Excuses (Henry Ledore x Reade...

By AonabiChan

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Henry Ledore x Reader Warning: the story contains massive spoilers from "Professor Layton and the Miracle Mas... More

Prologue - Reunion at the Carnival
1. Then - A Poem for Dreamers
2. Now - The Frailty of Friendship
4. Now - Exhaustions and Investigations
5. Then - Care and Time
6. Now - A Second Favour
7. Then - Not Quite Cinderella

3. Then - Quiet Days in Stansbury

18 3 3
By AonabiChan

You remember it was a quiet day, like any other in Stansbury.

Your chin rested on one hand, you were wiggling your pen between the index and middle fingers of the other one.

You had been anxiously staring at the clock above your teacher's desk for the last fifteen minutes, studying every single second passing at the pointer of the hand.

Feeling them sink into your whole being.

Growing more and more impatient at every tick and tock.

Your heart skipped a beat as the last stroke eventually hit the twelve.

As soon as the bell rang, you hurriedly put your notebooks in your bag before waving to Angela.

"Bye, Angela! See you tonight?"

"Not sure, Randall said he'd got plans."

"No worries, have fun and see you tomorrow!"

"Thanks, catch you then!"

"Hey, (Name)!", one of your classmates interrupts. "Are you skipping today's study group?"

"I'm not skipping anything, it's optional. Moreover, I've completed all my homework."

"W-what?! When did you find the time to write your assignment?"

"When there's a will, there's a way!", you crooned, glancing in anticipation at your watch. "I got to go, see you tomorrow, everyone!"

"Bye, (Name)!", replied a few students, looking at you rush out of the classroom while they were stilll clearing their desks.

"Say, Angela. You two always hang out together, right? Why is (Name) always in a hurry on this day of the week?"

"(Name) has a meeting at the market and doesn't want to miss it!", she admitted with glee.


What reason could I give today? You wondered.

Leaving the courtyard, you made a sharp turn after the school gate towards Pebble Lane, on the way to New Market, where the shops were.

You were not running fast, but could still feel your heart dancing at every step.

Unknowingly, after turning in the next street, you met face to face with Henry.

The boy you were looking for.

His blue eyes glinted at the sight of you.

"G-good afternoon, Henry!", you stuttered.

You had expected him having arrived at Old Market already.

You were having a hard time picturing Henry having a stroll around New Market.

You wished he actually had been waiting for you.

"Good afternoon, (Name).", he replied with a gentle smile. "Are you in a rush, today?"

"N-not at all!"

"Oh, very well... Since you were running, I thought that you may have been unavailable."

"I wasn't running. I was practising for the London Marathon."

He gave a chuckle.

"I stand corrected."

"Are you running some errands in the shopping street?"

"Indeed. Mrs Ascot requested that I pick up the items she ordered last week. I will be heading to Old Market soon afterwards."

He remained quiet after telling you his plan.

It was his cue.

"I would like to buy some tea at the market. May I accompany you?", you asked the first thing that crossed your mind, hopeful it was as good as any other reason.

He smiled with satisfaction.

"Of course. It would be my pleasure."

Oh, that smile.

It made a blush creep up your cheeks.

"Shall we go, (Name)?", he invited, walking towards New Market.

You followed him around to the shops and resumed your conversation where you had left it after each interruption.

"What did you learn about, today?", he enquired.

You described your day in detail.

It made you very happy that Henry seemed keen to know about your everyday life.

Every time you met, he always had considerate questions, such as:

"Have you learnt something new, today? Would you like to tell me about it?"

"What was your favourite moment of the day?"

"What made your day?"

"What inspired you today?"

"Did something special happen?"

"What about you, Henry? Tell me about your day."

He started narrating mechanically his schedule, which both of you knew by heart at that point.

The last years he had spent training as a butler had been pretty much the same.

Unsuspensful and menial.

How Henry woke up early to prepare and serve breakfast to the Ascots, how he helped Mr Ascot choose a proper knot to tie his necktie, how he changed the bed linens and the towels with the governess, how he assisted Mrs Ascot watering the plants in the garden, how he prepared lunch for Mrs Ascot, how he washed and cleaned the beautiful crockery and sorted it out in the dining room, how he removed the dust and scrubbed the wooden floor in Mr Ascot's office, before being sent to town to buy the week's groceries.

Though, sometimes you did get surprised by an unexpected turn of events, such as a stray cat randomly visiting and meowing for food, Henry having to rush to the academy to bring Randall the bag that the teenager had carelessly forgotten at the estate, a strong wind gust blowing away the freshly washed blankets, or Mrs Ascot's favourite tablecloth getting soiled by a spilt tea cup.

You always nodded enthusiastically at his same old stories.

After all, this routine helped you establish your own schedule.

You were glad just being able to spend some time with him at all.

Making excuses to be together for an hour or two.

As time passed and flew, you could not spend as much time as you used to when you were children.

It was a ravage of time.

Being old enough to be aware that all you ever wanted was to be around him, you did not have the capacity to do so nowadays.

Henry was not attending classes at the academy with any of you, at least not since the end of middle school.

The Ascots' governess was strictly taking care of his education during the morning, ensuring that he would maintain a decent level. Since Henry was very hard-working and studious, he had never encountered any difficulties.

Occasionally, he envied you for pursuing a normal curriculum.

Nevertheless, he felt immensely grateful having Randall's family taking care of his needs, trusting him and accepting him in their loving household from a tender age, instead of leaving him on his own, somewhere he would have never met you.

Working so much at a young age was a tiny price to pay to be with all of you.

Enveloped by kindness.

"Here we are! Old Market.", you chirped.

"You do like this place a lot, don't you, (Name)? To me, it seems that you never get tired of it."

"You mean, I ADORE it!", you beamed. "This place really is the life and spirit of our village, don't you think? It's picturesque and you can find everything from food to crafts, second-hand items, spices and teas, flowers, lovely people for a chat... I also like the rustic café in the centre of the market, which dates back from the tourist days of yesteryear. I believe the population has decreased more than twofold, since..."

"It is true that the village used to be more vibrant in the past, because of the ruins.", Henry admitted. "I wish it were the same, nowadays."

There could have been so many more things he would have been able to do with you.

Taking you to different places.

He was secretly happy that you enjoyed the Old Market. He did not want you to feel bored.

It was as good as any other excuse to walk somewhere with you.

"What have you got on your list? A lot?", you asked.


"I'll lend a hand."

"I appreciate your sollicitude, but please, don't worry too much."

He did not want to abuse your generosity as to let you carry the bags.

"Shall we begin from here?", you pointed at the vegetables and fruits section.

"Yes, please."

"Oooh, isn't that our good lil' (Name)! How are you going today? Hi, Henry!"

"Good afternoon, Mr Barraclough.", politely replied Henry.

"Hello! We're good, how are you?", you asked.

"Not too shabby! Well, I guess you'll see when you reach my age! Henry, the usual for you? By the way, (Name)! Can I ask you a favour? Tell your old man that..."

And the shopkeeper talked away while serving Henry. After paying for the purchases, the latter went straight to the adjacent stall.

As efficient as ever.

"... Whereas the screwdriver was actually in the booth! Ha ha ha!"

"Ah, well noted, Mr Barraclough, I'll tell my dad about it. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

You had barely joined your friend when a lady called you.

"Hello (Name)! Guess what we've received today! Your mother will be delighted to hear it!"

"Good afternoon, Mrs Gardenrose."

Mrs Gardenrose gave Henry the change before showing you her recent findings. Seeing your friend walking away, you quickly shortened your conversation:

"My apologies, Mrs Gardenrose, but I've got to go! I'll be back on Saturday with Mum!"

"So long, sweetheart!"

You caught up to Henry who was smiling at you in a kind, unbothered way, as if you had been there all along.

"H-Henry, I..."

"What is it, (Name)?", he empathetically asked after noticing your worried expression.

"(Name)!", cut in the farmer who was serving the teenage boy. "Can you be a doll and give this to your mother? She asked for it the other day but it was out of stock! Tell her I put it on her tab!"

"Understood, Mr Piers, thank you very much and see you soon!"


Again, you glanced at Henry who was moving on with his tasks, seemingly undisturbed by your chatting.

"Sorry, Henry."

You wore the most apologetic expression on your face.

"Hm? What are you apologising for?"

"Because I said I would assist you, but I ended up conversing with the shopkeepers. I didn't intend to waste your time..."

Your time together was too precious to waste.

"You're all right. It's nice to see you being so sociable, and all the townspeople definitely like you very much. Even though I go to the market every week, they don't talk to me as openly as they do to you. To be candid, perhaps I should be the one apologising for interrupting your conversations.", Henry told you, self-conscious.

"Of course you aren't interrupting anything, Henry!", you protested, driven by guilt. 

"Please, don't trouble yourself, (Name). You can talk to whomever you want."

"I'm going with you..."

You felt awful that he had to wait for you while working.

"Much appreciated. Then, let us move to the next stall."

He handed you one of his shopping bags, as if to put an end to your discussion and encourage you to keep going.

How delightful to be walking by his side! With rosy cheeks, you imagined that the two of you looked like a couple. Perhaps, one day, you would be buying groceries together, hand-in-hand, like real lovers would... This thought made your whole body iridiate with warmth and delight.

"Look (Name), here's Mrs Sweet's tea shop. Let us go have a look."

"You're busy... I'll come back later."

Henry frowned.

"Please, don't let my work affect your own objectives. Didn't you wish to purchase some tea? You won't have gone to the market for naught."

It was not for naught if I could be with you! You abstained from replying.

"Very well, then..."

"I'm curious to see which one you'll pick, this time.", he smiled in a relaxed way, seemingly enjoying himself looking at the barrows of loose leaves and plants. 

You both loved your tea, for sure.

"Helloooo my two young favourite tea aficionados!", the shopkeeper greeted you. "(Name), Henry, what can I get you today?"

Henry nodded in your direction to let you decide. Feeling nervous and out of better ideas, you chose your favourite blend.

"This is so like you, (Name)!", Mrs Sweet chuckled.

"This is one of my favourite, too.", said Henry with affection, prompting you to blush slightly. He then turned towards the herbalist and said, "Good afternoon, Mrs Sweet. I needn't to replenish our reserves this week. Actually, I was only having a stroll."

"How rare! Though, it's understandable! My place's the most unique in town, uhuhuh! Don't worry, I won't tell Mr Ascot about that little detour!", she winked. "By the way, my boy, have you experimented new tea recipes with the ingredients you recently bought?"

"I have, indeed. I must say that the Oasis leaf is my favourite. Combined with Peppercherry, the flavour is incomparable."

You carefully listened to Henry and hoped that the next time you and Angela would be invited to the Ascots', you would be able to try it.

"(Name), poppet, you must smell this new blend I've created this morning!", chimed in the woman, as if reading your mind.

She opened a fancy canister and brought it close to your face. You sniffed it with attention.

"Wonderful!", you exclaimed. "Do I smell Peppercherry and Joy Root Clover?"

"Yup! And Dream Fluff! I call it Cayenne Twilight! Perfect for unwinding. Here, a present for you two! You'll tell me about it."

You and Henry received a sachet of that same tea.

"Are you sure? Thank you very much!"

"Much obliged. Hum-hum, what a luscious scent!"

"Aaw! That's awful nice of you, Henry! Now, off you go, you two darlings!"

"Do you see, (Name)? How lucky we are!", he said.

"Right you are, Henry! It was our lucky day!", you agreed. "Oh, it inspires me a poem..."

"Please, do tell!", Henry sounded very excited, all of a sudden.

His reaction boosted your confidence.

"It's only an outline, though... ahem-hem."

You carefully thought of your diction.

A drink to soothe
A tea for all your moods
As golden and smooth
As marigolds
Can you read the room?
Sharing a cup of tea
In a room just for two

You placed a hand on your cheek and remained silent for a few seconds, lost in thoughts.

Henry softly gazed at you and did not utter a word in respect.

He and Angela were the only ones among your friends able to appreciate your talent and imagination. You could not share your drafts with anyone else so easily, you were too shy for that. Though, you could not be entirely transparent with Henry, who was the artistic muse of some of your texts and stories...

"Hmm. I may be missing something, but that's a good start!", you eventually admit, happy. "I hope I remember it. I'll need to write it down when I get home."

"How admirable. You know very well how to set a pleasant mood. I can perfectly picture that scene in my head.", Henry compliments you. "I like to think about the two people you depicted in your poem."

You wondered if Henry was, too, thinking of you both...

You went to one more shop before heading back to Pebble Lane, then to the outskirts of Stansbury residential area.

"I'll take the bags from here, (Name). Your kind assistance was appreciated, as always."

"Are you sure? I don't mind walking all the way to the hillside."

"I don't recommend it, to be perfectly honest. I wouldn't want Mr Ascot seeing you carrying the purchases and getting upset. Right now, he won't notice a thing."

"Of course, Henry. I understand.", you said with a smile tinted with regret. "We had a good time!"

"We did. It was a pleasant surprise, bumping into you, today."

"Ha. If it wasn't for me, you would be home already preparing supper..."

"(Name), please, fret not. I always have a little time to spare for you. I wish we could have spent more time together at the market..."

Henry's words made your heart beat twofold faster.

"I-I...", you faltered, feeling a lump in your throat. 

You meant to confess your feelings for so long...


"Yes, (Name)?"

"I... I'm looking forward to trying your new blend of tea... the next time we're all invited to Randall's... You know... the one you mentioned today... to Mrs Sweet..."

You still could not bring yourself to disclose your secret.

"Absolutely. I'll make sure to prepare it to perfection!", he confirmed. "Have a wonderful evening and hopefully, see you next week, (Name)."

"Y-you too, Henry! Take care!", you waved at him gracefully.


That was the word he was looking for.

He thought that you were always so kind to everyone. You always looked lovely. Your smile was welcoming, your manners charming. You were so caring, so unique. No wonder why you attracted so many people to you with your cheerful personality. 

If only you would know how much he wished to give you all the time in the world.

"(Name), by the way.", he turned all a sudden in your direction. "Good luck with your training for the London marathon!", he told you, half-serious and half in jest, as if he was unsure whether or not you had been telling a joke earlier.

Your flustered expression said it all.


(2 May 2023)

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