The Rising of the claw warlor...

De GaritoVeskante

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This is a story I create in my free time. This is the Rising of the Shield Hero story, but with the addition... Mai multe

The first wolf among sheep
Awakening of the shield wolf
A brand new wolf
The first sheep hunt
We are wolves
I am war
Separation from the rest of the sheep.
A new beginning
Rise of the Black stone legion
Garden work part 1
Garden work part 2
I have other plans
Concerns and trying something new
A new addition to the family
Reunion with sheep
Preparations and change
The second Wave and the challenge.
Face behind the helmet
Blood dragon emperor
Raven and Cinder's past
Fate worse than death
Abyss of Claw
So do I have to act like a villain to be a hero?
The power of fear
Final judgment
Aggression always prevails.
Cal Mira Archipelago
The true Claw Hero
Rising of the age of wolves

Is this the end or the beginning?

1K 10 7
De GaritoVeskante

The night Garito talked to Salem, three heroes in one of the villages fought the Grimm hound, which was transformed so that his front legs were now long arms.

As they tried their best, none of their attacks did much damage.

Motoyasu: How is it possible that this bastard is still standing?!

Ren then ran to Grimm hound, trying to cut him with his sword, but the Grimm hound then grabbed his sword and grabbed his head with his other hand and hit him so hard to the ground that he lost consciousness.

Itsuki: Ren!

Itsuki aimed at the Grimm hound which was intelligent enough to use Ren as a human shield.

Motoyasu: Don't shoot, it uses Ren as a human shield! Hey! Thing, let him go now!

In Grimm hound's neck something began to move, and suddenly.

Grimm hound: No.

(Just 1:06 to 1:12)

Motoyasu and Itsuki were shocked by what they heard. But suddenly the Grimm hound was hit directly into head by a fireball.

Motoyasu: Myne! What are you doing, you could have hit Ren!

Myne: The important thing is that I hit and killed the abomination.

The Grimm hound's body began to move and rose when the Grimm hound Stand up so they saw what was creeping beneath that mountain of Grimm fluid, the human body and the man is still alive.

Man in the Grimm hound: I have to make chaos... I have to make chaos... I have to make chaos...

Everyone watched in shock. Then Itsuki fired an arrow directly into his human head, and the creature fell to the ground and evaporated, all that remained was a human skeleton.

Motoyasu: What was that?

Itsuki: I hope we never meet this again.

Back to Garito, Melty, Raven, Jack and Seren. When they disconnected from the others. After a two days, they reached the walls beyond which the border is.

Raven: If only we could get past that wall, we could cross the border.

Garito: Any other routs we could take?

Raven looked closely at the map.

Raven: There is a detour would it will cost us a few more days.

Garito: I'm not going the long way.

Seren: What if one of those heroes was here, maybe they could help us.

Garito: I don't think so, they say I'm a war criminal.

Jack: I believe you're not a bad person, Mommy.

Garito: Thanks Jack.

Melty: It might be better to take a detour anyway.

Raven: What will we do, Garito?

Garito: Feel free to say I'm lazy but we'll try to go to that checkpoint. Itsuki and Ren, I can negotiate with them at least a little.

Melty: And what if they refuce?

Garito: So Grimm will have a snack.

Raven: Okay.

Garito looked at Melty and waited for her to say something.

Melty: What?

Garito: Well... I thought you'd try to stop me because it could make my reputation worse.

Melty: There are guys like Idol who want to kill you, even if they have to summon a monster. This isn't the time to be worrying about appearances. And I also know that we will go there anyway.

Garito: True that. Get ready.

Raven, Jack, Seren, Melty: Okay!

Garito created Grimm horses and disguised them to look like normal horses and began to ride toward that wall. They heard the horn, so it meant they'd already seen them. Soldiers stood in front of the wall, led by Motoyasu.

Garito: Fuck! I hope he won't be hasty and will want to hear me out.

Raven: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Garito: It's too late to think about whether it's a good idea or a bad idea, there's no going back.

They all stopped in front of Motoyasu. Garito dismounted in front of Motoyasu.

Garito: Motoyasu, hear me out. It's a surprise but I'm not here to fight. All we ask is that you let us through.

Motoyasu: Is that all?

Garito: Huh?

Motoyasu: Is that all you have to say, Devil of the Claw?!

Motoyasu attacked Garito, but he caught his spear in his claws.

Raven: Garito!

Jack: Mommy!

Garito: Who attacks someone without even listening to them first?

Garito released Motoyasu's spear.

Motoyasu: You're still using your brainwashing claw to enslave Raven, Seren and Jack and maybe there are even more depending on how many you escaped from your bandit camp. How despicable! They must be around here waiting for a signal to attack us, right?

Garito: No, they're somewhere else.

Motoyasu: Don't try to talk your way out of this!

Motoyasu used electricity on his spear and attacked Garito again, who deflected the attack.

Garito: Get that pile of shit in your ears out and hear me out! I'm not here to fight.

Motoyasu: Maybe I was summoned to this world... to stop you!

Motoyasu then began to use some magic.

Motoyasu: Meteor Thrust!

Motoyasu sent a big wave of energy which hit Garito. Garito used a magic shield, not on himself but on Raven, Jack, Seren, and Melty to protect them. When the dust and smoke disappeared, Garito still stood there without scratch on his armor because of how much power Salem had given him.

Motoyasu: You still won't go down? You're stubborn if nothing else, you damned devil.

Garito: Look who's talking.

Raven: Garito, you can't takl anything out when he's like this!

Garito: So at least tell me why you're so mad? Is it beacause I hit you before the first wave with my handle? Did it piss you off that much?

Motoyasu: To you... Were Ren and Itsuki that insignificant to you? I finally understand that you really are a devil!

Garito: I understand that you judge me by my appearance. My skin color and what my armor looks like, but what?

Motoyasu: You tricked us even Naofumi as heroes, and then... You... You the scum of the earth!

Motoyasu again attacked Garito and again his attack was blocked.

Salem: (in head) He's starting to get pretty annoying.

Garito: (in head) Tell me about it.

Motoyasu: I will make you pay!

Garito: Hey, what did I even do? I helped my legion stop the slave trade, I destroyed the bandit camps. Yes, I killed a few soldiers during the party, but it was because I was protecting something I love, you would do the same in my place.

When Raven heard this, she was shocked.

Motoyasu: Stop, these are just words! You have no feelings!

Motoyasu tried to stab Garito in the head, but avoided it at the last second.

Motoyasu: I'll make you pay. I'll make you pay for killing Itsuki and Ren! When we defeated the beast, I let Itsuki take care of Ren and then the next day I got word that you finished them!

Garito: What the fuck are you talking about?

Motoyasu: Trying to play dumb, you accursed devil? You should know why I'm so angry and hurt! You killed them both! And yet, you...

Garito: And what about Naofumi?

Motoyasu: I don't care, he's still doing his business.

Melty: What is the meaning of this? The heroes of the Bow and Sword were killed?

Motoyasu: You used your brainwashing claw on Princess Melty, too? You filthy swine!

Garito: Can you stop accusing me of brainwashing, for five minutes?! Listen! I haven't killed Ren or Itsuki! I have no need to! Did you see their bodies for yourself?

Motoyasu didn't know how to answer this.

Garito: You didin't, huh? Then it may be a lie-

Myne: It's reliable information from an agent of the Church. They said the Devil of the Claw unleashed a monster sealed in the center of town and killed Itsiki and Ren while they were distracted.

Seren: That time scale doesn't fit at all.

Myne: Motoyasu, be wary of his brainwashing claws. Don't let the devil sway you with his words.

Motoyasu: Yeah, I know.

Salem: (in head) She's a bitch.

Garito: (in head) So I'm not the only one who sees her that way.

Motoyasu: I won't be fooled!

Melty: Sister, you didn't.

Garito: Wait! Did you kill Ren and Itsuki?!

Myne: Now, it is time to battle.

Myne created an electric arena around Garito and Motoyas and their comrades-in-arms.

Melty: A Lightning Cage?!

Myne: Indeed. An item that seals caster and target in an impregnable lightnin prison.

Motoyasu: You're not getting away! I will avange their deaths!

Garito: Colm down and think idiot! Are you going to believe something without confirming it for yourself?

Motoyasu: I believe in my trustworthy friends! Here I come!

Motoyasu again attacked but something was different Myne threw close to Garito strange lantern which emitted a silver light. Garito felt weak and Motoyasu stabbe Garito.

Raven, Melty and Seren: Garito!

Jack: Mommy!

Raven drew her sword.

Myne: Oh no, you don't. As source of thy power and the next queen, I order thee.

Motoyasu pulled his spear from Garito's chest and stepped back.

Myne: Decipher the laws of careation and drench my targets in a rain of flame! Zweit Fire Squall!

The fire began to fall on everyone.

Melty: Nullify the flames raining down upon my targets! Anti-Zweit fire Squall!

Garito held his chest and then transformed into a Blood dragon emperor.

Before he could do anything the witch from Motoyasu's team used Air Shot. But Garito blocked it. But Raven was hit. Garito looked at them all and he had had enough. Garito then took Seren, Jack, Raven and Melty. And he began to fly away over the wall into the nearby forest.

Motoyasu: Coward!

When Garito landed and laid everyone on the ground, he sat down and leaned against the stone. He breathes deeply and his hole in his chest did not closed, so all his black blood flowed.

Raven: Everything will be fine, Garito. Seren, come on!

Seren ran to Garito and tried to heal him, but it didn't work.

Seren: Why does it not work?!

Garito took off his helmet, and he smiled at everyone.

Garito: Looks like this is the end of me. Please introduce Melty to her mother and then take care of the Black Stone Legion.

Jack: No! Mommy, don't die! Please!

Jack, Seren, Raven, and Melty, began to cry. Jack hugged Garito with all her might. Then Raven, Seren, and Melty joined them.

Garito: And I have one more thing. I love you all Raven, Seren, Cinder, Morgan, Mordred, Esdeath. Even you, a little, Melty. And Jack I love you as my daughter. If you don't feel the same, I don't mind, I wanted to say it out loud, finally. So this is goodbye my wolves, my family, my loved ones, goodbye Naofumi...

What happened next surprised everyone because Raven took Garito's face and kissed him and Gartio kissed her back. And that was the last thing he did before he changed to a black cloud, leaving only his helmet. None of them could hold their emotions, Raven as she cried, she took his helmet and looked at it.

Raven: Don't worry, Garito, We'll do our best to get Melty home and massacre that bitch by our own hands! Even though I'm afraid, I can handle it.

(Just listen to that monologue)

Esdeath and Cinder faced new recruits who wanted to be on the side of the Black Stone Legion.

Esdeath: So introduce yourself and tell us your strengths.

The first came a green-haired girl with a gray-haired boy.

green-haired girl: I'm Emerald and my strength is the magic of illusion.

gray-haired boy: I'm Mercury, I'm not a good sword fighter, but when my legs serve, I'll still fight.

Esdeath: Next.

Then a muscular man came to her.

muscular man: Hazel, my strength belongs to the claw hero.

Then the demihuman girl came.

demihuman girl: I'm Leon, I don't look like that, but I'm stronger than this muscle man.

And the last to come was a dark-haired girl.

dark-haired girl: I'm Akame, just tell me where my blade should be.

Esdeath and Cinder: Garito will be proud.

Now with Mordred and Morgan stood in the ruins of the castle where her father/husband was. The two looked at their father's/husband's corpse. And behind them stood new recruits to the Black Stone Legion, even new soldiers.

Archer Atalanta.

Good warrior Pyrrha.

Joan, flag bearer of the Black Stone Legion. And behind the three stood black knights.

Morgan then came to the corpse of her female husband, Artoria, and used black magic that looked like Grimm magic. And suddenly Artoria opened her eyes and her skin was pale.

Morgan: Will you serve Garito, the claw hero, Artoria?

Artoria: I shall serve.

Morgan and Mordred: Garito will be proud.

Now, in an unknown place, everything was black, Garito awoke in the darkness.

Garito: Where am I?

Salem: This is where everyone like me comes. Afterlife for Grimm.


Thanks for reading

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