TV Show Adventures I: Team Um...

By Cr3at1veWriter98

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When a mysterious villain uses a Magic Tool against Twilight and her friends, they are whisked away into an a... More

The Mysterious Villain
Picnic Surprise
The Ponies in Umi City
The Kite Festival
The Aquarium Fix-it


99 2 0
By Cr3at1veWriter98

“Carnival.” the narrator said.

“Or should I say, “The missing stuffed animal.” Pinkie said.

The narrator giggled.

“On with the show.” She said.

Milli shows up on screen along with Twilight, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

“Hi, it's me, Milli.” She said.

“And this is my best robot friend, Bot.”

Bot walks up and waves to the viewers.

“Hello, hello.” He said.

“I'm so glad you're here.” Milli said.

“We're playing with our favorite stuffed animals.”

Milli pulls out a stuffed zebra.

“This is my favorite stuffed animal. Zebra.”

Bot pulled out a stuffed elephant.

“This is Elephant. He's my favorite stuffed animal.” He said.

“And here are our stuffed animals.” Sweetie Belle said.

Sweetie Belle pulled out a stuffed penguin, Apple Bloom pulled out a stuffed pig, and Scootaloo pulled out a stuffed orca.

“This is Penguin.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“This is Pig.” Said Apple Bloom.

“And this is Orca.” Said Scootaloo.

Twilight pulled out her stuffed pony. She looked a little old, but she still loved it.

“This is Smarty Pants.” She said.

“I had since I was a filly.”

Milli talks to the viewers.

“What's you're favorite stuffed animal?” She asked.

“Oh, that's a great one.”

“Hey, has anyone seen Geo?” Asked Scootaloo.

“I don't know.” Twilight replied.

“I wonder where my brother, Geo, is…” Said Milli.

“He went to get his stuffed frog.” Bot said.

“That's his favorite stuffed animal.”

Geo appears in front of them without his stuffed animal.

“I can't find my frog anywhere.” He said.

“Don't worry, Geo. We'll help you look for him.” Said Bot.

Milli puts down Zebra and talks to the crusaders.

“Hey, you're great at finding things.” She said.

“Will you help us find Frog?”

“Sure!/Yes!/Absolutely!” the crusaders replied.

“Oh, good!” Said Milli.

“Thanks!” Said Geo.

“What does he look like?” Asked Scootaloo.

“Frog is green with yellow spots.” Geo replied.

“show 'em, Milli.”

“Okay.” Said Milli.

“Watch this. I can make any pattern with my dress. Pattern of, green with yellow spots!”

“Ooh, stylish.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“That's Frog's pattern.” Said Geo.

“Now let's all look for him. Do you see my frog?”

Apple Bloom looks up at a shelf, and she sees Frog.

“There's Frog!” She said.

“He's on that shelf.”

“There he is.” Geo said.

“You found him. Thanks!”

Then she Geo skated up to the shelf, and grabbed Frog.


“Way to go!” Cheered Scootaloo.

“Frog, we found you!” Geo said.

Then Geo skated to his bed, and put Frog on it.

“I'm gonna put you right here.”

Then suddenly, the dish on Bot's head spins.

Geo gasped.

“It's the Umi alarm. Gotta go, little buddy.

Geo skated to Milli, Bot, and the ponies.

“That sound means someone needs our help.” Said Bot.

Milli said, “When someone has a problem in Umi City, we fix it with our…”

“Mighty Math Powers!” the team and crusaders said together.

“We're Team Umizoomi!”

Bot said, “We can find out who needs our help right here on my belly belly…

“Belly screen!” The team finished.

Bot's screen turns on, and a boy appears.

“Team Umizoomi, it's me Jake, I really need your help.” The boy said.

“Hi, Jake. What's the problem?” Milli asked.

“I'm at the carnival with my class, and I lost my favorite stuffed animal, Bunny.” Jake replied as he showed a picture of his stuffed animal.

“Here's a picture of him. Team Umizoomi, can you help me find my bunny?”

“You can count on us, Jake. We'll find your bunny.” Milli replied.

“Thanks, Team Umizoomi.” Jake said.

Bot screen changes, and the stuffed animal picture appears.

“We need to find Bunny, and get him back to Jake. And we need your help.” Milli said.

“Will you help us find Jake's bunny?”

“Absolutely!/Sure!/ Yeah!” The crusaders replied.

The ponies' cutie marks started glowing.

“We will be coming along too.” Said Twilight.

“You will? Umi-riffic!” Milli said.

“Yes!” Said Geo.

“Yeah!” Said Bot.

“Now you're on Team Umizoomi, with us.” Milli said.

“We'll call you, Umi-friends.”

“Hello, Umi-friends.” Said Bot.

“Welcome to the team.” Said Geo.

“Let's get our Mighty Math Powers ready!” Said Milli.

“You got it!” Said Scootaloo.

[Musical number]

Milli: I'm Milli!
I can make any pattern with my dress
Pattern of butterflies! Pattern Power!

Geo: I'm Geo!
I can build anything with my shapes
Triangle! Oval! Super Shapes!

Bot: I'm Bot!
I can show you anything on my belly belly belly screen
Skyscraper! Taxi! Traffic lights!

Milli: Umi-friends! That's you!
You've got Mighty Math Powers too! Let's see your mighty Math Powers!
Count with me!  Start with five.

Milli and crusaders: five, four, three, two, one!

Team Umizoomi: You've got Mighty Math Powers!
Mighty, Mighty Math Powers!

Milli: you got 'em!

Team Umizoomi: You've got Mighty Math Powers
Team Umizoomi ready for action!

Crusaders: Yay!

(End Song here)

“Now our Mighty Math Powers are ready!” Said Scootaloo.

“Let's go find Jake's bunny.” Said Milli.

“Let's take the Umi-car to the carnival.” Geo said.

Team Umizoomi went to the tube that leads to a garage. They said their names as they went down the crusaders did the same.

“Milli!” Said Milli.

“Geo!” Said Geo.

“Bot!” Said Bot.

“Sweetie Belle!” Said Sweetie Belle.

“Apple Bloom!” Said Apple Bloom.

“Scootaloo!” Said Scootaloo.

They slid down the tube to the garage, and they went into the Umi-car.

“Okay, team, seatbelts on.” Bot said.

The team and crusaders put on their seatbelts.

“To make the Umi-car zoom really fast, say… Umizoomi!” Geo said.

“Okay.” Said the crusaders.

“Umizoomi!” They all said. And the Umi-car drove out of Fountain Headquarters, all the way to the carnival.

“To the carnival!” Said Bot.

As the Umi-car drove, Pinkie saw some posters of a carousel, and a ferris wheel.

“The carnival is right around the corner.” Pinkie said.

The gang drove through the entrance.

“Woah! Look, It's the carnival.” Said Geo.

“That looks like fun!” Said Pinkie, excitedly.

The others looked at the carnival in awe. The crusaders never seen anything like that before.

“Look at all the cool rides.” Said Geo.

“And Umi-riffic games.” Said Milli.

“And yummy treats.” Said Bot.

The Umi-car stopped at a ticket booth, and the gang jumped out.

“Okay, team, we need to find Bunny and get him back to Jake.” Milli said.

“Milli, where should we look first?” Asked Geo.

“This place is gigantic.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“To find Bunny, we have to check all the places Jake went at the carnival.” Milli explained.

“Let's call Jake to find out where he went.”

Bot said, “We can call him right here on my belly belly…”

“Belly screen!” the team said together.

Bot's screen turns on, and Jake appears.

“Hi, Team Umizoomi.” He said.

“Jake, where did you and Bunny go first at the carnival?” Asked Milli.

“Bird Show.” Jake replied.

“Bunny and I met a bird at the Bird Show.”

“Okay. We'll start looking for Bunny at the Bird Show.” Milli said.

“Do you remember which bird you fed?”

“Hmm… yeah, I do remember.” Jake said.

“It was a green bird on a stand shaped like a triangle. Oh, and the bird had 4 yellow feathers.”

“Thanks, Jake.” Said Milli.

Bot's screen turns off.

“Okay, Team, to the Bird Show!” Milli said.

“We can't see the Bird Show from down here. We need to get way up high, so we can see the whole carnival.”

“How do we do that?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

“I got it!” Geo said.

“Let's get up to the top of that ticket booth! We can use our bouncy shoes!”

“Great idea, Geo.” Said Milli.

“I didn't know you have bouncy shoes.” Pinkie said.

“Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, carry me and the others up there.” Applejack said.

“Bouncy Shoes on!” Team Umizoomi said together as springs appear on the bottom of their feet.

“One, two, three, bounce!”

Team Umizoomi bounced up to the top of the ticket booth, and the ponies carried the others as they flew up. They can see the whole carnival.

“Look! Now we can see the whole carnival.” Said Geo.

“To find the Bird Show, we need to find the birds.”

“Umi-friends, we need your help to find the birds.” Milli said.

“When you see the birds, say birds.”

The ponies looked around the carnival until they saw the birds.

“Birds!” Said Apple Bloom.

“Birds! You found them.” Said Milli.

“Thanks, Umi-friends.”

“You're welcome.” Scootaloo replied.

“Come on, Everyone. To the Bird Show!” Said Geo as he skated to a balloon and floated to the Bird Show.

“Grab on!”

The others followed him and the crusaders enjoyed the fun along the way. They fly over to the popcorn machine.

“Popcorn! Get your popcorn here!” Said an announcer.

The gang fell into the machine and they landed in a giant pile of popcorn.

“Whee!” Said the gang.

“This is fun!” Said Apple Bloom.

“It sure is!” Said Pinkie.

The gang swam down into the popcorn and out of the machine. Bot and Apple Bloom each picked up a piece of popcorn, added salt, and they ate it.

“Mmm, delicious.” Said Bot.

“Yummy.” Said Apple Bloom.

Then the gang hopped onto apples floating in buckets of water, and they jumped into a game. It was fish squirting targets. The gang jumped over the squirting water. The ponies didn't mind if they got wet, it was so much fun.

“Watch the water!” Milli said.


Geo followed his sister.

“Whee!” He said.

Bot followed the others.

“Don't get my circuits wet.” He said.

Then the gang ran past a beanbag game with animal's mouths open.

“Toss the beanbag in the mouth and win a prize!” Said another announcer.

Sweetie Belle tosses a beanbag into a cat's mouth.

“We have a winner!” The announcer said.

“Yay!” Said Sweetie Belle.

Soon, the gang arrived at the Bird Show.

“We made it to the Bird Show, team!” Said Geo.

“Wow, look at all those birds.”

“They're so pretty.” Said Fluttershy.

“Let's see how many there are all together.” Said Milli.

“Umi-friends, count the birds with me.”

“Sure, Milli.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.” Milli and the crusaders counted.

“Nine birds all together.” Said Milli.

“Now we need to figure out which one of those birds Jake fed.”

“I remember, Jake said, the bird he fed was green.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“That's right, Sweetie Belle.” Said Rarity.

“Umi-friends, let's see how many of these birds are green.” Milli said.

“Count the green birds with me.”

“Okay.” Said the crusaders.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5.” Milli and the crusaders counted.

“Five.” Said Milli.

“There are five green birds.”

The yellow birds flew away.

“Thanks Umi-friends. One of these five birds must be the bird we're looking for.” Milli said.

“Jake also said, the bird he fed was on a stand shaped like a triangle. Umi-friends, let's look at those stands. How many are triangles?”

“3.” Said Pinkie.

“Yeah, 3.” Said Milli.

“1, 2, 3.”

Two of the green birds flew away.

“One of those three birds must be the bird we're looking for.” Milli said.

“We've almost figure it out.” Said Bot.

“Remember, Jake also said, that the bird he fed had 4 yellow feathers.” Milli said.

Milli bounces up, and lands by the birds.

“Umi-friends, which bird has 4 yellow feathers?” She asked.

The ponies looked at the bird with 4 yellow feathers standing by the other birds.

“The one in the middle.” Said Fluttershy.

“That one.” Said Milli, pointing at the bird in the middle.

“The one in the middle. We found the bird that Jake fed. Good work, Umi-friends.”

“Thanks.” Said Scootaloo.

Bot and Geo bounce up, and landed next to Milli.

“Let's find out if that bird has seen Jake's bunny.” Said Geo.

Milli talked to the bird.

“Mr. Bird! Mr. Bird! Have you seen this bunny?” She asked as bot showed a picture of Bunny on Bot's screen.

“Why, yes.” The bird replied.

“I know that bunny anywhere. He was with the nice boy who fed me.”

“Where did they go after that?” Asked Twilight?

“They went to the merry-go-round to ride the purple horse.” The bird replied.

“Now we know that Jake didn't lose his bunny at Bird Show.” Said Milli.

“Nope.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“So now we have to check the next place he went.” Said Bot.

“The merry-go-round.”

Geo turned to the bird.

“Uh, Mr. Bird, how do we get to the merry-go-round?” He asked.

“It's in that direction.” The bird said, as he pointed to the right.

“Thank you, Mr. Bird.” Said Fluttershy.

“Good-bye!” Said Sweetie Belle.

The gang bounced down, and headed to the right.

“We have to get to the merry-go-round.” Said Milli.

“It's way over there.”

“That sure is far when we are tiny.” Said Applejack.

“This is going to be tricky.” Said Rarity.

“I know how we can get there.” Said Bot.

“You do?” Asked Sweetie Belle.


“Follow me.” Said Bot.

“I think I feel a song coming on!” Said Pinkie.

[Musical number]

Bot: (speaking) We can go…

Team Umizoomi: Over, under, Ar-ou-ou-nd and through!
So many ways of getting there, it's up to you!

Milli: (Speaking) Let's go over!

Geo: (Speaking) Let's go under!

Bot: (Speaking) Let's go around!

Team Umizoomi: Let's go through!

Team Umizoomi and ponies: Over, under, Ar-ou-ou-nd and through!
We've got there together and so can you!

(End song here)

The gang started to eat the cotton candy they went through off of themselves.

“Mmm, cotton candy.” Said Geo.

“Oh, delicious.” Said Milli.

“This is sugar-iffic.” Said Pinkie.

The gang ran to the merry-go-round.

“Here we are at the merry-go-round.” Said Milli.

“Wow! Look at all the colorful horses going round and round.” Said Bot.

“This is making me dizzy.” Pinkie giggled.

“The bird said, that Jake and Bunny rode the purple horse.” Geo said.

“We got to find that purple horse, and ask if she's seen Bunny. Do you see a purple horse?”

Horses go by, and Sweetie Belle sees the purple horse.

“There's the purple horse! Right there!” She said.

“Yeah! The purple horse! There she is!” Said Geo.

Geo jumps on the railing of the merry-go-round, the purple horse goes by.

“Hello, excuse me, I need to ask you a qes-” Geo started, but the purple horse kept going.

Geo waits, and the purple horse goes by him again.

“Have you seen a bu- purple horse!” Geo called.

“That horse is moving too fast for us to talk to her.”

The purple horse goes by him again.

“Woah! Purple Horse stop!” Geo called.

“We need to ask you about Jake's lost bunny!”

“Sorry!” The purple horse called back.

“Can't stop. Wish I could!”

Geo skates back to Milli, Bot, and the others.

“We gotta stop… that merry-go-round… so we can talk to that purple horse.” Geo said, panting.

“Purple Horse, how do you stop this thing?”

“The controls are in a box shaped like a rectangle.” the purple horse replied.

Nearby, locks hang on 3 box shapes.

“Umi-friends, which box is shaped like a rectangle?” Asked Geo.

“That one!” the crusaders said, pointing to a shape with 4 sides.

“You found it! Great job!” Geo said.

“Let's go!”

Geo tugs on the box, but it doesn't open.

“Uh-oh, the control box is locked.” He said.

“Milli, come look.”

The lock has horse pictures on it.

“Umi-friends, look.” Milli said.

“The horses are in a pattern. To open the control box, we need to figure out what goes here. The pattern goes, yellow horse, blue horse, yellow horse, blue horse, yellow horse… what comes next?”

“Blue horse!” Said Rainbow Dash.

“A blue horse.” Said Milli

The lock opens.

“Excellent. Way to go!” Said Milli.

“Yeah!” Bot cheered.

“You finished the pattern, and opened the control box. *Gasp* the lock button is right there, but it's locked behind that cage. Umi-friend, those numbers are in a pattern too.” Milli said.

“We need to finish pattern to get to the stop button. The pattern goes, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5… what number comes next?”

“7!” the crusaders replied.

“7.” Said Milli.

“Way to go, Umi-friends.”

The cage goes up.

“The stop button. I'll push it.” Geo said as he jumped up to push the stop button.

The merry-go-round starts to slow to a stop.

“Look! We stopped the merry-go-round.” Geo said.

“Come on!” Said Milli.

“Let's go talk to the purple horse and find out if she's seen Jake's bunny.”

Team Umizoomi and the others bounced up to the railing to talk to the purple horse.

“Well, hello there.” Said the purple horse.

“Hello./Hey!/Hello.” Team Umizoomi said.

“We're looking for this bunny.” Geo said as Bot showed a picture of Bunny on his screen.

“Have you seen it?”

“Oh yes.” The purple horse replied.

“I remember seeing that bunny with a boy. I gave them a ride, and then they went to the ferris wheel together.”

“Thank you, Purple Horse.” Said Geo.

“Oh, I do hope you find that bunny.” the purple horse replied.

“Don't worry, Purple Horse. We'll find him.” Geo said.

“Thanks.” Said Milli.

“Thanks for your help.” Said Bot.

The gang bounced down off the railing and they started to run to find the ferris wheel.

“So now we know that Jake didn't lose his bunny at the merry-go-round.” Milli said.

“*Gasp* I bet he lost his bunny when he went…”

“To the ferris wheel!” The others said together.

Suddenly, the dish on Bot's head started to spin.

“Oh!” He said.

“I'm getting a call right here on my belly belly…”

“Belly screen!” The others said together.

It's Jake.

“Team Umizoomi, have you found Bunny yet?” He asked.

“We think he's on the ferris wheel. And we're heading there now.” Milli replied.

“Please hurry.” Jake said.

“I'm with my class, and we're leaving really soon. Team Umizoomi, I can't go without Bunny.”

“We're not gonna let that happen, Jake.” Said Milli.

“We'll find your bunny before you leave the carnival.”

“Team Umizoomi is on the job!” Team Umizoomi said together.

“You said it!” Said the crusaders.

Bot's screen turns off.

“Now let's look for that ferris wheel.” Said Bot.

“We're right behind you.” Said Twilight.

Milli, Geo, Bot, and the ponies run through the carnival to look for the ferris wheel.

Just then, Geo and Scootaloo stopped, and they looked up.

“Hey, Bot?” Geo asked.

“Does the ferris wheel look like a really, really, really big circle?”

“Oh, yes. It does.” Bot replied.

“I think we found it!” Scootaloo said.

“Super circumference, you certainly did, Geo!” Said Bot.

“Bunny must be inside one of the ferris wheel cars.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“Umi-friends, we need you to put on your Umi-Goggles, so you can look for Bunny.” Milli said.

“To put on your Umi-Goggles, hold up to your eyes like this.”

The ponies copied Team Umizoomi, and they put their hooves up to their eyes, like eye glasses.

“Umi-Goggles on!” Team Umizoomi and the crusaders said together.

“Now we can see inside the cars.” Said Milli.

“When you see Bunny, yell Bunny!”

The ponies kept looking into the ferris wheel cars, until they saw Bunny.

“Bunny!” Yelled the ponies.

“Bunny!” Team Umizoomi said.

“You found Bunny!” Said Milli.

“But look! He's stuck way up there at the tippy top of the ferris wheel.”

“That is high.” Said Pinkie.

“How are we going to get him down?” Asked Apple Bloom.

“Umi-friends, I know how we can get Bunny down.” Said Geo.

“How?” Asked Scootaloo.

“We can build an airplane with my shapes. Then we can fly to the top of the ferris wheel and get Bunny.” Geo replied.

“Let's do it. You figure out what shapes are on my blueprint, and then I'll make them with my shape belt.”

“Okey dokey.” Said Scootaloo.

“What shape goes here?” Geo asked pointing to the bottom of the airplane.

“Triangle!” Said Apple Bloom.

“A triangle!” Geo said as he puts a triangle on the bottom of the airplane.

“What shapes go here?” He asked, pointing to the wings of the airplane.

“Rectangles!” Said Scootaloo.

“Rectangles!” Geo said as he puts 2 rectangles on the wings.

“What shape goes here?” He asked, pointing to the middle of the airplane.

“An oval!” Said Sweetie Belle.

“An oval!” Geo said as he puts an oval in the middle of the airplane.

“To help me turn these shapes into a super airplane, sing Super Shapes!

“Okay.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“Super Shapes!” The crusaders and Geo sang.

The shapes turned into a super airplane.

“Umi-friends, look what we built together, a super airplane!” Geo said.

“So cool!” Said Scootaloo.

“Your great builders Umi-friends.” Said Geo.

“Thanks, Geo.” Said Scootaloo.

“Way to go!” Said Bot.

“Amazing airplane!” Said Milli.

“Come on! Let's go get that bunny!” Said Geo as he jumped into the airplane.

The others followed him, and the ones with wings got ready.

“To make this airplane zoom really fast, say Umizoomi!” Geo said.

“Okay.” Said Scootaloo.

“Umizoomi!” the team and crusaders said together.

The airplane started to fly to the tippy top of the ferris wheel.

“Up, up, up to the top of the ferris wheel!” Said Milli.

“Let's go get that bunny.”

The airplane got close to Bunny.

“Hey, how are we gonna get Bunny into the plane?” Asked Geo.

“I can use my extendo arms!” Said Bot.

“Go for it, Bot!” The team said.

“Arms extendo!” Bot said as he stretches his arms to grab Bunny.

“I've got ya, Bunny!”

“Yay, Bot!” The others said.

“Now let's get this bunny back where he belongs. With Jake.” Said Milli.

The airplane flew all the way to the parking lot.

“Look, there's Jake!” Said Rainbow Dash.

“He's heading to the school bus.”

“We have to get Bunny back to him now.” Said Fluttershy.

“I'll make a little bunny sized parachute.” Said Bot as he makes the parachute.

“There! Now we can fly the plane right over Jake, drop Bunny, and he'll float down into Jake's arms.”

“That's an awesome plan.” Said Geo.

“Umi-friends, I need you to tell me when to drop Bunny.” Bot said.

“When our plane is right over Jake, yell Drop Bunny!”

The plane got closer to Jake.

“Drop Bunny!” Yelled the ponies.

“Drop Bunny!” Team Umizoomi said together.

Bot dropped Bunny, and he started to float down to Jake.

“Jake, look up!” Called the others.

Jake looked up, and he saw Bunny.

“Bunny!” Jake said, happily.

He jumped and grabbed Bunny, and he hugs him.

“I missed you so much. You found my bunny. Thanks, Team Umizoomi!”

“No problem, Jake!” Milli called.

“We're so glad we got you and your bunny back together again!”

“And don't forget us!” Called Pinkie.

“Bye!” Jake called. Then he walked to the school bus.

“Come on, Bunny. Let's go home.”

“Umi-friends, thanks for helping us get Bunny back to Jake.” Said Milli.

“We made him so happy.” Said Geo.

“That is one happy boy.” Said Pinkie.

The dish on Bot's head turns into a disco ball.

“I feel a celebration coming on!” He exclaimed.

“PARTY TIME!” Pinkie exclaimed.

[Musical number]

Team Umizoomi: Two, four, six, eight

Let's do the Umi Shake!

Shake your hands high and low

Let's Go!

Shake your hands high!

To the sky!

Up High!

Shake your hands low!

To your toes

Down low!

Up High!

Down low!

Team Umizoomi: Two, four, six, eight

Everybody crazy shake!

Milli: Ah!!! Crazy shake with us!

Bot: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Geo: I'm shaking like craaaaaazy

Team Umizoomi and crusaders: Team Umizoomi!, Way to go!

(End song here)

“Umi-friends, you're mighty good at math.” Said Milli.

“We're so glad you're on our team.”

The ponies' cutie marks started to glow.

“You are welcome, Milli.” Said Sweetie Belle.

“And our fun adventure is complete.” Said Scootaloo.

“We love the carnival.” Said Apple Bloom.

Ariana Labastida: Well, that was a fun chapter. 3 down 74 to go. Comment down below what you liked about this chapter, and I will keep working on the rest of the chapters. Thank you, and enjoy!

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