Perseus The Destroyer From Cy...

By SecularPJ

10.5K 131 126

Follow Artemis as she tries to unravel mysteries shrouding Percy and his group, while simultaneously trying t... More

1. The Giant War Is Over
3. The Hunters Find Out
4. Meet The Transformers
5. Welcome to Mt Iacon
6. The Beginning Of Some More Things
7. The First Attack
8. Continuation From Last Chapter
9. We Go Mining!
10. Daily Life Of The Transformers
11. War With Unicron

2. Beginning Of Things

1.4K 21 30
By SecularPJ

Quote of the day :- Love don't follow the rules - by Laurin Hunter.

AN: ... Credits goes to Uncle Rick, Sam Witwicky *haha*, TheSonofTartarus From wattpad ofCourse to me (MYPJOWORLD), duh!!


Chapter 2 :- Beginning Of Things

Time: One Week Later

"Iris, show me Lord Zeus." Percy had
just finished styling the base for his
new recruits. There was just one
problem- there were no recruits. At
at least not yet.

Now, he was gonna call Zeus, not for
permission, since this was a direct
decree of the Fates, but to let him
know of the same. Percy smiled.
One of the perks of being a god, an
Olympian at that, was that he did
not need to create a mist for an Iris

The image shimmered into existence,
showing Zeus' frowning face.

However, the frown cleared away
as soon as the King saw that the
one messaging him was the newest
addition to his Council.

"What do you want, Perseus?" Percy
flinched at Zeus using his full name.
"First, it's Percy." The god was cut off
by Zeus.

"You missed your debriefing. Apollo
told me that the Fates had already told
you about your godly duties. How is it

"'s going alright. I guess there
is nothing I need to do anymore,
except... Percy rubs his head
sheepishly, "They told me that I need
to create a group of boys, similar to
The Hunters. I just called to let you
know that I am now setting out for
potential recruits."

"All the best, Perse... Percy." Zeus
corrected himself at the last moment.

"Thank you, my King. Oh, and a warning- Something's wrong, I feel
it. (Let's rap.) "Percy sang, before he
swiped through the IM, not giving
Zeus a chance to reply. The King,
Percy scoffed, was starting to get on
his nerves.

The new God flashed away, in search
of the first members of his version of
the Hunters of Artemis.

Percy arrived at a large apartment
complex. Despite its size, it did not
speak of the tenant's wealth. The paint
was peeling off the walls, and on close
inspection, one could find several
cracks on the wall. Grime collected
on the dirty peephole. On the once
beautiful and impressive oak door,
someone had scribbled- 'Harding'- in a
red pencil.

Not wasting much time, Percy turned
the doorknob, finding it locked. No
problem. He snapped his fingers, and
turned the knob again. This time, the
the door gave way, slowly creaking open.
Percy had to stoop to get through the low doorway. The room he stepped
into definitely did not show any sign
of wealth. Although it was spacious,
with large French windows, the
windows being closed, and extremely
dirty, did not let any light in. It would
have been pitch black inside had it not
been for the dim bulb hanging in the
centre of the room, and the few days
of Apollo's light filtering in through
the windows. The couch Percy sat
on was extremely old and dusty, and
creaked under his weight. It faced an
old TV, which seemed prehistoric to
the neW god.

A kid in his late sixteen stepped in,
through the second low door, which
Percy assumed must lead to the
bedroom. As soon as he saw Percy
sitting on the couch, he shouted,
and held the book in his hands, in a
defensive position. "Hey, what are you
doing here?"

"Sit there, Harding." Percy gestured to
a chair in the corner of the room. He
had an air of authority, and the teen
could do nothing but follow his instructions.

"What do you want?"

"Listen, kid, do you live here alone?"

"Yes." Harding could not help, but
obediently answer his questions.

"Listen, I important person.
And I am recruiting people for a
team....Sorta like a special ops or
strike force, if you will."

"And I was selected? There are so
many people outside, people much
better than me." Percy could almost
smell the doubt, the kid was radiating.

"I chose you, because we are similar
to each other. I was abused in my
childhood. Didn't get parents' love,
cause my mother was hardly there for
me. After your mum died, you were
orphaned, and noW, are struggling to
make ends meet."

Harding's grip on the book tightened.
"HOw do you know all this?"

Ignoring his question, Percy
steamrollered on- "I also chose you,
because you are.... special. A natural
leader. Different from others out

"What do you mean, different,

"Ever heard of the Roman myths,
Harding?" (Got you there. Thought he
was going to be Greek?)

Harding did not say anything, he
just tilted the book he was holding,
showing Percy the cover- 'Roman
Mythology- The Expert's Concise
Guide'. Percy raised his eyebrow,

"Expert, huh?" He chuckled.

"What has it got to do with anything?"
The teen growled.

"You are a demigod. As in, the son of a
god and a mortal human."

"What? I think I heard you wrong."

"You got me correct. You are a
demigod. Like Remus and Romulus.
And yes, the gods, too, are real. So, is
everything you read in that book. I
have met them in person."

"You must be barmy." He twirled a
finger beside his head, telling Percy
that he was crazy. The god only

"No, I am not crazy. Watch." Harding
was captivated as he watched sparks
roll across Percy's fingertips.

"Then, if what you say is true, who is
my godly Father? And, who are you?
Why did my Father not come to see

"You see, your Father is a god. He
has many duties, and there are rules
preventing him from coming to meet
you. As for your other question,
your Father is King." Harding's eye's
widened. "Yes, he is Jupiter."

"And you are...

"Your cousin. A son of Neptune.
Name's Percy."

"You are a demigod, too?"

"I was. I am a god now." Harding was
having trouble picking his jaw up
from the floor. "Come, I have other
things to do. Maybe, later, you can
chat with your other siblings, arnd

Percy put a hand on his shoulder
and steered him to the door. The
teen's eyes widened comically, and
he immediately fell to Percy's feet.


"Don't. I am your equal, Harding.
Come, we have much to do." The teen
numbly followed the god, until they
were standing in front of his door.
Percy grasped the teen's hand, and
without warning, flashed away.
When they reached their destination,
Harding retched, having a tough time
keeping down his lurnch. After a few
minutes of fighting the nausea, he gasped for breath, and stood up.

His breath caught in his throat when
He saw where they were.

The building was low, and not
something extraordinary, and it
blended perfectly with the other
houses of the shaggy neighbourhood.
It was easy to miss, had it not been for
the bright red neon sign, which was
still on, despite it being broad daylight
outside. He only recognised it from
the news report a few months back-
there were rumours that some gangs
were organising fights, using children
as gladiators, and ill-treating them.

The police had raided this spot, but to
to no avail. They had found nothing. Was
this man....

Harding was jolted out of his thoughts
as Percy said, "The next kids we are
going to rescue are here. Don't worry,
you will not be harmed, as long as you
stick by my side. Now, come on."
The duo made their way inside the
restaurant. Nobody gave them a second glance as they made their
way to the kitchen. Even when Percy
plucked a grilled checked wing off
a plate the waiter was carrying out,
nobody batted an eye.

Harding could only watch and wonder
what else this self-proclaimed god
could do.

Through here, kid." He noticed Percy
standing next to a garbage chute.


"Trust me, go through here." Percy
gestured towards the dark tunnel that
led to God knows where.

Harding did not hesitate a second
time. This man, whom he hardly
knew, had an aura about him, that
could make him do things he would
have never dreamt of in his wildest

Down went Harding, as though
the dark tunnel were a ride at an
amusement park. Behind him, he could faintly hear Percy's clothes as
they rustled as he followed the teen.
Their fall was cushioned by a soft bed,
which creaked as they fell onto it. AS
he regained his bearings, Harding
took note of his surroundings. They
were in a small, but well-lit room. At
one corner, there was a stand, where
a grumpy looking fat man was sitting.

He was emitting occasional grunts and
huffs for no apparent reason, which
was reverberated by the walls of the
room. Grotesque tattoos adorned his
arms and bald head, while a slight
stubble on his frowning face, greyed
his fat chin.

Percy paid no attention to the man,
instead, he was examining two images
that were pinned to another wall.
Harding closed in to see that the two
images were those of the combatants
going to participate in the upcoming
fight, though he could not make out
anything clearly, owing to the bad
quality of the images.
As soon as Percy noticed the teen standing next to him, he ushered his
to the next room through a low door,
following right next.

The two hurried through the low, dark
hallway, which smelled of stale beer
and cheesy feet, till they came to a
stop in front of two metal doors.
That's what they were- the doors.
Unadorned by anything, they were
just two hunting slabs of cold grey
steel, attached to hinges. They could
hardly be called doors. There were
no handles, or doorknobs, either.
Over the doors were two more neon
signs, though they were dimmer as
compared to the one outside. Harding
could just make out what they said-
the right door led to the 'arena', while
the left door led to the 'combatants'

Percy put his fingertip to the left door,
and it just swung open. He entered,
followed by Harding, who seemed to
be at a loss for words to describe.....
anything he saw there?

The room they entered was badly
lit, and the teen could just make out
what was inside. The air was stale,
and there was no mode of ventilation
save the door they passed through.
Even that was shut most of the time
with several inches of steel. Cages
lined the walls, and inside the cages,
boys, of varying ages thrashed about.
Some in pain, from the horrible
injuries scarring their bodies, while
Some were just trying to escape
from their chains. All sound and
movement stopped as Percy passed
them, on his way to the central cage.
This particular prison was larger
than the rest, and housed a boy a few
years older than Harding. Said teen
shivered as he looked over the various
injuries that scarred the boy's body.

"Megan," Percy called.

The boy looked up, and came to stand
in front of the door to his prison.

"I had a demigod dream last night.
Dad said that you would be coming,
Percy." Megan's voice was harsh, and cold.

Percy raised his eyebrow. "So you
know everything then. Do you know
who your dad is?"

"Yes. Hades." Megan's answer was
short, as if he was desperately trying
to escape from the place as soon as

Percy smiled. He then snapped hisS
fingers, making a bunch of keys
materialise out of hin air. "Here." He
offered the keys to Megan.

Harding was not sure, if Megan could
open the door alone, and stepped
forward to help. But before he could
utter a word, the door was open and
Megan was kneeling in front of Percy.
Harding wondered if he should do the

"Rise, Megan, Son of Hades, and free
your brothers; free my brothers."

Without a word, the now free warrior
went about freeing his other brothers,
Scurrying from cage to cage, not staying at one for longer than two
seconds. Soon all the warriors were
free, and the injured were healed to
the best of Percy's capabilities.

"We are all brothers; in blood and
blade. We are the.. meh, I can't
think of a name right now, maybe
later." Several of the gathered boys
facepalmed at their new leader's
idiocy, while Percy smiled sheepishly.

They joined hands, and Percy flashed
them away to their new home, their
new base. The base he made.
And Harding prepared himself for
some more minutes of 'flashing-


AN: And New Chp. Is done .Thanks for Reading This and I will try to upload 2 times a week.Be safe My pups or Moth*Fuck*rs. Keep calm and CR7 And Keep calm LM10 and Keep calm MS.D.7 (Dhoni). :)

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