The Lost Uzumaki (Kakashi x O...

Par Starlight-Empress

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After years of being on the road training with Master Jiraiya, Meilani finally returns home to her adoptive b... Plus

Chapter One- The Return
Chapter Two- The Reunion
Chapter Three- Running Errands
Chapter Four- The Past
Chapter Five- Eternity
Chapter Six- An End to Hostility
Chapter Seven- Other Plans
Chapter Eight- Dumplings
Chapter Nine- Secrets and Sunshine
Chapter Ten- Invasion
Chapter Eleven- Aftershock
Chapter Twelve- In Another Life (🌶️)
Chapter Thirteen- Date Crash
Chapter Fourteen- Broken Trust
Chapter Fifteen- Gossip and Intel
Chapter Sixteen- Bear with Me?
Chapter Seventeen- Pretty in Pink
Chapter Eighteen- Forced Vacation
Chapter Twenty- A Long Day
Chapter Twenty-One: Afflictions
Chapter Twenty-Two: Pervy Sage Strikes Again!
Chapter Twenty-Three: Five Days 🍋
Chapter Twenty-Four: Dread
Chapter Twenty-five: Resistance
Chapter Twenty-six: Solace
Chapter Twenty-Seven: I Want You 🍋
Chapter Twenty-Eight: An Agreement
Chapter Twenty-nine: Mine 🍋
Chapter Thirty: Truths and Training
Chapter Thirty-One: Lunch time
Chapter Thirty-Two: Tribulation
Chapter Thirty-three: The Memory
Chapter Thirty-Four: Thinking Ahead 🍋
Chapter Thirty Five: A Response
Chapter Thirty Six: The Field 🍋
Chapter Thirty Seven: A King's Request
Chapter Thirty Eight: Sworn Oath
Chapter Thirty Nine: Unexpected Enemy
Chapter Forty- The Next Journey 🍋

Chapter Nineteen- Cabin Fever

291 6 0
Par Starlight-Empress

Kurenai knocked on the green apartment door three times, flipping her loose hair over her shoulder when she finished. Her poppy-red eyes scanned the hallway she waited in, and shifted her weight to her right heel.
"Good morning," Mei greeted sleepily a few minutes later. She rubbed her tired eyes with the palm of one hand, and leaned against the doorframe with the other.
"Good afternoon." Kurenai corrected, a playful smile on her lips. "I'm sorry I haven't been over sooner. I've been swamped with missions this whole week."
Her friend moved aside to let her in. "Don't worry about it, I've been thinking of ways to entertain myself. Books, a couple movie nights, random solo walks...."

Her words were true, though she didn't mention the fact that Kakashi had been coming over late and leaving in the early hours of the morning most nights. The two had been spending their time either on the couch watching her favorite movies, or in secluded parts of the forest reading. At first, they were both timid, sitting with a few inches of distance between them. Over the next few nights they inched closer to one another. It took some time for Mei to feel comfortable enough to rest her legs across his lap, with Kakashi's hands resting on her shins.
However, last night, he has his arm around her from the start of the movie. It took more willpower than she'd like to admit for her to not be so giddy as she leaned into him. Kakashi had to remind himself to keep his heartbeat steady when she eventually laid her head on his shoulder. And before he left, Kakashi tucked that agitating strand of hair behind her ear. His fingers lingered in her hair until he eventually pinched her cheek and left; leaving her standing on the balcony with a flushed face.

Meilani turned on the stove for some tea.
"How've you been?"
"I've been worried sick about you." She admitted, taking a seat on the couch. "You looked terrible when I last saw you. I was relieved to hear you were discharged from Naruto."
"I'm perfectly fine now, maybe a little stir crazy. I haven't gone out much."
"Let's go out tonight! I have tomorrow off." Kurenai said excitedly. Meilani gleamed at her friend.
"Hell yeah! I've missed you."
Kurenai had a peculiar look on her face. She held one of the white decorative pillows to her chest. "Mei, I have to tell you something." She watched her friend's expression turn serious, and chuckled as she rushed to her side and lean in. "It's nothing bad, it's.... The opposite." Kurenai leaned closer even though they were alone. "Last night, Asuma and I, we...."

Kurenai's hands slammed over Mei's mouth as she let out an enthusiastic squeal.
"I fucking knew it!" She muffled into her hand.
"Shut the hell up!"
Meilani giggled childishly into her pillow, kicking her feet as Kurenai's face turned as red as her eyes. "Was he your first?" She nodded. Mei ran back to the kitchen to finish preparing the tea. "I'm delighted for you, Kurenai. He better treat you well."
"He does... Hey," Kurenai blew the steam away from her tea before she continued. Mei did the same, acting aloof towards the question she was preparing to ask. "Um.... Has something happened between you and Kakashi?"

Kurenai watched her friend's reaction patiently. Meilani slowly blew and sipped on her tea.
"What makes you think that?"
"The way he held you after you passed out. And," Kurenai fought back a smile, and failed. "I thought I saw him sneak out of your hospital room one night."
Meilani smiled into her cup. Kurenai leaned in with a smirk. "Don't look at me like that! You can't tell anyone."


Kakashi laid down lazily on a tree branch while overlooking Sasuke and Sakura's separate training exercises. The lack of disruptions due to Naruto's absence was unusual, and it gave them more time to actually train than they were used to.
"Why don't we take a break soon? We can regroup in an hour, after lunch."
He snuck off while Sakura attempted to get a lunch date out of the Uchiha boy. He wasn't that hungry, and he wondered if Meilani had eaten yet. He scanned the food booths when he eventually made his way further into town, book in hand. His feet slowed down just a hair as he passed by the flower shop.
He opened his book but only pretended to read the pages. Instead, his mind replayed the time he's spent with Mei the past few nights. As well as her words to comfort him into thinking her near-death experience wasn't his fault. But the truth is, he was still afraid. Not of the butterflies in his stomach that linger while on his way to her balcony. Or of the way his heart quickens when he makes her laugh or smile.

Kakashi was afraid of the possible slander she would endure. What if it were worse than what he heard about her leaving a few years back? Despite it all being false. And while he had learned to ignore and brush aside the gossip about him, he was all too familiar with the cruelty of words. He can't imagine what they'd say about Mei if her name were attached to his, the 'Friend Killer.' Hell, gossip already emerged about them when she came back home.
He frowned, turning the page and turning the corner, away from everyone else.

Meanwhile, the two Kunoichi caught up with Anko and had lunch together at the barbeque restaurant. Adjusting the sleeves of her khaki trenchcoat, and rubbing her hands eagerly, Anko began to grill their food while listening to Meilani talk about the baker boy that she hid behind Anko to avoid.
"You know, I hadn't realized what a short stack you were. What are you, five-three?" Anko snickered. Kurenai glanced at Mei beside her, tilting her head.
"No!.... I'm five-one." She stuck her tongue out as Anko laughed at her. Kurenai nudged her arm with a teasing grin. "Your hair doesn't count as height, you know."
"Just tell us why you ducked down already!" Anko flipped the meat.

"He introduced himself at the beach a while back. We only went on one date and it was lame. I talked so much yet all he knows really are the basic training the Academy does and what years I ranked up." Meilani slurped up some of her miso soup. "The only things I really know about him are that he runs the bakery with his dad and he wanted to be a ninja, but his mom forbid it before she passed."
Anko and Kurenai gave a sympathetic expression as she continued.
"When my brother and his team arrived he just clammed up. Sasuke gave the poor man the stink eye and he looked like he was going to collapse." She shook her head, scooping up another bite. "You should've seen how fast he took off after seeing Kakashi's face."
Anko served the two their plates. "Tch. How pathetic, how are you gonna let a little brat punk you?"

Even from a distance, he heard Meilani's laughter resonating through the area. He sat up straighter upon the water resovuoir, embracing the flutters his stomach gave off. He ran his hand through his hair, giving it a slight tug as he pondered the conflict he felt. He wasn't going to deny his feelings, it was the first time in a long time he's felt anything other than loneliness or pain. And while he didn't want to let go, he was unsure of what exactly he was holding on to. Nor if the feelings were developing too fast.
I think we need to talk tonight.


After returning from a supply delivery with Sakura and Sasuke, he watched the sun set from the Hokage mountain, a kunai twirling between his fingers. His eyes followed a flock of birds making their way into the forest South of him. Tiny specks of black swirled and danced in front of a cotton-candy skyline. Kakashi looked in the direction towards Mei's apartment, and sighed deeply.
I probably shouldn't keep her waiting too long.
His palms grew more clammy the closer he got to her place. Should he knock, or use the balcony?
He thought of the smile she grew when she spotted him standing there last night, and chose the balcony. But first, he snatched up a pink tulip from a random flowerbed. Kakashi landed on the thick clay balcony ledge and peered around the curtain. With no sign of Naruto or any other guest, he tapped lightly.
Meilani peaked her head and a bare arm out of her room door and signaled 3 minutes. Kakashi sat on the balcony floor and opened up his book, hiding the tulip beside his thigh.
Carefully slipping up her haltered black dress, Meilani adjusted the slit on the left thigh and smoothed out the fabric. It hugged her thighs and sides admirably, earning a twirl of approval in the mirror. After flipping her blow-dried hair over and giving it one last shake, she flipped her hair back again and walked to the balcony doors.

"Hey, copy-cat." She teased playfully, sliding the door open.
"Hey, Hummingbird." The greeting rolled off his tongue smoothly as he looked up. His eye widened at the sight of her. How is it possible for her skin to glow in everything? The smooth velvet of her dress gave off a dark shimmer in the light, he was able to see some traces of where she dragged her fingers across the fabric. "You look... Radiant."
Her stomach fluttered at the compliment, taking the flower he pulled from seemingly thin air. His speed was impressive at times.
"Thank you. It's girls night tonight, I wasn't sure if you were coming over again. And it's Kurenai's night off so..."

"You don't have to explain anything, Mei." He picked out that strand of her bangs and tucked it behind her ear. "But, there is something I'd want to talk to you about sooner rather than later."
"What is it? I can hold off on getting dressed." She sat on the couch. He rubbed his neck nervously whilst sitting beside her.
"I... Like you." He started, taking her hand slowly.
Her eyes watched his throat constrict nervously under his mask. She rubbed his hand with her thumb gently. "I like you, too."
"I... Like the time we've been spending together these past few nights. But-"
Her hand twitched under his, and he held onto it tighter. "I'm scared of what people will say if we're seen together. No, not like that!"
Meilani's brows raised and her lips pouted. Kakashi chuckled sheepishly and he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. While the other clung to her firmly. His brain searched all the words he knew rapidly, especially when he noticed her chest begin to heave slowly.

"I recall just about everything I heard when you left to train with Master Jiraiya. They were rumors of you abandoning Naruto, and you becoming a rogue for Itachi. And I don't know if you remember the things said about me, but I'm concerned about what they would say about you if they learn you're with..."
He lowered his head, staring at their joined hands.
"Kakashi," she murmured softly. She removed her hands from his grip and tilted his head to look at her. Patience glistened in her eyes while she ran her thumbs along his jawline.
"You're human. Humans experience loss and pain. But they also get to experience happiness, it's what reminds us of the surrounding beauty we take for granted every day..." She looked off in realization, her words nearly echoing what Jiraiya explained once. "We can't let the violence and the cruelty in this world dominate our feelings, or our lives. I think after all we've both been through, we deserve at least a little happiness. And my time with you has brought me some."
He held her round face firmly with his large hand. Mei watched him patiently.
"I want this," he confirmed. "whatever we have. I want to hold onto it. But, can we hold onto it ourselves for a little while longer?"
Her eyes flickered between his gaze and her hand resting on his shoulder. While she understood his concerns, she had trouble hiding the disappointment in her eyes.
Which is why she kept them closed while smiling.
"Okay. Let's hold onto it."
He pulled her into another hug, the least hesitant one she's felt yet. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Kakashi felt a small weight off his shoulders, only a chip in the boulder. He saw that look in her eyes. Disappointment. He had to make up for this, but how? How could he express his gratitude, appreciation of the request for discretion, without stumbling over his words?
The answer just about hit him on the head. Meilani giggled as his nose wiggled into the crook of her neck, even more as he broke into a grin and continued to wiggle. Kakashi mustered up enough boldness to peck her collarbone lightly. The small gasp she let out was the daintiest sound he's ever heard. She pulled away with just enough space for her nose to touch his. He licked his lips as he watched her pupil's dilate. Maintaining eye contact, Kakashi lowered his mask to his chin. His heart racing.
He trapped her lower lip with between his, his right hand sliding to the back of her head. Meilani inhaled sharply at his swift action. Not just from surprise, but from how smooth his lips were. And how delicate, it left her nearly breathless. She leaned her body into his and kissed him back fervently.

Together they alternated between their lips as their bodies pressed against each other. In another swift movement, Kakashi pulled her on to his lap from the back of her knees, gliding his hands up the sides of her thighs to her waist. She squealed again, giggling against his lips. He took the opportunity to glide his tongue into her mouth, earning a soft groan.
They pulled away to catch their breath. Foreheads pressed together, Kakashi panted quietly. Mei felt her lips tingling, and watched him with a hazy mind. Her hands rested on his shoulders for balance. With her thumbs gently moving side to side, Mei sensed an unbearable need for more. Along with a tug similar to a sharp string pulling down in her stomach.

"If you keep making those cute noises... I'm going to have a harder time controlling myself."
Meilani's knees pressed into his sides a bit, heat rising to her cheekbones. She traced his cupid's bow and lower lip, stunned at Kakashi's low voice and scandalous words. "Kakashi Hatake... I've never heard you speak like that."
He chuckled, kissing the palm of her hand as she traced the lower half of his facial scar with her index finger. Thriving off of her unusual flustered state, his hands moved to her hips and he whispered lowly in her ear. "Do you like it? I'm almost sure you do."
"Yeah?" She held in another gasp as he nipped her ear lobe.
"Mhm." He pecked her jaw. "Don't tell me your forgot about my sense of smell."
She tried to pull away, face so red it was nearly radiating heat. He quickly caught her and pressed her back to his chest.
"Hey, it's a natural reaction. Just where are you going?"
"I-" she managed to wiggle free, stumbling into the table before standing up. "I- you... Shut the hell up."
Kakashi's head moved back with laughter. Meilani gasped, stunned by the blissful noise escaping his gorgeous lips. His visible eye looked at her adoringly as he pulled his mask up. Smoothing down her dress, Meilani's eyes darted to the floor.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you."
She shook her head. "No, you didn't. I'm just, you caught me off guard." He rose from the couch and inspected the leg that hit the table. "I'm alright. That was, a hell of a kiss."
His eye closed as he smiled. "Thanks." He suddenly shuddered as her fingers brushed his exposed ear. A complete accident, she was only fixing his headband. Yet the way that shudder resonated told her to do it again. As she did so, this time slower, he grabbed her wrist gently. "Mei, stop."
She smirked mischievously, eyes flickering down. "Hey, it's a natural reaction."
He leaned down to kiss her nose. "Shut the hell up." Meilani closed her eyes and giggled. He stole another hug from her and breathed in the scent of her hair. He didn't want to follow her like a puppy and ruin her night out, but he also wanted to have some type of contact with her. "Are you almost finished getting dressed?"
"Just some makeup, and my shoes and I'm all set. We're all gonna meet at Anko's, she's closest to the bar we're heading to."
"I could walk you." He offered. "Just, you know, being a gentleman while we discuss.... Missions."
Mei gave a quizzical look. "Missions while I'm on vacation?"
He rubbed the back of his neck, following her in to her room as retrieved her makeup bag. "We're... Discussing the new Make-Out Paradise movie coming out."
It wasn't exactly a lie, the two actually did continue to talk about it until they departed ways. As Mei thought he turned the opposite corner when she said goodbye, he actually stayed behind to watch her walk inside. She completely missed his head tilt from watching her walk away.

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