A Mischievous Gutsy Girl.

By Ishi_Ishu

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Note : *This is not a love story.* This story is a long story having many stories hidden in it which are inte... More

Author's Note.
Chapter. 1 'Hi I'm Nish!'
Chapter 2. "HELLO!"
Chapter 3. 'Look at me! I'm your youngest sister!'
Chapter 4. 'Hi........Dad!'
Chapter 5. 'The Emergency Meeting!'
Chapter 6. "Friends?!"
Chapter 7. Skimble Skamble Blunder!๐Ÿ™„
Chapter 8. Party?!
Chapter 9. Cold Shoulders.
Chapter 10. 'They Hardly Talk.'
Chapter 11. 'Miss Chhabra and family!'
Chapter 12. Shouts and Giggles.
Chapter 13. 'School or College?!'
Chapter 14. 'Introduction and Mitesh Sir!'
Chapter 15. 'Nishi Khurrana, is also a bully?!'
Chapter 16. 'Vardhan Sir!'
Chapter 17. 'Life Lesson.'
Chapter 18. 'Lover or Criminal?!'
Chapter 19. 'Little Love Secrets.'
Chapter 20. 'A Challenge or A Mission?'
Chapter 22. 'Emergency?!'
Chapter 23. 'His old wound.'
Chapter 24. 'Popcorn Show in the Canteen!'
Chapter 25. 'Sorry Champ!'
Chapter 26. 'Hit Song!'
Chapter 27. 'The Talk!'
Chapter 28. 'Trap and Catch.'
Chapter 29. 'Cute Apology Letter!'
Chapter 30. 'Celebrating Old Bonds!'
Chapter 31. 'THAAP!'
Chapter 32. 'The Letter.'
Chapter 33. 'Quiet Days.'
Chapter 34. 'The Ride of Guilty Rollercoaster.'
Chapter 35. 'Waiting. . .'
Chapter 36. 'The Tiring Night!'
Chapter 37. 'The Shocking Train!'
Chapter 38. 'Vihaan and Manav's Cheating!'
Chapter 39. 'The Web of Lies.'
Chapter 40. 'The Unknown Watch and The Red Lines of Oscilloscope.'
Chapter 41. 'His Confession.'
Chapter 42. "How do you know her?"
Chapter 43. 'The Elders' Hidden Conspiracy.'
Chapter 44. 'The Chaos of Little Lies.'
Chapter 45. 'Home . . .an unearthly feeling.'
Chapter 46. 'Dicussing The Odds On A Queer Evening.'
Chapter 47. 'Giggles Of A Mushy Talk.'
Chapter 48. 'The Mother's Mistake.'
Chapter 49. 'A Little Interrogation and The Slip Of Tongue.'
Chapter 50. 'A Little Get Together.'
Chapter 51. 'The Dumb Charades and The Talking Eyes.'
Chap 52. 'The Secret Of The World Tour.'
Chapter 53. 'The Damage of Lies.'
Chapter 54. 'Plans.'
Chapter 55. Unknown cell*
Chapter 56. 'Because Love Is Never Enough...'
Chapter 57. 'One Blabbering Evening.'
Chapter 58. 'The Attack of Masked Men.'
Chapter 59. 'He will be fine!'
Chapter 60. 'A Long Night . . .'
Chapter 61. 'Professionals' Party?!'
Chapter 62. 'The Ice Cream Man!'
Chaoter 63. 'The Cat Fight and The Cat Coffee.'
Chapter 64. 'Drinking Habits and The Soft Gaze.'
Chapter 65. 'Back to School.'
Chapter 66. 'The Moment He Hates The Most.'
Chapter 67. 'Little-Big Plans.'
Chapter 68. 'The Mystery of Staring Eyes.'
Chapter 69. 'The Secret Talk in the Study Room.'
Chapter 70. 'The Dawn Before The Fall.'
Chapter 71. 'Little Talks.'
Chapter 72. 'The Voices In Her Head.'
Chapter 73. 'The Meet and The Inner Battles.'
Chapter 74. 'The Chit-Chat During The Inner Shakiness.'
Chapter 75. 'The Dark Reality.'
Chapter 76. 'The Whirlpool of Emotions.'
Chapter 77. 'Flirty-Angry-Running Hearts.'
Chapter 78. 'Acidity, Attitude and Agony.'
Chapter 79. 'Angry Hearts.'
Chapter 80. 'The Woman With Dark and Thundering Cloudy Cheeks.'
Chapter 81. 'Get-Together Goes Wrong.'
Chapter 82. *Ping.*

Chapter 21. Revealing of a Hidden Criminal!

359 18 0
By Ishi_Ishu

Author :

Continuing from where we left.

Thank you!
Happy Reading!

• • •

"I need your help with something serious. Please come with me." Nishi says. Seeing her serious face Darsh looks back and nods at his friends that he will join them soon before leaving them confused but they nod back anyways.

The duo walks out to a corner in the corridor where Darsh gets surprised seeing Arika's presence who looked nervous. And then Nishi asks him, "I need your help to play something live on the speakers from the operator room where all the orders are given to the students. I can do it on my own but. . . . I have to be with Arika at that time so. . . . .I need two mobile phones for that."

"What do you mean? क्या play करना है?" Darsh asks Nishi with confusion. Nishi looks at Arika who looks back at her nervously but then lowers her gaze on the floor with hesitation not knowing what to do. Darsh notices their exchange of nervous glances.

[ Translation : "What do you mean? What to play?" ]

Nishi takes a deep breath and then explains everything to Darsh which makes him want to just go and kill that computer teacher with his bear hands for harassing kids. He was going to directly beat him but Nishi stops him grabbing his arm from leaving like an angry Hulk and says, "Bhaiya! No! We need to unmask him in front of everyone at any cost or he will keep on doing his ugly job by any means! But for that, we need evidence. And you are the only one whom I can ask for help because I only know you here a bit. Trust me! His evilness's end is near." Nishi says politely to calm him down and nods that they can do this.

Darsh takes a deep breath to calm down himself. He gives Arika a small soft smile which shocks her somewhere but it calms her a bit somewhere as she finds the same senior who used to tease her a lot when she was a toddler and was new in the school. She smiles back oddly not realising how things changed both of them.

Darsh felt like beating Divij to death as he couldn't believe that the same kid whom he saw grow up in front of his own eyes from a toddler to a teenager, he hurted that the same child so badly. He takes deep breaths to calm his again rising anger and then asks turning to Nishi, "What's the plan?" He wanted to ask her why him? But he knows right now is not the time. Nishi explains what to do and Darsh asks understanding, "Plan apply कब करना है?"

[ Translation : "When to apply the plan?" ]

Nishi smirks and says, "Right now, in lunch time." Just then the bell rings signalling that it's lunch time and Nishi grins at the duo with mischief.


In Divij Verma's Chamber :

Darsh asked Jay to give him his phone. Jay asked the reason and what the new student called him for but Darsh did not say anything. He was in too much anger which he was trying to control, his friends noticed it well. Seeing his best friend in so much anger Jay did not argue and handed over his mobile phone without another word.

The meeting was going to take place after lunch time for which Darsh and Nishi take it as an opportunity. Darsh gives his mobile phone to Arika and takes Jay's phone with himself saying, "Make sure he doesn't see it." Arika nods nervously. Darsh understands her nervousness and says gently, "Don't be afraid of him. We all are with you. My friends will be there for you. Don't forget, this is the only chance. Okay?" Arika gets another shock but his soft tone brings some tears in her eyes. "No! Don't! Don't!" Darsh says hugging her lightly caressing her hair and says as she sniffs tired of the battle she has been fighting, "You were never at fault! His end is near which is today!"

"What if it does not work?" Arika asks with quiver in her voice. She was afraid if she is hoping against an endless dark valley.

"Nothing is going to go wrong! This will work! Otherwise we will find another way to show him his place! Just don't assume yourself alone in this! Okay?" Darsh says softly to Arika wiping her cheeks like a mother who nods at him. He gives her an encouraging smile and automatically she feels better giving a slight smile.

"Arika!" Arika looks back at Nishi. "It's time now. And don't be nervous. We will be outside. If there is anything, we will be there for you. So, no need to be afraid of that चमगादड़। Okay?" Arika smiles at her feeling better and confident that someone finally trusts her.

[ Translation : चमगादड़ - Bat ]

"Good. Now take your positions!" Darsh says and they leave wishing each other luck.


The radio room was empty, so Darsh slips in looking here and there. He dials Jay's number and Arika picks it up and puts it in her blouse's pocket after putting it on silent mode. Darsh switches on all the mics in the school and college and brings Jay's phone near the mic but not before switching off the speakers of Divij's room and anywhere near him. Now whatever Arika will talk to someone, everyone will be able to hear it clearly except for Arika and Divij.

Arika barges in Divij Verma's cabin who is their computer teacher and shouts grabbing Divij's attention, "I'm done with this! That's it! I can't hide the truth anymore!" Everyone exchange confused looks as they recognize Arika's voice.

*Everywhere is pin drop silence.*

Divij leaves his work and asks her, "What are you talking about, Arika?"

"I'm talking about your dirty deeds Mr. Divij Verma! I'm done hiding the fact that you were the one who forced me to take Garima's personal number and give it to you! So that you can harass her just because your bloody hormones are not in your own control!" Arika says loudly with all her pant up anger which even brings tears to her eyelids shocking the entire school, college students and teachers by the new revelation.

Shanaya, Vaani and Garima who were in the Canteen, they look at each other with wide eyes.

"So, you are planning to tell the truth in front of everyone?" Divij asks her entwining his fingers of both hands as he leans back in his seat.

The radio operator who was standing beside Vardhaan Sir in the meeting room to prepare the meeting was going to go in the operator room but Vardhaan Sir signals him not to.

"Yes! And I'm not going to shut my mouth anymore!" Arika shouts angrily with tears in her eyes for real.

"Then go ahead! Tell them what I did! Tell them how I touched you too and. . . .where?"

Darsh clenches his jaw but tries to stay calm to not to ruine the plan.

Everyone was seething in anger hearing his ugly words while the girls who bore his criminal minded deeds, they had tears in their eyes now. Garima covers her mouth as tears roll down her cheeks and she gets up looking at Akriti who nods and Garima follows her silently. Shanaya and Vaani exchange looks with teary eyes and follow them.

Mrs. Asthana fists her hands hearing that all along with Vardhan Sir and Nupur Mam in the meeting room.

"But, sweetheart, tell me one thing, who is going to believe a bully like you?" This makes them all grit their teeth and clench their jaws. "Do you think they will believe you? No! No one is going to believe your single word. You know, why? Because you are just a bully for them and nothing." Divij says with a dangerous tone making the college students and teachers go numb with their rages as the truth reveals finally.

Jay grits his teeth standing outside his chamber. He was going to barge in there but Nishi and Daksh stop him. Nishi requests him to calm down with pleading eyes and he looks away angrily as he stands silently.

"I understand that they will not listen to me. But they will listen to those girls with whom you have been playing your dirty games." Arika says gritting her teeth.

Divij laughs making the seniors clench their jaws in anger. Walking towards her like a hunter making her step back as she gulps hardly, Divij says, "And who is going to make them talk it out? They are too coward like you! Your classmates Emelia, Anjali, Mia, Akriti, Alka, Garima, Antrika and many more of this school, actually I don't remember how many of them have been my puppets. Their figures are just so attractive that. . . . Kch . .Aah. . It's impossible for me to ignore them. What can I do? This is not my fault! I just had some fun with them and they didn't dare to say a thing. Do you think you will be able to make them speak up. Haan? Who is gonna believe your words, sweetheart? They are too afraid and shameful that they are scared to let anyone know how I had fun with them! And even if you go to the teachers then everyone already knows that you are a bully. And so as the conclusion, no one is going to believe you! And if you will try to say anything against me then I'll accuse you simply for harassing your own teacher and seeing your reputation in this college," he chuckles darkly before saying, "you will be expelled the very next second. Simple."

Suddenly, Divij grabs her neck making Arika gasp and says harshly choking her, "Shut your mouth if you don't want me to make your already hell life worst than it already is! Because if you say a single word then I'll make sure that you get expelled and because they all hate you already, no one is going to believe single word! Specially after what you did to Garima, no girl is believe you, let alone come forward and help you out!"

"Leave her before I smash you into pieces, SIR!" Jay shouts as he barges in Divij's chamber with the police giving him almost a heart attack.

Garima comes near Arika. She pushes Divij aside and hugs Arika tightly. Emelia, Vaani come and hug the duo with tears with Mia and Akriti following them. The Principal, Dean Sir come in the cabin and slap Divij hardly on his face one by one. The police is arresting him on the spot while Divij glares at the girls hugging each other.

"Kids, come on beta! Come outside! You don't have to be afraid of anyone anymore!" The Principal, Mr. Indra Kashyap says glaring at the now revealed criminal, Divij Verma, their ex-computer teacher.

The girls come outside with a bright smile on their faces but Nishi stops them and says, "You know जिस इंसान से तुम्हें नफ़रत हो, जिसने almost तुम्हारी लाइफ spoil करने की कोशिश की उसका फोटो जला देना चाहिए, ऐसा मैंने बॉलीवुड movies में देखा था। मन को बड़ा सुकून मिलता है but girls why don't you give him a solid punch?"

[ Translation : "You know you should burn the photo of the person you hate, who almost tried to spoil your life, I had seen this in Bollywood movies. The mind gets a very relaxed state by doing so. So girls, why don't you give him a solid Punch?" ]

Jay nods at the girls as they look at him. Vaani was the first one to hit him hard on his face with her elbow and then Emelia, Arika, Akriti, Anjali, Antrika and then Garima slaps him hardly and says, "This is for making an innocent girl a criminal in front of the entire college! Calling her a bully when she was not!" Her words bring tears to Arika's and Emelia's eyes and Vaani and Shanaya side hug them wiping their tears making them smile freely. Anjali hugs Alriti from behind makimg her smile and wipe her tears.

Then Garima slaps him again with more power and says, "And this is for making my friends cry and giving them wounds which they never deserved!"

Jay claps loudly making the teachers and students clap with him as he smiles proudly at the kids.

The police takes him away but he turns back and glares at Nishi shouting loudly, "NISHI KHURRANA!" Every head turns to him with Nishi to look at him and he continues shouting, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! KEEP THIS IN YOUR MIND, I WILL SURELY COME BACK TO MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL! JUST WAIT AND WATCH!"

"आते समय coke ले आना! पेट में बहुत गैस हो रही है!" Nishi shouts replying him making the entire college laugh loudly with the teachers at her words.

[ Translation : "Bring coke when you come! I'm getting a lot of gas in my stomach!" ]

"I'm not kidding! I have not eaten anything and खाली पेट में गैस तो होती ही है। I have read it in biology." Students and teachers around her laugh at her antics making her pout like a kid. Jay and his friends sigh at her antics.

[ Translation : "I'm not kidding! I have not eaten anything and there are always gastric issues in an empty stomach. I have read it in biology." ]

"I don't understand, Beta! How to thank you! Firstly you made me realize of my mistake of scolding the students in public too harshly than needed." Jay and his friends look at each other in realisation and then at Nishi who was listening to the principal calmly as he continues, "I realised I forget my limits sometimes which can hurt them instead of help them to grow and now you revealed a criminal hidden in disguise of a teacher. I can't be more thankful for you for saving more assaults in the future. You will be awarded for your bravery!" The Principal declares.

But Nishi says immediately before anyone hoots as a celebration, "Sir! I'm not the one who is brave here. I just gave them the idea but Arika and Emelia are the one who decided to speak up finally even after knowing the circumstances they were determined to speak up at any cost and then it's Darsh bhaiya and Jay bhaiya who helped us with the operator room. And then these pretty girls - Garima, Shanaya, Vaani, Mia, Akriti who came forward and agreed with the plan giving us a green light knowing well that their names will be revealed. मैंने तो सिर्फ idea दिया था but अगर ये लोग हाथ पीछे खीच लेते तो कुछ नहीं हो पाता। Darsh Bhaiya and Jay bhaiya helped us knowing well that it's risky and if that man would have failed our plan then they could have been suspended too or may be expelled. I didn't do anything sir! They are the ones who did everything. They trusted each other and proved they are real life Heroes. So, they should be awarded for their bravery, so that बाकी बच्चे भी इनसे सीख लें सकें कि अगर ऐसा कुछ गलत हो रहा है then just speak up without any fear, come forward and help your friends and juniors."

[ Translation 1 : I had only given the idea, but if these people had pulled back, nothing would have happened. Darsh brother and Jay brother helped us knowing well that it's risky and if that man would have failed our plan then they could have been suspended too or may be expelled. I didn't do anything Sir!

Translation 2 : So, they should be awarded for their bravery, so that other children can also learn from them that if something like this wrong is going on then just speak up without any fear, come forward and help your friends and juniors. ]

"You are right. Mr. Jay Anand and Mr. Darsh Kohli, please come forward gentlemen." The Dean asks for the duo's presence. Jay and Darsh stand in front of them while their friends smile proudly seeing them being a part of a great job. The Dean says, "I can't be more proud on you two. You are gems of our college which I didn't know!"

"But Sir, मैंने तो सिर्फ अपना फोन दिया था। मुझे तो पता भी नहीं था that what these two monkeys are planning to do." Jay says looking at Darsh and Nishi causing everyone to laugh as Nishi smiles sheepishly while Darsh chuckles.

[ Translation : "But Sir, I just gave my phone. I didn't even know that what these two monkeys are planning to do!" ]

"You trusted your friend and Nishi and that's enough to show that you care about people around you! You too deserve a prize. I'm so proud of you both! Keep it up! God bless you!" Dean says smiling proudly on him and everyone hoots and claps with bright smiles as the duo take the old Dean's blessings with a slight shy smile.

"Shy bullies." Nishi mutters commenting but Harsh heard it and laughs finding Darsh and Jay with a blush. Jay slaps her arm making Ekansh and Daksh laugh at their shy faces which they never saw before in public. Arika giggles with Garima, Mia, Vaani and Akriti while others chuckle.

"Kids!" The Principal says grabbing Jay and his friends' attention and continues when the students go silent, "I'm sorry for my misbehavior towards you!" They get shocked hearing the Principal apologize. "I didn't know that the way I was trying to teach you life's and time's value is wrong and unknowingly I hurted you by crossing my limits because I saw your flaws but never tried to see your goodness. I'm sorry, kids! And please don't repeat my mistake with anyone in the future because using harsh words without any limit will only make a mess instead of making the situation better. And Thank you so much for helping these girls. I'm so proud of you all!" He says with a bright proud smile.

Jay gulps down some emotions and says clearing his throat, "No Sir! Please don't apologise! You are an elder to us and our Principal too."

"Someone taught me practically yesterday that बड़ा होना और बड़े होने की ज़िम्मेदारी समझना, दोनों में बहुत फर्क़ होता है।" Indra says looking at Nishi who was licking her lips while staring towards the canteen which could be seen clearly from there making others laugh.

[ Translation : "Someone taught me practically yesterday that there is a difference between growing up and understanding the responsibility of growing up." ]

"Uh?! What happened?" Nishi looks back at them and asks blinking dumbly but they just shake their heads while chuckling.

"And girls! I'm proud of you too! And I'm really sorry that it took a long time for that criminal to get caught. I know, I can't erase anything but. . . . . I promise you that whatever happened in this school will never repeat ever again." The girls smile brightly at the Principal with teary eyes when Arika speaks up, "Sir, I'm sorry for being a bully! I promise from now on, I will not trouble anyone."

Indra smiles proudly at Arika and says patting her head, "Don't blame yourself for something that was not your fault. You screamed for help but it was us who could not hear you. You were never a bad one. Forget it and move on." Arika gulps hardly wiping a lone tear but then nods with a teary smile and Garima gives her a side hug making her realise that she is not alone anymore. Then finally he dismisses everyone except Nishi.

"How did you know, that she is telling the truth in the first go? Don't get me wrong but you know it's never easy to know what's the truth." Indra asks her standing near Divij's cabin with the Dean and Mrs. Vimla Asthana.

"Each and every girl in there in the computer lab was uncomfortable with his gazes and he was looking with such way. . . . . . . .it was obvious." Nishi says trailing off the first sentence which Indra understands and nods guiltily that if they would have paid a little attention and actually would have inquired the students in the first place instead of taking it as a rumour, then this would have never happened.

Indra smiles at her and puts his hand on her head and says, "I'm proud of you! God bless you. Go back to your class now."

"Thank you sir!" Nishi says with a genuine smile and leaves.

"This girl is a gem Indra! I'm telling you!" The Dean, Mr. Vishwajeet Mathur says smiling at the retreating figure of Nishi. To which Mrs. Asthana smiles and Indra nods smiling.


When Nishi enters her class, her classmates clap for her loudly with their chemistry teacher, Miss Nupur Das. They all smile at her genuinely and clap. Same thing happens with Jay and Darsh and for the first time everyone is proud of Jay and one of his best friends Darsh. Even Nakul, Arav and their friends were clapping for the duo with bright genuine smiles on their faces being genuinely proud on the duo.

Arika's teacher was not getting tired of praising her which was now making her want to go and sit as it took almost the entire period and her expressions were making them all want to laugh at her tiredness. She indeed looked adorable. Nikita chuckles at that and smiles proudly thinking about Nishi. Nikita was more than proud on Nishi with Nia and Shivika for real. They knew that it was her idea. Shivika did not like her but she was proud on her for what she did.

The 5th and 6th period go smoothly with the girls' bravery praises, specially Arika and Garima but not Nishi. Students were praising both the girls for their bravery for facing the things in the end with such bravery and for forgiving each other and accepting each other the way they are. Emelia, Mia, Akriti and Arika are no longer the bullies of the school. Slowly but students definitely understood their emotions and forgave them for a new start. They all were now friends.

Some students from the school, their juniors, praised Jay and Darsh and congratulated them making them blush because of the shyness every now and then as they never faced such honour in a long time and their friends were laughing at their expressions making them grin every now and then which would make others laugh too. None could believe that the bullies could get shy too and be this adorable.

Meanwhile, in this time Nishi was nowhere to be seen. Arika's friends including Garima were looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen.

The maths class was going on when Arika asks her friends, "Where is she? I have not seen her from a long time."

"No idea!" Vaani shrugs looking around the class for her traces.

"Is she planning to bunk?!" Akriti asks.

"Guys! Sir is here!" Rishi says looking at Vardhan Sir who just entered the class.

Vardhan Sir looks up and praises the girls with a big proud smile and congratulates all of them that finally they are free from a criminal about whom they had no idea. Then he looks for Nishi but he doesn't find her and so he asks, "Where is Nishi?"

"पता नहीं, Sir. Chemistry class में तो हमारे साथ ही थी वो but उसके बाद washroom चली गई and since then no one has seen her." Chaitanya informs.

[ Translation : "Don't know, Sir. She was with us in the Chemistry class but after that she went to washroom and since then no one has seen her." ]

"Hmm. . . .okay. let's continue the class may be, she must be late." Vardhan Sir says casually which makes students smile for his now changed gentle behaviour towards the students.

The principal has already told all the teachers during the meeting that the way they are being too much rude sometimes to the students is not right and he also told them after the meeting that it was Nishi's idea to be patient with the students just like the way students are patient when the teacher teaches so many students in one go.

Vardhan Sir knew that and so he was looking for her to tell her that he is so proud of her but she was nowhere to be seen which is now worrying him because everyone now knows well that the security outside the school is for Nishi, being the daughter of a billionaire, she needs to be protected.

The class ends with Nishi still not showing up. Vardhan Sir tells Arika and Garima to inform him once they find her.


In the Drama Class :

When Akriti sees Garima and Varun entering the class, she asks them, "Did you find her?" They all deny.

Arika says, "गई कहाँ है ये लड़की?"

[ Translation : "Where has this girl gone?" ]

Arav, Nakul, Nikita, Nia and Jay's friends hear Arika and Darsh asks, "What's wrong?"

"After 5th period, Nishi is nowhere to be seen. We tried to find her out but we could not find her." Arika informs.

"She even didn't attend the bio. class!" Chaitanya says with a bit worry now in case she lost her way to the class.

Mrs. Mathur enters who came college late today, so she has no idea about the whole incident. She looks up and sees Arika sitting with Garima which surprises her. But anyways she starts the class being a bit happy seeing the change. However, no one was actually paying attention because they were confused that where did she vanish suddenly?

After 10 minutes of starting the class, someone knocks on the door and asks for the teacher's permission in a low voice, "May I come in, Ma'am?"

All heads turn towards the entrance including the teacher. The new student's face was looking like as if someone took away all the energy from that person's body. Mrs. Mathur who was smiling a while ago, frowns as soon as she sees Nishi's dull face. The teacher asks Nishi giving her permission, "Yes, come in! Why are you looking so pale, darling? Did something happen?"

*End of the chapter.*

Author :

How was the chapter?
Sorry for the late update. Too much work. Hectic days. Hope you guys are doing good.

Thanks for reading!
Smile please!

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