Warmth Of Your Soul ✔️

By a_sidneetian

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cast: Siddharth Nigam Avneet kaur Abhishek Nigam Vaishnavi Nigam Jaijeet Singh Reem Sameer After around h... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
new cover
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
season 2

chapter 4

1.8K 120 10
By a_sidneetian

Avu's pov

  It's been two months I shifted here. Everything is perfect and life is going on so smoothly..... Reem and me became two crazy bff's and gradually I opened up everything about myself to her  not completely though..... at the beginning I thought she will leave me or she will be sad on my decision but she stood up for me and there by my side. I am really very happy by being with her and making her my bestie.

Right now I prepared breakfast and went to my room to get ready and reem to got ready and we both locked the room and made our way towards for office.

We both went to our cubical and started our work after around three hours we went to our team leader to present our designs. Reem, me and other three members of our team went to the cabin of our team leader. We entered and saw a new person. Who is he? Where is our team leader?

Sm1: well! Good morning team. I am jaijeet Singh. Your new team leader.

All: hello sir...

He is not so old. Same age of us it's just that his qualification is more than us.  After all the greetings and discussion of designs and new project we came back to our cubical and started our work but I think reem is lost somewhere since the time she met our team leader Mr. Jaijeet Singh she is completely lost in her own self.... Looks like she found a crush...! I know how to spell the beans from her mouth. So now we have to just wait till the break.....

  It's break time and as usual me and reem along with few of our colleagues went to the cafeteria for lunch which we prepared in the morning itself.

Avu: so reem our new team leader is so handsome naa?
Re: yes! Avu... He is so handsome*she paused* wait do u have any sort of crush on him?
Avu: I don't have but looks like he is having alot of girl following two of girls from our team and other teams started staring at him as well as even flirting with him and also he didn't mind it....
Re: what? Who had crush on him? Show them to me. I will punch on their faces directly.... How dare they to stare and flirt with him?
Avu: but why?
Re: Coz I had a huge crush on him since my college days and also I love him alot....

Wohooo.... It's a huge revelation. Idk she knows him from her college days.... Looks like now I got the reason why even he too stared at her two to three times while we were discussing...... Let's make their track clear then....

After our break we started our work again and we then went to Vaishnavi mam's cabin to present a presentation and also for finalizing few designs....... I knocked the door and heard a faint "come in" I went inside.

Vaish: hey avneet....
Avu: hello mam...!

Yup! I didn't tell u all? We both mingled up so well in this two days. We even went to hangout in the weekend me reem and Vaishnavi mam even though she insisted me to call her didi in the office too I thought not  to mix  personal and professional lives.

Avu: well! I came here for a presentation.
Vaish: yeah! Pls go on...

I started my presentation and after sometime I noticed that mam isn't concentrating and was holding her head.

Avu: mam are u okay??

I tapped her shoulder but suddenly she fainted. Omg!! I panicked and called reem immediately and told her to come to Vaishnavi mam's cabin and end the call without listening her reply...... I poured few drops of water on her eyes but she didn't wake up.... Panic and worry filled my brain.

Avu: didi.... Di.... Vaishu Didu.... Wake up.....

After 5 mins reem came inside and immediately sorted the situation we then went to the team leader cabin and informed and he told that he will help us and then we took her to the hospital and admitted her.

I,reem and jai are waiting for her.

Avu: sir do u know any of Vaishnavi mam's family member?

  I asked jai sir....

Jai: yes... I know wait I will call them.

He checked his pockets.

Jai: god!! Seems like I forgot my phone in the office only...
Avu: it's ok. Do u remember any of mam's family phone number?
Jai: Siddharth will be in a meeting may be abhi Bhai will be free but his number........

He talked to himself like that for few mins.

Jai: yess! I remember abhi Bhai's phone number.
Avu: tell me sir.

I took out my phone and dialled the number jai sir informed me and called him it rang.

*On call*

Abhi: hello. Abhishek Nigam speaking....
Avu: sir I am calling from Nigam empire. Vaishnavi mam fainted recently and we admitted her in the hospital. Could u pls come...
Abhi: what? Which hospital?
Avu: sir it's xyz hospital.
Abhi: ok! I am coming.

After a round 15 mins. I got the call again from Abhishek sir. I informed him that we are in the first floor emergency ward. After around 2 mins.

Jai: abhi bhaiya....
Abhi: jai... What happened to vaishu?
Jai:idk they informed me *pointing towards us* and we admitted her here.
Abhi: what happened to her?
Avu: I was presenting her a presentation and suddenly Di I mean mam fainted so we admitted her here.
Abhi: how is she now?
Re: we need to wait for the  doctor sir.

  After around 20 mins doctor came out of the ward. All rushed towards him.

Abhi: how is she doctor??
Doctor: we conducted few tests. Let's wait for the results. Now she is alright but unconscious.
Abhi: can I meet her?
Doctor: let her gain her conscious and also reports.
Abhi: ok!

Doctor left from there and Abhishek sir went from there. We are waiting for the reports.

With Abhishek:

  He dialed Sid's number.

On call:

Abhi: hello Sid.
Sid: yeah! Dada.
Abhi: vaishu fainted in the cabin one employee admitted her in the hospital. She informed me and I came here can u come here.?
Sid: sure dada. How's Bhabhi?
Abhi: doctor conducted few tests we are waiting for the results. Come Sid. I am worrying.
Sid: don't worry dada I am coming.

End of the call.

  Abhishek sir came and just then a lady doctor came from the ward.

Doctor: Vaishnavi Nigam?
Abhi: we are only doctor.
Doctor: she is yours?
Abhi: I am her husband.
Doctor: congratulations Mr. Nigam u re going to become a father. Mrs. Nigam is 1 month pregnant.

  And we all smiled widely.

Abhi: really??? Thank you so much doctor...
Doctor: u need to thank the person who brought Mrs. Nigam here Mr. Nigam. Coz of them  only we can able conduct the tests and also they admitted Mrs. Nigam at the correct time.

  Doctor left.

Abhi: thank you so much jai.
Jai: Bhai it's not me. Avneet admitted Di in the hospital.

Abhishek sir came towards me.

Abhi: thank you so much avneet. I owe u alot.
Avu: sir plss she is like my sister. I just did my responsibility.

Abhishek sir smiled and I smiled back.

Doctor: u can meet her. She gained her conscious.

Abhishek sir went inside.

After sometime we all went in.

Avu: congratulations Abhishek sir and Vaishnavi mam.

Vaishu Di glared me. I chuckled

Avu: ok! Sorry congratulations Didu....
Re: congrats vaishu Didi....

And Di smiled brightly.

Vaish: opps sorry.... Abhi she is avneet and she is reem. We three got together so much. I told u right they are the people I go with hangout and re and Avu meet him. He is Abhishek Nigam my husband and siddharth's elder brother.
Avu and reem: u re the sister-in-law of the CEO.

I and reem looked at eachother shocked.

Avu and reem: didu/Di u never told us that u re the Bhabhi of the CEO?
Abhi: well! This lady over here don't like to share her personal details in the office.
Avu: u should atleast tell us didu. U re so bad....
Vaishu: sowwiiiieeeeee baby......

And I chuckled and nodded my head.

Re: shall we go Avu?
Avu: yes. *To abhinavi* congratulations once again and will meet u Abhishek sir and vaishu didu.
Abhi: well!  as u are calling vaishu Di u call me bhaiya?

I and re looked at eachother.

Avu and re: both of us?

And he nodded. We looked towards vaishu Di and she nodded. We both smiled

Avu and re: ok abhi bhaiya.

And he too smiled brightly.....

Abhi: finally!!! I got sisters too.... Dekho vaishu u only have one brother but I have two sisters.....
Vaishu: no.... Jai is my brother too...  So I also have two brothers.

And we all chuckled.

Vaishu: abhi when should I go home? I don't want to spend here.
Jai: I will go and talk with the doctor about discharge u be here abhi bhaiya.
Avu: Di and bhaiya we will go we have work there....
Abhinavi: ok!

End of pov

👉🏻To be continued.....

👉🏻 Take care

👉🏻See y'all!!!

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