Pretty Cure and the Forces of...

By TheValkyrie13

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Ichika Usami had been through some crazy misadventure in her life as Pretty Cure. But these things were harml... More

Lucas Grave Character Information:
The Forces of Darkness:
Chapter 1: The Day Against True Darkness

Prologue: The Bunny Meets Her Nightmare

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By TheValkyrie13

Hello, my readers and yes, you read this correctly. I am making another story copied from FFN. But at least the author did give me permission for my own dosage of inspiration. The story I take inspiration from is 'The Slayer and His Bunny' by 'The Doom King of Latveria'. To say that this story is bizarre would be understatement. It's a magical girl show crossover with Doom of all things. It's strange. It's bizarre. It's weird. And it's just a one-shot.

And yet, with the magical genre being deconstructed and get introduced to a whole slew of darker and edgier atmosphere, suffice to say that I am intrigued.

By now, reading the original would mean that you will understand. But if you know, you will know that there are many twists, turns and changes.

And overall, what I am doing is just that.

Do note that I have no freaking idea about Pretty Cure so don't try and sass about 'Canon Defilement' or something. I just followed what is in the page. And don't expect this to be a full story. Unfortunately, just like the original, this will be a one-shot and is basically experimental. And just an excuse for me to read for my own self actually.

With that said, let's get in on the adventure.



Pain. That's the first thing that Usami Ichika feel when she wakes up to the smell of disinfectant and the sound of flickering florescent lights from outside the room. Her head is pounding, her world is spinning, spinning long enough to gather herself more solidly. But most of all, she is alive.

And she feel that last part was the more relieving thing she ever feel in her life.

Looking to herself, she found her body were wearing a slightly thin layer of hospital gown. While she can't clearly see her body that was being covered in a nursing gown, she can still feel something had struck and wrapped around her stomach, which she think was a bandage. And lastly, an IV is connecting to one of her arms that diagnosis her vitality.

Ichika swallows what little spit she has in her dry throat, coughs, and then rasps the first sound she makes with her own voice after waking up, "What... happened?"

She was confused. And tired. But mostly confused. Her last memory that she can remember was walking to her workplace and shop, the Kirapati Cafe, with her fairy friend Pekorin, when they suddenly being attacked by Julio and his new Kirakiraru Thieves monster, which made her turn into Cure Whip to defend herself.

...and then another thing happening so suddenly before she can attack the Kirakiraru Thieves, which she vaguely remember some of it.

"Peko~! Ichika is awake, Peko~!" Ichika was pulled from her musings by shrill of familiar voice that made her turn her gaze at the source.

Walking into her own patient room, was her little fairy friend Pekorin, who is to her surprise and concerned, have bandages that wrapped around her body and band aid over her head. Followed behind her was a group of girls who are her closest friends, and also a Pretty Cure like her.

The first one is Arisugawa Himari, a hard-working second year middle school student. She is known to be as fast and light, and despite being shy, no one can stop her when she talks about her favourite sweets.

The second one is Tategami Aoi, an enthusiastic second year middle school student who loves freedom. She is as brave and free girl, and due to her love for singing, she is the vocalist of the rock band Wild Azur. When it comes to making sweets, Aoi is in charge of parts that make use of her muscular strength and support one's shape.

The third one is Kotozume Yukari, a beautiful and noble second year high school student. She is rather selfish, and when she is bored, she'll use her skills to perform tasks but after meeting Ichika, she starts to enjoy everyday a lot more.

The fourth one is Kenjou Akira, a gentle boyish (more tomboy than Aoi) second year high school student. She has a strong sense of justice and knows her way around places, which makes her a good person to rely on.

And the fifth and last person of that group, was Kirahoshi Ciel, a genius patisserie who came from France, and is also a fairy named Kirarin, who resided in Ichigo Mountain. Following her dream of becoming a Pretty Cure, she likes making everyone happy with her sweets creation.

When Himari saw Ichika sitting upright in her bed, she smiled and sighing with relief. "Oh, thank Kami, you're all right."

"We're really sorry for what happened, Ichika-chan." Said Akira with worried tone. "We quickly came here as soon as we can after Peko told us that you were saved by someone from a group of creepy monsters."

Everything starts to click together after Ichika hearing that last statement, which making her memory slowly began to resurface about what happen after she blacked out.

And she feel sudden chills that run through her body, when she able to pieces together each of her hazy memory.

"We almost didn't make it due to our daily work that we busy working on." Said Yukari while sighed wearily. "Fortunately, our closest people know about our dilemma when it comes to friend. So they letting us go as soon as we hear you're in trouble."

"Yeah, we truly sorry if we late to save you!" Exclaimed Aoi in concerned. "If only I weren't busy with my band today, I can still save you back then!"

"Oui, If only I wasn't too busy with my new dessert experiment, I could be right beside you and face those trouble together." Added Ciel with agitated look.

Instead replying their worries with her trademark cheerful word, Ichika is shaking like a leaf, curled up on herself with her face slightly turned pale in frightened. Her eyes were unfocused, as she only staring at the mattress blanket that covers part of her body with aghast look.

Seeing their cheerful friend in distressed state, the groups were even more worried about her condition, as Himari gently ask the leader of their Precure group, "Ichika-chan... are you alright?"

Ichika gaze finally flitted to Himari and other girls, but her eyes barely spending more than a half of a second on them before returning to the blanket.

"Sc-scary... Mo-monsters." Ichika murmured with her fear clearly reflected in front of her friends. "Sc-ary... Monsters."

"Scary monsters?" Said Aoi in confused, but also filled with concern with Ichika state.

"Th-those monsters that I told you guys earlier, peko!" Exclaimed Pekorin softly. "Tho-those scary monsters appearing out of nowhere, and su-suddenly attacked both of us and even Kirakiraru Thieves, peko!"

Akira shared a glance with some of the girls, then took a seat beside Ichika left and giving her a comforting hug.

"It's alright, we are here with you now." Akira soothing her leader, while lightly stroked her arm. "What matter most is that you are fine and save. And that is good for all of us."

Slowly, but surely, Ichika began to tear up and sobbing uncontrollably as if she been holding it long enough for it to be released. The young girl hugged Akira and wept onto her shoulder, which the latter then hugged back while gently stroking the girl's hair.

The other girls can't help but greatly saddened by this sight. Injured and having personal trauma like that, it was like Ichika having gone to some scary place and back to tell the tale in traumatized state. It was not the first time one of them have been in this kind situations. Having becoming a Precure for several months, a little misadventure was bound to happen when they are trying to protect the town from which they lived in. And despite some bizzare and and dangerous situations whenever they encounter Julio and his minions, they always stand and stay together to protect their love ones and sweet dessert they painstakingly made, no matter how despair-inducing and unhappiness the odds are.

But whatever happened to Ichika that made her in this current state now, they have feeling that this was something beyond their understanding... and they have sudden foreboding feeling when they thinking about it.

Shaking those thought aside, it was decided that it was time to delve deep into the problem. If they want to help and solve Ichika problem, then they have to take this matters seriously. Who knows what sort of trouble awaits for them if they didn't act quickly.

Turning to Pekorin, Yukari then gently ask the little fairy, "Peko-chan, can you elaborate us more about what happen at that time when you were with Ichika-chan?"

"Yeah, and what this 'scary monster' thing that Ichika kept saying?" Added Aoi in bitterly concerned. "Is this some kind of new Kirakiraru Thieves monster that Julio summoned?"

With slight shaky posture, Pekorin then looked back up at Yukari and others. And as she took a deep breath, she then began retell the story about an horrific incidents at that noon.


It was like any other day for the young second-year Ichigozaka middle school student who loves sweets. Getting up from bed, take a bath, make and eating breakfast with her father, and go to school like any usual day. Not to mention, When she gets excited, she sometimes jumps around like a "rabbit" and utter her trademark catchphrases like; "Whip, Step, Jump!" Or "I have a bright idea!", which can put smile to any peoples that closest to her.

But her daily life as a teenager was not normal one. After meeting with the pet-like dog fairy named Pekorin, her life, as well her friends, is now drastically change into bizzare one; becoming a legendary Pretty Cure patissière, a defenders sweets filled with thoughts and Ichigozaka town!

Of course, if there was a good, there was a evil. The Kirakiraru Thieves are a group of evil and mischievous fairies. Their main goal is to steal the Kirakiraru, a source of energy that dwells inside sweets and people's hearts, so they may become powerful enough to rule the world. They wear a red belt with a buckle that has a black star on it. Using said belt's dark energy, they can drain the Kirakiraru from sweets or desserts, which turn the sweets black and people into despair or even mindless folks.

The situations was even more troubling, as a new player appear in Kirakiraru Thieves side. A mysterious masked villain by the name Julio suddenly appear in Ichika and her Precure groups life. He was the one who brainwashed all the fairies into Kirakiraru Thieves using red belts. He also possessed a staff that he used to steal people's Kirakiraru for his experiments in order to get more Kirakiraru for his own and his mysterious master.

As a Pretty Cure, it is Ichika and her friends' duty to protect the sweets and innocent people in their town from those evildoers. And in turn, Julio and his Kirakiraru Thieves will try as hard as they can to bring down the magical girl group, whether it's a frontal assault or cunningly.

And that was what happened at noon that day when Ichika and her loyal Pekorin friend was suddenly being ambushed by Julio and his Kirakiraru Thieves, a new type Gummy monster fairies, when they going to their workplace. Ichika have no choice but to transform into Cure Whip in order protect herself and Pekorin.

But like sudden weather change, an unexpected thing happened in a front of them. Which will soon stuck into their memories forever...

As Julio order his new type Gummy monster to attack Ichika, the fairy monster is suddenly being struck by some kind of loud gunshot, which made it injure and fall to the ground, hard.

"What the heck?! Who's dare to struck my perfect creation?!" Julio screamed in anger at this sudden unknown attack.

"W-what?" Ichika was surprise by this too, but as well pitying and slightly horrified by that Gummy monster state after suddenly being hit by that mysterious and loud gunshot. Ichika and her Precure teams once realize that not all of these Kirakira Thieves monster were mindless creatures, as they found that some of them were, in fact, are fairies from the same place as Pekorin, who were being controlled by Julio.

"Peko~! Look!" Screamed Pekorin in frightened, while pointing towards their left. Both the latter, as well Julio himself, gaze follow to where the little fairy pointing at, and their expression soon turned into horrified one of what they saw.

It's a man... Maybe? Said man appears to be wearing a cowboy attire of some sort with his face shrouded beneath his wide-brimmed cowboy hat. His very body is covered by a dark-grey poncho alongside what appears to be a silver cross on his neck. And on his hand, appears to a revolver of some sort.

But what is most terrifying about this man is the sense of terror coming from him. Something that promised only the deepest and darkest nightmares like no other. And Ichika is unnerved by this man's staring at her.

Like he is staring directly into their souls.

"So, sorry about that. The little critter has got to go. Wouldn't want any interference for what's to come." The man said in a rather deep but laid-back voice with a Texas-like accent as he just put his revolver back into his holster.

As Ichika and Pekorin were standing still with their eyes widened and their mouth gaping in terror, Julio was brave enough, despite trembling with fear, to utter a questions to the terrifying cowboy, "Who... or what... are you?"

The cowboy looked at Julio with his soulless stare.

"Glad you can ask, kiddo. The names Arthur. Arthur Callaghan. Formerly the most feared gunslinger of the West and now, the bringer of all the darkness that permeates all existence." The cowboy, Arthur, introduced himself to the two as he struts around rather confidently.

Suddenly, Arthur suddenly appeared in front of Ichika, who yelped in shock and surprise at Arthur suddenly appearing in front of her, somehow like as if he just teleported.

"Oh, sorry about that, little girly. Didn't mean to scare you. Just want to know if you Pretty Cure are all that you are cracked up to be. See, your kind, despite all your powers that is empowered by the positives like happiness, love and other diabetic emotions, has caused me and my boys a lot of trouble. And I don't like that. Not one bit." Arthur said as he still stared at the trembling Ichika. "And you know, I may not be one for killing kids or those that don't defend themselves since, it ain't fun, some sacrifices are kind of necessary if the other side has become too problematic for even the likes of me, wouldn't you say?"

Then Arthur turn his head quickly as a sound of a bone crack is heard as he then stared at Pekorin, who flinched at his gaze. "And this must your cute little friend, hmmm? My my. How adorable. It's so fucking ugly that I could puke from looking at it." Arthur said in disgust when looking at Pekorin.

"W-why... Why would you say that, Peko~" Pekorin said in a trembling voice as Arthur keeps staring at her.

"And would you look at that? It talks. God, your voice is annoying. And you just look so fucking ugly. I mean, pink and look like a puppy and a poodle? So hideous. I mean, where's the guts? The gore? The entrails? The blood. The... Darkness?" Arthur empathize the last part with a much more reverberating voice.

"Enough of this. I don't know who you are but you will pay for ruining my perfect creat-" Julio didn't stop his defiance when Arthur suddenly teleported behind him with his revolver raised, pointing it in the back of Julio's head.

"And you should shut the fuck up and just let the adults talk. Learn to respect your elders, kiddo." Arthur threatened as he put the barrel of his revolver ever closer, touching his head as Julio flinched. "Because you have no idea who you are messing with, kiddo. And if you still don't know, here is a little demonstration I'm gonna show ya." Arthur said as he then aimed his revolver at the Gummy Monster that he shoot earlier and shoot him again.

Five times.

Because of the close proximity, Julio screamed as he clutched his head at the ringing sound from the gunshots. While Ichika and Pekorin look at what Arthur just did to the Gummy Monster.

Seeing this sight, both Ichika and Pekorin can only watch this scene in horror, as they believe that the Gummy Monster was probably be the innocent fairy that is still being controlled by Julio.

Speaking of the latter, Julio is still clutching his head from the ringing sound until he got kicked away by Arthur as he twirl his revolver like a professional.

"Howie. I still got it even to this very day. Hahahaha." Arthur said as he congratulate himself for a good shot he just did.

"H-how..." Arthur stopped twirling as he looked at Ichika who mumbled something. "How could you do that to it? It could be an innocent fairy."

"Innocent. Guilty. Good. Bad. Evil. Does it matter? You know, people didn't exactly care very much about this classification of morality. There was once a simpler time when there is a 'dog-eat-dog world' before. A time when no one gives a damn about if you're good or bad. Just that you are gonna die because I can and I don't like you. And I don't like this so-called monster that you are wasting your breath over." Arthur explained as he then ever closer to Ichika and Pekorin as they trembled as Arthur is walking ever closer. "And as much as I would love to play with my new target practice, bonding over and have some fun, the big guys from down below say that I should do this quick. And don't worry, this ain't personal. Just following what the big man wants to get some old sweet-ass rewards." Arthur said this as he then aimed his revolver and let the shots fire.

And with that, Ichika, Pekorin and even Julio scrambled as they try to run away from the mass shootout. Ichika ducked down as she tried to avoid getting shot alongside Pekorin hiding underneath her while Julio just runs away as he scrambled recklessly to avoid the shot.

It is a horrifying moment. The Pretty Cure and her fairy friend thought that this will be a another day fighting against a Gummy Monster and stopping the villains from blackening the sweets of their Cafe. But it now takes a turn for the horrifying when they are contending with this creepy and dark cowboy who's evil is as obvious as they are trying to survive by avoiding the many bullets fired from Arthur's revolver.

Julio, on the other hand, was able to show his bravado again even though he was just running scared seconds ago, as he pull out his magical rod to attack. "Enough of this. I will make sure that you will regret having fought the-!"

His speech were abruptly halted when something just swing something hard at him. Unprepared by this, Julio can only raise his rod in front of him...

.... and this resulted in the rod being torn to pieces... alongside Julio's hand being broken and mangled with blood leaking out.

"..." Julio can only staring this sight in bewildered, while his brain was trying to process of his heavily injured right hand.

It was until he fell backwards and then his brain finally digest what happened to him. He finally screamed out loud in pain and agony, which Ichika and Pekorin noted it was unlike his behaviour.


"Julio!" Yelled Ichika, as she and Pekorin staring at the sight with horror. As a caring person too, she sometimes forgives other misdeed even to her enemies like Julio, which she tried her best to get a peaceful talk with the masked villian.

Although worried about Julio predicament, Ichika began to draw her attention back to the current situation, as she trying to comprehend what kind of living nightmare they got themselves into.

Honestly, she was thinking if this some kind of bad dream and she's still sleeping soundly in her bed. But feeling Pekorin small hands touch her skin, the sounds of a shootout, and the stream of bloods from Julio's destroyed hand as he is crying out loud in pain while clutching on his hand...

"..." Ichika is just standing there, frozen in terror, which unlike anything she ever felt before.


Filled with dread, Pekorin called loudly to Ichika, as she is trying to get the girl attention back to reality. "Peko~! Ichika, we need to go-"

But like Julio, thought not as bad as his predicament, Pekorin words was cut off as something hard struck in the front of her and Ichika, and knocking both them hard to the ground.

"Kyyaa?!" Both Ichika and Pekorin screamed in pain when something explode in front of them and knocking both of them off the ground.

Eventually, both of them have their backs hit the ground roughly, which Ichika was the first to try to get up, but some feeling of great pain prevent her from doing that.

"Uuggh..." Ichika moaned in pain, while trying to sit down and look at the part she felt the most pain. She then found it, and grimaced at the sight of her Cure form hat multiple layers of her skirt being slightly burned to crisp, almost showing her undergarment. Her legs were covered in soot, but mostly still intact unlike Julio. But what made her shudder was that her thighs were bleeding.

"Ichika, Peko~!" shouted worriedly from Pekorin, as she ran towards her after being thrown away by the explosion earlier. "Peko~! Are you alright, Ichika?!"

"Y-yeah, Pekorin... Ugh!" Ichika grimace in pain while trying to sit up in her state. "It h-hurt, Pekorin... I-I think I can't move my legs."

"NO! G-GET AWAY FR-FROM ME!" Julio's unusual frightened scream made Ichika and Pekorin turn their attention back to where the masked Villian lying on.

But even the worst nightmares hadn't prepared them for what they saw now.

Walking and shambling towards Julio, was another horrifying monster. And there are lots of them. They appear to be knights of some sort, plate armour and sword and all. Except that parts of their armour exposed some kind of maw with lots of tentacles and razor sharp teeth. And the creature's are just seriously wrong to look at it any longer.

And they are shambling towards the trembling masked villain as they walk like zombies while swinging their sword around or try to grab Julio with their tentacles. Julio trying to weakly get away was all for naught as the shambling monsters finally dawned upon him as they finally stand upon Julio.

Still lying on the ground and unable to use his power in the state he is in, Julio's fate is finally sealed.

Dozens of those creatures then threw themselves at Julio and surrounded him, and the masked villain found himself screaming in hopelessness as these creatures brutally bite and tearing his body apart.

"AAAARRGGHH-URRGGLHH!" That was his last scream as Julio was silenced by one of these creatures devouring his face with it's sharp teeths. Ending the life of the masked villain of the Kirakiraru Thieves.

"..." Ichika was left aghast in her position. She couldn't speak, move, or even breathe. Each breath would bring the smell of blood to her nostrils and made her feel sick. Her mind seemed to have slow down when watching such horrifying sight unfold in front of her.

... She really wish this is just some kind bad dream while her body still sleeping soundly in her bed.

Terrified by this too, Pekorin pleaded to Ichika, worried out of her mind for the girl. "Pe-peko! We need to ru- kyyaaa!"

Hearing her little fairy screamed in pain is enough to make Ichika jerked up from her stupor. Turning to her friend, she saw in horror as she watched Pekorin being kicked by the vile cowboy earlier.

"PEKO-CHAAANN!" Ichika screaming in horrified and was about to save her best friend from Arthur. But again, her bleeding legs kept her from doing that.

But her nightmarish fate didn't stop here.

"Howie, nothing beats kicking something that is so darn ugly to look at. And damn it, does it feel good." Arthur said in appreciation and then just looked at the many armoured knights with maws. "And you boys must have dine yourself for a job well done. Guess you guys do earned that little lunch, do you all?"

All he can get from the armoured knight monsters are growls and roars.

As Ichika finally able to stand up, albeit barely, something strangled her neck tightly, which almost made her suffocated to the death. Roughly, she was lifted from the ground, and the girl then stared at the soulless gaze of Arthur himself.

"And where do you think you're going, lil' lady? The fun wasn't even starting yet." Arthur said in a touch-in-cheek tone to the struggling Ichika in his hand.

Arthur observed Ichika with its soulless eyes, staring at her blankly while the sense from his body filled the girl's soul with hopelessness.

"W-why... Why are..." Ichika struggled to speak but is kind of hard with Arthur choking her.

"Why you may ask? Simple. It's a dog-eat-dog world here. And I am just following orders. Doesn't stop me from having a little bit of fun. What? Can't some guy just had some fun for a while when I work?" Arthur said in a matter-of-fact tone. And despite having little to no facial expression, Ichika feels like he is smiling in a sadistic manner.

"Come on now, lil' lady. Let's give the boys the reward they deserved, okay?" Arthur requested before he held Ichika in front of the many armoured knight-like maw monsters who stared at the struggling Ichika being held in Arthur's hand.

Ichika's eyes widened as they all shambles towards her, walking ever so slowly as they try to devour her with their giant maw.

She wished for any of her friends to come and save her from this nightmare.

But there was nothing to help... or save her from this terrible fate that will be befall on her soon.

"NO! NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO! STOP! STOP!" Her cries fell on deaf ears as these monster are slowly getting closer to her, the girl kept on struggling against Arthur's hard restraints.

"Scream all you like, lil' girly. Heck, go ahead then. More food for the boys and more boys to corrupt your little town until they become another world of darkness for us to finally live and breathe like we own the place." Arthur said sadistically at the whimpering girl.

"PLEASE! SOMEONE! PLEASE, SAVE ME!" She screamed to the top of her lungs for help. Anything to save her from this nightmare!

Again, nobody, not even her friends, came to save her.

"Heh? Well, that is damned shame. Well, no crying over spilled milk. Now, do yourself a good favour and be a good dinner for the boys."

As she trying her hardest to free herself from these Arthur's grip and screamed for help, one of these monsters thrust it's sword to the side of her stomach.

"AAaaagghhh!" Screamed in agony from Ichika. It was painful, more so than anything she had ever felt when being attacked by the Kirakiraru Thieves monsters.

And it got worse when the girl felt the sharp blade of the monster spreading some kind of intense rotting sensation through her body, making her scream more loudly as she feel the sensation of rot inside her body.

"AAAGGGHHH!" Ichika wailing in painfully, as her tears flowed down her cheeks. She felt her blood, bones and every part of her body were being rotted away... It was unbearable for her to bear with!

Seeing her closest friend in danger, Pekorin trying to run to save Ichika, even if it means get either blown away or hurt.

"Peko! Ichi-Aaagghh!" Pekorin yelling in pain, as she was being kicked away by Arthur, who shoots at her thought, for some reason, didn't kill her.

"Shut the fuck up, you ugly little prick. And let me and my boys enjoy this." Arthur said as he looked at Ichika screaming in pain from the influence of the rot.

The effects of corruption.

Ichika look at the monster with a tear-stained face as for the first time in her life as Pretty Cure, Ichika now feel a true sense of despair.

"Please... Please, someone... help me..." The girl cried helplessly as her body gave up, simply closing her eyes and accepting her fate...

Until she heard a loud gunshot. Louder than Arthur's own revolver perhaps.

"Gah?! What the hell?" She heard Arthur curse as she then felt herself dropped on the ground and the monsters are now twitching so haphazardly.

Realising her inevitable end never happened, slowly, Ichika opened her eyes and saw those armoured maw monsters were suddenly cease their macabre ritual over her and moving frantically away from her, as if something has scared them. The magical girl can only stared at these monster in silent, unsure of what to do now; slightly ignoring the pain that she sustaining, her terrified eyes moved left and right and she realized that every single one of the creatures had suffered from the same thing.

But the thing that draw her attention most was when she turning to her right, she saw that Arthur is now clutching his hand that was used to strangle her and give her to the armoured maw monster, gripping it as he groan in pain.

Ichika didn't know what was going on and at this point, she didn't want to: Her whole world had been shattered to pieces and rebuilt into a nightmarish hell, it was a miracle she hadn't broken down under the stress and horror that she experience right now.

Still, in the middle of the maddening howls and terrifying monsters she was now, Ichika saw a ray of hope. And that said "hope" would soon unleash his wrath upon these creatures.

He looked to be a man dressed in all black, wearing Kevlar and pads all over his body, hiding every inch of his body with the exception of his fingers. His face is completely covered in what appears to be a black balaclava alongside a hood pulled up and wearing goggles on his eyes. On his hand, appears to be an assault rifle with the smoke showing that he is the one that shot it.

The figure was was just standing there, watching the freak show with his black goggles that conceal whatever he is feeling or thinking... But whatever it was, Ichika was sure it couldn't be anything good.

But the reaction from the monsters that attacking her and Pekorin, however, was what really surprised her.

None of the monsters were now paying attention to Ichika or Pekorin. Instead, all of them were roaring and screeching in visible fury towards the stranger, almost like they knew the man in black. However, none are more so than Arthur himself, who looked at the mysterious man with rage like she has never sensed anything before.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Lucas Grave. The Valkyrie. What brings you to this fine place, asshole?" Arthur said in a venomous tone against the man known as Lucas.

Lucas, however, didn't say a word except just cocking his rifle on the go as he aimed it at the monsters.

But then, he looked at Ichika who flinched at Lucas' hidden gaze focusing towards her. But for some reason, she have feeling that the figure seems agitated when he finally landed his gaze towards her, as if the figure was concerned with her, not just her state right now... But her whole well being.

Like an elder sibling worrying about their little sis/bro.

As Lucas finally stopped looking at her, she suddenly felt something from him. She does not know what but all she can say is that behind his stoic exterior and intimidating look, she can actually feel a presence of hope in him.

Like how it is alright.

"Well, what are you boys standing around for? Kill that motherfucker." Arthur ordered the knight monsters as they all charged towards him with unparalleled speed and quickness.

And in the blink of an eye, Lucas has made his first move as he turned into a blur, disappearing from his spot and towards the monster. The Maw-Knight flinched briefly, whether through fear or surprise Ichika was not sure.

As Lucas dashed up to the monster, Ichika noticed that he is suddenly holding a large katana of some sort as he sliced the monster into two. The Maw Knight falls to the ground as a shower of blood comes out from the stumps.

Black blood actually.

But he is not done yet. Lucas then dashed again as he sliced another Maw Knight, beheading it but not killing him before he then whipped out something.

It looks like a shotgun of some sort as Lucas shoots at it in a shower of blood and gore.

And from that point on, everything became a blur for Ichika to focus on.

Lucas runs around everywhere as he killed every monster in his way with his sword and shotgun in hand as he runs around, blitzing everything with insane superhuman speed like no other, slicing them apart and shooting them to pieces until the park is now filled with the blood, body parts and armour plates of the Maw Knights.

Ichika felt once again helpless, she was faced with a situation she couldn't comprehend: Those blood pooling under her feet and hands, the smell of putrefaction flooding her nostrils, the shrieks and screams piercing her ears as the armoured man brutally killed those nightmarish creatures with his guns or hands...

This is too much for her to bear with.

After a few minutes has passed, the park is no longer filled with those horrible knights monsters with maws. Now all that's left is her, Pekorin, Arthur and Lucas Grave himself.

The vile cowboy is now trembling in rage at how Lucas just ruined his fun. "Damn it, asshole. Can't you ruin someone's fun next week or something?" Arthur questioned him in anger but Lucas just ignored him.

"That's it. This end now." Arthur said as he then aimed his revolver at Lucas as he fired his shot.

Lucas just blitz to the right as he dodged to the right to avoid the shot. Arthur fired again and Lucas dodged to the left. Arthur then started to fan his revolver in quick succession but even with many bullets being shot, Lucas just dodged all the bullets in one go.

Arthur was about to continue as something dark is enveloping his entire body until it finally subsidies as Arthur look to the side, as if he felt something. Arthur then growls before he was then relented as he look with that soulless gaze of his.

"Next time, partner. You're not going to ruin my fun again. And I make sure of that." Arthur said as he tipped his hat before he teleported out to whatever place he could go.

The nightmare that had terrified and haunted Ichika today; The being bound to destroy the fragile balance in the world; The monster neither she, Kirakiraru Thieves monster, and Julio could hope to fend off...

Is gone. But not truly.

"Peko... Ichika!" Calls from Pekorin's familiar voice made Ichika slowly avert her gaze from that gruesome sight. She was really horrified when she saw her fairy friend state; a heavy bruise and scratch wound were clearly visible all over her head and body, which she knew that comes from Arthur Callaghan.

While painfully trying to crawl towards Ichika, Pekorin stammered, "Ichi... Ka... Are you... A-alright? Peko?"

"Pe... Ko-chan..." Muttered slowly from Ichika who was trying to reach Pekorin with her remaining strength. But the severe injuries she had, and situation she got herself into, was too much for her mind and body to handle.

As Ichika laid helplessly on the ground without any energy remaining, she then lose her consciousness instantly with her body immediately glowing and turned into her normal appearance. Seeing this, Pekorin was trying her hardest to get into Ichika and was soon upon the girl unconscious body.

"Ichi... Ka, peko!" Exclaimed Pekorin between her pained grunt, as she hugging Ichika's body who lay motionless. "Peko, please... Stay with... Me, peko!"

As Pekorin trying shaking Ichika's body so the girl could wake up, her fairy puppy ears catch a sound of heavy footsteps coming towards her. Looking at the source, she was yet again frozen in place as Lucas Grave, the one that saved her life from those monsters and that scary villain, walked towards her and kneeled ever closer to her.

Lucas just stood right in front of Pekorin and Ichika's unconscious form. His towering height making the fairy feel pathetic and weak, just like how every time she trying to face off some Kirakiraru Thieves monster, but this time, it was much... MUCH terrifying than any Kirakiraru Thieves monster that Julio controlled.

They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, surrounded by silence and what was left of the nightmarish monsters... until finally, Lucas has spoken.

"Uh... Hey there?" Lucas tried introduced himself to Pekorin who flinched as she back away. "Hey, hey. Calm down there. Look, I'm not going to hurt you, alright? You heard from that guy that my name is Lucas Grave and I am here to help. And look, as much as we need to get to know each other, your friend here is seriously injured. So, with that said. Where is the nearest hospital from here?"

...the only thing that Pekorin can do was blinked her eyes at Lucas, as she uttered a word, "Pe-pe... Peko?"


"... And that is how he brought us here, Peko!" Said Pekorin, who finished telling what happened in that afternoon. It was at that moment too that Ichika finally stopped crying, but the girls still heard the former sobbing in Akira's arms when Pekorin explained every detail of the horrifying incident.

And just like the last part say, it was anything but a horror story for the girls who heard it in the room.

With a paled look, Himari was the first one who express her thought about the tale while covering her mouth, "By Kami-sama... That was horrible."

"You telling me..." Aoi nodded in agreement with aghast look, as she can only staring the bed sheets that Ichika use with unfocused look. "Seriously... What kind of scary things are we going to be dealing with this time?"

Hearing every detail about the traumatic eventthat Ichika and Pekorin through that afternoon... They finally conclude that this is something beyond of what they usually dealing with.

And now that foreboding feeling started coming back to them, again.

While furrowed her brow in concerned, Yukari turned her gaze back at Pekorin. "Peko-chan, did this... Lucas Grave person tell you anything when they helping you and Ichika get into hospital?" She ask the fairy softly. "Especially like, who he is and how he just appeared there?"

"I-I don't know, peko. W-we only focused on getting Ichika-chan to h-hospital, pe-peko." Pekorin meekly answered. "All Lucas-san keep saying that it is 'classified', 'confidential' or s-some words that I don't know of."

"Classified? Confidential?" Asked Aoi with perplexed look. "You mean like what spies in movies would say a lot?"

"I-I think its best for Pekorin-chan to finish her explanation first before we come into conclusion." Ciel slightly stammered, as she nodded towards Pekorin. "Pekorin-chan, if you may..."

While trying to control her breath from panicked, Pekorin then continued, "...du-during our run, peko, L-lucas-san also said that he is here to find the source of the monsters that spawned all across Japan, peko." Her eyes were slightly glazed over as she explained. "H-he also said that h-he is looking for something to complete his mission. O-or something, peko."

Before the girls (except Ichika of course) could spiral down further, a knock on the door jars their to attention, followed by voice of a man, "Miss Ichika? Is it alright to come in?" After that, they saw an adult man in a white coat- a doctor, no doubt- walking into the room. He carried a clipboard in his hands.

The doctor were smiling in relief when he saw Ichika has awakened. "Ah, I'm glad to see you've woken up," He said, "We were worried you wouldn't make it with the amount of blood loss you have sustained back then."

"We're really thank you for saving and looking after our friend, doctor." Replied Yukari while gaving the doctor a smile and bowed in gratitude, followed by other girls in the room. After that, a thought occurred to her. "But if I may ask, is there anything you could tell us when Ichika were brought here by... someone?"

She didn't want to bring up a fact about a man named Lucas Grave had saved their friend's lives from the creepy monsters, which is totally the weirdest thing to say to a sane person. But after hearing Pekorin story, they know the cat's pretty much out of the bag already.

It was proven right when the Doctor stated, "Right, about that... Man wearing all black..." He trailed off, looking uncomfortable. "Is he with Miss Ichika, or one of your relatives maybe?"

"I think I can explain that, sir." Answered Yukari while sighing. "But can we talk this matter outside? I think my friend here need some comforting time after what she when through back then."

Nodding in understanding, the Doctor then left the room, followed by Yukari. But before she closed the door, she then addressed the girls in the room, "I'll be the one who sort this out, so you girls can soothe Ichika first without me, alright?"

As Yukari was out with the door closed, the girls then turned their worries gaze at Ichika again, as the latter still clinging on Akira body with her sobs slowly starting to slow down. The girls could empathize with that, as they knew this sort incident was new and too terrifying for an innocent girl like her. Again, having becoming a Pretty Cure for several months, it was inevitable for them to get into some bizarre and dangerous situations in their duties as legendary Pretty Cure patissière. But after learning everything from Pekorin story, they realized that maybe they were dealing with something else... something much, MUCH worse that can make their problem with The Kirakiraru Thieves monster look like childish thing than actual problem.

And they shuddered if they ever face to face with those monstrosities that almost killed Ichika back then.

While sighed wearily, Akira eventually decided to break the heavy moment. "I think we'll go into that a bit later." She said while gently stroking Ichika's head. "For now, let's focus our matter into reassuring and cheering up Ichika-chan here."

With that being said, the girls began doing their best in trying to get Ichika former self back with their way. It was thanks to this cheerful young girl that they come together as a true friends. Not only do they felt they are sister in arms, but they are now a whole family. And they will vowed to protect their dearest until their very last breath.

As for the girl in question, Ichika were kept silent while hugging Akira, with tears still running down her cheeks. It was tears of fear, but also of relief. It was truly terrifying experience, more so than anything she ever faced before. She was usually quite hyperactive, even in the face of bizarre and despairing situations when involving her duties as protector of sweet.

But thanks to that horrifying moment, she is now plunged into a form of true sense of fear and despair, which unlike anything she had experienced before. Never had in her life seemed so... tense up, as if fearing losing her own life.

For once in a long while, she felt happy that she was alive.

Ichika was glad that this whole horror story was over. She hoped, with all her heart and pray to all the Gods above, that she and her friends would never meet these creepy monsters ever again, nor does she want to ever meet the one named Arthur Callaghan who escaped and is still out there. It if it weren't for the interference of that man in black, that Lucas Grave person, she might never be by her beloved friends' side or her parents anymore.

That man. That Lucas Grave.

'Who was he?' Thought Ichika as she pondered about it.

Lucas as Pekorin told her story, was an enigmatic figure. He was ruthless, and a terrifying figure, as proven when she saw him killing these monster that almost killed (except for poor Julio) her and Pekorin without mercy. When watching the carnage scene being performed by the man, Ichika could feel the hatred rolling off the man in waves despite how stoic he looks. Rage practically covered this person, but it is tampered by something cool, calm and collected about him. It was more accurate to say that Lucas has already experienced this kind of thing.

He is mysterious in every way possible. A stranger perhaps... and yet, she didn't know why but she felt she could trust him.

As if she was being protected by her very own big brother.

Whatever it is, she was happy to be safe and sound among her friends now despite still traumatized by the event. Her worries, fear and hopelessness were suddenly melted as she sobbed quietly while hugging Akira dearly.

Still, in the back of her mind, she can't help but thinking about Lucas that saved her and Pekorin at that day.


"Man... What a day." Lucas sigh as he sits down on a bench in a park where there isn't any monster corpses.

"So, these are the one that will save us from these monsters, huh?" Lucas said in skepticism as he killed those monsters while saving the girl and that fairy thing.

Lucas sigh as he remembered of what his main objective is actually.


Lucas found himself in an office of some sort as he was requested by the high command.

"Please. Do sit down, Agent Grave." The man said as he sit down on a chair.

"Of course, counselor." Lucas followed what he said as he sit down.

"Now then, Agent Grave. Do you finally realized why you are here?" The counselor said to Lucas.

"Let me guess. Another mission to kill more of these... dark beings, right?" Lucas answered to which the counselor just nods.

"That is correct, Agent Grave. It seemed however that the threat of these... dark beings... is still prevalent. And even with the resources we have from the government that funded our organisation, it seemed that it is almost a lost cause." The counselor said in disappointment.

"That still doesn't stop us from trying though. We still have all the technology possible to finally kill these fuckers for good." Lucas said.

"Unfortunately, advanced technology is no longer the answer to our problems anymore. The need for secrecy is rather a must for Task Force: VANGUARD. And burning the city to the ground is no longer the answer towards maintaining a covert operation." The counselor said.

Task Force: VANGUARD.

Formerly a secret branch of the US Government, it has now become a worldwide secretive multinational organisation dedicated towards protecting the world from any and all threats inside and out.

Terrorist attack.

World planning domination.

And especially, dark invaders that came out of nowhere and start attacking people.

Monsters so horrifying that they make anyone puke from looking at and the TF:V has done everything in their power and resources to finally eradicate this dangerous and corrupting creatures that came from nowhere with the best weapons, soldiers and technology as much as possible.

Unfortunately, as the counselor has mentioned before, even technology won't work as these monsters still keep on appearing.

"Don't remind me. I already have enough complaints from the guys at HQ suffering from another traumatic attack by this guys." Lucas said in disappointment.

"Yes. But perhaps there is another way regarding the problem." The counselor as he then showed something to Lucas.

"Uh... What the hell am I looking at?"

"It's a pastry shop."

"Yeah, I noticed but... Seriously... Why are you showing me this?"

"From our sources, we conclude that this dark beings can actually be permanently be kied by the light. Not light like a lamp or that weapon we have given to you. But something to do with an energy filled with positivity and happiness. Something like that."

"......... You're kidding, right?"

"Unfortunately for you, Agent Grave, while it may comes across as something silly, our sources did prove to us that this energy will surely annihilate this monsters from existence if it has to. And you are going to induct this 'Magical Girls' to your mission."

"........ Seriously? Magical Girls? You seriously just say that, right?"

"Absolutely. And I know that it is a silliest thing you have ever heard of but do note that our sources have not wronged us one bit and furthermore, whoever is in this pastry shop, they are the only hope to save the world from this dark beings. Granted, there are many others on Japan but the pastry shop will be your first start."

(Flashback End)

Lucas seriously can't believe this.

Magical Girls? Seriously? After he finally saw literally horrifying monsters that just look like it came straight out of a nightmare of a grotesque mind, he is perfectly skeptical of seeing girls that fight around while wearing a filly dress, using a wand and spouting something really diabetic like 'love' or 'happiness' or 'friendship' or something.

Him saving that girl and that fairy thing from another one of those dark beings is proof of that.

He watched in slight interest when the girl, named Ichika as that talking puppy called her, shine and change her appearance into something from a normal civilian, before she succumb into unconscious after being attacked by those demons. Probably the girl trying to defend herself with whatever magic power she have against these monsters.

It seriously looks ridiculous. Like something coming out from an anime kids show or something...





"Right. This is Japan. There's probably a lot of pervs here that loved to see girls wearing frilly pink dresses." Lucas said in exasperation.

Still, Lucas couldn't get his mind off that Ichika girl. There was something about her that kept Lucas thinking about her.

For some reason, she reminded him of something. Something from his past that kept his sanity anchored, and giving him the reason why he shouldn't let these dark scumbags get their foot on the mortal world.

Could it be that girl magical appearance reminds him of... Her?

"Agent Grave to HQ. Come in. Agent Grave to HQ. Do you read me?" A radio strapped on his chest is heard as Lucas picks it up.

"Y-yes sir. What is it?" Lucas saud to the handheld radio strapped on him, bringing him back to reality.

"We detected another one of those dark beings coming approximately 1.03 kilometres from where you are standing. Request immediate assistance now. Holy Jesus, they're everywhere. Someone get the civilians out of here now."

Hearing it, Lucas then turned off his radio as he stands up. From his HUD, it shows that that his ride is coming this close to him. Lucas then run in superhuman speed as he goes on and tried to kill more of these monsters before more lives are lost.

Still, in the back of his mind, he can't stop thinking about that Ichika girl.


To be continued...


Arthur Callaghan - Voiced by: Troy Baker

Lucas Grave - Voiced By: Shannon McCormick

Counselor - Voiced By: Asaf Ronen

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