Aim to be clear

Por Yup212

22.7K 917 129

As the daughter of Sirius Black, life was never destined to be easy. Lynx Black lost both her parents at a yo... Más

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 23

447 17 4
Por Yup212

Lynx slowly breathed in and out. She did not want to scare the creature. Even if the creature wasn't that harmless, she wasn't going to risk it. The creature had some very sharp teeth that were closer to Lynx's face than she would like.

While the girl kept staring into the creature's eyes, she didn't pay attention to the swishing tail behind it. Not even the sparks emmitting from it. But when she felt a very hot pain in her neck, similar to the one she felt in her leg. Lynx was suddenly very aware of the tail. 

"Ah!" Lynx yelped. The creature shrieked as well and flew away. Lynx had a relieved smile on her face when she saw the creature fly back into her forest but why would she be so lucky. The smile slid of her face very quickly when she saw it flying into her tent.

"Out of every place you could fly towards, you choose the place least convenient for me? Really!?" the brown-haired yelled into the open air. She paused a couple of seconds because maybe, just maybe the universe would be nice and the magical creature would come flying out of Lynx' tent, back into the wild. But yeah, nothing. 

Lynx sighed, looked up and groaned "Urgh!". The girl turned her wand in her hand, making sure she was holding it well enough. She looked back over her shoulder at the deer that was still bleeding.

She walked towards her tent and stepped inside. If the thing was just flying around, Lynx wouldn't mind really and would just shoo it away when it would annoy her. The creature was flying everywhere with the sparks that were emitting from it's tail almost setting her stuff on fire. 

Lynx tried to coax the creature out of the tent without using any offensive spells, she didn't want to hurt the little thing. That was until it sat on top of her books and it's tail lit the entire stack on fire. When she saw her books light up, Lynx was ready for war. The steam practically came out of her ears!

So it was a flying lizard, definitely a magical creature. Because of the sparks coming out of the tail it was in the 'fire department', Lynx didn't know how else to call it. She had to make sure it was unconcious and also make sure the tail wouldn't spark. The tail could be causing them unconciously so Lynx had to be sure it wouldn't be able to do that. But because of the fire Lynx was thinking about water spells but then she thought about the freezing spell. It would freeze the creature completely and even if the tail would make sparks, it would be surrounded by ice.

"Glacius!" Lynx shouted. Her wand was pointed at the flying creature. A blue light hitted the creature. But instead of completely engulfing it in ice, the spell just hitted the creature in the belly. One of the wings wasn't inside the big ice bubble and when it fell, the creature landed on one of the wings. 

Lynx cringed when she heard a crackening sound of the wing. Immediately, not a wave, but a tsunami of guilt flooded through her. That was definitely broken. 

She rushed towards the creature, gently picking up the ice bubble without hurting the wing too much. Lynx putt it onto a nearby trunk she mostly used as a table.

'Inflamare' she thought and a purplish-white light emitted before it turned into fire. Lynx casted nonverbally a small fireball at the tip of her wand to slowly melt the ice without it touching the small being. She knew that it could conjure sparks from it's tail but she didn't 100% know for sure that it was fireproof and Lynx had already caused the creature pain, she did not want to make it worse.

Once the ice was melted away, Lynx immediately putt a containment charm around the trunk so the creature couldn't fly away and set anything else on fire but the containment charm was invisible so the creature didn't realise at first so it tried to fly away. But it wing was broken after trying to move it once it fell down and the creature began wailing in pain loudly. 

Lynx cringed for the volume of the wail. She never liked it when people cried or creatures cried. The girl felt bad for them but she didn't know how to stop the water coming out of their eyes so she felt very awkward around other people. It wasn't just sadness she couldn't deal with but most emotions. She had them but didn't really know how to express them. Only knowing 2 people during the earliest moments of her childhood and then being alone, taking care of herself did not exactly help with her people skills. The only person who Lynx didn't feel awkward with was her big brother Danny, who she only saw twice a month. 

But back on the creature that was screeching like a banshee. Lynx thought about healing spells but she royally sucked at it and she would probably hurt it even more. The dark-haired girl sighed. She grabbed a woodlog and putted it in front of the trunk. A lot of stuff in her tent was found in the woods or she made it herself. The log had a feather-light charm on it so she could easily move it. Lyx tucked her hands beneath her chin. 

The creature felt someone staring at them and looked up at Lynx. Tears were in the brim of their eyes, making Lynx feel even worse, but the wailing had stopped. 

While staring at the wing of the creature Lynx came up with an idea. If she couldn't heal it the magical way, it would have to be in the muggle way.

"I'll be right back." Lynx whispered towards the flying lizard. She went outside while the lizard cocked its head towards the direction she went in.

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