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By braeium

521K 23.5K 15.2K

(π’π‡π”ππ“π€π‘πŽ π‚π‡πˆπ’π‡πˆπ˜π€ 𝐗 𝐅. πŽπ‚) REWRITE OF OLD BOOK ON MY OLD ACCOUNT @DarkTanken ❝And yo... More

ACT ONE β”οΈŽβ”οΈŽ parallels.
ACT TWO β”οΈŽβ”οΈŽ new world.


12.7K 564 320
By braeium

𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙚𝙣 :
horrid place


THERE WAS A heavy smell in the air. The type of scent that would make you pinch your nose and be hesitant to enter such an area. The smell of sex, and alcohol. Alcohol in the morning. Something that was probably not a good choice, especially with where they found themselves now.

"Have sex while people are dying! Wow! How fun!" Riko mocked the leader quietly to herself when she was sure she was alone. She also checked for security cameras since she noticed some moving in the hallways.

No thank you.

Somewhere along the line, the girl was given a thin jacket and her own locker key bracelet. At least it's a little coverage...She thought to herself as she pulled on the light cloth. Riko took a deep breath before she decided to move on since her outfit wasn't going to change.

When the girl found the 'beach' she found it was a crowded pool. To say she was shocked was an understatement. These people...how? How are they allowing themselves to escape reality so easily, it's like they don't find themselves fighting for their death every week?

And it's only like noon, how are they all drinking?!

There was loud music blaring over speakers, and multiple people jumping into the pool. People were dancing to the joyful tune though some looked more like grinding than dancing. Some were drinking, some were kissing.

She even saw a girl sitting on a man's lap with no shirt on, his hands covering her breasts. IN PUBLIC? She quickly diverted her eyes.

It was overwhelming. The noise, the sweaty bodies moving around.

I can't do this. It's too soon for crowds.

Riko hastily rushed back to the safe solitude of her room.


When she entered her room the first thing she saw was a small folded paper on her bed. Some of her sheets were wrinkled as well, but only near the end.

Riko looked around the room to see if anything else was messed up but nothing was out of order. Taking a step into the room she looked behind her before picking up the note, sighing when she read the first word, 'Rikooooooo!'

Oh no.

The girl continued on, 'Meet me by the pool tonight!'

Riko crumpled the note up after she read the name on the bottom. Discarding everything else she practically leaped over onto her bed and face planted onto it.

Of course, Kurayami would pick a location with all the people.

     Riko paused for a moment. The note from Yumi was still in her pocket, she hadn't thrown it out even when told to empty her pockets. The girl reached into her pocket, taking out the paper.

     With a thick feeling looming over her, she unfolded it and began to read. Yumi's handwriting was neat, and easy to recognize as a standard female's writing. The note started, Hi Riko... If you're reading this, I succeeded in killing myself.

      Her lips straightened as she took a seat, preparing herself to continue, Right now I'm righting this while crying, sorry if the notes crumpled at all, I'm shaking as well. I'm hiding from you, funny ain't it? Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.

     I tried. I tried my hardest to live without her. But I can't. Midari was the only person I had, and without her I feel like I have nothing to live for. She was the only reason I kept going, you know? I lived for her. I would have done anything for her. I can't believe she's gone, even writing this.

      I liked you Riko. I did, and I know Midari did too. We both accepted you into our group, way too fast to have not. I appreciate you and your horrible hugging skills—please get better before you hug someone else—and hope this doesn't effect you too much.

     I'm sorry, but this is goodbye.


She had to hold her hand up to stop the bright lights from blinding her as she walked down the path to the pool. Riko walked awkwardly as she tried to avoid people jumping into the pool and dancing wildly. It was the same image as earlier only amplified.

Making her way through the crowd with ease she managed to find a spot a little ways away from the pool. The girl wasn't sure what to do so she just stood idly and watched the citizens.

"What?" Riko turned towards the man that tapped her shoulder repeatedly.

"Yo." Kurayami looked around quickly, searching for something, "Where's your guide?"

"Gone." She furrowed her eyebrows, obviously, it's been hours since I got shown around.

"You killed her!?" Kurayami's eyes lit up like a child's that saw a candy shop. He leaned down in her direction as his mouth dropped, "Really?!"

"No. I wouldn't want to get into trouble on my first day here." But she was creepy as hell, if anything she would have killed me.

"That makes sense." He leaned closer to her face, "Unless you want me to kill them for you—"

Riko lurched backward and began to walk towards the pool, "Don't lean so close to my face." The man followed her. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, "What do you want?" Riko questioned as she tried to avoid the sweaty bodies.

"Do you want to team up for a game tonight?" He called out from close behind her. Riko continued to speed walk away, but he was persistent—following like a puppy does its owner.

Please leave me alone, I need to assess the situation at hand before I can relax.

"Not really—" Kurayami had caught up with her right as they reached the pool. Now there was no one around them, everyone seemingly trying to avoid getting in the man's way.

"Was that a yes?" The man put his hand on his chin to stroke his imaginary beard.

Last time wasn't too bad, but you did all the work. I just got lucky since there could be two winners and you were really persistent in making me one of them.

"Kurayami." Said man turned to her, "I will defenestrate you next time we're inside."

"What does that mean? Sounds hot—" The man was cut off by a strong push to his abdomen, making him fall backward. His arms moved wildly and he was almost able to grab ahold of Riko but failed as he fell.

Into the pool.

Riko let out a small chuckle as she saw his arms resurface from the deep end, his head came next with his fluffy hair flat on his head. A pout adorned his face as he floated.

"Why—" He got closer to the pool wall, "I feel like I deserved that but why?"

"That was for kidnapping me." And to shut you up.

"Oh." He smiled at her, "Oops."

"Anyways bye!" Then Riko walked away from both the man and the conversation.


Riko hadn't gotten too far away from the crowd when she spotted a familiar blonde man, carefully observing her. Creep, she thought as he turned his head once he was caught. The brunette pondered for a second before approaching him.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Chishiya turned and raised an eyebrow at her when she got within three feet.

"Probably not." Riko shrugged casually.

Once again staring at her he stayed silent. Most likely waiting for her to continue the short conversation.

She didn't. But surprisingly he did.

"So. You and Kurayami a thing?" Riko blinked at him.

"No." The girl made a face and then changed the topic, "Where is the paper?"

"Paper?" Chishiya pretended as though he didn't know what she meant though Riko knew he did.

The girl stared at him before lowering her already quiet voice, leaning in closer she teased, "The one you got while feeling up a dead girl."

Loud horns rang out and cut the man off before he could retaliate.

"It's time for the games!" Riko heard a man yell and all the hands on the dance floor rose. Everyone cheered and began to run while continuing to celebrate.

How can they be excited or this?

The duo stayed still, seeing as they were fat enough to not be bumped into by any passing people. Chishiya quickly made a disgusted face and switched to his normal sneer, "Come with me." He ordered without room for argument.

Riko looked around quickly before turning back to the blonde that had already begun to walk away without her.

How kind. He truly is a gentleman.

The two made it to the hold lobby and were met by a crowd. The blonde man stopped and leaned against a wall so Riko paused by him.

"My comrades!" A loud voice spoke from above, silencing the room in a blink.

What bull crap. Riko turned towards the leader who had begun to speak again. He was standing on a ledge, looking down on those around him. Most of the people behind him were in the same room when she woke up, except...

Niragi. She took a deep breath. Of course, he's here. And high in power... Who gave him guns? The man stood near the back of the group but Riko could still see him.

"The time has come again tonight. Do not falter! This is war against fear! Everyone here has the courage to overcome their obstacles. Everyone here is one! We shall unite and gather all the cards and return to the original world together! And...that day is upon us! Let's go!" The crowd erupted into excited yells as he finished.

"Get into the car marked with your number!" A random guy yelled with a large smile on his face, waving at people as the cheers got louder.

As people began to exit the room, a tall girl approached the two. She looks kinder than most here...though looks can be deceiving.

The girl spoke, taking something out of her mouth, "What's the matter?" She put the item back in her mouth once she finished speaking.

Is she using that for something? A replacement? Perhaps an ex-smoker?

"I was in the same game as them." Chishiya regarded the pair that stayed in the middle of the moving crowd. Recognizing them as Arisu and the climber girl, Riko nodded along with his statement.

"The two of them?" The girl clarified, turning to look at Riko curiously as she just noticed the newcomer.

"Yes." Chishiya turned his head and looked at Riko quickly, then directed his age back towards the pair. "They might be useful. To our plan, that is."


"Why am I here? I do not believe I am included in this." Riko turned to the blond and crossed her arms.

"You're a part of the plan as well." He looked her up and down lazily with his normal sly smile.

"Glad I was aware." Riko retorted and dropped her arms, her gaze once again moving towards the other girl.

"Kuina—This is Riko. Riko this is Kuina." He gestured between the two of them as he watched the citizens flock out of the room in a hurry.

The taller girl took the item out of her mouth once more with her right hand while sticking out her left for a handshake.

Do I want to shake it?

Deciding to put her big girl pants on she stuck her hand out and shook Kuina's hand.

"Sorry, Chishiya isn't big on formal meetings. I'm Kuina." The girl gave a warm smile.

"Riko." The brunette spoke blandly as she gave a small smile in return.

"I'm going to participate in the games, bye!" Kuina walked away; Riko gave her a nod and Chishiya continued to gaze at the pair that had only just begun moving.

Riko adjusted her jacket before going to walk away, she had been informed by Mira that on their first day the new member of the Beach have to participate in a game.

"The game is a heart tonight," Chishiya spoke up from behind her. His tone was uncaring as he casually pushed himself off of the pole.

How do you know? The girl narrowed her eyes suspiciously before speaking nonchalantly, to make it seem like she believed him, "Thanks for the heads up."



Asahina Aya as
Hikari Kuina

Posted: August 14, 2022
Words: 1835
Edited: ✘︎

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