By radicalrad100

18 5 3

"If I don't do this then I can only live half a life." Morgan's been hiding a secret of her life of course if... More



3 0 0
By radicalrad100

"You have forgotten all about us you bitch "Jill said as she burst into my room.

Andy followed behind her shaking her head. I looked at Jill and turned to go back to sleep but she jumped on the bed. I groaned as I glared at her. She just stuck her tongue out as she sat next to me.

"You live with Rayden now? How'd that happen? "Andy asked.

"There was a shifter squatting in the house who bit Rol, making him his alpha, then Rayden joined their pack because he wanted to learn about them. But when he was leaving Sal- the shifter-had a panic attack so he stayed "I explained briefly.

I was answering their questions about the situation when I sensed Sal approaching. His hard work was paying off. He was definitely getting stronger. We'd moved into katas already seeing as how he'd already more or less got the basics. I was very proud of him.

" These are my best friends Jill and Andy. Jill is the dark haired prickly one and Andy is the fae looking one" I explained.

"Hey! Prickly ,really! " Jill complained as we all burst into laughter.

"Nice to meet you, " He said.

I think it was safe to say both my besties liked him. By the time Mark was calling everyone for lunch we had become much closer, almost like the four of us had been friends all our lives.

Rayden was noticeably absent. I wondered where he disappeared off to. I knew he hadn't left the property or else Sal would have been rocking in a corner somewhere.

Jill had to leave early if she wanted to make it to her evening class so both of them left after lunch. Sal didn't react as badly this time so he was hopefully getting better .

Raiden appeared a few hours later and he shot me and Rol a look. We went outside and Raiden kept walking.

 "Why don't you want Sal to hear this? "Rol asked before I could.

"Because he's just getting better. If he finds out now I don't think it would end well, "Rayden explained.

"His pack found him, "I said, "that seems about the only thing you wouldn't want to tell him. "

"Yeah "Rayden said.

"Then we'll ward the place until he's ready to face them "Rol said.

"Wouldn't that just confirm to them that he's here? "I asked.

"Not if you use both light and dark magic. They will think it's just a strong coven of witches, "Rol said.

"I don't think I can learn that level of control in a short while "I said to Rol.

"Maybe we should just try something else ?" I said skeptically

"You don't even know how to use dark magic. Emotions are the tip of the iceberg. You can't block that well you can't try you can't ... "

"Okay I get it but no one could teach me because ... "

"No one could find out but no one can teach you now. You are so lost in your fear that you can't move forward. Living with fear is like leaving limbless and senseless. You're not a child Morgan. ignorance won't be a defence for you when people find out. You will defend yourself and you will lose because you are afraid. You are the sister I just met. I'd hate to lose you, "Rol said.

I looked at Rol -really looked at him-I could see the tension around his eyes, his chest was rising and falling rapidly and his hands were slowly curling and uncurling into themselves. His eyes were unfocused and it was then that I could feel it. A feeling I was all too familiar with a crushing weight on my chest, the voice that tells me to run and hide. Fear.

"You're right," I said.

" Of course I am "he replied, smirking.

"Dark magic is more emotion than anything. We'll draw a circle to make it look more legitimate, "he said.

He drew a circle that looks like a summoning circle, then he gave me a thumbs up. I felt like it wouldn't work because his instructions were clear as mud. I let out all the fear I had through my dark magic and combined it with my life magic and envisioned a war. I let it all go and the circle glowed before a silver war appeared before becoming invisible. I looked at Rayden and Rol in disbelief . It worked. Rayden laughed almost manically as he looked at Rol.

"Did you feel that? The council doesn't even have that much power, "he said.

"I know. Her demonic power is almost as strong as mine despite being half a demon.

"You're a demon? "Sal asked confused.

Of fucking course.


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