➵𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞. 𝐊.𝐀�...

By desisexual

272K 8.3K 2.6K

In which a red headed sadist takes interest in an average otaku whom wants to get away from him. (Cover... More

Cast and Synopsis
Author's Note
Midnight Shenanigans (Filler)
Later that Day (Filler)
Sleeping Beauty
To Kill an Octopus
Proper Introductions
The Set Up
One Step Closer
One Step and a Half Closer (Filler)
Beach Day
Delivery Girl (Filler)
The Date
Sonic Ninja: The Prequel
A Night to Remember
Why Can't You Remember? (Filler)
Y/N x Terasaka???
The Tie (Filler)
Comfort (Filler)
Ms. Popular
Standards (Filler)
Author's note
1k Special
Mommy's Dearest
Sorry (Author's Note)
Simp (Filler)
 [Deleted Scene] Valentines Day
The Princess and the Sadist (Filler)
15k Special

500 Reads Special

5K 170 35
By desisexual

Doctors AU!

Karma's POV

          Doctor L/N. By far the most stunning woman I ever met. Her h/c hair caught the attention of everyone she walked by. Her eyes were always filled with life and happiness.

            She was an extremely talented doctor and 6 years my senior. She always helped me when I needed help and always showed compassion.

         "Good evening Akabane-san," she said sipping her coffee as I entered her office. "Good morning senpai," I smiled resting papers on her desk.

           "Ugh. More paper work?," she groaned, laying back in her chair. "Are these people trying to kill me?," she joked.

         "So Akabane-san, how's your internship going?," she asked as she rested her head on her hand. "It's going well senpai," I replied.

             "I'm glad, because most interns quit at this point," she said staring at her coffee. "I like you Akabane-san."

         She likes me? "Let's go out tonight." Badump.

            "What brought this on senpai?," I smirked walking towards her chair. "Nothing, can't a senpai hangout with her kohai?," she countered bringing her face closer to mine.

           "L/N-senpai! We need you!," an intern bursted through the door interrupting us. "I'm on my way," she stated as she quickly got up and put on her white coat. "I'll text you the info Akabane-san," she said as she rushed through the door.

I swear one day, I'm going to marry this woman and make her the happiest woman alive. Just wait for me senpai.

Time skip!

          "Akabane-san! You made it!," she said happily walking toward me. She wore a cerise dress which hugged her figure perfectly and red bottoms which added to her height.

          "You look so handsome in a suit Akabane-san," she complimented, taking my hand into hers leading me to our table.

       "I thought you said this was a hangout," I stated pulling her chair for her. "It is," she answered as she sat down.

          "Who knew that you were such a gentleman," she giggled leaning toward me with her head on her hand. "So what's the occasion?," I questioned as she smiled at me sweetly.

           "I'm getting married," she giggled. What? "What do you mean?," I asked lowly. "Huh? My boyfriend proposed last week," she chirped happily showing me the ring.

            I can't take this, I'm leaving. I got up and began to leave. "Why are you leaving Akabane-san?," she asked running after me. "Come back inside it's raining," she exclaimed trying to pull me back inside.

        "You asked me to come here just to break my heart?," I muttered as I pulled myself away. "Break your heart?," she mumbled.

             Even with her makeup messed up by the rain she's still so tantalizing. I turned away from her and started to leave once more. This time she didn't come after me, she stood there.

          "Karma!," she shouted as she ran toward me. I turned around to see a truck coming straight toward me. Well this is end and I accept that. I hope Y/N has a happy life with her husband.

               Suddenly, I felt a strong push and I was on the next side of the street bleeding heavily. I looked in the road and saw Y/N's body laying there bruised and heavily bleeding.

           "Y/N!," I shouted as everything went black. "Karma! You're finally awake," Nagisa said standing beside me with tears running down his eyes.

          "Kayano get the doctors!," he exclaimed. "Where's Y/N?," I asked frantically getting up . "Karma calm down," Nagisa said trying to get me to stay still.

           In another room, I heard a man crying. "Y/N!," he exclaimed breaking down even more. I pushed Nagisa off of me and went to the room.

           "Sir please go back to bed," a nurse said trying to get me back in my room. I shoved her off of me and went to Y/N's side.

            "Hi Karma," she weakly said. "Hi Y/N," I replied with tears threatening to escape my eyes. "I love you," she faintly whispered as she closed her eyes.

"I love you too."

Uninspired Artist AU!
y/r= your race

Karma's POV

"Ugh. I should've just went to college and study medicine like my parents wanted." I was currently working on my latest masterpiece, but the world has been looking dim lately.

As if all the color had faded away. This is so annoying! I groaned in frustration as threw my drawing pad.

"Ouch," I heard a female's voice cry. "Sorry about that," I said not looking her in the eye. "It's ok," she stated warmly as she handed me back my drawing pad.

"I see you're an aspiring artist," she said giggling. "Yeah," I replied accepting my drawing pad.

"Thats nice, there's no place like the Louvre Museum to look for inspiration right?," she cleared her throat. "Oh? Are you also an artist?," I smirked at her nervousness.

"Actually, I'm not. I just do street art from time to time," she said kicking dust. "You mean graffiti?," I teased.

"It's not graffiti," she pouted. "It's just me expressing my self through spray cans instead of a paintbrush. And walls are my canvas, I get inspired by the bustling city and it's bright lights," she beamed.

         I chuckled lightly at her geekiness. "You must be really passionate about what you do," I smiled at her. "Yeah, I love art more than anything," she said penetrating her gorgeous e/c eyes into my mercury eyes.

         Why does she look so familiar? "Anyways, what's your favorite piece in this museum?," she asked. "The Mona Lisa," I replied glancing at the portrait.

         "Oh that's such a classic, my favorite is the Young Beggar," she chirped. "A Bartolomé Esteban Murillo lover? How interesting, most people don't usually talk about his art," I said genuinely fascinated at her choice.

        "I know right! He's so underrated!," she exclaimed. "Literally everyone knows Leonardo da Vinci, I admit he's an artistic genius but he's overrated," she said calmly walking toward the Mona Lisa.

          "You kind of look like her," I stated looking at the painting. "I get that a lot," she giggled. Her smile is as gorgeous.

         "Well you see, the woman in this painting is one of my great grandmothers," she said fidgeting with her hands. "Many don't believe me because I'm y/r and my skin isn't porcelain and pretty as hers," she said smiling sadly.

            "You're just as beautiful as her," I said looking at the painting. "Pfft, stop being so weird," she laughed.

"Can I paint you?," I asked out of nowhere. Where did that come from? She gazed at me with stars in her eyes. She looked so out-of-this world.

"Sure," she said smiling at me. "Ok, give me your number so I can text you the address to my place," I said taking out my phone.

"Ok, it's xxx-xxx-xxxx," she said looking at my phone. "See you then my muse," I said kissing her hand then walking away.


"Nice place, you have here," she said walking into my apartment. "It's ok," I replied as I got my art supplies.

        I signaled her to sit in the stool which I placed in the middle of the room. As she sat in the stool I noticed something different about her demeanor.

            Why isn't she smiling? "Why isn't my Mona Lisa smiling?," I asked with a forced smile. How annoying.

             "Am I annoying you?," she asked in a dead tone. My eyes widened at her question. "Define art, Karma."

          My throat went dry at her request. "Art is expressing yourself through a series of ways, whether visual or audio," I said.

            "As I thought you don't know the meaning of true art." What?

        "The truth is Karma, art cannot be defined. It's more of a feeling or expression." Where have I heard that phrase before?

             "Who're you?," I asked. "Oh, that's right we never exchanged our names. My name is Y/N," she said in a bored tone. A name fits her in so many ways, more specifically her out-of-worldly beauty.

            "Karma." "Wait, you said we never exchanged names. How do you know my name?," I asked in a confused manner.

           "This isn't the first time that we met," she said nonchalantly. "We met multiple times actually, we even went to the same school for 3 years."

           "No way, I think I would've noticed you," I said rolling my eyes. "Hm. Do you remember Korosensei?," my throat went dry. She's telling the truth. Why can't I remember her?

           "I guess you guys defeated Korosensei, since you're still alive," she said getting up walking toward me. She caressed her cold hands on cheek gently. "Too bad I died, before I could've seen him at his death bed," she stated quietly.

           "What do you mean 'died'," I asked in a tremulous tone. "Don't you remember Karma? You killed me."

          I froze at her crazy accusation. Suddenly the walls around me began to close in. Y/N stood there staring at me with tears in her eyes and mouthed, "I love you."

               "Hey! Wake up," a voice shouted. It was a man in a straitjacket trying to get my attention. "The feds are here for you," he laughed showing his yellow unkept teeth.

           Two large men entered the room and escorted me into a smaller room, which had a separation glass, a table and two chairs. I sat on a chair opposite to the other as the two men left.

             "Good day, Akabane-san," a woman said entering the room. She looked like she hadn't slept in days and her hair was messy. She sat down on the chair opposite to mine with a papers in s/c her hands.

           She's pretty. She removed a strand of h/c out of her face and stared me down with her entrancing e/c eyes. "I'm sure you know why you're here," she said crossing her legs. "No I don't," I replied turning my head to avoid eye contact.

          "Hm? Strange. You murdered your girlfriend in the 9th grade, but the courts came to the conclusion that you had an illness so boom you're here," she said eying my figure. Why does she keep staring at me like that?

          "You're pretty handsome," she said smiling at me. That smile... "Well I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Y/N L/N your psychiatrist for this evening," she chirped. Y/N? "Has anyone ever told you that you look like the Mona Lisa?," I asked smirking.

"Actually yes, she's one of my ancestors although I'm y/r," she replied smiling.

"Oh? How Interesting."

Nagisa's POV

          "Korosensei!" Y/N was currently chasing after Korosensei with her knife in hand. "Don't run with knives," Korosensei said trying to escape her vengeful grasps.

       "Shut up you waste of space," she said as she threw her knife at him. "Stop being dramatic Y/N it wasn't that bad," Maehara said snickering.

          "What was that?," she asked lowly turning toward him. "Nothing ma'am," Maehara trembled at her rage. "This is actually the first time I've seen Y/N mad," I turned to Kayano.

           "Yeah, I know it's scary and strangely refreshing at the same time," she stated with a nervous laugh.

           "I think Korosensei's fanfics weren't that bad," Rio said watching the scene unfold. "I agree, but Karma was way OOC (out of character) in my opinion," Kayano added.

           "The worst part is there was no smut!," Okijima said comically crying. Out of no where a pellet shot him in the chest. "Ow," he whined holding his chest.

              "Next time, it will be a real bullet," Y/N said venomously. "Yes ma'am I'm sorry Y/N-sama," he said bowing to her.

              "What's up?," Karma asked cooly walking towards us. "Nothing, just Y/N trying to kill Korosensei because of the fanfics he wrote about you guys," Rio explained.

           "Karma! Just in time!," Korosensei said swiftly moving behind Karma's back. "Protect me from your wife," Korosensei cried.

             "Korosensei, a pretty face isn't going to save you," Y/N said walking toward him armed. Are we going to ignore how she called Karma pretty?

              In a moment of fear Korosensei pushed Karma towards Y/N which resulted in the last thing she would want. A kiss. The class began taking out their phones. Karma began to kiss her deeper.

            6 hits! 14 hits! 18 hits! First kiss bonus +10! The class was shocked to say the least. "And that's how you kiss a girl, Nagisa," Karma said cockily walking away from Y/N.

               Y/N collapsed on the ground in shock. "Yay! My OTP is sailing!," Korosensei cheered with his camera on hand. "Good job Karma! You get an A+!," Irina-sensei chimed walking toward us.

             "Um guys, Y/N isn't responding," Kayano said in horror checking her pulse. The whole class broke out in fear.

"What did you do Karma? Give her the Kiss of Death?!"

(A/N: This is long overdue, thank you for 500 reads🥳!I never expected to make it this far. Thank you for all of the support! I love you. Please stay safe and don't die.)

(Ps. For those that are confused the last one shot was an Asylum Au.)

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