Never again

By swiftgirlil

31.1K 1K 277

Andy and Robert already knew each other when he came back to Seattle to be the captain of station 19, but whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N - super important quiestion!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Epilogue

Chapter 8

1.3K 56 22
By swiftgirlil

Andy kept playing with her daughter for some more time, waiting for it to be late enough to tuck her in. It was one of those moments that reminded her how thankful she was for her daughter, how much she loves her and how she should cherish and hold onto these moments because soon enough she's gonna grow up.

(This chapter starts at the next day's morning)

"Mommy when is daddy coming back" Maddie was eating her breakfast while Andy drank her morning coffee "he already finished his shift so he should come home any minute now" she nodded and kept eating, occasionally looking up to the door.

A few minutes later the lock turned and Robert walked into the house "daddy!" Maddie yelled jumping off the chair and running to the door.

"Hey my little princess!" He picked her up hugging her. She wrapped her little arms around his neck "can you take to school?" She asked pulling back from the hug still in he dad's arms.

"I think mommy's gonna take you today. I need to go to sleep..." he looked at her with a soft look trying to read her face.

Andy was so focused on the sight of the two of them until she heard Robert mentioning her "baby I'm gonna take you to school now but I'm sure daddy can come to pick you up later?" She glared at Robert trying to get a confirmation "yes I'll come to pick you up afternoon" he kissed her cheek and put her down.

"C'mon baby take your backpack and we'll leave" Maddie did what she was told and Andy smiled at Robert as she left the house. She dropped her off at school and went back home. She was suppose so go out with Maya for lunch but she needed to go hope and get ready first.

When she came back home she found Robert at the kitchen drinking coffee "good morning" she smiled at him "how was your shift?" She asked sitting a chair separating them. "Fine, there was a three alarm in the middle of the night so I got only like two hours of sleep".

"You look like it" he chuckled with her "I know. I should probably go to sleep" he finished his coffee and stood up "you don't need to sleep on the couch use my room" I'm going out with Maya anyway so I'll just change and then you can go to sleep" she suggested.

"Yeah, okay. Thanks." She smiled and headed to her bedroom.


Andy and Maya were sitting at the restaurant and waiting for their food to arrive. Robert was still asleep when Andy left the house she she texted him to let her know when he's awake and when he picked Maddie up I'd she's not home yet even though it wasn't likely.

"So how things are going with our captain aka your boyfriend?" Andy rolled her eyes "first of all he's not my boyfriend. And second things are going great. You should see him with Maddie it's the cutest thing I've ever seen he loves her so much..." Andy smiled at the thought.

"And how did she dealt with the whole thing? We never really talked about it"

"Yeah I was kinda busy with having an accident and a surgery and all of that" they both bursted out laughing.

"You know it's not what I meant!" Maya defended herself. "I know I know" she let out a sigh. "She connected to him really fast. She always wants him to be around and this is the cutest thing ever. Today during breakfast when he came back home she ran SO FAST to the door to hug him. She just looks so tiny next to him cause he's so tall" Maya listened and smiled at the happiness of her best friend.

"I'm glad you have that. Now you need to make your move because you're obviously wants him to be more than a friend or your baby's daddy" and shook her head rolling her eyes again "I told you he has a girlfriend! She's really nice..." surprised look took over Maya's face "wait you met her?" Andy nodded.

"So now you know for sure you're bunch better than her"

"That's now what it was about. But whatever..."

The waiter came to their table and brought the too meals they ordered to share. They ate their food talking about everything and catching up. Then it was time to go home and each went her own way.

Andy came home, she looked around and saw Robert wasn't there, her bedroom door was half open so he might be still asleep. She kicked off her shoes and went up to her bedroom. She saw Robert sitting up on the bed reading a book "this one's good" she said to catch his attention "hey! Didn't hear you coming in. And yeah it's pretty great" he said.

Andy came and sat on the edge of the bed "I thought we can take Maddie to do a picnic in the park after we pick her up" Andy smiled at him "that's sounds great!"

"So I'll go make a bag before we leave so we'll have food and a blanket and everything we need"

"Yeah okay" she nodded while talking and then he stood up and left the room. She watched him walking out and couldn't not to think about what Maya said earlier, does she really wants him to be more than a friend?

Later that day Andy and Robert were in the car on their way to pick Maddie up. Andy sang along with the music on the radio and Robert couldn't stop laughing at her.

He left the cat to get Maddie and Andy stayed there waiting for him. A few minutes later he came back with the four year old. He helped her buckle up before entering the car himself.

"Mommy look I drew you a picture" she handed Andy a piece of paper. Andy looked at it, looked like she was trying to draw her and Robert next to a fire truck "it's you and daddy at work with the red fire truck" the little girl explained "I can see that baby! This is so pretty. How about we put it on the fridge when we get back home?" She turned her head back to see Maddie nodding happily.

"Where are we going?" She asked noticing it wasn't the way home she was used tp "we're going to the park, we brought food for a picnic" Robert said, excitement in his voice.

"Yayyyyy" the girl cheered and both her parents smiled at each other.


The three were sitting on a picnic blanket on the grass. Maddie decided that she's the only one eating the strawberries and that they can eat the other stuff.

"Hey you know. Julie works like five minutes from here maybe I can call her and she can come meet Maddie?" Robert caught Andy off guard and she almost choked on her food.

"You okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah yeah. That's a great idea call her" she put on a fake smile.

Robert got up and walked away a little, he called Julie and invited her. She said she can take an hour break so she'll come and than he went back to Andy and Maddie.

"Daddy who is Julie?" Maddie asked before eating another strawberry "Julie is my girlfriend. She is really nice and she's coming to meet you" Maddie twitched her face in confusion "what isn't mommy your girlfriend?" She asked innocently.

Andy and Robert looked at each other surprised, what are they supposed to answer?

"We'll mommy and daddy were together a long time ago but now we're just friends" Andy tried to explain awkwardly. "Oh" the girl said and went back to eating.

Julie left the office building where she worked and started walking to the park she looked around searching for Robert and then she sawhorses back, he was taking a selfie of the three of them, his hand around Andy on a side hug. Then Maddie ran around them and jumped into Robert's arms.

It was cute to see him like that. She brushes the jealousy off and reminded herself Robert was her boyfriend and he is an amazing person and she is just his friend.

"Hey!" She approached then when she was close enough so they could hear her "hey Julie! How are you?" Andy smiled while talking.

"I'm good! How are you feeling after the accident and everything?"

"Good! Actually tomorrow is my first shift back". Robert told Julie to come and sit next to him. When she was sitting she noticed Maddie moving towards her mother. "She's just a little shy around new people" Robert whispered to her hoping she wasn't offended by that. "That's totally fine I understand".

Then she tried talking to Maddie "hey Maddie! My name is Julie. I've heard so much about you" Maddie looked up from her plate to talks a quick look at the unfamiliar woman in front of her and than turned her head back to the plate.

"Sorry..." Andy mother to Julie. And she just shook her head telling it was okay. The adults talked between themselves hoping like that Maddie will warm up a bit.

With time Maddie started talking more and open up to Julie. She told her about her friend Lisa from school and that she likes playing with her.

Julie was happy to finally meet Maddie and that she wasn't too closed off. After some time, Julie had to go back to work since she had a meeting and Robert and Andy decided they should go home too.

When they got home Andy helped Maddie get ready to sleep. She showered and brushed her teeth and then picked a new pajama to wear before going to sleep. Andy read her a bedtime story and then sat with her until she fell asleep.

"She's asleep" Andy announced walking into the living room. ״finally" he chuckled as sat on the couch next to him.

"Listen I was thinking.." Andy started and fought Robert attention, he turned to look at her. "You live here, you have a key and you make groceries shopping and everything. You shouldn't be sleeping on the couch... we're gonna clean the extra room and you can live normally"

He smiled, happy she was thinking about him and wanted him to be more comfortable "that would be really great. We can started on our next day off?" Hi suggested and she nodded with a small smile across her lips "that's exactly what I was thinking".

He smiled and then turned back to the tv "you wanna watch a movie?" She looked at the tv "yeah let's look for something" she said. Couldn't agree on something until Andy just gave up and let Robert choose one of the movies he wanted that looked better to her.

45 minutes into the movie Andy was bored. She moved a little and leaned a little into Robert he liked the feeling and decided to put an arm around her 'oh my god I need to break up with Julie' he thought to himself.

She let a yawn out and Robert laughed at her "you're that bored? I guess we can find another movie..." he paused the movie and looked dawn at her "no... it's too late to start another movie we have a shift tomorrow"

He hoped she would stay there and talk to him instead of going off to her bedroom so he started a conversation "are you excited to go back to work?"

"Yes. I've been waiting tor this for two weeks. And that felt so much longer" he laughed and she pulled away from him. "I'm glad to have you back at work" he told her and made her smile.

"You know? My life had turned upside down since I came back to Seattle. In a good way! I'm really thankful for Maddie and being a dad is the best thing that happened to me. So thank you for raising her so well all those years... I'm also glad I have you in my life. I've missed your company a lot and didn't realized it until now"

She chuckled "why did you suddenly got so emotional?" She laughed a little but then she was afraid she hurt him until he opened up "Thank you for being here. It's amazing to have your help and presence in the house. And Maddie loves you and I guess you're one of the most important people in my life right now" she looked at his eyes and the edges of her mouth curved when she saw the smile on his face.

"You are one of the most important people in my life too" he took her hand in his holding it between them.

"I'm sorry..." she stopped for a moment "for not telling you about her before. It was all just a huge misunderstanding and and you missed so much and it's all my fault. I'm truly sor-" she was stopped by Robert cutting her sentence off.

"Don't be sorry. I mean it's sucks that i didn't get to see her as a baby but it doesn't meter anymore cause I'm here now" he squeezed her hand a little.

She looked at his eyes and he looked into her both of them with soft smiles on their faces. Andy looked down to his lips and then back up to his eyes.

She wanted to do something she knew she shouldn't do. But the urge to kiss him was stronger. She leaned forward and connected their lips. It was soft and she was only half surprised when she felt him kissing her back.

Then it all became clear and she quickly pulled away "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have don-" and he cut her off again "don't be" he said before connecting their lips once again.

His hand going up to cup her face while her hand was left or rest in his thigh. He slipped his tongue into her moth and let the kiss go dipper and more passionate.

They kept kissing until both pulled away breathless. "I'm gonna need to talk to Julie first" she looked to the floor "wow kissing me and then bringing up your girlfriend right after" she said sarcastically.

He took two fingers and put them under her chin moving her head making her look at him "I want to do more than just kissing you. And to do that I'm gonna have to break up with her first. So I'm sorry but it's only fair-" she was the one cutting him off this time "it's okay. I understand I was just being sarcastic" she smiled a little "I'm going to bed" she said and stood up.

"Okay. Goodnight Andy"

"Goodnight Robert" she started walking away and he watched her disappearing at the end of the hallway with a smile from ear to ear. The kiss felt so good, and so right and soft and comforting. He knew that Andy was the one for him and he tried to deny it but he couldn't do it anymore, and he can't keep doing it to Julie so the next time he sees her he'll break up with her.


Hey Bestiessssss

How are you all enjoying your Friday? (I lost my airpods and cried nonstop ever since)

I hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! Your comments make my day every time!

Thank you for reading my story and liking it!


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