LEILA {ongoing}

By KarsynJLaw

77.4K 1.1K 703

Aussie girl, Leila, moves to America. Repeating her senior year brings much more drama than she bargained for... More

Character Aesthetic & Authors Note
Leila Playlist - avail on spotify
31. H O M E
32. Surprise Kisses
33. Highschool cuties
34. Temper Temper
35. Go For It
36. Finally
37. Better than dessert
38. My Choice
39. His Choice
40. His Question
41. Her Answer
Thank you for your patience


1.5K 20 6
By KarsynJLaw

Thankfully, Dani's finally calmed down and is now slow dancing with Christian who is basically holding her up while she naps on his shoulder.

She really went over and above what I had imagined a school dance to be but it is devine. White twinkling fairy lights drape the ceiling above us, fake trees are scattered around the room covered in fairy lights that remind me of weeping willows, both coating us all in a romantic glow while all the other decorations are varying shades of blue and silver. She arranged for a blue neon sign that reads 'winter wonderland' set against grey, green foliage that looks to be snowed on for people to take photos of themselves.

I made sure to get a photos with everyone because Stacey would have heart failure if I didn't have any memorabilia from tonight. I thought Elijah might be hard to convince to take a few photos together but I had to drag him away from the props! Don't even get me started on Mica. Between the two of them, they were giving me posing tips!

Talking about Elijah, he is looking mighty fine tonight in his black on black attire and tie that matches my outfit, so cute, but I have a new issue now that Dani is back to her usual self. As much as it was cute at the beginning of the night, Elijah hasn't left my side. He even waited for me outside the girls bathroom when I finally peeled myself away from the dancefloor to go relieve myself of the one too many tropical punches I had downed.

He's also being extremely touchy tonight. His hand is always on me in some way. On the small of my back, resting on my hip, sometimes even stroking down my arm if we're standing talking to our friends.

I have warm spots all across my upper body, where Elijah's hands have come into contact with me and it's throwing off my usual automatic "don't touch" reflexes. Maybe, it's because it's Elijah and I feel safe with him. But he does seem a little off and even though I know he is naturally a touchy guy, I'm concerned if he is ok.

We're currently slow dancing and when I feel his hand glide down my back, his thumb caressing my spine, I can't hold back.

"You're being awfully... attentive tonight. What's going on? You do something you should be in trouble for?" Glaring at him playfully.

"Nope. Just getting my fill of you before you leave me." Pressing his lips together the corner of his mouth tilts up as he gazes down at me.

Even with my heels, he's still so much taller than me. Hopefully, I'm not giving him an eyeful of my girls. They're taped to my outfit, but you never know, I've been going ham on the D floor so I've probably sweat the glue off by now. I'm also hyperaware of how much skin I'm showing tonight. This is also the most exposed I've been around any of the guys in the school and it's been kind of freeing, if I'm being honest.

But I'm safe here, surrounded by friends who have each others back, including mine.

Chuckling at his version of events. "I'm not leaving you, E. I'm going on holidays. There's a big difference."

He doesn't say anything but presses his hand against my back, bringing me closer to him.

"E?" He hums in response. "What's really going on? You ok?" I push back enough to tilt my head to the side looking up at him. "Something going on with you're parents or...?" I stop, my eyes go wide and I gasp. "Oh, fuck, I'm such a bad friend. I didn't even ask you if your parents were coming back for Chrissy?... so, are they?" My voice squeaking by the end.

Laughing at my rushed out word vomit he starts to nod. "Yep, they are actually coming. They called me last night."

Wrapping my arms around his neck I give him a tight hug, both his hands splayed on my back. "YAY! I'm so glad." Leaning back. "Will you still spend it with the Anderson's or do your own thing."

"Na, we'll all get together... I'm really looking forward to it." Both of our smiles creep into full blown grins until I remember what he asked me last Sunday night.

"I'm sorry I won't get to meet them. Maybe next time they're in town? Or one day we could go on a road trip to visit them?"

His head tilts to the side, half smiling at me. "You... want to go on a road trip... with me?" His eyes darting back and forth, brows slightly narrowing.

"Yeah! Of course. We could go as a group, hire a van or probably just pile into Mica's car coz that things fucking massive, buy one of those tent thingies that latch onto the roof so we have more sleeping room. Huh, amazing." I sigh and let my head tilt back staring at the lights above us, imaging how much fun that would be.

"What?" I lift a brow when I bring my eyes back to him to see him gazing down at me.

"It's nice to hear you making plans for us."

"Hey, I'm just hoping I get two Summers of road tripping, back to back. Planting those seeds now with you all so when I bring it up next April, you're all like, 'fuck yes, let's go.'" I laugh.

"So sneaky." He gives me a crooked smile and I shrug, continuing to sway with his hands around me.

A few minutes later Paul comes and taps me on the shoulder. Smiling at his nervous face, I turn away from Elijah who keeps his hands around me.

"Hey, do you think we could do it now?" He's fidgeting with his hands but I'm so excited for him.

Bouncing out of Elijah's hold, I quietly giggle and nod. "I'll go tell Masey to put it on in two songs time, so go grab her and start dancing now." Ordering him.

Paul runs off to find Tara and I'm about to run off too, until Elijah pulls me back into him, hands spanning my waist he turns me. "Sooo, where you goin?"

"Walk and talk. C'mon." Taking his hand, we walk towards Mase and I fill Elijah in on the plan that Paul and I have been organising since he asked Tara to the dance. The poor boy is still yet to ask her to be his girlfriend but tonight's the night.

Elijah's nodding, eyebrows raised. "Go Paul, didn't think he had it in him to be honest."

I scoff. "Why? Because he's shier than you and Mica? I don't see either of you with girlfriends."

"Not from lack of trying." He mumbles, looking across the heads of everyone in the hall.

"Well, he has been trying and tonight he's finally doing it!" I sing and laugh. Walking up, I stand next to Mase on the stage, his eyes are following someone in the crowd. "Masey?" He glances towards me. "It's time. I've told Paul you'll play it in two songs time, that cool?"

"Yep, I've got it lined up."

"Thanks Masey, I appreciate it..." Dropping my voice because Elijah's still standing pretty close to me, my hand in his, which I realise I should probably let go, but anyway. "Who were you watching in the crowd just now." Whispering.

"No one." His face blank but a tinge of pink flourishes up past his high black collar.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I start to grin. "Which pretty girls caught your eye, mister?" His eyes flick to the crowd and I whip my head trying to follow his line of sight when a familiar face turns with big bright eyes and mousy brown hair.


"You know her!?" Surprise written all over his face.

"Oh, I know everyone." I mockingly chuff. "Well, not really, but yes I know her. Want an introduction?" Wiggling my brows, still leaning towards him.

The big bad brooding boy in black nodding shyly at me is adorable as fuck. Standing up straight I beam at him. "Get someone to cover you for like 10-15 and I'll introduce you both, yea?" Turning back to Elijah I'm practically skipping on the spot. "This is the best night ever!" I scream through clenched teeth as he laughs heartedly at me. 

Making our way off the stage but somewhere I can watch the love all unfold, Elijah places his hand on my hip and stands to my other side. Mica and his date, Jenna, come to join us and we start chatting until I hear Seaside_demo by SEB start blaring through the speakers.

Completely ignoring the conversation, my eyes dart around until I have a clear view of my two friends.

Paul takes Tara's hands in his and starts swaying in time with the music, moving their arms back and forth, mouthing the words.

'Hi, baby do you wanna be mine'

I hear Mica ask Elijah why I'm smiling like a crazy person but all he gets in response is a laugh. If they share any more words between them I'd have no idea, I'm solely focused on the two in front of me.

"yesyesyesyes." I'm fucking giddy, smacking Elijah's chest with the back of my hand.

Tara's got this love struck look about her but every now and then confusion flutters across her eyes.

Paul shuffles forward and places Tara's hands around his neck as he holds the side of her ribs.

I wanna pick you up
Picnics in the back of my pick up truck
Got drinks and movies and snacks for us
Kissing on ya neck like Dracula

And then he literally kisses her neck and her eyes go wide but she's fully smiling and giggling now. It's so cute that it's sickening. If anyone hated love, they'd be heaving by now.

Elijah takes hold of my slap happy hand and I squeeze, but then I turn slightly into him with my eyes still locked onto the two on the dancefloor and fist his shirt with excitement.

When the next verse starts with 'Hi, baby do you wanna be mine' Paul pulls back just enough so he can see Tara's happy face and and instead of singing 'mine' he sings "my girlfriend?" and just waits for her.

I don't see or hear what she says but I don't need to. Tara throws her arms around him, basically climbs him and they start making out on the dance floor. Letting go of Elijah I start jumping and clapping on the spot.

Feeling Elijah's hands softly holding my waist, I'm pulled back into him, hitting Elijah's warm front. I whip my head up to him, grinning from ear to ear, and come very close to swiping my lips across his. "Oh, sorry." I pull my head back.

"Don't be." His head dipped close to mine, hooded eyes locked onto my lips. "E...?" I go to pull away again but he gently strokes my jaw with his finger and as his thumb caresses my chin, I feel him reach my bottom lip, gently stroking it.

His hand on my hip squeezes softly, holding me to him. Ducking down, Elijah lips glide over the side of my face and he gives me a light kiss on my cheek. "That was really sweet of you to do that for your friends." Softly speaking into my ear.

Bringing his head back up, his eyes meet mine and the look he's giving me is one of fondness, maybe?  I'm not too sure but his green eyes are warm, his smile soft and his hold on me is anything but tight. It's comforting and safe. Just like when I fell asleep on him.

Always the feeling of safe when I'm with him. It's refreshing, like a calming spring breeze.

"I didn't do anything. Paul's the main man here."

"Yea, but I bet you cheered him on to finally go for it."

Shrugging I turn my head and smile at Paul and Tara who are slow dancing, holding each other, while every one around them grinds to a DOM DOLLA song Mase has blasting.

"I'm just happy they are finally together. It's been a while coming." Peering back up, his lips are pressed together and I notice his jaw clench.

"Anyway, want to grab some grub? I'm feeling snacky, more specifically, I want cake."

When Elijah let's Mica know we are heading for the sugary sweets he nearly pushes his own date out of the way to get there. He's such a child sometimes and I love him for that.

The rest of the night was so much fun. I had thrown off my heals just after we sat down to eat our slices of cake so when I danced a few songs with Taylor I had nothing to hold me back when we both went ape shit over Mase playing a few songs from some of our favourite Japanese artists. In particular, Unravel by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure.

Taylor and I belting out the Japanese lyrics leaving our friends gobsmacked that we knew them.

Introducing Mase and Sally was fucking adorable. Neither looked at each other longer than 3 seconds before blushing and averting their eyes while I tried to keep the conversation light and moving. Elijah not so subtly trying to hold in his laughter at the expense of Mase. He received a few elbow jabs to the ribs for that.

Ashley only sneered at me a few times this evening, otherwise her and Brad stayed pretty glued to each other, both on and off the dance floor. She did manage to lure Elijah into dancing with her at which point Brad asked me to dance but I thought he was joking so I laughed until I realised he, in fact, was not joking and proceeded to decline his offer. I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of him touching me. Once the song was done, Elijah promptly removed her hands from his shoulders, walked over to where I was talking with Dani and Christian, planted himself next to me and threw his arm around my waist.

I couldn't help but snicker at him. "Big boy a bit scared of the little blonde." Teasing him.

His eyes narrowed slightly but than his lips start to tilt up. "Pretty girl, you've met her. She wouldn't shut up about how long it took her to find the perfect dress." Giving me a knowing look. Dani and Christian laughing at Elijah. I laughed along with them but Elijah he still seemed off somehow, tense almost. I was going to ask him if anything else was annoying him but was immediately distracted by the little squeeze he gave me, sending tingles down my thigh.

By the time we've locked up it's 12am and I'm knackered, pulling my leopard print fur coat around me tighter when we step outside. These slits in my jumpsuit, that I was thankful for earlier when I got overheated dancing, were really not helping with the chilly situation outside right now.

Knowing the state we left the hall in, I feel bad that I can't help Dani tomorrow morning to help the cleaners clean up and pack up everything she needs to return back to the suppliers. I've packed some things for my holiday but tomorrow is my big organising day before catching the last Footy game in the arvo and get my butt back home to try and get to sleep before waking up at 4am to get to the airport. Dani was really sweet about it, reassuring me that she's already roped the cheer team to help her. Especially those who flaked out with setting up the party this week.

"Make sure you come find me before you leave the game tomorrow, otherwise I'm going to stalk you home and tackle you harder than these boys do on the field. It sucks you're not going to be at the last afterparty too."

"Aye, aye captain. I'm sure there will be more parties next year so no biggie." I give her a hug. "Christian, please let her sleep tonight. Ok, love you, Byeee." I jump away before Dani can hit me, hearing Christian chuckle.

"I could say the same to Elijah." She wiggles her brows, eyes flicking between us.

Laughing at her. "Yea, not gonna happen. Night, guys."

Turning towards Elijah, he throws his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into him attempting to keep me warmer. I'd like to say his efforts are helping but they really aren't. He has my duffle bag in his hand as he walks us towards his car.

"I've already started the car and put the heat on. It'll be nice a toasty in there for you." He smiles down at me.

"Thank you." Rubbing the tip of my nose with the sleeve of my coat trying to warm it up.

Letting me go, he opens the car door for me so I can hop in. Jogging around the back of the car, he throws my bag in the back seat before jumping in the drivers seat.

"You even have heated seats! I think I'm in love with your car." Running my hands on the leather.

"Of course you'd fall in love with the car before a guy..." He chuckles to himself as he pulls out of the carpark.

"Well they are more reliable." I tease. I may be tired but why give up a good quip when it was basically handed to you.

When Elijah parks in my driveway I'm drowsy and fantasising about my bed. "C'mon, I'll grab your bag and walk you to the door."

"You don't-"

"I want to." He's already out and shutting his door.

Once we're standing on my front porch, I dig around in the side pocket of the duffle bag that Elijah is still holding, grabbing the key to my house. I could just knock or ring the door bell but I don't want to wake Mum and Dad. They've also got a big day tomorrow.

Before opening the door, I peer up at Elijah. "Thank you for tonight. I had so much fun, I haven't danced that much in months. It felt good." Beaming at him.

Stepping closer to me he lifts his hand, moving a curl away from my face, his eyes following his movements. "You're welcome. I'm glad you had a good time. I, uh, I'm sorry if I was a bit clingy."

"A bit!" I chuckle, "You wouldn't even let me go to the bathroom by myself if I didn't have someone with me. What was up with that?"

Ruffling a hand through his messy dark hair, gazing at me with a smirk. "Yea, sorry. But I was just trying to make sure nothing happened to you and didn't want you to wor-"

"What do you mean, didn't want anything to happen to me?" My stomach skips.

"Yea, exactly, see nothing to worry about." Averting his eyes to the timber door behind me.

Narrowing my brows at him. "What aren't you telling me?"

Shaking his head, "Nothing. It's fine. I just wanted to protect you an-

"From what? Protect me from what?" My tone is light but my chest tightens. I had felt so safe tonight with my friends all around me. Did I have reason to worry?

"Leila, it's fine." He brushes a hand down my coat covered arm and I pull away from him. His brows pinching when I do.

"If there was something I should have been on the lookout for, you should've told me! If I was in any way not safe, you should have told me. I wouldn't have worried, I would have just been on alert!"

"I didn't want you to have to do either of those things. You looked so free tonight. The most relaxed I've ever seen you. Plus me, Mica, Christian and even Mase had your back so it was fine."

Jerking back. "So there was something wrong... Are you kidding me! You four take it upon yourself to play bodyguard's for the night." Huffing out a scoff. "Well, I guess I should be thanking you. No wonder you wouldn't let me out of your sight! Can't have the girl getting hurt on your watch, aye. That would look weak now wouldn't it."

I'm so fucking pissed!

A part of me thought he was staying close to me because he actually wanted to, not because he felt like he had an obligation to protect me from whatever it was that was a threat.

Grabbing the bag from his hands I turn and open the door, but before I walk through, I whip my head back around. "What the fuck were you 'protecting' me from anyway?"

He looks both angry and upset all at the same time. Jaw clenching along with his hands. "It doesn't matter."

Huffing out, "Fine, whatever." I turn to step through the doorway of my house but Elijah reaches out and gently turns me back to face him, my hand still holding the door handle.

"No, Pretty girl. Please." Stepping into me he drops his head closer to mine, I feel his hand running up and down my arm again.

"This was my first school dance since I was 15. 15, Elijah!" My throat constricts as I gulp, a sting piercing behind my eyes. "And you tell me now, at the end of the night, that my safe little bubble was fake and I was blind to it. I just won't go next time, especially if I know you'll all just keep me in the dark."

"I didn't mean to make you angry or upset, I was just looking out for you. Please don't push me away. Not again, not with you leaving me."

Rolling my eyes, my tone frustrated. "I'm not fucking leaving you. I'm going on holidays and be back in January!"

Something in his eyes flickers and his breathing picks up. "You are leaving and you're going to be around guys all fucking summer. Getting drunk and high and doing whatever the fuck you want. You don't think I'm not going out of my fucking mind already worrying about you. Worrying about you and other guys fu-"

Rearing back from him I bark out, "STOP!" Backing away from him out of his touch and narrow my eyes at him. "Firstly, you really think I would let myself loose like that without a contingency plan. That's partly why I'm annoyed you didn't tell me something was up tonight, I like to have an out if something happens, and when I'm back home in Australia, my girls and I look out for each other, always, no other options, full stop. Secondly, what I do or don't do with anyone is none of your business."

His eyes darting between my own, dropping to my lips. "Don't I know it."

Angry, defeated, frustrated, sad. So many emotions are running through me right now, I don't know which one to grab hold of.

My crush is standing in front of me telling me he's worried about me which, yea, totally sweet but he kept something important regarding my safety from me tonight and now he's telling me he thinks I'm going to jump on the first dick I find in Australia. Fuck him.

"You really think I'm just going to grab the first guy I see? Really? Thanks. Good to know what you really think about me. Night, Elijah, thanks for the ride home and the bodyguard services. You're dismissed." Turning quickly, I walk through the threshold, closing the door on him and just stop.

My lip starts trembling, eyes start to water, breathing begins to stammer as my chest quivers. Standing in the dark cold entryway, I try and sift through which reason I'm about to let my tears fall for but there's too many options and I hate every single one of them. All of them make my heart ache.

I hate that I apparently wasn't safe tonight when I truly thought I was. I hate that the boys took it on by themselves and kept it from me. What if something had happened and they had been hurt, I would have never forgiven myself for that. Plus, what were they even protecting me from anyway!? It's bloody frustrating not knowing that piece on information.

I especially hate that Elijah thinks I'm going to hop from guy to guy while in Australia. He asked me to not push him away and the next thing out of his mouth he's implying that I'm going to spend my holiday fucking any guy that I fancy.

Do I really give off that vibe? and even if I did, there's nothing wrong with that unless I'm actually someone's girlfriend. Kelly and Stacey have always been comfortable with taking guys to bed and I've never once thought "Really? Again?" it's just normal and also none of my fucking business.

The one time Stacey did have a boyfriend, she didn't even notice other guys around her. He was hers, she was his... until he cheated on her and we all went to town on his very expensive golf clubs that he would use in tournaments.

Either way, their body, their right. The end.

As far as I can tell, Elijah and the guys are like that too, so why did he look at me like I wasn't to be trusted, like I was about to do something disgusting against him.

It's not fucking fair!


What do you think? Should E have told L what Ashley had said?

Another long chapter. Do you prefer them or shorter ones?


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