One Direction One Shots

By xxxCattxxx

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A collection of One Direction based One Shots. Mainly Bromance shots but I can do straight pairings as well... More

One Direction One Shots
Niall and Lucy - A Date To Remember
LiLo - I'll Be There For You
Niam - A Change Of Heart
Nouis - A Teacher Always Cares For His Pupils
Zouis - The Dark Days
Liam - I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Lirry - Birthday Sex
Narry - Jealous Love
Nouiam - Sharing is Caring
Ziall - Precious Love
Niam PART TWO!!!!
Ziam - What Are We?
Larry - Hybrid
Nouis - PART 2!!!
Nouiam PART 2!!!!
Zarryiam - Truth or Dare
Ziall - A Promise That I Keep
Nouis Part 3 - Everything is coming to a close

Larry - Dance The Night Away

3.6K 47 9
By xxxCattxxx

So guys, this is my first One Shot. I decided to upload it to give you guys a taster of what my writing is like for these. It is a Larry one as they seem to be quite popular. I hope you like it.

Kat xoxo


Louis' POV

"That's what makes you beautiful..." Harry finished the last song of the concert off wonderfully and the fans in the audience started screaming loudly, making me wince at the highness of their voices. I looked over at the other boys and saw that they were all grinning wildly, their eyes travelling over the audience, reading the occasional banner and watching how crazy the girls were going, jumping up and down on the spot and clapping frantically.

I did love our fans and how supportive they were of us and how dedicated they were, considering at heart we were just five normal boys that had got a lucky break in life. I really enjoyed doing what we do, singing that is and I definitely loved being with the boys. My band mates, my best mates. We were always there for each other, no matter what the situation was. Life was just perfect.

We said our goodbyes to the fans and then ran off stage, collapsing on the floor when we got to our dressing room in exhaustion. Concerts really did drain us.

"I'm hungry." Niall groaned rolling on his back and rubbing his stomach.

"Tell us something we don't know." Zayn retorted, rolling his eyes. He got up and dragged his feet over to the couch that was placed in the room and began tapping away at his phone once he was comfortable, on Twitter, I presumed.

I turned to the remaining boys, 'the remaining boys' being Harry and Liam since Niall had just got up and raced out of the room, probably in search of food.

"So are we gonna go clubbing tonight?" I asked them. Harry's head snapped up and he grinned and began nodding his head. Liam groaned beside him.

"Seriously Harry, none of us can even stand properly, we are so tired and you think we are going to be able to dance tonight?" Liam exclaimed.

"Of course Li! You may be taken and hopelessly head over heals in love with Danni, but some of us aren't and so I need to keep myself occupied." He replied cheekily. Liam shook his head in disbelief.

"You do realise you can go clubbing with out having sex after it." Liam pointed out and I winced at his bluntness. Always trust Liam to say it how it is, with him it was none of the 'getting laid' or 'shagging', no, with him it was 'having sex' or if he was feeling really mature he would even say 'sexual intercourse'.

"Yeah, but clubbing is no fun if you don't get laid." Harry argued and Liam just rolled his eyes and slowly stood up, groaning as his aching muscles clicked. He then turned to look at us.

"Fine, we can go clubbing since it was our last concert for a while. I'm gonna go get changed, I suggest you do the same." Liam said and then left the room. Harry grinned at me and then did the same, leaving me in the room with Zayn, who was still on his phone.

"You coming with us Zayn?" I asked him. He looked up from his screen and nodded.

"Yeah why not. Gonna get laid then tonight?" He asked cheekily and smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. Just because I was no longer with El, didn't mean that I was planning on hooking up tonight.

"Not planning on, I just wanna have a few drinks with you guys and have a good time, with out doing the dirty." I replied. He nodded, but the smirk was still plastered across his face. "Let's get going." I said while getting up. "And stop grinning, you look like the Cheshire cat and it's creepy."

He just grinned even more and then the two of us left to find the others.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At The Club ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The club was packed, as usual for a saturday night. As we entered the club we all went our separate ways, Niall and Zayn to the dancefloor, Liam to the seating area and me and Harry to the bar.

Harry flagged down the bartender and ordered us some drinks as we took our seats at the bar. Once the drinks came we chugged them down and then ordered some more and talked, well more like shouted, to each other.

"So you seen anyone you like?" Harry shouted across to me. I looked around for a moment and then turned back to him.

"Not really." I shrugged. He nodded silently and looked away. "What about you?"

"I've got my eye on someone." He replied vaguely. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"So why don't you go get them?" I asked.

"I'll wait a little longer..." he trailed off looking away. This was so unlike Harry. He would never wait to go get a girl, and most of the time he wouldn't even have to do anything, they would simply fall at his feet.

"The great Harry Styles is going to wait? Okay, who are you and what have you done with my best mate, because you certainly aren't him." I joked. He looked back over to me and his eyes were filled with worry.

"I'm just not sure if they like me back." He said nervously.

"We are in a night club Harry. The person you are after will probably have never met you so of course they aren't going to like you. They just want to be fucked senseless and as soon as they see that it is you they will be falling at your feet begging you to shag them." I pointed out. He cracked a small smile, but the worry was still evident in his eyes.

"Not this person." he said. I was about to ask him what he was going on about but suddenly a blonde girl walked up to him and attached herself to his arm. His head snapped up to meet her gaze.

"Hey babey, why don't we go to the dancefloor and then after we can make our own moves up..... in bed." the girl suggested seductively. I almost choked on my drink at her cheesy chat up line. I looked at Harry and I could see him weighing up in his mind whether he thought it would be a good idea. I turned back to the girl and looked her up and down. She had dead straight, bleach blonde hair that ended just past her shoulders. Her eyebrows were incrediably thin and were black so I guessed that they were drawn in. She was wearing fake eyelashes that were so big, I was surprised she could keep her eyelids open. I couldn't tell because of the lighting what colour eyeshadow she had on but I could tell that she was wearing bright red lipstick and about seven layers on foundation. As for her outfit, she was wearing a black strapless dress that had two massive sections taken out of it at the sides so the front pannel only just covered her stomach, width ways but her hips were visible. The dress ended just below her bum, so that it barely covered it and she was wearing some killer heels that only just brought her to Harry's height.

She was not my type of girl at all, but Harry wasn't usually picky when it came to one night stands.

"Of course babe." Harry replied smiling, but even I could tell that it wasn't a proper smile. This confused me even more. They both got up and made their way to the dancefloor, Harry giving me a small smile as he left with the girl.

I ordered another drink and sipped at it for about twenty minutes before I finally got bored. I looked around the club, I saw Liam sat to one side texting on his phone, generally looking quite bored but occasionally he would read something on his phone and a smile would creep onto his face. I smiled at his happiness. As a group we may tease Liam about his relationship but we were actually really happy for him, that through all the stress that our lifestyle brings, he was still able to find something that made him truly happy.

I tore my gaze from him and looked over to the dancefloor. The first thing I noticed was the mop of blonde hair that was constantly moving around, attaching itself to different girls and grinding on them. Niall of course. He looked like he was already drunk out of his head and he was dancing along to what he thought was the beat of the song but was actually just him stumbling around like a drunken idiot. I chuckled and continued to let my eyes roam over the raving crowd.

I couldn't see anywhere, probably because he had come dressed in black and his hair was also dark meaning he couldn't be seen easily. I continued gazing around but I couldn't locate Harry either. He had probably already gone off with the slut from earlier and was fucking her senseless in another room or at her house.

Deciding that I wasn't going to be doing much else for the rest of the evening, I got up and cautiously made my way to the dancefloor. My plan was to make my way over to Niall and party with him but I was soon stopped by a group of girls around my own age that latched themselves onto any of my limbs that they could reach and began grinding on me whilst trailing their hands down my back and chest, a couple of them daring to let their hands wonder to my crotch.

I sighed inwardly, giving up, and let myself go with the flow, moving my body in time with the girls around me, allowing our bodies to mould together perfectly. 'Starships' by Nicki Minaj came on and a couple of people cheered before everyone started moving differently, changing their paces to match that of the song's.

When it came to the chorus most people were jumping around to the beat, crashing into eachother as they landed sloppily. Most of the girls who had origionally claimed me on the floor, were now off battling amongst themselves for the next peice of fresh meat that wandered onto the dancefloor. However, one girl remained. She had long brown hair that was wavy, her dress was just as short as the girl who had grabbed Harry but slightly less revealing and was green. I couldn't really see her face very well because of the lighting but I was guessing that it would be caked in make up, much like every other girl in the nightclub.

As the song continued she placed one of her hands around my waist, so it was resting on my lower back. I had done the same, to make our movements less awkward. She had her hips thrust right up with mine so that she was rubbing herself on me while our foreheads were rested together. As we moved together she continuously pushed her hips up to mine, which in all honesty was not turning me on in the slightest, but was becoming rather painful at the hardness of her thrusts.

Just as the song ended, I was about to pull away but the girl increased her grip on me and I sighed to myself at her patheticness. I began moving feebly to the next song, not really wanting to be here and it was just when I was about to start thinking that I may have been trapped for the rest of the night when someone came up behind me and wrapped their hands around my waist from behind, their head resting on my shoulder. I could tell straight away that it was a guy and not a girl, their hands were far too big and manly to be a girl's.

The girl who was attached to me, looked up and disgust flashed across her face before she pulled away from me and waltzed away into the crowd, probably looking for some other poor soul to link herself to. I smirked and then turned around, expecting to find a thirty year old drunk to deal with but instead I was met with a familiar pair of green eyes and a mop of brown curls. Harry.

I looked at him confused but he simply smiled and then began moving his body to the music once more. I stood still for a minute but then decided to join in and I started moving to the music as well. The crowd seemed to grow and because I was no longer with anyone, I was forced to move as the crowd got closer together. I kept moving trying to keep out of everyone's way but about two songs later, while I was dancing and moving I accidentally bumped into something hard. I looked up to see Harry smiling at me. I was about to pull away but then looked around and realised we were in the middle of the crowd and there was people literally all around us, less than a foot away.

I started dancing again, my movements going back in time with the beat and Harry did the same, not that he had ever stopped. Soon I felt something wrap around me and I looked down to see Harry's arm snaked around my back, much in the same way that the previous girl had been positioned. And, just like the girl, Harry was now rolling his hips into mine, but he, however, wasn't pushing too hard and I was finding the movements strangely pleasurable.

At one point his crotch slammed directly into mine, not painfully but it did arouse a feeling insdie of me that made me shudder and a throaty moan escaped my dry lips. Luckily, the music was so loud that no one heard the animal like sound that I had made, not even Harry, so I continued moving like nothing had happened.

Just then the song changed again and I instantly recognised the familiar beat and I smiled as the familiar voice began to sing the first line.

'Hey girl, I'm waitin' on ya, I'm waitin' on ya,

Come on and let me sneak you out!'

Me and Harry both moved our bodies more to this song than any of the others, grinning at the tune. Both of us, and most of the nightclub, began singing the chorus like there was no tomorrow, belting out lyrics very off key. But we were happy and we were enjoying ourselves.

But as the song neared its end, Harry changed his actions. His hips slowed down and stopped moving against mine. I looked up into his eyes and saw that they were gazing deeply at me, his iris' turning a deep, lustful shade of green. His lips were slightly parted and when I gazed down at them, I saw a slither of tongue poke out and trail its way across the pink skin, leaving them moist. I flickered my eyes back up to his but found his eyes fixed on my lips. His grip on my back tightened and he pulled me closer to him, so that even our chests were touching. I felt my breathing hitch as his eyes looked back up to mine and then down to my lips again, his brain clearly working on overdrive.

Just when I was about to ask if he was alright, the final lines of the song came on and Harry sung both of them.

'Tonight lets get some

And Live While We're Young!'

I didn't have time to comprehend what was going to happen next, but as the last note was sung, Harry's lips crashed down onto my own. I didn't even bother delaying my reaction to get my head around what was happening, or even push him away in disgust. No, instead my lips moved passionately with his, our lips moulding into place. My eyes fluttered closed in pleasure.

His hand came up to caress the side of my cheek and mine wrapped around his neck and played with the stray hairs that grew at the nape of his neck, twirling them around my fingers.

The kiss felt right, like it was meant to be. I knew I wouldn't regret it in the morning because at the end of the day the drinks that me and Harry ordered earlier were only Coca-Cola, so neither of us were marginally drunk and both fully aware of what we were doing.

It didn't matter that we were in the middle of a club.

It didn't matter that half of that club were staring at us.

It didn't matter that we were both boys.

It didn't matter that we were best friends.

All that mattered that he was kissing me and that I was kissing him and we both liked it, and we never wanted it to stop..........


Well that's the first one shot, comment on what you think and PM me requests :)

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