Unavoidable Affection (Naruto...

Oleh firooz

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It was a miracle. Only a miracle could be what brought Amarante Ikeda back to health when she was deathly ill... Lebih Banyak

Unavoidable Affection (Naruto Fanfic) (Itachi Romance)
Chapter 2-The Team
Chapter 3- An Unexpected Visit From The Girlfriend......Joy
Chapter 4- Itachi becomes an ANBU captain! Let's celebrate!
Chapter 5- SASUKE!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6-A Mission! But SOMEONE Ruins it!
Chapter 7-A Fight, A Warning, And A Lecture. Boy, What An Eventful Day!
Chapter 8- Believe It!
Chapter 9- He's D-D-.......The D Word?
Chapter 10- The One Day He Wasn't Here This Happens!
Chapter 11 - The Uchiha Massacre......
Chapter 12 - In The Snake's Den!
Chapter 13 - Ew......Kabuto >¡<
Chapter 14 - Finally Reunited! But Not The Way I'd Hoped....
Chapter 15 - It's A Girl.......Guy........Person....?
Chapter 16 - Me + Suspicious Red Head = Trouble!
Chapter 17 - The Truth
Chapter 18 - The Bipolar Wonder Known As Tobi
Chapter 20 - Until We Meet Again

Chapter 19 - Crazy Old Fortune-Telling Lady!

3.2K 105 27
Oleh firooz

Dedicated to eso0402! Really nice girl, everyone should go talk to her!

It's been six months...wow. I have no excuses. Really, I was going to just give up on this story but someone reminded me how I should finish this story. Whether I get feedback or not, I'm going to finish this story. Finish it fast. I already know all the new chapters I plan on writing along with the skits.

I just can't be on anymore. I'm in eighth grade now and my grades matter this time. Last year, when I was constantly on Wattpad, I got a few A's and C's and mostly B's.....this year, while I was hardly on, I got a high honor roll. That's pretty big for me, seeing how I usually do pretty bad every year. I'm now trying to balance everything out. At first I was just doing homework (still not studying this year xP) and drawing but I realized I had to be more committed to my fans.

There are....2 or 3 chapters left? I'm not even sure yet.

Oh, follow me on twitter if you wanna talk and stuff! I'm FiroozKilljoy!

Japanese words used in this chapter:

Chotto matte - Wait a second (I don't know if it's spelt right, sorry!)

Hanashiteyo - let go

Kuso - shit


"Oh Kami..." I clamped a hand over my mouth to prevent myself from laughing but small muffled giggles escaped.

Itachi blinked obliviously, fingers curling around the hem of his shirt as he looked over it. "What?"

What? Well, now that we've escaped from the Akatsuki, we have to dress as modern people. Itachi may be a genius but he has no fashion sense whatsoever. I had given him an oversized floral green shirt with pink flowers and yellow shorts. It looked absolutely ridiculous on him! It hung off one of his shoulders and bagged around his elbows. He had to roll it a few times so his hands would be visible underneath. He looked like a little kid who stumbled on his fat colorblind uncle's clothes.

This time I laughed freely. "It was just a joke, I didn't think you'd actually wear it!" I saw a slight smile form at his lips at the sight of mine. "Are you going blind or something?" I joked, still smiling. He immediately dropped his smile and something in his eyes changed. I tried checking his emotions but he was concealing them again.

"Here's your real clothes." I said, handing him an elbow length grey shirt and black capris. My smile was gone too; I had dampened the mood. I guess blindness is a touchy subject for him. Wonder why?

As for me, I wore a plain pink kimono. It looked nice along with my green hair. We're heading to the Village of Fire. With our reputations it didn't sound like a good dissimulation but we plan on blending in. We're going to hide our chakra and lose our weapon pouches. Of coarse, for protection, we're carrying scrolls to summon them and hiding a couple of senbons where no one would look. Hopefully with the change of attire we'd blend right in.

That actually was the only hard part. It's smooth sailing from there. Once we get in there we're both going to learn what it's like having a village protect US instead of the other way around. Itachi and I are going from ninjas to villagers who can live with calm easy lives at that point. No more taking orders from anyone, no more fearing what would happen to us, just a serene life style. We're even going to change our names and and stay under everyone's radar so the Akatsuki wouldn't find us.

"It's time." Itachi announced, returning from our small temporary tent in new clothing that actually fit him. I winced and my hand shot up to stroke my hair.

My long green hair was much too noticeable. It was impossible to dye it but I'm able to cut it. Not that I want to.

Itachi noticed my hesitation. "Should I do it for you?" I bit my lip and nodded my head in a jerky motion. He snatched a kunai knife from our travel backpack and came towards me. I whined as I ran my fingers through my hair a few times. I hated the color but I did like having long hair. It was soft and silky and it's just a girl thing - we don't like having our hair cut when it looks nice already.

His warm hand landed on my shoulder to steady me and his other hand combed all of my hair to my back. I shut my eyes tight and gripped the wrist of the hand on my shoulder. In my other hand my nails were digging deep into my palm, possibly drawing blood. I heard a small "swoosh" sound and something light fall down at my feet. My hand instantly shot up to my hair and I grounded my teeth together. It use to reach my butt. Now it doesn't even go past my shoulders! He styled it for a minute then withdrew from me.

"It looks good." he promised, inspected my new probably hideous look.

"Of coarse you would say that, you're the one who cut it!" I whined, fingers tracing what was left of my hair. I went over to the lake we had camped next to and stared at my reflection.

I guess it's not too bad..... It was past my ears, curling at my chin. I looked very different now, which was the goal. Hopefully I'll get use to it soon....I doubt it though.

My eyes flickered down to the pile of hair around my feet and I winced at how dead it looked.

"Well," a devious smirk creeped up on my face. "I guess it's your turn." I twirled the kunai knife around my finger. I love Itachi's hair but it's payback time!

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm not getting my hair cut."

The kunai froze on my finger and I frowned. "You said we both have to cut our hair!"

He nodded. "That was just to get you to cut yours. I have a much worse reputation than you, people from every village will recognize me in a heartbeat no matter what I do with my hair. You're simply a rouge, small alterations would throw people off."

I gaped at him, hands balling into fists. "You dirty liar!" I aimed a punch at his chest but he easily caught it and pulled me into a kiss.

Yeah, you heard me. Kiss. He doesn't call me his girlfriend or anything but we're a couple. I swear, the only reason I haven't pummeled him yet is because he's my boyfriend.

He pulled away. "We don't have time to waste. We need to put as much distance as possible between us and the Akatsuki. They still might be able to find us."

I pouted but nodded, grabbing the travel backpack and slinging it onto my back.

He did a series of hand signs and transformed. Now he was an inch shorter with yellow eyes and brown shaggy hair. He looked like your average Joe now. Hopefully nobody would be able to tell he's a former serial killer.

Oh, I would much rather cut my hair than maintain a henge for years! Yes, doing a transformation is easy, but holding it for that long? That requires a lot of concentration which I totally lack! Knowing Itachi it's probably not even a sweat. Stupid prodigy!

We traveled for about an hour before stumbling on a small city. (Yes, this is a time skip xP)

"Okay, let's go walk around there for a few minutes and see if anyone recognizes us." I suggested. We were both perched on top of a tree next to the entrance. There was a fence too tall to simply climb over but any ninja could focus chakra to their feet and walk over. This village doesn't seem to have any precautions for ninjas! There were only a couple of people guarding the front entrance but hardly any border patrols. There wasn't even a watchtower! Wow, I didn't know villagers could be this non-secure.

"There's a chance the Leaf Village gave a description of you to the entrance guards. We better sneak in rather than risk the chance of getting caught. The Akatsuki would know if it was us if I killed them." Itachi looked just like he use to when he was planning our missions.

A strange sense of nostalgia hit me. I really do miss going on missions with him; Being a team, relying on each other. During our last mission I had no idea it was the end of all that. If I did I would've savored it more. This is our last mission now.

But it wasn't exactly a mission. During our missions we had to use any means necessary to achieve our objectives. That includes cold blooded killing. But that was only because it was for the sake of the village. But for our selfish reasons, that's completely different.

"Hey." I touched his shoulder softly. "No ones going to die for our cause. If we're caught we don't kill anyone, okay?"

Itachi tore his eyes away from the village to look at me. It processed for a second and then he nodded. "Fine."

We examined the area's perimeter for unguarded areas. It was a very small city so I guess they weren't too wary for intruders.

We easily entered through the park that was connected with the forest. It was the afternoon and many children were out playing. No adults were even there to keep an eye on them! This village must have a safe reputation.

A few kids glanced at us but didn't look like they knew us. The adults were going to be the more difficult part.

I hesitantly reached over and grabbed Itachi's hand, intertwining our fingers. His transformation's hand had shorter fingers and nails but the knowing it was Itachi's hand made up for it.

I grinned as we strolled down the streets, not even bothering to attempt talking over the buzz of the villagers talking. This was nice. It's my first time taking a walk while holding hands with my boyfriend. Of coarse he had a completely different face and there was nothing romantic about it but I'll take what I get! I tried to look casual and normal but I couldn't help the stiffness of my shoulders.


We didn't hear it at first. After all, everyone in this village knew each other and paid no attention to us. But as the voice got louder and a presence holding chakra approached us, we knew exactly who this person was after. Us.

Something flashed in Itachi's eyes. The same look I remember seeing when he was about to kill someone during one of our missions. My grip tightened around his hand and I shot him a warning look.

I discreetly looked over my shoulder to find an old short woman shoving her way through a crowd, eyes on us. My shoulders sagged and I echoed with relief. "It's fine. It's just an old lady."

But I still felt unease coming from him. She can't recognize us though! I mean, she's old, her eyesight must suck!

She threw herself in front of us and grabbed each of our hands. "You two...." I checked her emotions for suspicion.

What?!? It didn't work! She had an emotion shield up! No ordinary villager can be able to do that! ......We're screwed!

"You two...are soul mates!" I blinked, looking down at her. She'd probably be my height but her back was hunched. She wore a purple kimono with green sequins and jewels. There was a jewel on her forehead over her purple eyes. Her age was evident from the wrinkles scattered all across her face. They were especially prominent around her eyes and mouth, suggesting she smiled and laughed a lot. She appeared friendly. But then why did she have chakra and an emotion shield? She wasn't an ordinary villager.....

"Please, allow me to read your palms!" Without even waiting for our answers she practically dragged us to her shop.

Itachi shot me a this-is-too-risky look but I merely shrugged. I was curious about what exactly she wanted to say.

My eyes lit up when we entered the room. I've never seen anything like this! It was bright and sunny outside but dark and ominous here. Thick royal purple shades hung over the windows, giving the room a purplish glow. Round lamps hung above me, thin black paper wrapped over it so it radiated black light. A shudder rippled down my spine at the sight of a slender skeleton hanging in the corner. It had no eyes but seemed to be staring at me. A brown closet that looked like it would give way at the mere touch had dusty shelves filled with jars. It may be my eyes playing tricks on me but I could've sworn there was an eyeball in one of them. It looked like a small modest shop on the corner but once you go inside its a large extravagant new world!

The old woman made her way behind a desk and clasped her gnarled hands onto a shiny translucent ball. Her eyes fluttered closed for a minute then opened. "Come, sit."

Itachi's eyes scanned the room. No, he wasn't admiring the decor, he was searching for potential weapons and escape routes. That man is too cautious for his own good.

Tugging his hand, I guided him to her and we both sat on separate green plush chairs. I grinned at him, trying to make him relax. If she really knew our identities she would never allow us into her shop alone.

Without asking for permission she took hold of my hand and squeezed it so hard she nearly cut off my circulation. Her other went towards a glass ball on the table. It looked authentic with the eroding wood on the bottom. The wood was shaped as an extremely detailed gnarled hand gripping the fragile glass ball.

Her pale wrinkled hand gripped it so tightly her knuckles reached an even paler shade of white. The dormant white dust began to swirl, powder spinning around gracefully and the flurries of lurid colors swam around repetitively. I watched with my eyes wide and jaw unhinged, mesmerized. Even if it was fake and apart of some sham meant to waste people's money, it was beautiful. Magical.

The colorful sand-like powder suddenly froze into a pool of green - the exact color of my hair - and the swirls were reduced to occasional ripples. "Hm....interesting. You're unaware of it, but you're loved by many. You've certainly been through a lot, especially for one specific person." Her purple eyes flickered to Itachi. "I see a bright future ahead of you."

A grin grew across my face and I bit back a squeal. This confirms it, our plan will be a success! I mean, if she knew about the Itachi thing, then she must really be a physic. I'm not a skeptic - after all, if I could see the future then I know it's not impossible for someone else to be able to. But the advantage with her fortunetelling is she can choose what to find; my predictions are uncontrollable.

My unoccupied hand grabbed Itachi's, holding it tightly. A faint smile formed on his face too.

"Not the future you expected." She continued, cutting off my mental happy dance. "Not exactly what you wanted. It's...it's bright...promising...for your own good, but I can't guarantee your happiness." She paused, reading my confusion. "You see, my Kekkai Genkai allows me to see into the future. I can see the future but not emotions. Emotions are tricky little things, fragile and easy to sway, no one can predict how one would feel."

"Not what I expected? What's going to happen?" I inquired frantically. After everything I've gone through I can't handle surprises anymore. That whole dance that flew around the glass ball flew around my stomach.

"I'd tell you Deary but...." She looked down sadly. "If I do, it'd change your whole future. There's nothing to fear, you'll be in no harm."

I yanked Itachi's hand to hers. My safety isn't what I'm concerned with right now! "Then whats his future?!?"

She frowned but took his hand. I was sensing some hesitance from Itachi which didn't ease my anxiousness. Was he hiding something from me?

The moment she released my hand the dust turned white again but once she held Itachi's hand they were back to fluorescent colors rushing around the ball. They then stopped at a crimson color. Same color as his Sharingan....

She sighed and let go of his hand. "Your future will turn out exactly how you hoped it would happen."

I let out a sigh of relief and slumped back in my chair. So our future won't turn out exactly how we planned but will go as we hoped! But she's made me really curious, what's this surprise she talked about?

An orange swirled mask popped into the back of my head. He was very stern about the avoid-Itachi thing....What if it had something to do with him? I really don't like that guy! He makes me feel so uneasy. I wish I knew if we'd have another encounter...

And what if Itachi had something up his sleeve? He's truly believes that I'm better off without him in my life. Just to be sure, I should check. Who's it going to hurt? I can try and find it out myself....when I get the chance I'll try it!

Itachi pulled out some money and handed it to her. "Thank you."

She gave us a knowing smile. "My pleasure sweethearts." She winked. "But I suggest you stay out of the public eye. Wouldn't want you two to get caught!" She laughed when I stiffened. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me!"

The minute we left the shop I held Itachi's hand and started swinging our joined hands jubilantly. I feel much better after hearing that!

"Chotto matte, I have to go to the bathroom!" I excused myself as a restroom entered my vision. Not really, I just wanted some privacy so I could finally try and draw my future.

I opened the door and nearly fainted. It smells horrible in there! Ewwwww public bathrooms are so disgusting! Theres no way I'm going in there!

For my own wellbeing, I hid behind it where it didn't smell so throw-up-y. Itachi doesn't know about it but I've been keeping a notepad and pencil in my kuani pouch this whole time. I feel guilty for not telling him but it's my only way of being a step ahead of him. He already knows about my ability (I told him earlier, only now do I regret it) After what he did earlier with Sasuke I just can't trust him. He's too selfless!

Faded images left as quickly as they appeared, about ten at a time. Every time I tried to freeze an image in my head I was hit by a sharp pain in my head. I have no way of knowing or deciding what I'm predicting, I can only hope it has something to do with Itachi or I.

Before my eyes had a chance to open I felt the paper being ripped out of my hands. My eyes snapped open and I leaped to my feet. There Itachi was, the piece of paper I was working on earlier crumbled on a ball in his fist. He stood very close to me, close enough for me to be able to snatch it from him, but I didn't. The look on his face was enough to glue me to where I stood.

"Oi! Why'd you do that?!?" I protested angrily, narrowed eyes trying to intimidate him.

He was completely unaffected by my glare. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What do you think YOU'RE doing!" I retorted. He was completely calm while I was the total opposite. Nothing shows guilt better than that.

"Marty-Chan, you need to trust me." I softened a bit at the use of my nickname. He grabbed my wrist gently, causing me to loosen my grip on my pencil.

"I DO trust you!" I promised solemnly. Don't get me wrong, I trust him with my life! But with HIS life, I just can't tell with him. Itachi has this ability to use the least amount of words possible yet somehow give a feeling of recurrence and trust. Talking to him now eliminated all doubt. H-He'd tell me, he wouldn't let me suffer. "I'm just worried...." I trailed off. "This Tobi freak gave off this weird vibe, I'm just a li-"

"Tobi Freak?" he repeated abruptly, eyes widening the narrowing.

I blinked. "Yeah. Is he bipolar or something? One minute he's all happy and childish and the next he's serious and threatening to kill me! I just- Oi, hanashiteyo, you're hurting me!" I complained, trying to pry his sudden iron-grip hold on my wrist.

He released me, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. I blinked in confusion, not sure what suddenly angered him. The transformation he was using suddenly disappeared, revealing his true appearance. His jaw was clenched, free hand balled into a fist. His head titled downwards, bangs covering his eyes. He suddenly strode away from me with wide angry steps. "Kuso...."

I struggled to keep up with his quick gait, trying to grab hold of his sleeve. "What happened?!?"

"The Akatsuki," His deep voice spoke low but reverberated through my body, giving me the chills. Never in my life have I seen him look so livid. "The Akatsuki I could hide from, they were manageable, but HIM-" he froze. The hair on the back of my neck stood up from the emotion I felt radiating from him. Fury...fury and fear. It was so strong I felt myself growing a little angry.

He exhaled sharply, trying to calm down. When his head rose I gasped at the crimson color of his eyes.

This Tobi guy...just who is he?!? How is he able to reduce Itachi to this furious state? Was he THAT strong?

He suddenly ran off towards the same place we entered. I bolted after him, eyes on his back. He was ridiculously fast; my eyes could hardly even keep up with him.

Now where was he going?!? What happened to our plan?!? We were supposed to be settling in!

No, a better question would be why was he going....and I fear the answer is Tobi.

(WARNING: This story contains some spoilers. If you are up to date then you'll have no problem. Next chapter will have a lot of future things. You'll see. Just read at your own risk.)


*le crappy ending*

BCat13: Oh Firooz....*pulls out samurai sword*

Chaoticss: It's been 6 months....*takes out shurikins*


Chaoticss: Nani?

Me: *suddenly has glass ball* Hm....I see a lot of Gaara-Kun in your future.... OH LORD YOU'RE PLANNING ON KIDNAPPING HIM?!? .....I won't tell anyone if you let me see him every Wednesday!

Chaoticss: Sure! *crosses fingers behind back* Mwahaha

Me: *rubs temples* I may be seeing something wrong but I'm getting visions of SoObvious getting a lifetime's amount of potatoes...

SoObvious: YES! *dances* POTATO POWER!!!!

Me:....k then...and for eso0402 I see five boys....very famous....very attractive...

eso0402: ONE DIRECTION?!?

Me: Yes, uno directono....check under your bed tonight, that is my only advice

eso0402: *fan girl spazzes and faints*

Me: GracieRendon, your future is very promising....a sexy vampire by the name of "Damon" will leave Elana to marry you!

GracieRendon: S-So I get Damon? HA TAKE THAT ELANA! Well she has Stefan now!

Me: WRONG! According to my predictions, Stefan meets HasiVA by chance and falls in love with her!

HasiVA: Stefan...*drools*...Wait, then what about Elana?

Me: No one likes her. She's forever alone xD Uh oh! BCat13, I advice you to leave the country!

BCat13: ....what happened?

Me:...he's scary...he's hairy...he's every child's worst nightmare....PEDOBEAR!

BCat13: *looks around all paranoid* No need to fear though! I have an ingenious plan to kidnap him! MWAHAHAHA

Me: May Kami be with you ;-; rainbowsarang's fortune is way more fun! She gets to slide down a rainbow into a pot of gold!

rainbowsarang: rainbows AND money? Best. Fortune. Ever.

Me: XD Just beware of the leprechaun! Okay, I'm seeing such random visions right now.... ShadowCupcakes apparently gets a pet llamas!

ShadowCupcakes: YES LLAMAS! *does llama dance*

Me: Ooh, sam4life gets to go to a Paramore concert!

sam4life: OMG YES HAYLEY AND JEREMY AND TAYLOR *fangirlgasm*

Me: *jelly* I see many concerts in the future...especially for Gir1313!

Gir1313: OMGRLY *le fangirl dance*

Me: Ugh, everyone has better fortunes than me! Especially kikikool625, she gets a Death Note!

kikikool625: I do? *le evil laugh* I have so many names to out in here!

Me: PUT TOBI'S NAME IN IT!! ThatCorndogGirl, I have something to tell you...YOU'RE A WIZARD!


Me: D; Yes....dude, tell Luna Lovegood I say hi! Aw XxPandasRoCxX your future is super kawaii! You get to adopt a panda

XxPandasRoCxX: <^-^> I'll name it Gaara!

Me: Good idea, Gaara is half panda ^-^ Ooh SusieMeep and KittehVader get to meet Taylor Swift!

SusieMeep: You like Taylor Swift?

KittehVader: Yup! You too?

KittehVader and SusieMeep:....*instant best friends*

Me: xD Lol you Swifties are so weird (in a good way :D) Lasarina123619, you're going to be in a Katy Perry music video! I see you wearing a pink wig and dancing O-o

Lasarina123619: C: *runs off to find Katy Perry*

Me: omg Cherryninja17 I hate you soooo much right now! Apparently you're gonna meet Johnny Depp!

Cherryninja17: THE Johnny Depp? Pirate Scissorhands Mad Hatter Johnny? I take back everything bad I said about you! *dresses up to meet him*

Johnny Depp: (Somewhere random) *shudders* I have a weird feeling someone's talking about me....

Me: Wait WHAT? haha I know, I think everyone on Wattpad is complaining about my ;-; It's okay though, snowxflake's becoming a professional soccer player and will share her profits since I told her!

snowxflake: Seriously?!? Omg *trains* Oh, of COARSE I'll give you some of my profits *crosses fingers*

Me *oblivious* I'm gonna become rich! But being rich doesn't even compare to whats going to happen to kanashimikyuubi7, maymay843755, TokioFanHotel, and LigayaAko's futures! Those four are going to be watching Naruto at the same exact time lighting hits their TV's and will be sucked into the Naruto world!

kanashimikyuubi7, maymay843755, TokioFanHotel, and LigayaAko: *watches TV eagerly with cameras and cosplay on*

Me: :,D Lucky! Woah DeirdreConteh, you're going to get published!

DeirdreConteh: XP *writes a best seller*

Me: Too bad Fanfiction cant be published <\3 Wait, what's this? *closes eyes and concentrates* Apparently kitkat29 sill be visited by a butler dressed in black tonight...

kitkat29: SEBASTIAN?!? OMG OMG OMG! *evil laugh* I'm going to dress him all cute like Lizzy did!

Sebastian: Excuse me Madam, but that would defeat the purpose of me being a "black butler"-

Me: *duck tapes mouth* take pictures. Please. Ooh *wiggles eyebrows* Looks like JamesAmburgey is going to get asked out by Sakura!

JamesAmburgey: *dresses up* I'M READY!

Me: xD Well aren't you eager! Lol ;D Speaking about love, UchihaFangirl is going to get caught in the middle of a Uchiha love triangle!

UchihaFangirl: I-I choose...I... *brain fries*

Me: Uchiha's are irresistible <333 While we're on the topic of Uchiha's, BlackDaisys's going to marry Itachi!

Itachi: But what about Ama-

BlackDaisys: TOO BAD YOU'RE MINE NOW *kidnaps*

Me: Aw poor Amarante! Haha and the other brother, Sasuke, is going to and up with AkatsukiLover!

AkatsukiLover: YOSH! But no evil laughs for you, mister!

Sasuke: WHY DOES EVERYONE MAKE FUN OF MY EVIL LAUGH?!? it wasn't THAT psychotic!

Me: Yeah, sure, whatever you'd like to think... Itachi should be grateful he's no longer in the Akatsuki because apparently tarynakita will succeed in driving all of them mad!

tarynakita: xD It's quite true, I've already convinced Kisame he's a fish!

Kisame: Glub blub ...


Guys, I hope you know I put a lot of effort to make these skits enjoyable for you. I had to go check a lot of your profiles to see what you like so I could put it in here. If anyone would like to be in my next skit then just leave a comment! Vote and tell me what you thought! I don't expect much feedback, seeing how much I've neglected my work, but just one nice comment makes all this work worth it!

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