My Bestfriend❤ {Jacob Latimor...

By adoreky_

45.1K 1.1K 113

•••• A beautiful girl named Kylie is catching feelings for her best friend Jacob Latimore. Will she tell him... More

// chapter one♡
// chapter two♡
// chapter three♡
// chapter seven♡
// chapter four♡
// chapter five♡
// chapter six♡
// chapter eight♡
// chapter nine♡
// chapter ten♡
// chapter eleven♡
// chapter twelve♡
// chapter thirteen♡
// chapter fourteen♡
// chapter fifteen♡
// chapter sixteen♡
// chapter seventeen♡
// chapter eighteen♡
// chapter nineteen♡
// chapter twenty♡
// chapter twenty-two♡
// chapter twenty-three♡
// chapter twenty-four♡
// chapter twenty-five♡
// chapter twenty-six♡
// chapter twenty-seven♡
// chapter twenty-eight♡
// chapter twenty-nine♡
// chapter thirty♡
// chapter thirty-one♡
// chapter thirty-two♡
// chapter thirty-three♡
// chapter thirty-four♡ | Finale

// chapter twenty-one♡

965 28 1
By adoreky_

~ Next Day, Christmas Morning ~

I was sleeping so peacefully in my amazing comfortable bed, until I hear someone bust my door open

"Kylie! Wake up! It's Christmas, it's Christmas!" she screamed jumping on my bed, I groaned loud putting the covers over my head

"Alright Paris" I nearly yelled "damn..." I mumbled

"Hurry and get up get up!" she screamed then I heard her little feets going down the stairs and she left my door open......

I laid there still under the cover trying to wake up, until I realize what Paris just said.....

"CHRISTMAS, IT'S CHRISTMAS" I screamed jumping out the bed

"Yo ass too old to be acting like this on Christmas" Chris gave me a stank face standing in the doorway

"Well at least I still don't wear iron man boxers AHHHH" I died laughing as I watched his face expression

"Ok...." he sucked his teeth then flipped me off

"You too bud!" I responded

"Nahhh, that's Jacob's job" he smirked and walked away from the door going downstairs

"Oh my-UGH, always gotta put Jacob in every situation" I laughed to myself as I did my morning hygiene and just stayed in my pajamas until later on

I finished brushing my teeth and now I'm doing a nice ponytail in my hair. After I was done, I grabbed my phone and turned on the screen to see full of text messages

* The text messages *

Auntie Nicole: Merry Christmas sweet heart, see you when you come back to NY!

Uncle Darrel: Merry Christmas babygirl! I love you so much, see you soon!

Grandma & Grandpa: Merry Christmas Kylie May (nickname) see you later and let your mom know that I have you, Paris, and Chris gifts

Trevor boy tellem ayeee: Merry Christmas Ky! See you in a little while, love you sis!

Brother Daaaniel: My guh Kylie, Merry Christmas, see you in a lil, love you!

Diamonddd Betch: Baby Ky! Merry Christmas love, see ya in a bit baby!

Baby Michelle: Merry Christmas babydoll, see in a lil while, love you bae!

Chresss Nigga: Merry Christas sis! Love you, see ya in a bit

Myah Ho: Baby Ky, Merry Christmas, love you ho see you in a lil

Myah is always the one who says something like that on every holiday LMAOO, as I got to the final text, I always save the best for last

My World: Merry Christmas to the most beautiful, amazing girl, Kylie. My baby, my world, I love you more than you can ever imagine. See you in a little while babe. And I also have a special surprise for you, be ready

* End of text messages *

A huge smile on my face came as I read every single text then I texted back to each one, I even laughed cause I just remember the gang putting in their own contact name on my phone, and I never changed them and I never will

But every time I see "My World" contact name, butterflies always grow inside of me and everything he say is just....words can't even explain bruh

After I calmed down, I walked out room going downstairs to see my dad, Chris, and Paris at the Christmas Tree while my mom finished up her special Christmas breakfast

"Merry Christmas to the best family in the world" I grinned then sitting in front of the tree Indian style

"Merry Christmas Ky" Paris said and sat in my legs

"Merry Christmas big head" Chris pushed my head lightly

"Merry Christmas baby girl" my dad said as he came and kissed my forehead

"Merry Christmas hun" my mom yelled from the kitchen then started humming to a song

After we all got through opening out gifts and eating breakfast, I went upstairs to get ready so I could meet up with the gang

Before I started, I plugged my phone to my speaker blasting to one of Jacob's songs that he recorded called "Love Again" he had made so many songs and never told me about them, even when he was younger with this other song called "Fantsy Girl" that voice of his is just beautiful!

I scanned through my closet looking for an outfit while singing along with the song:

From they way you laugh,

To the way you kiss, I

Can't get enough of you....

I singed grabbing my shoes on the shelf in my closet as I heard a voice singing along behind me then grabbed my waist

"I never thought I could, (love again)

Until you came and change my

Life, I thought I'd (love again)

Your so perfect for me, you

Make me, love again, you

Make me make me make me love

Again, you made me love

You made me love again....."

After the song went off, I turned around to see my world standing in front of me grinning with that million dollar smile

"And the way we love...." I said

"There's nobody else..." Jake said

"" we both said in unison looking deeply into each other eyes

"Merry Christmas baby boy" I grinned putting my nose to his

"Merry Christmas baby girl" he smiled then kissed my lips

Every time we kiss, it just feel like fireworks, my stomach always get butterflies like this is our first time kissing. We then left out the closet and I sat my clothes on the bed as Jacob sat in one of the beanbags

"So what are we doing today?" I asked while doing my hair in the mirror

"Well you know my mom is inviting everybody to a big Christmas dinner that she doing, which is at 4:30 and after that I'm taking you out" Jake said then I checked the time on my phone

"Ok It's 2:30, do she need help with anything?" I asked 

"She knew that you was gonna ask, but she told me to tell you that she got everything good and ready" he smiled

"I love her so much" I smiled widely

"And you know she loves you so much more" he pinched my cheek as I squint my nose and we both laughed


Another chapter! Going to see my baby Diggy today YASSSSS I can't wait to meet him! If you wanna pictures and videos it will be on my instagram pages


Fanpage: jacobxdiggy

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