
By bat_rayy

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Authors note
Authors note
Quick questions/ authors note
Questions part 2
Book 2 is now out


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By bat_rayy

~Wade's P.O.V.~

~Three years later

"Wade Wilson could you please explain what's on the TV" Peter shouted from the living room. Fucking shit I thought knowing full well what was on the screen. I had been taking more jobs lately without Peter's Knowledge since I wanted to get him a nice engagement ring to propose to him. I headed down stairs and prepared myself for the wrath of Peter.

"Uhm yes?" I said standing across from Peter with the couch in between us.

"What is this?" He repeated pointing to the paused news story about a family of five that had been slaughtered by some one (me) with a katana.

"I was contracted to do that and was told to phone the police after they where unalived, if it's any bonus the whole family where partners in crime and had hostages in their basement who I saved just so you know." I said as Peter shot me a glare.

"Wade I don't ever want to see any of your contracts on TV again. I'm still not and never will be one hundred percent of with your job but I'm more ok with it now that you don't harm innocents but I still don't want to know about your jobs." He said angrily with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't know that taking that contract would upset you so much. I promise that I won't take any more jobs like that, ok babe?" I said walking around and hugging him.

" You better or you're going to be sleeping on the couch" He said returning my hug.

"I love you" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Some days I love you too, others like today I feel like shipping you back to Canada" He muttered jokingly.

"Oh Ouch, that hurts my soul. And by the way Canadians have a no return policy" I joked causing the brunette to smile. "But I do hate to burst your bubble but I do have I job that I need to do ok?" I said hoping he wouldn't get mad at me for saying that right after the conversation he just had.

"Ok, but please don't be on the news again Wade"

"I promise" I said before kissing him then headed back up stairs and sin shed suiting up and strapping all my weapons on then headed out the window and to the ware house I was meeting my client at, which just so happened to be in the shadiest part of town.

I walked in and scanned the interior of the metal building. I deemed it safe enough and stood in the middle allowing my self a clear view if any one was going to try and sneak up on me. Eventually after what felt like an eternity a feminine voice spoke out. "Good afternoon Wade Wilson"

"Uhm, nope, the name's Deadpool" I said not wanting to give away my identity as a figure started to come out from the shadows.

"Oh Wade I thought that you'd be happy that some one asides from your precious little Peter Knowing your name would make you happy." She said smirking at me from behind her red hair sensing my imminent discomfort from her mentioning Peter.

" My personal life doesn't matter to you, this was a business call so let's get down to business" I snarled. Her smirk grew even more.

"Thats just the thing Wade, this is a business meeting but it also deals with your personal life." She said, her voice full of venom.

"What do you mean?" I asked eyeing her suspiciously.

"Simple darling" She purred sending a shiver down my spine. " I'll be giving you jobs that you will do even if they go against your little spider's rules for what jobs your allowed to take." She said handing me a burner phone. "You will get text messages from me under the name Red, and you will do the jobs I give you in the time limit if there is one, or else say good bye to poor little Peter Parker." She said then started laughing maniacally as she sashayed away from me, leaving me (for the first time) trembling in fear. I recognized the long crimson hair as she walked away knowing full well who she was both in super identity and secret identity.

I ran back to mine and Peter's house, not stopping for anything but to open the backdoor. I ran up to Peter's office and started banging on the door until he opened it giving me a confused look. "What's the matter?" he said as I polled him into a tight embrace.

"A villain that should never be messed with came back to the city and we need to tell S.H.E.I.L.D. now!"

Peter sighed at my panicking. "S.H.E.I.L.D. will handle them on their own if they view the villain as a threat."

Obviously S.H.E.I.L.D was hiding some villains from the Avengers. I pulled my mask off so I could like him in the eye allowing hi to see my terrified expressions. "No they won't Peter, she was just a rumour that had passed through the crime world, and ever fewer people had lived to be able to speak of her and their experiences with her. I had thought she was just a rumour but today ended up proving me wrong."

"Wade if she's a threat then S.H.E.I.L.D. will handle her" Peter said pushing his glasses further up his nose. I shot him a glare (an extremely rare thing for me to do to Peter).

"Peter how many times have I ever mentioned anyone who hired me?"

"Never Wade, but I still don't see what the big deal is"

"Because she hired me and if I don't do what she says she's going to kill one of the avengers, namely you." I growled hoping my point would get across. Peter sighed again.

"Fine, we'll go mention it to Steve and Tony, not because I believe you but because I love you and knowing you you're not going to drop it until you get your way"

"Thanks Peter" I said kissing him.

"Go change and I'll text Tony saying we're heading over." I nodded and headed to our room, pulled off my katana, and gun holster and slipped on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I slipped on of the guns into the waist band of my jeans then put away the rest of my main weapons in exchanged for a pocket knife. I headed out of the house and locked up then went tot he car where Peter was waiting for me. I hopped into the passenger seat and Peter drove off. The car was filled with a tense silence that I didn't try to break knowing full well that he was mad at me and thought it was just my insanity making out a situation worse then it truly was, at least in his mind. I felt my phone buzz, pulling it out I frowned seeing that there was nothing on it before I remembered the burner phone that Red had given me. I pulled it out quickly and let out a sigh of relief when I saw the message wasn't for a job, but that relief was short lived when I read the message instead of scanning it.

'Date night with the boyfriend? Have fun =^.^= ' - Red.

I looked out the window and started searching for the crimson red hair. "Wade are you ok?" Peter asked giving me a worried look.

"I'll be better once we get to the tower." I said trying to give him a reassuring smile. Peter rested his hand on my knee for the rest of the drive.

We pulled up to to Stark tower and headed in and up to the usual floor. "Sirs Mister Parker and Mister Wilson are here too see you" the AI spoke out as we headed to the living room and sat down on one of the couches together. Steve walked in a little while later from probably working out as his hands where still wrapped in boxing bandages.

"Tony will be up in a minute, he's finally cleaning the lab. Want anything to drink while we wait?" Steve asked looking between us.

"I wouldn't mind some water." Peter spoke up, Steve moved his look to me, I shook my head and Steve walked into the kitchen. I started fiddling with the pocket knife in my pocket until a phone buzzed and I knew this time it was the phone that Red had given me. I pulled it out and instantly checked the messages.

'Double date with Stark and Rogers? Have fun. Oh and tell Steve that his little Magpie says hello' -Red.

What the actual fuck? Steve knows who red is? But he's a good guy, he shouldn't know who she is. I thought as Steve reappeared into the living room with Peter's water, he handed it to him then sat on the love seat across from us. The elevator dinged and Tony walked out and sat down beside the super solider.

"So what's up?" He asked as he rested on arm around Steve's shoulders.

"Long story short but a really really evil super villain is back and well she throated to kill one of the Avengers" I said not looking Steve or Tony in the eye knowing that pretty soon I would also have to tell them that Peter's dating Deadpool.

"How does a civilian know this?" Steve asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm the merc you had hired to stalk Peter to see if he was Spider-man or not" I said unhappy that I had to tell them.

"Wait what?" Tony asked looking at me confused.

"I'm Deadpoool" I sighed pulling out a pocket knife and stabbing through my hand with it. I cringed at the pain then pulled the knife out with a sound that made Peter give me a worried look. Steve and Tony started at my hand in shock even after it was completely healed. "See, not a civilian, so can we get to the pressing situation that Red is back and that's not ok." I growled hoping that they would believe me.

"Wait, Red's back?" Steve asked looking slightly scared.

"Yes and she hired me and I have to do all the jobs she gives me or else she will kill Peter." I stated glad that Steve knew who I was talking about, and that Red hadn't just been stalking Steve.

"This is not good" Steve said running a hand through his hair. "Did you know her or know of her before today?" He asked.

"I guess both, I knew her before the rumours of Red where spreader around baddies and I of course knew of Red." I said thinking back to the red haired villain and the red headed girl who is part of the reason Wolverine hates me. "Also she asked me to tell you that your 'Magpie' says hi" I added remembering the text. The color drained from Steve's face as Peter and Tony shared a confused expression.

"Guys are you going to fill me and Tony in on what's going on?" Peter asked loping between Steve and I.

"Red, or as I knew her as, Scarlet was my fiancé before I was frozen. She was a sweet girl as long as she had some one to protect and that person would be her conscience" Steve said looking down at his hands.

"Wait you where dating a super villain?" Tony said looking extremely confused.

"technically yes but for one, she wasn't this evil back then and two, we where only in a 'romantic' relationship only to hide that both of us are gay, but she had been one of my closest friends." He said turning slightly to the millionaire. "How did you know her?" Steve asked me.

"Well I had died and switched universes and time with Lady Deadpool, and apparently she and Logan hooked up and had a kid, Scarlet, and when we switched back I found out that Technically I had a daughter, then Logan killed me because he wanted Lady Deadpool back and I ended up back in the correct time." I said shrugging.

"You have a kid?" Peter asked looking at me.

I shrugged again "Like I said technically but she's partly from another universe.

"Thats a little weird" Peter said moving over slightly.

" So what should we do about her?" I asked just before my worked phone buzzed in my pocket. "Hold that thought" I said pulling the phone out form my pocket.

'SO there's this loan shark who I owe money to. I need you to kill him today'-Red. A couple seconds later a photo of a man was sent plus his work and home addresses. "Guys I gotta go, she gave me a job that I gotta do, I'll be back when I'm done. Plan what to do with her with out me." I said then left and headed home. Once there I quickly stripped out of my jeans and hoodie while heading up to my weapons room. I grabbed my katanas and guns, pulled on my mask then headed over to the loan shark's house. I let my self in viva an open living room window. I paused once I was inside listening to see if the man I was supposed to kill was here. I heard typing coming from the next room over, I walked over and knocked on the door and waited until the man in the photo opened the door.

"Uhm who are you and why are you in my house?" he asked glaring at me.

"I'm your grim reaper" I said pulling out a katana and slicing his head clear off. I flicked the blood off the blade then re-sheft it. I texted Red with a photo of me holding the severed head then headed back to the house to get changed again and with in two hours from leaving the tower I was walking back into the living room and sitting back down on the couch with Peter. "So what's the game plan?" I asked looking around.

"Next time she asks to meet her, we'll all come with and then we'll detain of kill her depending on what ever is better in the situation. Steve also let S.H.E.I.L.D. know about Red and they said the they will have their eyes out for her." Tony said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around Peter hoping I could do all I can to keep my spider safe.

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