The Third Corazon (One piece)

By Darkness_Ahead

109K 3.9K 164

Law was supposed to become the third one to sit in that heart seat. But now, it was you. You were friends wit... More

Chapter 1: The start
Chapter 2: Corazon
Chapter 3: Friendship
Chapter 4: Story
Chapter 5: Devil fruit?!
Chapter 6: My very own
Devil fruit info. Pls read
Chapter 7: Confrontation
Chapter 8:Rest well
Chapter 9: Take over
Chapter 10: Determination
Chapter 11: Return
Chapter 12: Kaido
Chapter 13: Promotion
Chapter 14: Smiles
Chapter 15:Whitebeard
Chapter 17: Tontattas
Chapter 18: Revenge
Chapter 19: Punk hazard
Chapter 20:Dragon
Chapter 21: Dressrosa
Chapter 22:Law
Chapter 23:Familiar
Chapter 24: Sugar
Chapter 25: The past
Chapter 26: Reward
Chapter 27: Awake
Chapter 28: Leave
Chapter 29: Plans
Chapter 30: Welcome back

chapter 16: Ace

2.9K 119 3
By Darkness_Ahead

You winced and covered your ears.

"Yeah. Well, anyways, I'll be hanging around with you guys for a bit." You said as they slowly recovered from the shock.

"Well you seem like you have freedom, who are you to him?"

"Ah! Would you look at that! It's fire fist ace!" You said looking at him.

"Don't avoid the question!"

"Ehhh.. you probably don't want to know." You said as they looked at each other.

"Well, as long as you're not a threat, you can stay for a bit. Right pops?"

Whiteboard glanced at you before laughing.

"You're free to stay!"

Slight time skip cus i didn't plan this far ahead I only have bits and pieces of events that's gonna happen-

You slammed your cup down onto the ground and smirked.

"Alright! Lets have a chat." Ace said his hands on his hips, smirking down at you.

"Now would you tell us who you are to Doflamingo?"

"Oh. I work for him." you said and grabbed another cup of sake and taking a sip. "Been there since i was 10." You said placing the cup down next to the empty one.

"You work for him?! And since you were 10?" Marco asks looking at you. As you nodded.

"He basically saved me. A lot of things happened." You said sighing. It was around 1 a.m now, and everyone was still partying.

"You guys sure have a lot of energy." you muttered, chugging your drink. You sighed and laid down, looking up at the starry night sky. You closed your eyes as you heard Marco bring everyone away from you.

You sighed, a smile tugging at your lips as the wind breezed past you. It was relaxing. Just to be able to lay there and relax. Listening to the waves crash against the ship, the cold night wind blowing, and with the scent of the sea, you eventually drifted off to sleep.

"Y/n..." You looked down at your brother, who was on the ground, lying in a puddle of blood in horror. There was multiple bullet holes in his boy, your father was the one holding the gun.

"B/n! Father! What are you doing?!" you screamed, keeling down to your brother, shaking him lightly.

You looked at your father in fear as he smirked down at you. "Oh, did i mention we have B/f/n?"

You gasped and jolted awake, sitting up. You glanced around seeing everyone staring at you.

"Sorry." You muttered standing up.

"Y/n, you okay?" Ace asks as you nodded.

"Just a bad dream. I'll be fine." You said as you walked over to the rest of the whitebeard crew, who was eating breakfast. You grabbed a piece of bread and took a bite as you sat down next to Ace.

"So flame brain." You said and grabbed a piece of meat, biting off a chunk and swallowing it.

"Tell me about yourself." You said as Ace's eyes lit up.

"Oh! I have a brother! his name is Luffy and..."


You nodded as Ace spoke about his brother. Monkey D. Luffy, user of the Gomu-gomu no mi.

"Huh, then why aren't you a captain but a division commander?" You ask as marco smirked.

"He tried to fight pops and lost in the end." He laughed as ace glared at him.

"How about you Y/n?" He asks as you glance at him.

"Me? What'd you mean?" You ask as everyone turned to you.

"You know. The rookie pirates who are Labeled as the worst generation with over 100 million berries bounty. Aren't you one too? Why work for doflamingo?"

You paused as everyone's focus was now on you.

"Your late brother you told me about. Sabo, He's a noble right?" you ask as he nodded.

"Well, I was born in High Klad. It's a city full of high nobles." You said as everyone's eyes widened.

"Then how did you end up working with the heavenly demon?!"

"My parents deemed me unfit to inherit anything. They killed my brother and my friends, abused me for 3 years, and replaced me with my adopted sister. One of the family executives found me and brought me to Doflamingo. There, i met everyone from the family, Including one of my... Past. Friend. Trafalgar Law. Of course, I don't think i will consider him a friend anymore."

"Anyways, that's about it. I just stayed with Doffy and climbed the ranks. Turns out i was useful to Doffy." You said as you took a sip of water.

"Huh, Sabo went through something similar." Ace said as you nodded.

"Yes ace. You told me." You said smiling slightly. You paused before looking at whitebeard.

"Hey old man! It was nice of you to let me stay here. But it's time i leave." You said and stood up. You heard a few people sigh as your wings sprouted from your back.

"It was nice meting everyone. Bye!" You yelled as you lifted into the sky. The crew waved to you as you flew off, heading back to Dressrosa to prepare another supply of smiles.

Time skip brought to you by a depressed and sleep deprived author-

You huffed and landed in Doflamingo's office.

"Hey Doffy. Sorry i found the Whitebeard pirates." You said as he turned to you.
He muttered a small "okay" Before returning to his work.

It was silent before you spoke. "Should i check on the smiles?' you ask as he nodded and smirked.

"Whatever you did last time worked. Their working harder and more smiles are being produced. Great Job y/n." He said as you nodded.

"Then I'll get going." You said and jumped out the pen window, now heading to the smile factory. You landed outside and looked at it.

"Ah! Corazon?" You heard Dellingers voice ring out from behind you.

"Dellinger!" You smiled as he ran to you, jumping up and down.

"The smiles are coming faster and faster! Now we have to deliver smiles to Kaido every 2 weeks!" He said as you smiled.

"That's good." You said as he nodded and grabbed your arm, pulling you into the factory.

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