The Queen in the North (A Gam...

By philomathh

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{AU} - Rowenna was always a fighter until Cersei Lannister cut off her uncles head and slaughtered Sansa and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

817 16 10
By philomathh

Killian's P.O.V.

Three moons later...

The cold of the North hit me like an slap across the face with a metal glove. I have never been this cold in my entire life. Next to me, Prio, ruffled her her dark chocolate fur. When we are wolves, we can communicate to each other through our minds. We can hear what each other is thinking.

"Are you cold?" I say to Prio in a taunting way in my mind.

"Oh per-lease," Prio rolls her eyes and thinks back.

I jump at a nearby puddle and splash all her coat. "What about now?"

"I am going to strangle you Killian!" Prio growls."What is going on?" Mother calls from the front of the procession.

Cleo comes up from behind us on her horse. "Stop acting like children."

I bare my teeth at my eldest sister and she sticks out her tongue in response. She is the only one not to feel most comfortable being a wolf. She prefers being the vain, pathetic and beautiful girl that all the men drool at then running into the hills and howling at the night sky. She is definitely our Father's daughter.

Adder pounds up next to like a massive shadow with Maia and Luca resting on his back. He is almost bigger than Vance now. I still can't believe how massive he is. I try hear what he is thinking but it is always as empty as always.

"I want to kill something," I moan in my head.

"Don't you dare Killian," Vance warns from a distance.Vance is at the rear of the procession with Serenity. Perfect Vance. Never does wrong and always needs to be the hero.

"It would of only been one stupid servant," I mutter.

"Not happening Killian," Vance snarls in my head. I couldn't disobey him even if I wanted. Vance is the pack leader if Cleo isn't a wolf. But I guess Robb will be our pack leader soon. The other wolves have to listen and obey to every order the pack leader says when he/ or she is in wolf form. Cleo is less harsh then Vance. She usually turns into a wolf when she has flowered for the moon. I know this because I saw some blood on her fur once and pointed it out and I had a black eye for two moons.

I yawn and clear my mind. We have travelling for three moons now. We only stayed in a place every second night. We had slept in Riverrun last. They were distant family of us. The younger ones were beginning to feel the pull of sleep. I admit that I wanted to lie down for only five minutes but we had just reached Castle Cerwyn. I missed Dorne. This cold was unnatural for a start. And my mother looked unnatural as well.

She seemed older. Wrinkles of doubt and worry clouded her pale face. I knew we were all worried for our Mother. I could hear it. Hunter and Stag were making plans of coaxing us back to Dorne. But every idea would end badly or wouldn't work.

"Not every idea will badly," Hunter huffs, reading my thoughts.

"Because ordering someone to hurt Father enough that Mother will have to delay the trip will end up fine," I say sarcastically. "What if Mother doesn't make it back in time?"

"We hadn't thought of that," Stag mumbles.I roll my eyes and look ahead to see Mother riding ahead, stiffly. Soon she would be surrounded by wolves.


As we approached Winterfell, I felt every bone in my body twitch. The large gates open and we enter. The people seem to look twice at us. Like they cant believe that this was happening. Usually, I would show off and act smug about it but this was different. They look forlorn like the emotion had been drained from them. The pack feel uneasy and nervous. Maia and Luca are on the verge of whimpering. Vance is trying to sooth everyone down but it isn't working.

I look at all the peasants faces and they look back with impassive eyes. We finally make it to the castle where we are welcomed with servants and unknown courtiers. They drag us into chambers to be made presentable to the King of the North. I transform into a human to be dressed. I am put into black breeches with a black tunic embroidered with red. I walk outside to see Vance, Serenity, Adder, Hunter and Stag. Vance is almost wearing the same thing as me except his tunic is embroidered with blue. Serenity is wearing a white lace gown with a blue rose crown on top of her dark chocolate hair. Adder is wearing black leathers with a blood orange tunic. Hunter and Stag are both wearing brown leathers and tunics with the Martell symbol.

We walk down the hall to see Cleo and Caprio holding Maia and Luca's hands. Cleo is wearing a plain long black dress with drop sleeves and a black and gold corset on the top of her gown. Luca is wearing black leathers and and a blue tunic embroidered with white. Caprio was wearing a moss green gown with drop sleeves and a hood at the back. And finally, Maia is wearing a long violet gown with a purple circlet.

We all give each other sympathetic smiles as we form together. Mother walks down the stairs and we all stare. She looked so different. Dangerous almost except for the Motherly smile that she gave us. She wore a long black dress with cuts up the sides to make it easier for her to move that went up to her thighs. She has a brown and black corset on with leather sleeves the went down her arms. I can see the black leather boots she is wearing. The dress showed a bit of cleavage but that isn't anything new for our Mother. She didn't look tired or worried anymore. She looked...calm.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and floated towards us.

"I must caution you with Robb," she informs us.

We look at her, not wanting to miss a word.

"Do not speak unless spoken too," she warns. "And do not be rude."

We all nod and then the door of the Throne room open. And there, sitting on a black, metal throne is a man. He is wearing all black with a long fur cloak. On top of his brown curls is a tarnished, golden crown. He looked no younger than twenty-five but he was only a moons older than Mother. He had dark rings around his eyes but he stood up as soon as he saw us enter. He gave us a cold, wide smile. Prio grabs my hand next to me and I squeeze it back.

That man is King Robb.


Next chapter will be Robb. Tell me what you thought about the chapter down below. Please like this chapter and follow me. Also, please subscribe to me on YouTube at Rowenna Baratheon.

~Mischeif Managed and Winter is Coming~

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