am so sorry, but I'm not here to work. Elizabeth was in a car accident and Niall and I came to get something for everyone while the rest stayed at the hospital with her. I completely forgot that I had to work today," she said. The woman's face dropped and a sad look replaced her scowl. 

"Oh, Jill. I'm so sorry," she said and gave her a hug. "I'll let you off for today. Kelly is here anyway. And everything is on the house. Let Liz know I'm thinking about her." 

"I will. And I couldn't take everything on the house," Jillian protested., pulling out of the hug. 

"I insist. It's the least I can do," the woman said. 

"Fine. We need 7 Peri-Peri chickens. All with Pepsi. I'll make it as easy as possible," Jillian said. 

"Okay. Go sit and I'll bring everything when it's ready. I'll box it for you, too," the woman told her, leaving. 

Jillian grabbed my hand and we went to sit in the closest booth to the kitchen. 

"Who was that?" I asked Jillian when we sat down. 

"My boss. I work here, but I forgot I was scheduled today," she said. "It's Tuesday right?" 

I checked my phone, not remembering what day it was myself. 

"Yeah. I can't believe we were at the hospital for 3 days. Sunday, Monday, and today. It's already 5pm," I told her. 

"Really? Gosh, time flies," she said. 

"It does. But as long as that time is spent with you, its perfect." I smiled as she blushed. 

"That was cheesy," she mumbled. 

"Yeah, but you thought it was cute," I said, laughing a bit, 

"I think YOU are cute," she whispered, but I heard it. It was my turn to blush. 

"You're cute, too," I told her. 

"Jill?" her boss came up to the table, setting down a few bags. 

"Here. I hope Liz gets better soon," she said. 

"Thank you so much," Jillian cried, standing up and hugging the woman tight. 

"Now go, get back to your friends." 

"Okay. Thanks again," Jillian said. 

I stood and grabbed the bags. 

Jillian finished saying goodbye to her boss and then we headed out. 

Back to the hospital.

It's kind of short, but I really wanted to update. Thanks to everyone who read it!

Please comment, vote, fan.

Tell me how I did, good or bad.

I really want to know!!


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