Valentine's Day Nsfw

By Zasura_Flare

24 0 0

Just a quick NSFW story about my OC's More

Return of the Hybrid Queen

24 0 0
By Zasura_Flare

Character Ages:
André: 22
Austin: 22
Beck: 17
Livia: 19

Year: 2076, Month and Day, June 21st.

In the harbor of Angel City, the three brothers, André, Beck and Austin are walking as they begin talking about what André's grandfather wants to tell them, but as they did, they spot a group of robbers who attempt to break into one of the boathouses in the bay.

André smiles as his emerald green eyes flash a bright green color before he and his two brothers apprehend the band of robbers.

When one of the criminals fires off several shots from his AK-47, André merely raises his hand, as emerald green and yellow flames enveloped his right hand, he then moved faster than the criminals could see, catching the man by his face with his left hand.

André then speaks, "You have two options here, leave this place and turn yourself in to the cops, or die by my hands here, so, which will it be?"

After giving them a choice, André lifts the man he held up by his face, who yells in pain, causing the other criminals to angrily declare that they would kill him, André then smiled as he proceeded to burn the man he held, causing a massive explosion to go off.

As they looked for their brother, Beck and Austin hears the explosion and rushes off to investigate, once there, Beck and Austin both ask their brother what happened, but he simply smiles showing his sharp teeth.

Beck and Austin both shook their heads in disbelief as André continues to fight the robbers, until he had defeated all of the criminals.

He laughed loudly as the leader of the robbers arrives in a lamborghini and makes an escape attempt along with several of his men, with Beck and Austin easily catching them, and detaining them until law enforcement officers can arrive.

Hours after the fight, André, Beck and Austin all sat at a table, littered with paperwork of the fight as the head of the police department, his grandfather Miguel Hernandez, scolded his grandchildren, after Miguel had left, André then opened his eyes as he looked towards the ceiling of the building they were residing in.

He sighed, sitting in the chair by the door, his eyes drifting across the room: a table stacked with boxes full of papers, books, whatever else the officers had picked up for three.

He wondered what were the robbers after? Money, No, there must've been something else they wanted, he didn't believe it, but—fuck, it was exhausting dealing with this, he got up as he walked to the window, looking out of it as his brothers sighed.
"Hey, you three morons still causing trouble for Uncle Miguel after all these years!" sang a familiar voice. 
André, Austin and Beck all were shocked by the voice as they furrowed their brows. Who the hell? They turned their heads around towards the source of the voice at the door and—

"Gah Dammit, What do you want?"

As André said this, he was now standing just a foot away from the door, they saw was the most gorgeous and evil woman they knew all too well standing in the door way.

Sharp-heeled boots gave way to long shapely legs, silky-smooth and cream-colored. Fashionable leggings worn under booty shorts clung around the thickest thighs that had ever been in this old city, Beck thought they were wide enough that they could easily crush someone's head in between them. 
Her shirt, soft and shimmering, gave way to a canyon of cleavage, a milky-white sea of breasts that threatened to spill out at the slightest move, barely contained by the thin fabric. Just above that, almost raven-black, blue silky smooth hair perfectly framed a set of sharp piercing eyes, shining like purple gems beneath dusky eyelids. Beneath all that, soft lips forming a sly smile.

André crossed his arms as his brother's were watching.
"Great, What do you want Livia?" 
The woman crossed her arms as she walked up to Rell, eyeing him up and down, the sly smile turning to a full-on smirk. 
"What, don't tell me you boys didn't miss little ole me?~" she teased.
Clearly the young man was on edge, but why?
"Uh....Liv, what are you doing here? Didn't you move to Tokyo for your clothing brand? And—"

André was cut off as Livia had suddenly kissed him, shocking him, Beck and Austin all, as he pulled back, Rell's face was bright red as he jumped backwards.

"W-WHAT THE HELL LIV!!! Don't just kiss me out of nowhere like that!?"

The woman hid her expression as she giggled, before bursting into a full on laugh, she then began walking to the couch in front of the table, luxuriously dropping her fat ass right on it.

"Pfft, relax Rell, I'm just messing with you a lil bit~"

Beck and Austin both laughed at their brother's expression and reaction, crying laughing as they fell to the ground as André started punching and kicking them both as they laughed at him, before Livia crossed her lusciously plump legs.

"Honestly it's been ages, I missed my three playthings too much, so I decided to come home early!" She rested her elbow against the arm of the sofa, propping up a cheek as she stared intensely at André. 

"Two things, 1, my name is André, not Rell, and 2, just what the fuck is it you want Liv? Thought your bitch of a mother wanted you to have nothing to do with us?"
"Remember? I promised I'd come home once Mo— Lucia was out of the picture and my bitch of a little sister was dealt with~"
André stared at her blankly then looked towards his brothers in confusion. Although Austin, in fairness, was more focused on forcing his younger brother to keep looking away, and not… other places.

She raised a single eyebrow.

"Really? Nothing? No welcome home? No how I've been? No how was Japan? Nothing?"
André simply closed his eyes as he sat down on the chair by the door, Beck and Austin both thought about it, before saying welcome home to the young woman.

Austin and Beck both then sat back in their chairs as they watched their brother interact with the woman, smiling as they knew what was happening in front of them.
"Jeez, and here I thought I left a bigger impact on you guys!?"

Livia pouted, slowly crossing her legs. Beck couldn't help but follow them, he thought of how much thicker they've gotten since he last saw Livia, those things just went on forever… Though, as he did, he Austin forced him to look away again as the two heard a giggle. they're gaze snapped to Livia's smile as André also looked towards her, the girl once again sporting that sly smile, almost catlike, with a hungry look in her eyes.
"Nah, that can't be it, you three loved having me around you when we were kids~" she laughed. Sitting up straight, she thought about it.

But André kept his mouth shut and his eyes closed, while Austin did his best to keep his younger brother's eyes off of Livia's assets. Austin had pulled out his phone, a state of the art Vortex Phone, he texted liv without André knowing.

"If you've come here to get with him, go ahead, my big bro may not admit it, but he's missed you, same goes with us, I'mma dip in a min, so do this elsewhere, ok? and I'll drag B's ass wit me"

Livia smiled as she looked at her phone, first looking towards Austin who had gotten up, grabbing Beck's arm as he headed towards the door waving bye to his elder brother as he and Beck were heading downstairs to the game room, André also got a text from Austin.

"Listen well ya moron, have fun with Liv, I know you've missed her, so don't you dare lie and say you haven't, all these fights were to correct the city for her, so tell her. Me and B will see you later"

André blushes brightly as he yelled shut up at Austin as he left smiling and Beck was confused as to what was happening, closing the door as André threw a set of handcuffs at the door.

"C'mon! You had to have missed me....even just a little bit wouldn't hurt~"
Livia said as she had a hand on André's thigh, slowly and gently pressing down on it as she leaned in closer and whispered in his ear

"If you didn't, I can make you miss me~"
When Livia said that, André's face was fully red, as he turned his head the opposite way of Liv, keeping his legs and arms crossed to not show the boner he had.
"S-stop it liv, we're supposed to be working here" He scratched his arm, a nervous tick. "So get out of here or I'll pick you up and put ya out, you spoiled—"

André was cut off as Livia had kissed him out of nowhere, this sudden kiss caught him off-guard as he immediately jumped from one side of the room to the other with a full face blush.

"D-damnit Livia!? I thought I told you already to  stop doing that!?!?"

André yelled as Livia was laughing hysterically, she was enjoying her time toying with the man she loved, so much so, she got up, with her hand on her hip, she walked closer pushing him slightly against the wall, kissing him again before an announcement was heard over the intercom, telling all three brothers to come to their grandfather's office.

Austin then peeked into the room and pulled Andre out of the room and into Miguel's office as the old man was waiting on them, Beck comes In the room not too long after his brothers arrived, and they begin their meeting.
Livia then got up as she walked to the door, watching the boys speed towards the office, she smiled as she remembered when they were all kids doing the same, she then closed the door as she then sat down on the couch again.
"Pfft, just like old times~" Livia smiled as she looked around.

"He's still such a late bloomer, but he does look good!" She playfully stuck her tongue out. "Most people in the city don't recognize me anymore, yet they did as soon as they saw me~"
Livia soon finds herself alone in the darkness of the room, dimly illuminated by the lights of the city outside. she takes off her shoes and throws her purse onto a nearby chair, walking towards the glass door that led to the room's covered balcony. 

She slide the door open a little, letting in the warm city breeze, admiring the view of Angel City. she turned on the lamp on the table next to the couch and fall onto it, smiling at the thought of André still being the guy she fell in love with.

She could hear the voices of the brother's faintly through the wall but couldn't make out what they were saying.

She then slid her hand down, fingers pressed against her panties through her leggings and  against the folds of her wetness. She moaned softly at the sensation, arousal increasing as she began to rub herself, imagining it was his cock pumping inside her.

"Oh, please… Fuck me please…" she panted to herself, gripping one of her breasts with her other hand. 

The sensation was too much to bare, she leaned up and threw off her shirt, gripping her breast from underneath her bra, moaning desperately as she rubbed her clit.

"Oh god...Rell…fuck me...fuck me good…fuck me daddy…"

She didn't and couldn't care who might be watching her on camera or listening, she was so aroused that the outside world faded away.

She reminisced at how he used to talk about dating her when everyone was still together all those years ago, placing his hand on her shoulder when she had stage freight at the talent show when they were 18 and 16, how the two of them embraced before she entered the gate and got on the plane to Japan, she could feel her panties and leggings getting moist as she thought about what he might have wanted to do to her all that time. 

What she hoped he wanted to do to her.

Once the meeting was over, the brothers all walked towards the cafeteria, after entering, Austin and Beck slumped down in a chair next to the door of the cafeteria while André got ready to eat. 

Austin had spilled milk on his shirt after getting pushed by one of the fellow part-timers, he pulled off his shirt.

"God, I hate this place, whenever we come here I always get food or drinks spilled on me"

Beck smirked.

"more like you hate it that grandfather had us do that report when Rell was the one who stopped those crooks"

André then replied to his brothers.

"Hey not my fault Grandpa Miguel has it out for them, I just beat they assess, and you two got thrown in with me, hell I love this job, helps pay the bills with not much effort"

Beck and Austin both smirked.

"Psh, I don't even know what you're talking about big bro, I think you love what doing the job gives you, meaning a chance at Liv!!" Once Austin said this, Beck started laughing and André both spit out the soda he were drinking and was blushing.

After a while, the brothers walked back up to the 2nd floor, as they entered the main hallway, André started to feel antsy knowing that Livia was back in the breakroom by herself, and wanted an excuse to go see her sooner, he remembered the old oni mask Beck had brought in with some molly the gang had on them.

He then remembered the breakroom balcony. A devious smile grew on his face as he ran back to the evidence locker, Beck and Austin were left confused as he came back wearing the mask.

"Bro, what are you doing?"

A concerned and confused Beck asked as André went to the janitor's closet and came out with a ladder as he walked downstairs with them and the mask.

André smiled as he opened the ladder and set it up.

"I'm gonna climb the ladder up to the breakroom balcony and scare Liv"

Austin and Beck both raised an eyebrow.

"And you're doing this because..."

André tied the mask around his head.

"It'll be funny, she'll find it hilarious. remember all those times she scared the absolute shit outta us back in school? Bout time for some fckin payback"

Beck and Austin both sighed as they also grabbed ladders. 

"Yeah… so funny, if she doesn't play victim and call Uncle Miguel on you for giving her a heart attack, especially since she just got home from Tokyo." said Austin as Beck started laughing again.

André was climbing over the wall onto the balcony, he had already mentally committed to the prank, and refused to think about the consequences. 

Austin shook his head disapprovingly as he and Beck waited, watching to see what would happen. 

André jumped from on top of the wall and in front of the sliding glass door that led to the room, attempting to make a scary pose. 

He suddenly froze, body becoming stiff as stone.  Austin and Beck were still standing back a bit and couldn't see what was going on behind the glass door.

"Bro what's up?  What happened?" Austin said as he had Beck in a headlock.

André slowly removed the mask, eyes transfixed on whatever was happening on the other side of the door, opening his mouth to speak but unable to make any words. Beck's curiosity almost got the better of him, but Austin kept him in a headlock, making sure the youngest didn't get a chance to see.

André's eyes went wide.

"Oh shit bro."

Livia was leaning back on the couch, in only her panties, rubbing her clit and playing with her breasts. André quickly turned his head away, ashamed for looking in the first place.

"Jesus Christ, why's she getting off in the breakroom!?"

Once André said this, Austin and Beck, both while on the ground had full face blushes, as they yell out.

"SAY WHAT!!!!!!!" both yelled in unison as the ladder André used fell down, leaving him with no way down.

Livia's voice came through the slightly opened door, "Oh god, Rell… fuck me… fuck me hard…"  The young men on the ground looked at each other, eyes wide, as they're brother was absolutely frozen in place.

"Well shit." André breathed in deeply, returning his gaze back to Livia's half naked body, unable to decide if he should run away or not.

Then Livia caught the sight of André out of the corner of her eye, stopping for a moment in panic, but unexpectedly finding herself even more aroused by the idea of being watched. She slipped her fingers back inside herself, slowly spreading it open with her fingers, turning her eyes to look directly at André.

He seemed to panic for a moment at the realization of being caught, but before he could try to tell his brother's to pick the ladder up, he noticed that she hadn't stopped masturbating when she looked at him. 

Instead she turned her body to face him, watching him as she stroked herself. 

"You like the view?" She moaned, watching André's face for his reaction.

"Fuck…" André exhaled, eyes transfixed on Livia. His own arousal was drowned out by anxiety and guilt having realized that he had been caught.

André leaned against the balcony, unsure of what move to make. Livia decided to stand up from the couch, walking over to the bewildered looking André, who was breathing in and out deeply as he watched her approach the door.
She opened the door, gently, she placed a hand on his shoulder, she then looked down to the  ground, spotting Austin and Beck, who was trying to hide in the shadows of the lights, but Livia smiles deviously as she pulled André inside.
Gently, she pushed him backwards into the room and down onto the couch, with a soft "thump!" Then, before he could even react or say he was sorry, those thick thighs of hers straddled André's lap, seating herself comfortably on top of him. 
"Uhhhh…" was all André could say, if his cheeks had been flushed before, they were full on red and burning at that point. 
"Jeez—someone's excited, can definitely feel something poking me~" Livia giggled, to André's increasing embarrassment.

"I'll take it as a compliment though. Okay, so!"
She clapped both hands against his cheeks, and then kissed him before holding André's head in place. 
"Let's see what you got big boi~"
She closed her eyes, leaning forward Instinctively, as André also leaned  forward, feeling his hot breath against her mouth right before their lips pressed together. She tensed up, keeping her lips puckered, even as she felt something poke against th—
"Nah." André broke off the kiss, pulling away. 
Slowly, Livia opened her eyes, blinking in uncertainty, looking at him. "N-nah?"
"You're too tense, jeez, here i thought I was the one who was nervous, you gotta loosen up a bit!" he instructed, gently but firmly. Her hands slid down to his shoulders, rubbing them.
"Crap, it's been way too long since I've kissed anyone, especially since this is my first time with a guy"
André's eyes widen a bit when she said that, catching him off-guard again"

"Wait a minute.....I'm the first guy you've ever kissed?" Livia smiled, a stray bang had slipped over her face, and she brushed it aside.

"Yeah...what of it?"

André laughs a bit as Livia blushes brightly, pouting.

"S-shut up Rell, just sit back and let momma take care of you!"
"PFFT! D-Did you just call yourself momma?" 

André snickered as he was sitting there, Livia pouted again as she punched him in the arm.
"Hmph, shut it and keep quiet, the fun's just getting started"
He snickered as he nodded his head, rubbing his arm.

Livia licked her lips, as she wanted the man she loved to enjoy this as much as she was gonna enjoy it, Livia got off of André's lap, she had a hand on both his legs as she started kneeling in front of him, she unzipped his pants and then bam!

She was shocked at the size of her playmate, she kept glaring at the tower in front of her for a couple of seconds, which caused saliva to spill from Livia's mouth, resting her palms against André's thighs to coat the tip in globs of spit. "Hope you don't mind me taking care of this monster for you, cause I'm about to dig right in~"

After hearing that, Andrell's body was filled to the brim with adrenaline, now with pure adrenaline pumping through his veins that did nothing to save his cock from being devoured.

The closer Livia's warm breath got to swallowing him whole, a violent ache travelled through his shaft, delivering a couple of smacks against those eager set of cheeks in an effort to get her to hurry up.

"Someone's quite eager I see, you just sit right there and enjoy getting your nuts drained until they're shriveled~" Livia knew this was the first time she was doing this, but the closer she came to finally having André inside her, caused her to become frenzied, as the smacking only furthered her arousal, as her mind went into a more primal state of being.

André's eyes felt heavy, his body also feeling heavy, the feeling of supple lips helped suck the adrenaline straight from his shaft. Livia kept her grip around his upper thighs, applying pressure once she felt his light brown hips buck in conjunction with the movements of her mouth. Drool started gliding down his shaft as her lips parted from it, pulling her mouth from his dick to speak.

"Damn, daddy, stop moving so much, let me take care of it all~" She said, sliding her right hand down towards his sack. Squeezing his nuts while her head bobbed, André could feel her nails leaving imprints on his skin whilst his body writhed.

Trying so desperately to follow along with her words, André clutched the couch cushions in an attempt to focus much easier & keep his body under control. Livia decided to provide a more worthwhile pleasure for listening as best as possible; Regardless of his size, she pushed for the maximum length as a reward. One of her eyes shut, placing both hands around his shaft as that lengthy pole lodged itself in her throat.

Coughing followed by the sounds of Livia audibly gagging on André's cock soon appeared, breathing through her nostrils only  for a brief moment, her mascara was runny as André's shaft had black lipstick all over it, he watched as he placed his hand on her head,  pre-cum leaked out as he watched in awe.

As they were both close to cumming, Livia stopped, she must have known that both her and André were close, because she stood up and stripped down completely.

Once more, she leaned in, her eyes closing, her lips just barely parted, as she started deep throating André again, each time her throat convulsed from the complete stuffing, André could feel his cock throbbing hard, and was sensitive to the touch, he was getting closer to cumming.

André could feel his dick being assaulted in every which way, hearing the sounds of Livia's mouth slurping away was bound to alert his grandfather in the other room.


Her head bobbed more and more as his shaft was massaged by the ribs of her throat. André couldn't handle much more, gripping the cushions could only be so useful.

Livia brought herself from his cock for a breather, using her hand to stroke the sloppy mess coating his entire length, making a complete mess of André's balls with her saliva.

"You're so close to cumming already? Damn, I must be better at this then I thought!" She teased him, planting those plump lips on his dick with ease.

"I can tell you're about ready to bust a nut, lemme make sure you get your kids dumped somewhere proper."

Stroking his shaft at a much faster pace, she took the opportunity to catch her breath, returning to the previous position of guzzling down drool swirled with André's precum.

"O-Oh fuck.."

André clenched his teeth, moaning through the grinding unable to handle Livia's mouth any longer. André's hips started bucking violently, Livia's hands gripping his shaft feeling the sudden rush of heat. In a matter of moments André found himself turning to a quivered flood of groans as his pasty skinned partner pushed to the base.


He yelled loudly through the room, the stream of baby batter filling her cheeks as the sudden overflow of white liquid in her throat became too much to swallow down so easily, she had the stuff shooting out of her nose as she coughed some up, she took his shaft out of her mouth as cum shot out onto her chest and face.

After relieving himself, André grunted in pleasure as he breathed in and out softly, his shaft still rock hard, almost as though he hadn't cummed just mere seconds ago, Livia used her fingers to clean the cum off her body and face, she then licked André's cock, resulting in another huge cum shot.

Once she swallowed all the cum he had released, Livia bit her lip, as she was still horny, she played with her pussy, she started to drag her finger along her inner lips, reveling in the ever-increasing amount of wetness her pussy seemed to produce. 

"Beautiful" André muttered half-mindedly, moving his gaze up to meet the lust filled eyes of Livia who was now on all fours with her fat ass facing them, she shook her ass quickly, spreading her pussy lips with her fingers, letting her juices drop onto the floor.

"C'mmmooonnnn!? fuck me already!!"

Her mouth was half-open, hair ruffled and untidy as it laid on her, desperate whimpers escaping her throat uncontrollably, her body was hot as can be and was getting hotter by the second.

The smell of sweat and sex already filled the room as it also brushed his nose against hers and kissed her again, more gently as he slipped his hand inside her pussy. He felt her radiating heat and a fine, downy layer of pubic hair, gently at first, pushing two fingers through her folds as she angled her hips to encourage him.

He'd known what to expect, but he hadn't expected her to be that wet already, just from some deepthroating and drinking his cum. He wasn't sure whether to be flattered or not, but he knew his cock was ready to finally enter. He stole a look at Livia's face and saw her eyes fluttering shut, her mouth parted with a barely audible sigh.

"F-fuck, C'mon Rell, put it in already, I wanna feel you take my virginity!"

She squirmed against his fingers and opened her legs further, even as she urged him to pull his fingers back and use his cock instead. "C'moooon, I've waited for this since we were 18, put it in~"

She rubs her thighs together, shifting and trying to get any friction on her pussy, she's dripping down her thighs as André starts fingering her more, she tosses her head back and moans loudly for André as she cums, squirting from her pussy, all over André, soaking his shirt a bit.

André is now sitting behind her as he lines his cock up with Livia's pussy, as she can't help but moan again, tail flicking behind her as she shakes her hips to entice André, the need for cock was so overwhelming Livia could hardly think, she whimpered and whined as all the waiting made her hornier.

"Get inside me now!" Livia snarled as André now was right behind her, his cock was hard and dark but that wasn't what really caught Livia's eye, It was the pair of heavy melons her man had between his legs, Livia arched her back, André grabbed her by the hips as Livia tossed her head back.

"Put a baby inside me Rell!? and do it now!?!?"

As he heard her words, he smiled, André snorted and pushed his cock against her pussy, with her looking back at him.

"I'll put two in you, now shut up and take my cock!"

shoving his entire length her pussy, in one smooth motion, taking Livia's virginity and making her cum again, he pushed inside roughly, into Livia's pussy and against her G-spot, already making her cum again.

"Mmmmyes!" Livia moaned, eyes rolling back and tongue lolling out in pleasure, André didn't hesitate to start pounding her more, and harder, her thick thighs shook as André was hammering away at Livia's hungry pussy.

André huffed and groaned loudly behind her as his hips continued to slap against hers, and Livia's hands gripped the carpet as she head was down and ass up, getting fucked stupid by André, she moaned loud and long.

Now on her back, Livia arched her back, pussy clamping down hard as she squirted around the hard cock inside her.

"MOOOORE! DO ME MORE RELL! CUM INSIDE ME!!!" Livia demanded and André was happy to oblige as André is fucking Livia hard and fast with a hand placed on both her thighs, pressing down, Livia is getting fucked hard and well, as she gets closer to a big orgasm she starts drooling, she can feel every inch of André's dick inside her, moaning loudly before he cums inside of her pussy.

Happy (EXTREMELY)late valentine's day to everyone. Thought I may as well write something that fit the mood of the holiday(even if I'm hella late), and what better way than the main girl getting fucked silly by the main boy? Hope you all have a wonderful day.

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